Stephenson, D., Bevins, R.E., Millward, D., Highton, A.J., Parsons, I., Stone, P. & Wadsworth, W.J. 1999. Caledonian Igneous Rocks of Great Britain. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 17, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 471 9. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Bonawe to Cadderlie Burn
A. J. Highton
The Etive pluton
Like many plutons of the late Caledonian Argyll and Northern Highlands Suite, the Etive pluton is composite, ranging from diorite through to monzogranite (Bailey and Maufe, 1916; Kynaston and Hill, 1908; Anderson, 1937; Batchelor, 1987). It was emplaced at c. 400 Ma (Pidgeon and Aftalion, 1978; Clayburn et al., 1983) into metasedimentary and meta-igneous rocks of the Dalradian Supergroup. This large elliptical intrusion, covering an area of some 300 king, comprises four discrete intrusive phases. In order of emplacement these are the Quarry intrusion, the Cruachan facies, the Meall Odhar facies and the central, Starav facies
An accompanying NE-trending swarm of synplutonic dykes, the Etive dyke-swarm, consists mainly of porphyritic microdioritic and microgranodioritic lithologies, and contains sub-suites that either cut or are truncated by the main granitic facies. The pluton is spatially associated with extrusive rocks of the Lorn plateau to the SW and the Glen Coe caldera volcano to the north (see Chapter 9), but it is unlikely to be the source of their magmas. Pressure estimates from the metamorphic aureole indicate a high crustal, subvolcanic, emplacement level at c. 3–6 km (Droop and Treloar, 1981).
The Bonawe to Cadderlie Burn GCR site
This site, along the western shore and succeeding hills of Loch Etive, includes the extensive quarries at Bonawe, which were worked historically for paving sets and latterly for hard rock aggregate. The site provides a broad traverse from the country rock envelope through most of the principle components of the Etive pluton
Margin and envelope
On the south-western slopes of Beinn Duirinis above Bonawe, the irregular NW-trending contact of the pluton is traceable in almost continuous exposure, e.g.
Cruachan facies
Much of the GCR site between Bonawe and Cadderlie lies within the Cruachan facies
In his summary of the 'Etive Complex', Anderson (1937) ascribed the distinctive pale-grey, fine-grained, equigranular granitic rocks within the Bonawe Quarry
The inner variant is a fine- to medium-grained hornblende-biotite monzodiorite. Although generally equigranular, textural and compositional heterogeneities include variations in grain size, mafic content and occurrence of feldspar megacrysts. On the shore of Loch Etive
A steep inwardly dipping, margin-parallel fabric, defined by aligned plagioclase and ferromagnesian minerals, occurs throughout the Cruachan facies. Within the marginal variant there is significant flattening of the enclaves
Meall Odhar facies
Within this GCR site, the Cruachan fades is cut by two large shallow-dipping intrusions comprising weak to moderately porphyritic, fine- to medium-grained pink granite, the Meall Odhar facies
Starav facies
Only the outer porphyritic variant of the Starav facies lies within the GCR site
Minor intrusions
The plutonic rocks of the GCR site are cut by numerous NE-trending dykes and some sheet-like intrusions
- transgress all facies of the pluton;
- cut all the pre-Starav facies;
- are truncated by the Cruachan facies.
A pink quartz-phyric microgranite dyke cropping out in the Cadderlie Burn
The Etive pluton is an excellent example of multiple pulse emplacement (Anderson, 1937; Frost and O'Nions, 1985; Batchelor, 1987). Overall, the pluton is one of the least evolved of the Argyll and Northern Highlands Suite intrusions, with initial 87Sr/86Sr values ranging from 0.7043 to 0.7068 (Clayburn et al., 1983; Frost and O'Nions, 1985). The isotopic data has been variously interpreted as providing: (a) evidence for either the recycling of lower continental crustal material during magmatic evolution, with significant assimilation of country rock (Frost and O'Nions, 1985); or (b) the incorporation of a substantial component of older continental crust (Hamilton et al., 1983) or a mantle component (Thirlwall, 1986). The Cruachan and Starav facies derive from different parental magmas; the latter having a 'juvenile' signature (Plant et al., 1985).
The Cruachan facies was historically thought to comprise two lobes, predominantly monzodioritic in the south and monzogranitic in the north (Anderson, 1937). These compositional differences have been attributed subsequently to tilting of the intrusion, exposing more evolved rocks to the north (Brown, 1975), although there may be two separate intrusions (Barritt, 1983). Compositional variations within the Cruachan facies are consistent with the intrusion of successive pulses from essentially the same magma source (Batchelor, 1987). This suggestion is also reinforced by compositional variations within those members of the Etive dyke-swarm, that are broadly contemporaneous with emplacement of the Cruachan facies. The presence of mafic-rich enclaves alludes to the availability of contemporaneous basaltic magma during emplacement of the Cruachan facies. Monzodioritic enclaves within the outer felsic variant, point to mingling of these basaltic magmas with their granitic host, leading to localized hybridization.
The irregular sheet-like intrusions of the Meall Odhar facies lie within the upper parts of the Cruachan facies while the vein complexes pervade differing levels. Batchelor (1987) suggested that the Meall Odhar facies intrusions are precursors to the emplacement of the Starav fades, although the conduit is no longer recognizable. However, rocks of the Mean Odhar facies are cut by minor intrusions consanguineous with the Cruachan facies magmas. Published geochemical analyses show that Meall Odhar fades rocks are consistently more evolved than the Starav facies (Rb/Sr 1.1–8.5 and 0.12–2.8, respectively; cf. Clayburn et al., 1983; Batchelor, 1987), with significantly lower levels of Rb and Sr. This corroborates the suggestion of Clayburn et al. (1983), on isotopic evidence, that a new magma batch was introduced after the emplacement of the Meall Odhar facies. The occurrence of high-level residual fractionation melt bodies is a feature of other Caledonian plutons, e.g. Cairngorm and Monadhliath (Harrison, 1987a; Highton, 1999), and may provide a solution for the origin and distribution of the Meall Odhar facies. Hence it is unlikely that the Meall Odhar facies simply represents a tapping of contemporaneous Starav facies magmas.
Reverse compositional zonation in the pluton from outer felsic-rich to inner mafic-rich phases has been cited as evidence for cauldron subsidence (Batchelor, 1987; following Anderson, 1956). The abundance of xenoliths, rafts, screens or roof pendants is characteristic of carapace foundering into the magma body, with the form and size of xenolithic material demonstrating the varying stages of stoping. However, Jacques and Reavy (1994) interpret the margin-parallel foliation as a pre-full crystallization fabric. It is argued that this fabric is a consequence of high-level in-situ 'ballooning' contemporaneous with shearing on NE-trending faults. The flattening of enclaves and en echelon pull-aparts seen at Bonawe are consistent with shearing about a steeply inclined axis. Hence evidence of plastic strain during the later stages of crystallization would support the case for synmagmatic transpressional shear rather than simple block let down.
The Bonawe to Cadderlie Burn GCR site is of national and international importance for the cross section through the Etive pluton, which contains examples of differing mantle- or lower crustal-derived magmas. The site embraces some of the finest evidence of upper crustal, multiple pulse pluton emplacement and also illustrates important evidence for dykes that were intruded into the larger bodies of magma while they were still cooling. Fabric evidence at outcrop is consistent with intrusion via deep crustal fractures into an active shear environment. The magma conduit may well have developed at the confluence of long-lived basement fractures and late Caledonian shear zones. Space was created for pluton emplacement by means of fracturing of the metasedimentary envelope and foundering of large blocks into the magma (stoping).