Stephenson, D., Bevins, R.E., Millward, D., Highton, A.J., Parsons, I., Stone, P. & Wadsworth, W.J. 1999. Caledonian Igneous Rocks of Great Britain. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 17, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 471 9. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Langdale Pikes
M.J. Branney
The imposing Langdale Pikes have long fascinated geologists, and many crags in the area, such as Gimmer, Raven, and Whitegill are classic climbing localities
Previous work in Langdale was by Hartley (1932), Millward (1976), and Moseley and Millward (1982). Recent mapping, which involved tracing distinctive thin tuff layers as stratigraphical markers, has revealed the presence of a major reverse fault, the Langdale Fault, which runs along the northern slopes of Great Langdale (Branney and Kokelaar, 1994a) and this has led to a substantial change in the interpretation of the stratigraphy. The revised stratigraphy is simplified and thinner, because units near the valley floor are repeated up slope by the fault
The Langdale Pikes GCR site extends from Grave Gill
The Bad Step Tuff is an ignimbrite that closely resembles a flow-folded rhyolite lava. Its pyroclastic origin is inferred on the basis of evidence elsewhere, where it is thinner (see the Ray Crag and Crinkle Crags GCR site report). Its uppermost 10 m are autobrecciated and interstices between the blocks are infilled with a fine-grained silicic tuff of possible co-ignimbrite ash-fall origin. It is overlain by the Rest Gill Tuff, a turquoise laminated silt- to fine sand-grade unit, which exceeds 3 m thick locally on the downthrow (south) side of the Langdale Fault, but is only a few centimetres thick on the upthrow side. This is overlain by massive eutaxitic ignimbrites of the Crinkle Tuffs, which locally display superb examples of small- and medium-scale rheomorphic folds. They thicken markedly towards the NW Intercalated with them, and overlying them, are layers and lenses of breccia, up to 20 m thick, with angular, framework-supported blocks (up to 2 m across) of Bad Step Tuff and eutaxitic Crinkle Tuffs ignimbrites. These pass up into subaqueously deposited sedimentary rocks. The breccias overlying the uppermost ignimbrite of the Crinkle Tuffs, and the transitional beds into the lacustrine fades, have been grouped somewhat arbitrarily together as the Lingmell Formation
The overlying lacustrine rocks belong to the Seathwaite Fell Formation
Two prominent dark bands seen in crags just below the summits of Pike of Stickle and Harrison Stickle form the Harrison Stickle Member
The succeeding Pavey Ark Member, named after Pavey Ark
The dramatic thickness variations in the Crinkle Tuffs ignimbrites and overlying caldera lake sedimentary rocks indicate a complex pattern of caldera subsidence, in which different areas subsided rapidly at different rates. The thickness of individual units in the caldera lake succession varies dramatically, indicating continued differential subsidence of the caldera after it was flooded. Volcanotectonic faults that bound the areas of differential subsidence are exposed in cross section. Zones of vertical and highly attenuated welding fabrics along the fault planes indicate ductile shear rather than brittle fracture and show that the faults moved when the ignimbrites were still hot (Branney and Kokelaar, 1994a).
Good examples are the Dungeon Ghyll Fault
A transition from subaerial to lacustrine deposition as a result of flooding of the Scafell Caldera is recorded by the Lingmell Formation, and the upwards-fining succession may be a result of water gaining access to vent regions, causing an increase in explosivity (phreatomagmatism). The basal deposits of the Seathwaite Fell Formation are probably turbidites and ash falling directly into lake water, with wave and current reworking. The Harrison Stickle and Dungeon Ghyll members were rapidly emplaced as sediment-gravity flows, possibly derived from pyroclastic eruptions, and their soft-state disruption may record slumping, liquefaction due to sudden loading, and seismic shock. The Pavey Ark Member records another, larger volume sediment-gravity flow. Clasts within it closely resemble mafic scoria 'rags' found in association with proximal lag breccias at flooded calderas like Santorini, Greece (Mellors and Sparks, 1991). Away from the Langdale Pikes, the Pavey Ark Member fines upwards and laterally into sandstone and locally, eutaxitic tuff (Kneller and McConnell, 1993). The presence of hot magma spatter in the gravity flows suggests that the flows were generated by a pyroclastic eruption. The breccias probably represent intracaldera, lacustrine scoriaceous co-ignimbrite lag breccias from a major pyroclastic flow eruption that occurred in the flooded caldera. The fine-grained component could represent water-settled or trapped ash from the pyroclastic flows, or from the disturbed lake bed. This interpretation makes the Pavey Ark Member unique worldwide, because all other documented scoria-bearing co-ignimbrite lag breccias were subaerially deposited on caldera rims, and their intracaldera equivalents are inaccessible beneath caldera lakes.
The geology of the Langdale Pikes is remarkable because it records the final stages of collapse of a large caldera, and its inundation by water. It exposes the entire caldera lake succession (Seathwaite Fell Formation) of the Scafell Caldera, arguably the best-exposed succession of its type worldwide. Sedimentary structures recording subaqueous pyroclastic and sedimentary processes, and soft-sediment deformation are beautifully picked out by recent weathering of the glaciated rock surfaces. The site includes the type localities of the Harrison Stickle and the Pavey Ark members of the Seathwaite Fell Formation. The latter is the only example recorded in the world of subaqueous spatter-bearing breccia. It has international significance because it complements interpretations of sub-aerial deposits formed in similar eruptions at the Santorini, Taal, and Rabaul calderas.
Continuous sections through the uppermost caldera ignimbrites display superb plastic folds and both abrupt and gradual thickness variations, indicating fault-block subsidence and fault-block rotations within a subsiding caldera floor. The site was a fault-controlled depositional centre for the Bad Step Tuff, the ponding of which is localized within the Langdale part of the caldera. The site exposes internationally important examples of exhumed caldera-floor faults that have complex re-activation histories, and vertical welding fabrics along them. The Langdale Fault was originally a normal fault, active during the volcanic eruptions, but it was subsequently re-activated as a thrust, repeating the Langdale stratigraphy. It formed a scarp that shed avalanches, and the resultant coarse breccias exposed on the Langdale Pikes are among Britain's finest examples of caldera-collapse breccias.