Rushton, A.W.A., Owen, A.W., Owens, R.M. & Prigmore, J.K. 2000. British Cambrian to Ordovician Stratigraphy. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 18, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 4727. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Cwm yr Abbey
The upper parts of the Carmarthen Formation (Cwmffrŵd and Cwm yr Abbey members) and lowest part of the overlying Afon Ffinnant Formation are well-exposed in this stream section. It is the type section for the Cwm yr Abbey Member and contains the basal stratotypes for this member and for the Whitlandian Stage, the Afon Ffinnant Formation and the Furcalithus radix Zone.
Briefly mentioned by Strahan et al. (1909), this section was mapped in detail by Fortey and Owens (1978, fig. 5, p. 235), who demonstrated the presence here of the upper part of the Carmarthen Formation and its passage upwards into the Afon Ffinnant Formation (Fortey and Owens, 1987, p. 96). The good and mostly continuous exposure makes this an ideal section in which to demonstrate these relationships in an area where natural outcrops are few and generally small; it has afforded sufficient fossils (trilobites) to establish the biostratigraphical framework. The facies exposed here were used in the regional analysis of Arenig sedimentology by Traynor (1988).
Cwm yr Abbey, a deep, wooded dingle that flows northwards into the Tywi
The base of the Cwm yr Abbey Member (the uppermost unit of the Carmarthen Formation) is drawn formally at the top of the uppermost turbidite unit
Lithologically the alternating shales and turbidites of the Afon Ffinnant Formation are indistinguishable from those of the Cwmffrŵd Member, and P. punctata occurs in the lowest 10 m or so; but this fauna is then replaced by a different fauna comprising the asaphid Ogyginus hybridus (Salter) and the trinucleid Furcalithus radix Fortey and Owens. As in the Cwmffrŵd Member, the trilobites occur in the mudstone intercalations.
The base of the Afon Ffinnant Formation ('Tetragraptus Beds' of older literature) is drawn at the base of the lowest turbidite unit at Cwm yr Abbey. The base of the Furcalithus radix Biozone and that of the Whitlandian Stage of the Arenig Series are drawn formally in this section at 40 m above the base of the Afon Ffinnant Formation
The Cwmffrŵd and Cwm yr Abbey members of the Carmarthen Formation represent a typical olenid biofacies, the only example of this in the Arenig (and in the Ordovician) of the Welsh Basin. The environment has been interpreted as oxygen-impoverished, conditions for which olenid trilobites were specially adapted (Fortey, 1975). In the Carmarthen area Fortey and Owens (1978, p. 238) presented evidence to suggest that it was developed in relatively deep water, perhaps corresponding to the oxygen-minimum layer in present oceans. Hemipelagic mudstone deposition (Traynor, 1988, p. 279) was interrupted in the earlier part of the sequence (Cwmffrŵd Member) by repeated influxes of turbidites (Fortey and Owens, 1978) which Traynor (1988) interpreted as having been derived from high concentration turbidity currents and sandy debris flows in a sub-storm wave-base setting. More open-sea conditions prevailed during the deposition of the Afon Ffinnant Formation, with the disappearance of the specialized olenids and in the incoming of a new trinucleid–asaphid fauna that, higher in the succession (e.g. at nearby Cwm Ffinnant), contains the graptolites Azygograptus hicksii (Hopkinson). O. hybridus is a trilobite characteristic of the early Whitlandian across southwest Wales, affording correlation with sections in the Whitland district to the west. The olenid biofacies is restricted to the Carmarthen district, rendering correlation outside that area rather imprecise.
The section at Cwm yr Abbey shows lithological and faunal changes that reflect an environmental shift from the poorly oxygenated conditions of the Olenid biofacies to better-oxygenated conditions characterized by trinucleid-asaphid faunas. The latter are typical of the Whitlandian Stage whose base is defined in this section.