Rushton, A.W.A., Owen, A.W., Owens, R.M. & Prigmore, J.K. 2000. British Cambrian to Ordovician Stratigraphy. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 18, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 4727. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
This site lies west of the St Non's Bay–Caerfai Bay site and shows part of the same succession but is important because it is the lowest horizon from which St David's (Middle Cambrian) fossils have been found in Wales; these serve to date the succession.
Salter and Hicks (1869, p. 52) reported the discovery of fossils in the lower part of the Solva Group, and Hicks (in Harkness and Hicks, 1871) described the fauna as from a 'headland near Nun's well'. Until the discovery of useful fossils in the Caerfai Bay Shales (Siveter and Williams, 1995), this was the oldest fauna of stratigraphical value in South Wales, and it remains of significance, underpinning the whole Solva succession. Further collections have been made by Dr M.Z. Farshori (Smith and White, 1963, p. 404) and M. Lewis (1987, unpublished).
The headland of Trwyncynddeiriog exposes sandstones of the Solva Group overlying the Caerbwdy Sandstone
The lower Solva Group sandstones are very similar to the Caerbwdy sandstones, apart from their colour. At the base, they consist of thinly bedded, grey-green, pebbly sandstones, 1030 cm thick, with erosive bases on intercalated finer sandstones and mudstones; the mudstones are micaceous and commonly lenticular. Some thicker sandstone beds show large-scale tabular cross-stratification, and some finer sandstones show truncated cross-lamination. The sandstones may also wedge out laterally and may show convolute lamination, erosive bases and mud rip-up clasts. However, graded bedding and sole structures are absent (Crimes, 1970a). Towards the extreme south of the headland the coarse pebbly sandstones disappear, and the beds consist of thinly bedded sandstones and mudstones several centimetres thick. The strata dip south at about 85°.
Probably less than 50 m of Solva Group strata are exposed, all referable to the 'lower Solva Beds' of Hicks, which are about 50 m thick. These beds, which are the type strata for the trilobites Bailiella lyellii
The gradual transition seen from purple sandstones of the Caerbwdy Sandstone, through purple and green beds, into the green lower Solva sandstones, suggests that there was no appreciable break in sedimentation, nor any striking change in environments, at this tittle, supporting the view of Stead and Williams (1971) rather than that held by Jones (1940) with reference to Caerfai Bay. The Solva Group is interpreted as having accumulated in shallow, energetic environments, probably above wave base (see St Non's Bay site report, above).
The fauna contains species similar or identical to those found in other low St David's (early Middle Cambrian) strata in Britain, Sweden and Newfoundland, and indicates that the beds are referable to the Paradoxides oelandicus Zone
The rocks exposed at Trwyncynddeiriog show the transition between the Caerfai and Solva groups and include the type locality for several fossils that allow correlation with rocks of equivalent age in England, Newfoundland and Scandinavia.