Carney, J.N., Horak, J.M., Pharaoh, T.C., Gibbons, W., Wilson, D., Barclay, W.J., Bevins, R.E., Cope, J.C.W. & Ford, T.D. 2000. Precambrian Rocks of England and Wales. Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 20, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 4875. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Blackbrook Reservoir
J.N. Carney
This site is of considerable stratigraphical importance since it contains the type section for the South Quarry Breccia Member (Moseley and Ford, 1985). This is a prominent and easily mappable marker horizon, whose top surface coincides with that of the Ives Head Formation
The best section, at the northern end of the viaduct across Blackbrook Reservoir, commences in strata forming an exceptionally well-laminated sequence of pale grey to pale green volcaniclastic mudstones and siltstones. Minor soft-sediment disruption is indicated by gently wavy lamination and low-angle truncations between laminae sets. They are abruptly succeeded by the South Quarry Breccia, which commences in a few metres of stratified to massive, pink-weathering, medium- to coarse-grained volcaniclastic sandstone. The overlying breccia facies is a further few metres in thickness and is exposed at the summit of One Barrow Plantation. Its most striking feature are slivers and rafts, up to 1.5 m long, consisting of white-weathering, laminated volcaniclastic siltstone and mudstone showing gentle flexuring within the breccia matrix
Further exposures of the Ives Head Formation in the lane to the NNE of the viaduct consist mainly of laminated volcaniclastic mudstones and siltstones with sporadic thin beds of medium- to coarse-grained sandstone showing sharp, loaded bases. Cross-lamination is present, one example suggesting a SSE current direction; laminae also show rafting and minor convolutions. This sequence prominently displays the highly penetrative Charnian cleavage, which is sub-vertical with an ESE (110–120°) strike. A second foliation is seen as widely spaced (5–15 mm) systems of tension fractures, which are commonly filled by quartz and/or haematite; they are sub-vertical and strike at 070–100°.
The South Quarry Breccia Member was interpreted (Moseley and Ford, 1989) as a slump breccia. It was attributed to an episode of powerful dacitic pyroclastic activity in the volcanic hinterland, suggested by the very coarse-grained crystal and lithic-rich nature of the breccia matrix. However, its final emplacement, they suggested, was due to the liquefaction and subsequent movement of water-saturated sediment, resulting in the rafting of previously deposited siltstone layers. There is little petrographical evidence for the presence of juvenile pyroclastic material (e.g. vitric shards) in the breccia matrix, and so the involvement of pyroclastic activity in forming the pre-slump sequence cannot be proved. As noted by Cas and Wright (1991), however, pyroclastic flows can lose 'fines' such as volcanic ash upon entry into water, leaving behind a deposit enriched in the denser (lithic and crystal) constituents. The sharpness with which the member succeeds the underlying distal turbidites is perhaps further evidence for a major volcanic or tectonic event that marked the passage from the Ives Head Formation into the overlying Blackbrook Reservoir Formation.
The Blackbrook Reservoir site offers easily accessible exposures in strata defining the top of the Ives Head Formation, and in particular it includes one of the classic occurrences of a typical intraformational breccia within the Charnian Supergroup. The 'slump' origin of the South Quarry Breccia Member is demonstrated by its content of laminated siltstone clasts and rafts, which prove that a pre-existing bedded sequence had been disrupted, and is indicative of a phase of gravitational instability within the Charnian sedimentary pile. Detailed examination of the breccia matrix may show whether or not the very coarse-grained constituents (crystals and volcanic fragments) were supplied directly from erupting volcanoes by pyroclastic flows operating prior to slumping.