Carney, J.N., Horak, J.M., Pharaoh, T.C., Gibbons, W., Wilson, D., Barclay, W.J., Bevins, R.E., Cope, J.C.W. & Ford, T.D. 2000. Precambrian Rocks of England and Wales. Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 20, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 4875. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Hanter Hill
Potential GCR site
K.A. Jones
The choice of Hanter Hill as a GCR site is justified by its excellent exposures of the Stanner–Hanter Intrusive Complex. The importance of these rocks lies in the fact that they represent what is possibly the oldest and, compared to the Malverns Complex, the least deformed, intrusive igneous association to be found in the English and Welsh Precambrian terranes. The earliest accounts of the Stanner–Hanter Complex are those of Murchison (1839, 1867), who described it as a 'hypersthene trap' intrusive into Ludlow (late Silurian) sedimentary strata. Callaway (1879) envisaged the complex to form a continuation of a ridge of Precambrian rocks stretching southwards from Lilleshall Hill and the Wrekin. Cole (1886) who classified the igneous rocks of Stanner but did not discuss their age provided the first petrological descriptions of the complex.
In past years there has been much debate over the age and affinities of these rocks. Callaway (1900) expounded upon his earlier ideas when he compared them with certain lithologies of the Church Stretton area, and suggested that the Stanner–Hanter Complex was of Uriconian type and probably Archaean' in age. On the other hand, Raw (1904) believed the exposed mass of Hanter Hill to be a Carboniferous laccolithic body intrusive into the Ludlow strata. Watts (1906) suggested that the complex was Tertiary in age on the basis of supposed petrographical similarities with the igneous complexes of Skye. Pocock and Whitehead (1935) followed Raw's ideas in suggesting that the complex was intrusive into Silurian shales and represented the continuation of an ESE–WSW trending belt of Carboniferous basalts and dolerites, which included the Clee Hills and Wyre Forest. Detailed petrographical and petrological studies carried out by Holgate and Hallowes (1941) resulted in a re-classification of the main rock types and elucidation of the order of intrusion. They further concluded that the complex had the form of a fault-bounded inlier located along the southerly extension of the Church Stretton Fault System. This is now known to be a Precambrian terrane boundary
The controversy over the age of the Stanner–Hanter rocks has been partly resolved by an Rb-Sr isochron date of 702 ± 8 Ma, obtained by Patchett et al. (1980), on a granophyre (an 'Acid Type' according to Holgate and Hallowes) from the summit of the Stanner ridge, north-east of Hanter Hill. Given the evidence discussed below, of substantial magma mixing within these rocks, this value may represent an emplacement age for the entire complex.
The three en-echelon ridges that make up the Stanner–Hanter Inlier comprise, from NNE to SSW: Stanner, Worsell Wood and Hanter Hill. The outcrops of Stanner and Worsell Wood are poorly exposed owing to forestation and consequently only the better exposures, limited to Hanter Hill
According to Holgate and Hallowes the oldest component of the complex is the 'Fine Dolerites', which occupy the majority of north facing slopes on Hanter Hill. The best exposures are on crags
At Red Vallet Wood (Locality 2) a tongue of very coarse-grained gabbro crosses the footpath
On the lower crags of the ridge
On the summit plateau (Locality 4) the contact between the coarse, quartz-free gabbro and a plagioclase phenocryst-bearing, coarser-grained facies of the Fine Dolerites is well exposed south-westwards towards the cairn. The gabbro sheets and the dolerites are there truncated by the major NW–SE trending fault, which dissects the complex. To the south of this fault
Most of the south- and south-west-facing slopes leading from the summit are in quartz-free gabbros. Near the summit these gabbros are strongly leucocratic but farther south, towards Upper Hanter Farm, they become melanocratic. On the western slopes
A further small quarry
The Hanter Hill inlier is an excellent example of a relatively undeformed late Precambrian bimodal (gabbro-granophyre) magmatic complex. Four intrusive stages are recognized, which from oldest to youngest are: 'Fine Dolerites', Gabbro, 'Acid Types and hybrids' and 'Later Dolerites' in the terminology of Holgate and Hallowes (1941). The earliest stage, represented by the Fine Dolerites, probably resulted from the multiple injection of basic magmas as a series of sheets; however, their limited outcrop, fine-grain size and absence of observable primary structures renders them difficult to interpret. The Fine Dolerites were in turn intruded by coarse-grained, quartz-free gabbros, which in the north of the complex form thick near-vertical sheets with internal chills delineating the margins of individual components. On the southern slopes a larger and more homogeneous gabbro, with a shallow-dipping lower contact, is interpreted as a fragment of a small magma chamber.
The subsequent emplacement of the 'Acid Types and hybrids' (granites, granophyres and porphyries), was favoured by zones of structural weakness that had developed within the gabbro. The production of the hybrids is a result of high-temperature physical and chemical interactions between the hot doleritic and gabbroic country rocks and invading granitic sheets, according to Holgate and Hallowes (1941). Furthermore, in the abundant dolerite xenoliths the presence of cuspate or 'corrugated' rims is an unusual feature, which in other parts of the world (Vernon, 1983) is most commonly reported where acid and basic magmas are suspected to have 'mingled' together when still in a molten or semi-solidified state. The Later Dolerite dykes mark the final phase of the intrusive sequence.
The dolerites and gabbros were subsequently altered to mineral assemblages akin to those of the low-amphibolite and greenschist facies of regional metamorphism. Holgate and Hallowes (1941) speculated, however, that this alteration, and the tourmalinization of the gabbros, are phenomena associated with hydrothermal activity linked to the intrusion of the 'Acid Types'.
The plate tectonic affinities of the Stanner–Hanter Complex must await the results of further geochemical study. It probably represents a remnant of a magmatic 'feeder' zone located within the roots of a volcanic arc, although the radiometric evidence suggests that this was somewhat older than the volcanism that gave rise to the Uriconian Group of Shropshire and Llangynog
The exposures of Hanter Hill give a unique insight into processes accompanying the emplacement of the Stanner–Hanter Complex, which is an example of a bimodal (gabbro-granophyre) intrusive association forming part of the igneous basement to the western Wrekin Terrane