Carney, J.N., Horak, J.M., Pharaoh, T.C., Gibbons, W., Wilson, D., Barclay, W.J., Bevins, R.E., Cope, J.C.W. & Ford, T.D. 2000. Precambrian Rocks of England and Wales. Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 20, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 4875. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Lightspout Hollow
D. Wilson
This site includes a small tributary on the western side of the Carding Mill Brook and the upper reaches of the Carding Mill Valley
The Lightspout Formation is a sequence of fluvial sandstones and siltstones within the middle part of the eastern Longmyndian Stretton Group, and is an important reference to the changing depositional environments of the Longmyndian, when studied in conjunction with other sites in the general area. Although the succession had been described in considerable detail by Murchison (1839), Salter (1857), Blake (1890) and others, the term 'Lightspout Group' was first given by Lapworth and Watts (1910), and the division has been generally accepted by subsequent workers. Significant contributions to the description and depositional environment of the formation have been provided by James (1956), Greig et al. (1968) and Pauley (1986, 1990a,b). Dunning (1975) modified the definitions used by Greig, replacing the term 'group' for the more formal designation of Lightspout Formation.
The boundary between the Synalds and Lightspout formations can be readily identified in the numerous crags on the north and south sides of the Carding Mill Valley, where the beds dip steeply westward at 60° to 80° (
Sandstones occur throughout the Lightspout Formation in this area, in packets up to 10 m thick, interbedded with subordinate thin mudstones and siltstones. They are generally thinly to thickly bedded, fine- to medium-grained, lithic arenites, with a significant Uriconian volcanic detrital component, subordinate quartz and some mica (Greig et al., 1968); in the upper part of Lightspout Hollow, some beds are predominantly tuffaceous. Individual sandstone beds are up to 0.5 m thick, commonly parallel-sided, parallel-laminated and ripple cross-laminated; slightly sinuous ripple marks are visible on the upper surface of some sandstones at Lightspout waterfall (Locality 5) (Greig et al., 1968) and in several loose blocks. Poorly developed trough cross-bedding is discernible on some surfaces
In the upper part of the formation, at the head of Carding Mill Valley, the strata revert to the dull purplish red-brown colour more typical of the underlying Synalds Formation (Locality 7). The colour change is gradual, and initially affects only the finer-grained lithologies. The highest beds are entirely purplish red, consisting of alternations of siltstone and coarse-grained sandstone and a coarse purple tuff, which is seen as debris along the path beside the Carding Mill Brook (Locality 8) (Greig et al., 1968). The Huxter Conglomerate, defining the top of the formation, is only locally present in this area, being represented by small exposures of a massive, purplish red coarse-grained sandstone with scattered pebbles of quartz and red siltstone, about 350 m above the waterfall in Lightspout Hollow (Locality 9).
The Lightspout Formation records a continuation of the fluvial sedimentation that began with the deposition of the Synalds Formation. A similar range of subaerial and shallow water sedimentary structures is displayed in the siltstones and mudstones of both formations, although the Lightspout Formation contains the additional component of thicker, laterally extensive and more abundant sandstone units, reflecting the overall coarsening-upwards trend that occurs throughout the Longmyndian. These multistorey sandstone packets are thought to have been deposited predominantly by successive major unconfined sheet floods under high flow regimes (Tunbridge, 1981; Pauley, 1990a,b); ripple marks record waning flow conditions and reworking of the tops of the sandstone beds. Bed thickness variations between successive bundles of sandstones may reflect their relative proximity to the point of discharge, rather than the magnitude of individual flows.
The laminated siltstones and mudstones were probably deposited from suspension, during periods of low flow towards the end of each flood event. The small groove casts and scours sometimes seen in these deposits are presumably caused by erosion of the cohesive sediment by the succeeding flow. Palaeocurrent analyses of these and other structures by Pauley (1990a) indicated sheet floods that discharged in a west to WNW direction. Rapid sediment loading by successive flows was probably responsible for the small convolutions and injection structures seen in some of the laminated siltstone–mudstone sequences.
The massive, thick sandstones that occur sporadically throughout the Lightspout Formation, and some trough cross-bedded units, probably represent shallow channels (Pauley, 1990b), although some may represent flood deposits of unusual magnitude; there is no evidence to suggest that they are laterally accreted channel fills. However, the thick, coarse-grained, trough cross-bedded sandstones that appear in places in the upper part of the Lightspout Formation have been interpreted as braidplain deposits, representing incursions of this facies onto the alluvial floodplain as the fluvial system prograded north-westwards (Pauley, 1990a,b). A major advance of the braidplain occurred with the deposition of the widely developed Huxter Conglomerate, immediately succeeding the Lightspout Formation.
The excellent exposures along Lightspout Hollow and Carding Mill Valley provide the stratotype for the Lightspout Formation, a unit representing the younger part of the alluvial plain sedimentary facies that characterized Longmyndian Supergroup deposition during the late Precambrian. The site is highly instructive for sedimentologists since it demonstrates an upward evolution, from strata deposited as a result of sheet-flood activity to sequences indicative of alluvial braidplain environments. In conjunction with other GCR sites nearby, the site emphasizes the range of fluvial sedimentary environments that existed during deposition of the Eastern Longmyndian of Shropshire.