Wright, J.K. & Cox, B.M. 2001. British Upper Jurassic Stratigraphy. Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 21, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 482 4. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Filey Brigg
J.K. Wright
The rocky, E–W-trending coastal promontory of Filey Brigg extends for nearly 1.5 km along the north side of Filey Bay and lies some 1 km northeast of the town of Filey
The presence of Oxfordian strata at Filey Brigg was first recorded by Phillips (1829). Pioneer studies were carried out by Hudleston (1876), Blake and Hudleston (1877) and Fox-Strangways (1892), each providing a sound framework for the later researches of the 20th century. Arkell (1933, 1945) made significant contributions to the stratigraphy of the succession. However, it was Wilson's comprehensive investigation of the section over a period of more than 30 years, fully detailed in Wilson (1949), which provides the basis for most later studies.
Wilson's subdivision of the Corallian beds at Filey Brigg was used by Sylvester-Bradley (1953), but subsequent authors (i.e. Lee, 1971; Hemingway, 1974; Kent, 1980b) have not adopted Wilson's scheme, preferring to use the stratigraphical subdivisions of Wright (1972). However, Wright's scheme was subsequently shown to be in need of amendment (Wright, 1983), and this later version is used by current workers (Coe, 1995; Rawson and Wright, 1995, 2000).
Filey Brigg exposes a fine section through almost 24 m of Lower and Middle Oxfordian strata, which range in age from the early Cordatum Zone to the early Densiplicatum Zone. The following section is taken from Wright (1983):
Thickness (m) | |
Coralline Oolite Formation | |
Hambleton Oolite Member, Upper Leaf, Vertebrale Subzone | |
14. Loose limestone rubble | |
13. Flaggy, argillaceous, shelly, sandy limestone containing Cardioceras (Scoticardioceras) excavatum (J. Sowerby), Goliathiceras sp. and Perisphinctes sp. | seen to 0.75 |
12. Argillaceous, shelly, sandy limestone containing Cardioceras (Subvertebriceras) densiplicatum Boden and Perites sp. | 0.75 |
Birdsall Calcareous Grit Member, Cordatum Subzone | |
11. Soft-weathering, fine-grained laminated sandstone | 0.6 |
10. Sandy limestone, sporadically shelly, and frequently with a sand parting in the middle. Rbaxella spicules are abundant. The ammonite fauna comprises Cardioceras (Cardioceras) aff. persecans (S. Buckman), C. (Plasmatoceras) affplasticum Arkell and Peltoceras sp. | 0.9 |
9. Soft-weathering, fine-grained sandstone | 0.45 |
8. Shelly, sandy, spicular limestone, somewhat lenticular | 0.25 |
7. Brown-weathering, shelly, fine-grained sandstone, well-bedded to massive, cross-bedded in part, with a bed of tough, calcareous sandstone towards the base. Ammonites collected loose comprise Cardioceras (Cardioceras) cordatum (J.Sowerby), C. (C.) angusticordatum Arkell, C. (C.) persecans and C. (C.) asbtonense Arkell | 4.6 |
Hambleton Oolite Member, Lower Leaf | |
6. Two sequences of well-bedded to massive, shelly oolitic limestone containing profuse Thalassinoides burrow networks and numerous bivalves and brachiopods, separated by sporadically oolitic, calcareous sandstone | 3.7 |
Passage Beds Member, Costicardia Subzone | |
5. Variably sandy, non- or sporadically oolitic, white, shelly limestone with numerous bivalves and brachiopods | 1.9 |
4. Softer-weathering, fine- to medium-grained, well-sorted sandstone with large Nanogyra nana (J. Sowerby) and Chlamys fibrosus (J. Sowerby) | 0.6 |
Lower Calcareous Grit Formation | |
Saintoft Member, Bukowskii Subzone | |
3. Massive, fine- or fine to medium-grained sandstone forming three roughly equal beds, each with two rows of large calcareous concretions or 'cannon balls' | 2.75 |
2. Massive, very tough fine-grained calcareous sandstone forming a long promontory | 0.6 |
Tenants Cliff Member | |
1. Yellow, spicular sandstone with occasional beds of grey, sandy limestone seen | to 6 |
A log of the Corallian succession at Filey is given in
The Saintoft Member displays the regular rows of large calcareous concretions resembling cannon balls from which the original name 'Ball Beds' came. The concretions are not particularly fossiliferous on the coast, but inland at Saintoft Quarry
The lowest 0.6 m of the Passage Beds consists of heavily bioturbated sandstone resting on an erosion surface cut in the Saintoft Member. Above is the main Passage Bed limestone: almost 2 m of grey-weathering limestone in six beds. Nanogyra colonies weather out, and there are many Gervillella valves in the top two beds, both dissociated and in life position. Small-scale cross-bedding fills small scours, and dips to the south.
A major bedding plane marks the base of the Hambleton Oolite Member, whose Lower Leaf contains several massive beds of oolite, with extensive networks of Thalassinoides burrows that weather out in spectacular fashion in the large transported blocks in the centre of the Brigg. The Brigg itself is formed of the tough calcareous sandstone of the Birdsall Calcareous Grit. Towards the base there are calcareous concretions with shelly bands containing occasional ammonites (
The Upper Leaf of the Hambleton Oolite is seen excellently in the low cliff on the southern side of the Brigg
Wilson (1949) published a detailed measured section of the Coralline Oolite Formation at Filey Brigg, dividing the succession into 34 beds. Extensive fossil lists were given for each bed. The correlation of Wilson's bed numbers with those of Wright (1983) is given by Coe (1995). Wilson (1949) discussed at length the palaeoecology of the faunas, and also the conditions of sedimentation and the local palaeogeography. Further observations on the faunas were made by Wright (1972).
The Coralline Oolite Formation is present in an attenuated sequence, but the re-interpretation of the section by Wright (1983) shows that there is much less attenuation than formerly thought, and that this is confined to the Passage Beds. These are only 2.5 m thick at Files in contrast to 10–12 m in the Tabular Hills. The Hambleton Oolite, including the Birdsall Calcareous Grit, is 12.2 m thick, with the top not seen. This thickness is comparable with that measured in the Cayton Carr Borehole (Wright, 1972). Filey now fits much better into the regional pattern of sedimentation, with the Cordatum Subzone sediments thickly developed as they are elsewhere in the Cleveland Basin (Wright, 1983).
The Passage Beds can be divided into a sandstone unit (Bed 4) followed by limestone (Bed 5) as is typical over the Scarborough–Hackness area. Near-shore marine sandstone is thus followed by fine bioclastic limestone. The latter, with its gentle cross-bedding combined with the preservation of delicate fossils, seems to have formed in a series of storm surges that washed shell debris from shallower water existing in the area of the Hackness Coral–Sponge Bed to the north-west
The erosion surface that separates the Passage Beds from the Hambleton Oolite can be traced throughout the whole Cleveland Basin (Wright, 1983). Particularly in the Hambleton Hills (Wright, 1983, fig. 3), erosion was accompanied by considerable uplift. The implication is that subsequent to the deposition of the Passage Beds the whole Cleveland Basin was uplifted and became land or an intertidal rock platform for a period of time. Erosion of the Hackness Coral–Sponge Bed may have given rise to the presence of the sponges Enaulofungia and Corynella found by Wilson (1949) in the overlying Hambleton Oolite at Filey. Debris from the Hackness reef was spread over a wide area between Pickering and the coast in late Passage Beds and early Hambleton Oolite times
Renewed regional subsidence in the Cordatum Subzone, accompanied by erosion of a series of islands of lithified Passage Beds and Lower Calcareous Grit, led to the accumulation of a comparatively thick series of sediments -Hambleton Oolite in the north and Birdsall Calcareous Grit in the south. Filey Brigg lay in the transition zone between these two facies. The Hambleton Oolite does not show cross-bedding at Filey, and contains many well-preserved delicate echinoids and brachiopods in addition to the substantial bivalve fauna. It thus accumulated in a stable, quiet environment, also encouraging the development of networks of Thalassinoides burrows. Sedimentation was clearly intermittent, and long periods with little or no sedimentation allowed extensive burrow networks to become established and occupied. Occasional Cardioceras spp. indicative of the Cordatum Subzone have been found.
The Birdsall Calcareous Grit consists of a wedge of sand poured into the southern side of the Cleveland Basin during uplift of the Market Weighton High in the Cordatum Subzone. Oolite (Hambleton Oolite) continued to be deposited throughout the northern half of the basin. In the south, where the Birdsall Calcareous Grit is present
Arkell (1935–1948) recorded Perisphinctes plicatilis (J. Sowerby) and Cardioceras excavatum from the Upper Leaf of the Hambleton Oolite, and this unit thus belongs to the overlying Densiplicatum Zone. The impure limestone contains excellently preserved fossils, though many shells are broken or have the valves dissociated. Again, these appear to have been swept from a shelf area into deeper water.
Higher Corallian beds are not seen at Filey Brigg. Wilson (1949) suggested that this was due to the beds being cut out by a fault immediately south of the Brigg. However, the absence in the coastal section of the Malton Oolite, Coral Rag and the Upper Calcareous Grit, all of which were seen in a borehole at Filey gasworks 1.3 km to the south-west (Fox-Strangways, 1904), is better explained by the erosion of a large valley, subsequently filled with drift, through the Filey area. A complete, dipping sequence of upper Corallian beds is thus thought to lie beneath glacial drift in the Filey area. Solid rock (basal Kimmeridge Clay), overlain by drift, was met with at a depth of 25 m below sea level in the Filey gasworks borehole.
Filey Brigg is a key Corallian site showing the most extensive exposures in the Cleveland Basin through the Lower Calcareous Grit, the Hambleton Oolite and Birdsall Calcareous Grit. Of exceptional interest is the very fossiliferous Hambleton Oolite, which is normally present in Yorkshire in a poorly fossiliferous, ooid shoal facies. Here, it formed in a shallow, offshore shelf where shelly life proliferated. The comparatively thin development of the Passage Beds, and the facies transition into the sands of the Birdsall Calcareous Grit, are of significance in regional palaeogeographical and facies studies.