Figures and tables
(Frontispiece 1) William Whitaker, (1836–1925), geologist with the Geological Survey, introduced an early lithostratigraphical classification of the Chalk, including the term 'Chalk Rock' in the Chiltern Hills and London Basin, and recognized the horizon subsequently called the 'Spurious Chalk Rock' on the Isle of Wight. (Photograph supplied by Mrs Carreck from the Geologists Association archives.)
(Frontispiece 2) Dr Arthur Rowe, considered by many to be the founder of modern palaeontology with his study of Micraster (1899) is famous, with Sherborn, for his study of the zones of the White Chalk of the English Coast (1900–1908). (a) Rowe and his daughter, Daphne, c. 1903 at North Landing on the Yorkshire coast, showing giant Paramoudra in the Wootton Marls–Ulceby Marl interval (from Rowe, 1904). (b) Rowe and Charles Sherborn c. 1900 at Eastbourne, Sussex (photograph supplied by Professor Andy Gale).
(Figure 1.1) Bedding in chalk picked out by flint bands. (a) Regular bedding in Maastrichtian chalk picked out by flint bands, overlain by irregularly bedded flint bands in the top section of the cliff (coral-bryozoan calcarenite bioherms; Danian, i.e. post-Cretaceous, in age), Stevens Mint, Denmark. (b) Irregular bedding in chalk picked out by flint bands and hardgrounds, overlain by regularly bedded flint bands in the top section of the cliff Etretat, Haute Normandie, France. (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 1.2) Cretaceous (D'Halloy, 1822) series and stages (Birkelund et al., 1984). Age picks (Ma = million years) based on Obradovitch (1993) and Gradstein et al. (1999). (Dates obtained using 40Ar/39Ar laser fusion on 50–500 µg samples of sanidine from bentonites (volcanic ash/marls) interbedded with precisely dated fossiliferous marine sediments.)
(Figure 1.3) The distribution of the continents and the oceans 100 million years ago at the beginning of the Late Cretaceous Epoch. (Based on Lambert equal-area Projection, N = 43, Alpha-95 = 5.2; of Smith and Briden, 1977, p. 57, map 46.) (* = Earth's axis of rotation.)
(Figure 1.4) Late Cretaceous biogeographical provinces in Europe. (After Christensen, 1984, fig. 3, p. 315.)
(Figure 1.5) Zones of the Upper Cretaceous Chalk. (* = Gap in UKB scheme; ** = UKB zonal scheme modified for this book.)
(Figure 1.6) Depositional and faunal provinces in the Chalk of England.
(Figure 1.7) Upper Cretaceous GCR sites in the British Isles.
(Figure 1.8) Broad structural features affecting sedimentation of the Upper Cretaceous deposits in the British Isles. (Based on British Geological Survey 1:1 000 000 maps of the Geology of the UK, Ireland and Continental Shelf; North and South Sheets.)
(Figure 1.9) Some common nannoliths in chalk illustrating the variety of grain shapes constituting different chalks, as seen under the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). (a) Rhabdoliths (R) and coccoliths (C) in the Newhaven Chalk Formation from Paulsgrove, Portsdown (magnification X 6000). (b) A soft, low density coccolithic chalk; Newhaven Chalk Formation from Arundel (BRESD9) (magnification x 2200). (c) A high density chalk from below the Brighton Marl, Seaford Head, Sussex; the blocky crystals are Micula, Newhaven Chalk Formation (magnification x 5500). (d) Nannoconus from Strahan's Hardground, Lewes, Sussex, a very high density chalk (magnification x 13 100). (Photos: R.N. Mortimore, 1979.)
(Figure 1.10) Common components of chalk: calcispheres and foraminifera under SEM. (a) Calcisphere-rich, high density, nodular chalk (HG3) with Lewes Tubular Flints, South Portal, Lewes Tunnel (magnification x 205). (b) Oval-shaped Pithonella from a high-density hardground in the Lewes Nodular Chalk Formation, Lewes Tunnel, BH1, depth 24.2 m (magnification x 1050). (c) Foraminifera-rich (multi-chambered) coccolithic chalk, Grimes Graves Pit 15, Norfolk (magnification x 1100). (d) Calcisphaerula from a high-density nodular bed in the Lewes Chalk, Lewes Tunnel, BH1, depth 21.6 m (magnification x 1160). (Photos: R.N. Mortimore, 1979.)
(Figure 1.11) Marl seams in the Chalk. (a) Marl seam (arrowed) in Newhaven Chalk Formation, Newhaven, Sussex, showing cavities developed on a former perched water table. The coin is about 25 mm in diameter. (b) Flaser marl seams (arrowed) forming a pair, New Pit Chalk Formation, Beachy Head, Sussex. The hammer is 130 mm long. (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 1.12) Correlation of key marker marl seams and tephro-events in Europe.
(Figure 1.13) Types of nodular and sheet-flint in chalk. (a) Semi-tabular flint bands (arrowed) above the Lewes Marl, with broad horizons of scattered nodular/tubular flints (Lewes Tubular Flints) below, beside the figures. (b) Sheet-flint forming in slip scars (arrowed), Newhaven Chalk Formation, Newhaven. (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 1.14) Paramoudra flints. (a) Giant flint in the Sidestrand Western Mass, north Norfolk coast. The hammer is 320 mm long. (b) Paramoudra with internal, hardened chalk core, foreshore at Dumpton Gap, Thanet Coast, Kent. The pencil is 160 mm long. (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 1.15) Simplified structural map showing the main features affecting sedimentation of the Upper Cretaceous deposits of England.
(Figure 1.16) Schematic diagram showing the comparison between the Northern Province and Southern Province chalk stratigraphies.
(Figure 1.17) Schematic and simplified stratigraphy of the Chalk and related carbonates in north-west Europe.
(Figure 2.1) (a) Large ammonite (Parapuzosia) in the Lower Campanian Newhaven Chalk Formation (Meeching Beds), on the foreshore at Portobello, Sussex. The enlargement (b) shows the septal sutures. (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 2.2) Rhythms in the Chalk picked out by marl–limestone alternations at Beachy Head. (a) Mid-Cenomanian marl–limestone couplets and the litho-change above the mid-Cenomanian break. (b) Basal Chalk (Lower Cenomanian) couplets comprise thicker marl bands compared with the Middle Cenomanian couplets above. (CT = change in limestone-marl thickness with increase in carbonate upwards; MCB = mid-Cenomanian Break; UOMB = hard limestones with sponges and heteromorph ammonites (upper Orbirhynchia mantelliana band). (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 2.3) Integration of trace fossil events with shape and size changes in some key benthic fossils, and the magnetostratigraphy for the Upper Cretaceous succession in southern England. See (Figure 1.5), Chapter 1, for full details of zonal fossils.
(Figure 2.4) Lower and Middle Cenomanian ammonites. (A) Mantelliceras mantelli (from Sharpe, 1853–1857). (B1–3) Schloenbachia varians (three different forms from Sharpe, 1853–1857, pl. 8). (C) A classic fake combining two fossils; (C1) Hypoturrilites gravesianus (from Mantel, 1822, pl. 26, fig. 7); (C2) Hypoturrilites tuberculatus (from Mantel, 1822, pl. 26, fig. 7). (D) Neostlingoceras carcitanense (from Sharpe, 1853–1857, pl. 26, figs 7a, 8). (E) Turrilites acutus (from Sharpe, 1853–1857, pl. 27). (F) Turrilites costatus (from Sharpe 1853–1857, pl. 27). (G) Turrilites scheuchzerianus (from Sharpe 1853–1857, p1. 26). Scale bar applies to all specimens.
(Figure 2.5) Lower and Middle Cenomanian ammonites. (A) Mantelliceras cantianum (from Sharpe, 1853–1857, pl. 18). (B1, B2) Sharpeiceras schlueteri (from Sharpe, 1853–1857, pl. 14) from the Lower Cenomanian S. schlueteri Zone. (C) Cunningtoniceras inerme at the base of the Middle Cenomanian, West Melbury Marly Chalk Formation at Beachy Head, Sussex (the pencil is 150 mm long). (Photo: R.N. Mortimore.) Scale bar applies to A and B.
(Figure 2.6) Middle Cenomanian ammonites. (A) Acanthoceras rhotomagense (from Sharpe, 1853–1857, pl. 16). (B) Parapuzosia (Austiniceras) austeni (from Sharpe, 1853–1857, pl. 12).
(Figure 2.7) Upper Cenomanian and Lower Turonian ammonites. (A) Metoicoceras geslinianum (from the Plenus Marls Member, Ballard Down, Dorset; from Mortimore Collection). (B) Mammites nodosoides (from Sharpe, 1853–1857, pl. 15), typical of the higher part of the Holywell Nodular Chalk Formation. (C) Metasigaloceras rusticum (from Sharpe, 1853–1857, p1. 20) from the higher part of the Holywell Nodular Chalk Formation.
(Figure 2.8) Cenomanian stratigraphy for the onshore UK based on Southerham, Asham, Beachy Head and Folkestone. M2, M4 and M5 are Marker Beds of Gale (1995).
(Figure 2.9) Turonian stratigraphy for the onshore UK based on Lewes Pits and Beachy Head, Southern Province. V = marl derived from volcanic ash. (* = The inoceramid zones used are transferred from the current scheme used in Northern Europe and are under review.)
(Figure 2.10) Middle and Upper Turonian. ammonites. (A) Collignoniceras woollgari (from Mantell, 1822, Tab. 21, fig. 16). (B) Collignoniceras woollgari (from Sharpe 1853–1857, p1. 11), typical of the New Pit Chalk Formation. (C) Lewesiceras mantelli (from Sharpe, 1853–1857, p1. 10) from the topmost Chalk Rock and above the Lewes Marl. (D) Romaniceras deverianum (from Sharpe 1853–1857, pl. 19), typical between the Glynde Marl and Caburn Marl, basal Lewes Nodular Chalk Formation.
(Figure 2.11) Upper Turonian mollusca of the Chalk Rock (from Woods, 1896; see also Wright, 1979). (A, B, D) Subprionocyclus neptuni. (C) Subprionocyclus branneri. (E, F, G) Scaphites geinitzti. (H, I, J) Allocrioceras angustum. (K, L) Turcica? schlueteri. (M, N) Bathrotomaria perspectiva. (O, P) Metaptychoceras smithi. (Q, R, S) Hyphantoceras reussianum. (T, U, V) Eubostrychoceras saxonicum. (W,X) Sciponoceras bohemicum.
(Figure 2.12) Comparison between the ranges of Cenomanian belemnites on the Russian Platform and in northwest Europe. (After Christensen, 1990.)
(Figure 2.13) Comparison of Upper Cretaceous belemnite zones across Europe, which are only partly represented in the UK and mainly on the Anglo-Brabant Massif. (After Christensen, 1991.) (A. = Actinocamax; B. = Belemnella; Bt. = Belemnitella; Bx. = Belemnellocamax; G. = Gonioteuthis; Gx. = Goniocamax; N. = Neohibolites; P. = Praeactinocamax.)
(Figure 2.14) Cenomanian inoceramid bivalves. (A, B) Holotype of Actinoceramus tenuis (from Woods, 1911, text-fig. 31). (C) Inoceramus crippsi (from Woods, 1911, text-fig. 34). (D) Inoceramus atlanticus (from Woods, 1911, pl. 48, fig. 5). (E) Inoceramus virgatus scalprum (from Woods, 1911, pl. 49, fig. 3a) typical of the Lower Cenomanian 'Bank' of limestones. (F) Inoceramus pictus (from Woods, 1911, pl. 49, fig. 5) typical of the Plenus Marls Member and the basal few metres of the Melbourn Rock, Upper Cenomanian. (G) Inoceramus atlanticus (from Woods, 1911, pl. 49, fig. 1), typical of the Middle Cenomanian 'atlanticus' flood. Scale bar applies to all specimens.
(Figure 2.15) Lower Turonian inoceramid bivalves. (A–C) Mytiloides mytiloides; (A) left valve (from Seitz, 1934, pl. 36) typical of the Holywell Nodular Chalk; (B) right valve (from Seitz, 1934, text-fig. 2c) from a sandstone steinkern; (C) the type from Woods, 1911, text-fig. 37. (D, E) Mytiloides hattini (from Elder, 1991); (E) is the holotype. (F, G) Mytiloides puebloensis (formerly M. opalensis and/or M. columbianus of authors); (F) (Elder, 1991, fig. 4.9) is a typical example; (G) (Elder, 1991, fig. 4.2) shows features transitional to M. kossmati (doubling of concentric rugae). (H, Mytiloides labiatus; (H) from Seitz, 1934, pl. 38, this is closest to the missing type; (I) from a sandstone steinkern (from Seitz, 1934, fig. 9a). Scale bar applies to all specimens.
(Figure 2.16) Middle Turonian inoceramid bivalves. (A, B) Mytiloides subbercytticus, typical of the lowest New Pit Chalk (from Seitz, 1934, pl. 40). (C) Inoceramus apicalis (lectotype, from Woods, 1912, pl. 53, fig. 4a), Holywell Nodular Chalk, Hitchin. (D, E) Inoceramus cuvieri; (D) typical of cuvieri (from Woods, 1912, pl. 53, fig. 7), New Pit Chalk, Royston; (E) the holotype of cuvieri (from Woods, 1912, holotype, text-fig. 73), New Pit Chalk, Royston. (F, G) Inoceramus lamarcki; (F) the holotype of lamarcki from the Glynde Marls–Southerham Marls interval, Dover (Woods, 1912, text-fig. 63); (G) form typical of mid-New Pit Chalk around Lewes (Woods, 1912, text-fig. 69). Scale bar applies to all specimens.
(Figure 2.17) Upper Turonian inoceramid bivalves. (A) Inoceramus lamarcki stuemkei, typical between Callum and Bridgewick marls, (from Woods, 1912, text-fig. 82). (B) Inoceramus websteri sensu Woods non Mantell, typical of the beds above the Lewes Marl (from Woods, 1912, p1. 53, fig. 1). (C) Mytiloides costellatus sensu stricto (from Woods, 1912, pl. 54, fig. 5). (D) Mytiloides labiatoidiformis, typical of the Lewes Marl and the beds above (from Walaszczyk and Wood, 1999b, pl. 1, fig. 8). (E, F) Mytiloides incertus (from Noda, 1984). (G) Mytiloides striatoconcentricus, typical of the Kingston Nodular Beds, (from Walaszczyk and Wood, 1999b, pl. 1, fig. 11). Large scale bar applies to A, E; small scale bar applies to B, C, D, F and G.
(Figure 2.18) Upper Turonian and Lower Coniacian inoceramid bivalves. (A–E) Cremnoceramus crassus inconstans; (A, B) the lectotype, the original of Inoceramus sp., Mantell, 1822 (from Woods, 1912, text-fig. 42); (C–E) from Woods, 1912, text-fig. 43. (F) Inoceramus lusatiae, holotype: typical of the Navigation Hardgrounds (from Walaszczyk and Wood, 1999b, pl. 2, fig. 4). (G, H) Mytiloides herbichi, probably typical of the beds around the Cuilfail Zoophycos (from Walaszczyk and Wood, 1999b, p1. 1, fig. 5). Scale bar applies to all specimens.
(Figure 2.19) Topmost Turonian and basal Coniacian inoceramid bivalves. (A, B) Cremnoceramus deformis erectus typical of beds just above the Navigation Hardgrounds and the larger forms from the Hope Gap Hardground (from Walaszczyk and Wood, 1999b, pl. 7, figs 7, 8). (C, D) Cremnoceramus deformis erectus, typical of Navigation Marls, (from Walaszczyk and Wood, 1999b, p1. 7, figs 1, 2). (E–G) Cremnoceramus waltersdorfensis waltersdorfensi; (E) typical of the Southern Province (from Walaszczyk and Wood, 1999b, pl. 15, fig. 2); (F) typical of beds below the Navigation hardgrounds (from Walaszczyk and Wood, 1999b, pl. 17, fig. 3); (G) typical of beds between Navigation and Cliffe hardgrounds in the Southern Province (from Woods, 1912, pl. 52, fig. 1). (H) Cremnoceramus waltersdorfensis hannovrerzsis typical of beds between Cliffe and Hope Gap hardgrounds (from Walaszczyk and Wood, 1999b, pl. 11, fig. 2). Scale bar applies to all specimens.
(Figure 2.20) Lower and Middle Coniacian inoceramid bivalves. (A) Cremnoceramus crassus crassus typical of Beeding to Light Point beds, Lewes Nodular Chalk (from Walaszczyk and Wood, 1999b, pl. 17, fig. 2). (B) Fragments of Platyceramus sp. shell typical of the Belle Tout Beds, Seaford Chalk Formation (from De Mercy, 1877). (C–E) Volviceramus aff. involutus; (C, D) typical of Belle Tout Beds, Seaford Chalk Formation (from Woods, 1912, text-figs 93, 90); (E) typical cap valve in Belle Tout Beds, Seaford Chalk Formation, common 1.8–2 m below the Seven Sisters Flint Band (from Woods, 1912, text-fig. 94). Scale bar applies to all specimens.
(Figure 2.21) Coniacian stratigraphy for the onshore UK based on the Southern Province sections at Lewes, Beachy Head, Seaford Head and Dover. (* = informal zones applied in this book; V = vulcanogenic marl.)
(Figure 2.22) Santonian stratigraphy for the onshore UK based on the Southern Province sections at Lewes, Beachy Head, Seaford Head and Dover. (* = informal zones applied in this book.)
(Figure 2.23) Lower Santonian inoceramid bivalves. (A–E) Cordiceramus cordiformis; (A, B) Seaford Chalk Formation, Gravesend, Kent (holotype from Woods, 1912, pl. 53, figs 8a,b); (C–E) from the Seaford Chalk Formation, Micheldever, Hants (from Woods, 1912, pl. 54, figs 3a,b, 4). (F–1) Cladoceramus undulatoplicatus; (F, G) typical of the basal Santonian including Bedwell's Columnar Flint Band (from Woods, 1912, text-figs 60, 61), from Haldon, Devon; (H, 1) typical of the basal Santonian (from Seitz, 1961). Scale bar applies to all specimens.
(Figure 2.24) Santonian and Campanian inoceramid bivalves. (A) Sphenoceramus pinniformis (from Woods, 1912, text-fig. 96), probably Santonian crinoid zones, from Brighton. (B) Sphenoceramus tuberculatus (from Woods, 1912, text-fig 59), Flamborough Chalk Formation (Sphenoceramus lingua Zone), Sewerby.
(Figure 2.25) Lower Santonian and Lower Campanian inoceramid bivalves. (A) Sphenoceramus pathti (from Woods, 1912, text-fig. 57), Northern Province, Yorkshire coast, Santonian Micraster coranguinum Zone. (B, C) Sphenoceramus pathti pachti (from Seitz, 1965). (D, E) Sphenoceramus lingua; (D) typical of the upper Flamborough Chalk Formation, Lower Campanian, Northern Province (from Woods, 1912, text-fig. 54); (E) typical of the upper Flamborough Chalk Formation, Lower Campanian (from Seitz, 1965). (F) Sphenoceramus patootensiformis typical of the Lower Campanian, Northern Province (from Seitz, 1965). Scale bar applies to all specimens.
(Figure 2.26) Campanian inoceramid bivalves. (A, B) Inoceramus balticus pteroides (name is uncertain) typical of the top Old Nore Beds and the Peacehaven and Meeching Beds, Newhaven Chalk (Offaster pilules Zone, lower belt) (from Woods, 1912, text-fig. 51). (C, D) Cordiceramus? sp. (co-occurs with sphaeroceramus sarumensis in the Hagenowia blackmorei Subzone at East and West Harnham, Salisbury (from Woods, 1912, pl. 51, figs 3a,b). (E, F) Sphaeroceramus sarumensis; (F) from the Newhaven Chalk Formation, Hagenowia blackmorei Subzone, at East and West Harnham, Salisbury (from Woods, 1912, pl. 52, figs 2a,b). Large scale bar applies to A, B; small scale bar applies to C–F.
(Figure 2.27) Campanian stratigraphy for the onshore UK based on the Southern Province sections at Seaford Head, Portsdown and the Isle of Wight. (* = informal zones applied in this book.)
(Figure 2.28) Key Upper Cretaceous Chalk oysters. (A) Agerostrea lunata, Lower Maastrichtian, Norfolk (from Woods, 1912, p1. 61, figs 1–5). (B1, B2) Pseudoperna boucheroni from the Santonian–Campanian boundary 'Grobkreide' facies (from Woods, 1912, p1. 60, figs 1–3). (C) Pycnodonte from the Cenomanian Pycnodonte event (Woods, 1912, p1. 55, figs 8, 9). (D) Rastellum colubrinum, Lower Cenomanian Sharpeiceras schlueteri Subzone (from Woods, 1912, text-fig. 122). All specimens natural size.
(Figure 2.29) Stratigraphy and possible phylogeny of Micraster in the Upper Cretaceous Chalk, plotted against English stratigraphical markers. (After Ernst, 1972, fig. 25.)
(Figure 2.30) Stratigraphy and possible phylogeny of Infulaster and Hagenowia in the Boreal Upper Cretaceous succession. (After Smith, 1984; Ernst, 1972, fig. 22.)
(Figure 2.31) Irregular echinoid phylogeny in the Upper Cretaceous Chalk. (After Ernst, 1972.)
(Figure 2.32) Stratigraphy and possible phylogeny of Holasteroidea in the Upper Cretaceous Chalk; note the revised interpretation in (Figure 2.30). (After Ernst, 1972, fig. 20.)
(Figure 2.33) Stratigraphy and possible phylogeny of Offaster and Galeola in the Upper Cretaceous Chalk. (After Ernst, 1972, fig. 21.)
(Figure 2.34) Mode of life of Infulaster excentricus (S. Woodward) and Hagenowia blackmorei Wright and Wright indicating possible depth in the sediment of each species in relation to the development of their different apical elongations (from Gale and Smith, 1982, after Ernst, 1972). Their modes of life can be contrasted with the probable shallower 'ploughing' of Micraster.
(Figure 2.35) Branching Thalassinoides burrow-replacement flints. (From Bromley and Ekdale, 1984a.)
(Figure 2.36) Ecology of a soft chalk seabed: trace fossils in flint. (a) A spiral Zoophycos typical of many horizons such as the Tavern Flints, Portobello and Pricy Zoophycos. (b) Silicified lateral lobes with lamellae of a Zoophycos spreite. This type of preservation is typical of the Cuilfail and Beachy Head Zoophycos beds. (c) A lobe of a Zoophycos burrow with preservation style typical of the Asham Zoophycos at Southerham Pit, Lewes and the Sub-Plenus Zoophycos of the Northern Province. (d) Four tiers of a Zoophycos system within a Thalassinoides burrow. This style of preservation is typical of many horizons including the bands of Zoophycos in the Scottish Chalk at Gribun, Mull. (From Bromley and Ekdale, 1984a.)
(Figure 2.37) A typical 'Chondrites' flint showing a branching Chondrites network in a Thalassinoides suevicus network. (From Bromley and Ekdale, 1984a.)
(Figure 2.38) Bathichnus paramoudrae in various forms. (a) A vertical cylinder of flint (Paramoudra) at Caistor St Edmunds Chalk Pit, Norwich. (b) Dark pyritic aureole around the trace fossil (vertical section). (c) Horizontal section of (b). (From Bromley et al., 1975.)
(Figure 2.39) Reconstruction of a Zoophycos trace fossil from a spiral fabric in a flint. (From Bromley and Ekdale, 1984a.)
(Figure 2.40) Cenomanian and Turonian foraminifera. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of Cenomanian and Turonian foraminifera. (A–C) Gavelinella baltica (Brotzen) (× 200) (benthic), from Beachy Head, East Sussex (Plenus Marls Member, Jefferies Bed 1), Upper Cenomanian Metoicoceras geslinianum Zone. Range: Uppermost Albian Stoliczkaia dispar Zone to Upper Cenomanian. (D–F) Gavelinella cenomanica (Brotzen) (× 100) (benthic), from Southerham Grey Pit, Lewes, East Sussex, (Zig Zag Chalk Formation), Middle Cenomanian. Range: Upper Albian to Upper Cenomanian. (G–I) Rotalipora cushmani (Morrow) (× 100) (globally important Tethyan planktonic species) from Beachy Head, East Sussex, (Plenus Marls Member, Jefferies Bed 4), Metoicoceras geslinianum Zone. Range: Middle to Upper Cenomanian. Remarks: Enters in the Middle Cenomanian (just below P/B break) and goes up to Plenus Marls Member, Jefferies Bed 4, Upper Cenomanian. (J) Hedbergella simplex (Morrow) (× 200) (planktonic), from Beachy Head, East Sussex (Plenus Marls Member, Jefferies Bed 4), Upper Cenomanian Metoicoceras geslinianum Zone. Range: Cenomanian. (K, L) Lingulogavelinella globosa (Brotzen) (× 200) (benthic), from Beachy Head, East Sussex (Plenus Marls Member, Jefferies Bed 4), Upper Cenomanian Metoicoceras geslinianum Zone. Range: Upper Cenomanian to Middle Turonian.
(Figure 2.41) Turonian and Coniacian foraminifera. SEM images of Turonian and Coniacian foraminifera. (A–C) Marginotruncana pseudolinneiana (Pessagno) (× 150) (planktonic), from New Pit, Lewes, East Sussex, (New Pit Chalk Formation), Middle Turonian Collignoniceras woollgari Zone. Range: Turonian to Santonian. Remarks: key zonal form in Europe, entry marks a planktonic foraminiferal zone in the Turonian. (D–F) Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica (Bolli) (× 150) (typical Tethyan planktonic), from New Pit, Lewes, East Sussex, (New Pit Chalk Formation), Middle Turonian Collignoniceras woollgari Zone. Range: Lower to Middle Turonian. Remarks: key entry zonal index fossil. (G–I) Stensioeina granulata granulata (Olbertz) (× 150) (benthic), from Seaford Head (Cuckmere to Seaford GCR site) East Sussex (Seaford Chalk Formation), Middle Coniacian Micraster coranguinum Zone. Range: base of Middle Coniacian to Middle Santonian. Remarks: key marker at base of Seaford Chalk Formation (Bailey et al., 1983, 1984). O, K) Whiteinella baltica (Douglas and Rankin) (× 150) (planktonic), from Euston, Suffolk, M coranguinum Zone. Range: Base of Coniacian to Upper Santonian.
(Figure 2.42) Santonian foraminifera. SEM images of Santonian foraminifera. (A–C) Gavelinella cristata (Goel) (× 100) (benthic), from Ipswich, Suffolk, Lower Campanian. Range: Upper Santonian to Lower Campanian. Remarks: entry is approximately coincident with base of Uintacrinus socialis Zone (Bailey et al., 1983). (D–F) Stensioeina granulata polonica (Witwicka) (× 150) (benthic), from Euston, Suffolk (Seaford Chalk Formation), Upper Coniacian M coranguinum Zone. Range: entry in Upper Coniacian. Remarks: zonal index in UKB scheme (Bailey et al., 1983). (G–I) Stensioeina exsculpta exsculpta (Reuss) (× 150) (benthic), from Euston, Suffolk (Seaford Chalk Formation), Upper Coniacian M. coranguinum Zone. Range: Benthic Foraminiferal Zone in the Middle and Upper Coniacian. Remarks: ranges from just above the Shoreham Marls to the Flat Hill Flint, Seaford Chalk Formation. (1) Loxostomum eleyi (Cushman) (× 150) (benthic), from Ipswich, Suffolk, Lower Campanian. Range: Santonian to Upper Campanian. (K) Praebulimina reussi (Morrow) (× 150) (benthic), from Ipswich, Suffolk, Lower Campanian. Range: Santonian to Upper Campanian. (L) Vaginulinopsis scalariformis (Porthault) (× 50) (benthic), from Euston, Suffolk, Seaford Chalk Formation M coranguinum Zone. Range: Middle Coniacian and Lower Santonian.
(Figure 2.43) Campanian foraminifera. SEM images of Campanian foraminifera. (A–C) Archaeoglobigerina cretacea (d'Orbigny) (× 150) (planktonic), from Ipswich, Suffolk, lower Upper Campanian Overlap Zone. Range: Upper Santonian to Campanian. (D–F) Gavelinella lorneiana (d'Orbigny) (× 100) (benthic), from Ipswich, Suffolk, Lower Campanian. Range: Upper Turonian to Upper Campanian. Remarks: important gap in Lower Campanian in the English Chalk; absent between Lancing Flint and the Whitecliff Marl, Culver Chalk Formation. (G–I) Gavelinella trochus (Goel) (× 100) (benthic), from Ipswich, Suffolk, Lower Campanian. Range: Upper Santonian to Lower Campanian. (J, Globotruncana bulloides (Vogler) (× 100) (planktonic), from Ipswich, Suffolk, Lower Campanian Overlap Zone. Range: Coniacian to Campanian. (L) Reussella kelleri (Vasilenko) (× 100) (benthic), from Ipswich, Suffolk, Lower Campanian. Range: Upper Turonian to Lower Campanian.
(Figure 2.44) Campanian and Maastrichtian foraminifera. SEM images of Campanian and Maastrichtian foraminifera. (A–C) Stensioeina pommerana (Brotzen) (× 150) (benthic), from Ipswich, Suffolk, Lower Campanian. Range: Lower Campanian to Maastrichtian. Remarks: enters in Offaster pilula Zone (Bailey et al., 1983), upper limit Lower Maastrichtian. (D, E) Pullenia quaternaria (Reuss) (× 150) (benthic), from Ipswich, Suffolk, Lower Campanian. Range: Middle Campanian to Maastrichtian. Remarks: entry a critical marker low in the Gonioteuthis quadrata Zone (Apflinocrinus cretaceus Subzone. (F) Reussella szajnochae szajnochae (Grzybowski) (× 80) (benthic), from Overstrand, Norfolk. Range: Upper Campanian to Upper Maastrichtian. Remarks: two key flood events, one at base of Maastrichtian at Overstrand Upper Marl, another one in Southern North Sea Basin near base of the Upper Maastrichtian (Bailey et al., 1983, 1984). (G, H) Eponides beisseli (Schijfsma) (× 80) (benthic), from Overstrand, Norfolk, Lower Maastrichtian. Range: Upper Upper Campanian to Lower Maastrichtian. Remarks: enters on top of Catton Sponge Bed. (I) Bolivinoides sidestrandensis (Barr) (× 100) (benthic), from Overstrand, Norfolk, Lower Maastrichtian. Range: Upper Campanian to Lower Maastrichtian. Remarks: enters with B. draco miliaris at the bio-event just below the base of the Paramoudra Chalk. (J) Bolivinoides draco miliaris (Hiltermann and Koch) (× 100) (benthic) from Trimingham, Norfolk, Lower Maastrichtian Belemnella sumensis Zone. Range: Upper Campanian to Lower Maastrichtian. Remarks: entry is a bio-event within the UKB zonal scheme. (K) Bolivina incrassata (Reuss) (× 80) (benthic), from Trimingham, Norfolk, Lower Maastrichtian. Range: upper Upper Campanian to Maastrichtian. Remarks: critical species enters in the Canon Sponge Bed.
(Figure 2.45) Adaptations to a chalky seabed. (a) The shell of Cremnoceramus crassus in the Lower Coniacian Lewes Chalk at Seaford Head is a 'hard-surface' and home to the boring Entobia cretacea (from Ekdale and Bromley, 1984). (b) The bivalve Spondylus spinosus has developed spines whose purpose is uncertain (from Manta, 1822).
(Figure 2.46) (a) Ecology of a soft chalk seabed: an unlithified omission surface with a greyer chalk overlying and filling the underlying whiter bed. The pre-omission suite of burrows is barely visible, the omission suite of trace fossils are pale grey, and the post-omission suite is dark grey (from Bromley, 1975a). (b) Complex trace fossil fabric (ichnofabric) of a soft chalk with successive cross-cutting burrows including two stages of Planolites, Thalassinoides, Zoophycos and Chondrites (from Ekdale and Bromley, 1984).
(Figure 2.47) Ecology of a hard chalk seabed: burrows and borings in hardgrounds. (a) Hardgrounds from the Chalk Rock at Charnage Chalk Pit, Mere, Wiltshire, showing the difference between a convoluted and a flat surface. (b) Hardground with a convoluted surface of irregular bosses between Thalassinoides burrow systems. (From Bromley, 1975a.)
(Figure 2.48) Correlation of strontium and manganese and major ecological events 1–4 in the Campanian Chalk of the Anglo-Paris Basin. (Based on field sections of Mortimore and Pomerol, 1987; and geochemistry of Barchi, 1995.)
(Figure 2.49) Correlation of manganese curves for the Campanian Chalk in the Southern Province and Paris Basin indicating the key event close to the Newhaven Chalk Formation–Culver Chalk Formation boundary, the conspicuous Precy Hardground 'spike', and the marked shift at the base of the Portsdown Chalk. S/g to S/i are standard French benthic foraminiferal zones. The third column refers to nannofossil zones. (CHFB7 = Castle Hill Flint (Band) 7; M. t. = Marsupites; E. s. = Echinocorys scitula; U a. = Uintacrinus anglicus). (Based on field sections of Mortimore and Pomerol, 1987; and geochemistry of Barchi, 1995).
(Figure 3.1) Southern Province GCR localities in relation to the Upper Cretaceous outcrop and major tectonic lineaments. For south-east Devon GCR sites, see also (Figure 3.19), p. 109.
(Figure 3.2) Long narrow rib of the Chalk Downs along the Dorset coast east of Lulworth. (Photo: Cambridge University Collection of Aerial Photography; copyright reserved.)
(Figure 3.3) Unified stratigraphy for the Upper Cretaceous successions of the Southern Province. (JB = Jukes-Browne bed numbers.) (Based on Bristow et al., 1997.)
(Figure 3.4) Schematic relationship between the Cenomanian deposits of the thicker successions in Sussex and Kent and the condensed Cenomanian Limestone (A, B, C). Because of tectonics the age of the Chalk Basement Bed is different in different places.
(Figure 3.5) Southerham Grey Pit, Lewes, Sussex, showing the transition from West Melbury Marty Chalk rhythms below to Zig Zag Chalk above. AZB = Asham Zoophycos Beds; GPC = Grey Pit Channel; JB7 = Jukes-Browne Bed 7; TL = Tenuis Limestone forming the mapping base of the Zig Zag Chalk Formation; TM = Triple Marls and the Inoceramus atlanticus event; WMMCF = West Melbury Marly Chalk Formation. (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.6) (a, b) Grey Chalk Subgroup and White Chalk Subgroup boundary at the base of the Plenus Marls at Beachy Head, Sussex. (Beds 1–8 are those of Jefferies, 1963.) (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.7) Part of the Chalk cliffs at Dover above Athol Terrace exposing the entire Lewes Nodular Chalk Formation and the basal Seaford Chalk Formation. (Photomosaic: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.8) The bottom sections of Langdon Stairs, Dover, exposing the 'Basal Complex'. BWM = Bridgewick Marls; BWF = Bridgewick Flints; BPF = Bopeep Flints; CM = Caburn Marl; DCR = Dover Chalk Rock. (Photo: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.9) (a, b) Basin-wide marker beds in the Upper Turonian part of the Lewes Nodular Chalk Formation present in the Hooken succession at Hooken Cliff. (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.10) Chalk adjacent to St Margaret's Bay, Dover. (a) South side of St Margaret's Bay beyond the South Foreland, showing the Cuilfail Zoophycos in the topmost Turonian strata. (b) North side of St Margaret's Bay, showing the topmost Lewes Nodular Chalk and basal Seaford Chalk formations. (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.11) Hooken Cliff and the Twin Pillars at Beer Head; pinnacles of Lewes Nodular Chalk Formation exposing the succession from below the Annis' Knob Flint, through the Lewes Marl and Navigation Marl to a horizon around the Hope Gap Hardground equivalent. The first sheet-flints were used by Rowe (1903) for correlation. (Photo: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.12) Whitecliff, Isle of Wight, showing the Seaford Chalk, Newhaven Chalk, Culver Chalk and Portsdown Chalk formations. The Bedhampton Marls and Farlington Marls both contain abundant inoceramid bivalve shell debris. This is the type section for the Culver Chalk Formation. Note the manly units stand out as bluffs even in the Culver Chalk Formation, which can be recognized as the unit between the top Newhaven marls and basal Portsdown marls. Compare with (Figure 3.65), p.188. (Photomosaic: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.13) The Culver Chalk Formation at Whitecliff, Isle of Wight. (a) The basal part of the formation. (b) The central part of the formation, the boundary between the Tarrant Member below and the Spetisbury Member above is taken at the Whitecliff Marls. (CBF = Cote's Bottom Flint; CDF= Charmandean Flint; LB = Laminated beds; LM1, LM2 = Lancing Marls 1 and 2; PM = Pepperbox Marls at top of Newhaven Chalk Formation; SM1, SM2, SM3 = Solent Marls 1, 2 and 3; WM = Whitecliff Marls.) (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.14) The upper part of the Culver Chalk Formation, Whitecliffe, Isle of Wight (Spetisbury Member) containing numerous Paramoudra flints. (LPM = Lower Portsdown Marls; WF = Whitecliffe Flint; WFPF = Warren Farm Paramoudra Flints; YM1, YM2, YM3 = Yaverland Marls 1, 2 and 3.) (Photo: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.15) (a) Large Paramoudra flints (P) from the Warren Farm Paramoudra horizon, Whitecliff, Isle of Wight. (b) Large Paramoudra flint fallen to the beach, Whitecliff, Isle of Wight. (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.16) Beer Head at the east end of the Hooken Cliff site, south-east Devon, showing the base of the Upper Cretaceous strata resting on the Albian Upper Greensand. Note the bedding dip of 4° to the south-east and the joint pattern along which caves have formed. (B1 = Boundary between Albian (Lower Cretaceous) and Cenomanian (Upper Cretaceous); 'BB' = 'Belay Buttress'; BKC = base of Karst collapse; GM = Glynde Marl (Dowlands Marl and base of Lewes Nodular Chalk); R4ft = Rowe's 4-ft band.) (Photo: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.17) The Hooken Cliff GCR site in relation to nearby sections and the local geology.
(Figure 3.18) (a) Beer Head looking west; the west end of the Hooken Cliff GCR site shows the overstep of Chalk onto Upper Greensand. (b) Hooken Landslip looking north-west. The Twin Pillars are composed of Annis' Knob Flint, Lewes Flint, Lewes Marl, Cuilfail Zoophycos and Navigation Marl; the Landslip displays the stratigraphically highest chalk on the Devon coast with Platyceramus/Volviceramus and the Seven Sisters Flint Band. (AK/BBF = Annis' Knob/Breaky Bottom Flint; BWF and BPF = Bridgewick Flints and Bopeep Flints; R2ft = Rowe's 2-ft band; R4ft = Rowe's 4-ft band; TNP = Turonian New Pit Chalk section in landslip with abundant spiky flints.) (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.19) Geological sketch map and section showing the position of the Upper Cretaceous GCR sites in relation to outcrop and structure.
(Figure 3.20) The Hooken Cliff GCR site, detailed locality map.
(Figure 3.21) Schematic and simplified view of lateral variation in the Cenomanian and Early Turonian deposits of Hooken Cliffs and adjacent areas. The datum is the West Ebb Marl.
(Figure 3.22) Overstep of the Upper Cretaceous Chalk (New Pit Chalk Formation) onto the Albian Upper Greensand. Lateral variation shows the Beer Stone as a lensoid sedimentary body within the Hooken–Wilmington Trough and the complete loss of the Holywell Chalk and lower New Pit Chalk traced westwards within the Hooken Cliff GCR site.
(Figure 3.23) (a, b) Beer Head Limestone Formation (Cenomanian Limestone), Grey Chalk Subgroup, and overlying base of the Holywell Nodular Chalk Formation (HNCF) and White Chalk Subgroup at Beer Head, Hooken Cliff, south-east Devon. (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.24) Two sections west of Beer Head, Hooken Cliff, south-east Devon, showing the entire undisturbed Upper Cretaceous succession exposed in the southeast Devon faulted outliers. (a) West side of Beer Head above Little Beach. (b) Section on 'Belay Bluff' above Beer Head. (AKF = Annis' Knob Flint (Rowe's 'strong nodular flint line'); BHLF = Beer Head Limestone Formation; BPF and BWF = Bopeep Flints and Bridgewick Flints; HNCF= Holywell Nodular Chalk Formation; NM = Navigation Marl, (Rowe's 'marl in M.c.t.'); NP1, NP2= New Pit Marls 1 and 2; SF = sheet-flint (Rowe's 'Tabular at Base M.c.t.').) (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.25) Geological setting of Wilmington Quarry, Reeds Farm Pit and adjacent sections, south-east Devon.
(Figure 3.26) The Cretaceous succession at Wilmington Quarry, south-east Devon.
(Figure 3.27) Lateral variations in the Cenomanian Limestone equivalent (see (Table 3.1)) in the Wilmington Quarry GCR site (White Hart Sandpit) illustrating the reason for the near absence of Bed B in parts of the exposure.
(Figure 3.28) The former section at Reeds Farm Pit, Wilmington, south-east Devon (also known as 'Hutchins Pit' or 'Haynes Lane Pit').
(Figure 3.29) Sketch of Reeds Farm Pit, Wilmington, south-east Devon. (From Jukes-Browne and Hill 1903, fig. 31, p. 127.)
(Figure 3.30) The geological setting of the Furley Chalk Pit GCR Site.
(Figure 3.31) Furley Chalk Pit, south-east Devon, showing an unusual development of Chalk without hardgrounds and only one flint band in contrast to all other known localities at this horizon in Devon, more like a Sussex succession. (Based on Kennedy, 1970, fig. 14; and Hart 1975, fig. 2.)
(Figure 3.32) Snowdon Hill Quarry Chard, Somerset. The most important Chalk Basement Bed assemblage of fossils in south-west England.
(Figure 3.33) Snowdon Hill Quarry, Chard, Somerset, as seen in 1892 (UGS = Upper Greensand). (From Jukes-Browne and Hill, 1903, fig. 28, p. 118.)
(Figure 3.34) Location of Shillingstone Quarry and Track Sections, other sites mentioned in the text in the Blandford Forum area, Dorset.
(Figure 3.35) The succession of Upper Cretaceous Chalk at Shillingstone Quarry, Dorset. (After Mortimore and Pomerol, 1987; and Bristow et al., 1995.)
(Figure 3.36) Schematic section showing the position of Shillingstone close to the sedimentary hinge line where facies and thickness changes occur in the Albian–Cenomanian interval across the Mid-Dorset Swell. The effects of this hinge line continue into Late Cenomanian and Turonian times. (After Drummond, 1967, 1970; and Bristow et al., 1995.)
(Figure 3.37) Highest Cenomanian and Turonian successions at Shillingstone Quarry (Dorset) compared with Beggars Knoll (Westbury, Wilts), 40 km to the north.
(Figure 3.38) Position of Dead Maid Quarry and Charnage Down Chalk Pit, Mere, Wiltshire.
(Figure 3.39) The position of Dead Maid Quarry and Charnage Down Chalk Pit in relation to the Mere Fault and other key localities in the area. (After Scanes, 1916.)
(Figure 3.40) Dead Maid Quarry, Wiltshire. (Reproduced from Jukes-Browne and Scanes, 1901. The vertical line A–B' indicates where their section was taken.)
(Figure 3.41) The succession of Chalk at Charnage Down Chalk Pit, Mere, Wiltshire, showing lateral variation along section.
(Figure 3.42) Correlation of the Chalk Rock stratigraphy from its type locality to Charnage Down Chalk Pit and nearby localities, illustrating the condensation present at Charnage Down. (After Bromley and Gale, 1982.)
(Figure 3.43) The position of West Harnham Chalk Pit on the south-western outskirts of Salisbury and correlative sections at East Grimstead Quarry, Dean Hill and Pepperbox Quarry, Wiltshire.
(Figure 3.44) West Harnham Chalk Pit, Salisbury (a) Looking north-east over Salisbury Cathedral. (b) Looking south-east on to the highest beds. (CH = upper face exposes Castle Hill and Pepperbox Marls and Castle Hill Flints, with the change from large to small forms of Echinocorys (Gaster, 1924); MM = Meeching Marls and Echinocorys scutata cincta beds in lowest exposures; TBRM = Access track to upper quarry exposing Telscombe and Black Rabbit marls; TM = Telscombe Marls and abundant Offaster pilula planatus beds.) (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.45) Chalk at West Harnham Chalk Pit compared with East Grimstead Quarry.
(Figure 3.46) The White Nothe GCR site in relation to other key Late Cretaceous sections on the adjacent Dorset Coast.
(Figure 3.47) Map of the White Nothe GCR site, see also (Figure 3.48).
(Figure 3.48) White Nothe, Dorset, landslipped masses of Chalk and the zig-zag path from the old coastguard lookout (White Nothe Cottages) through the landslipped masses. (Photo: Cambridge University Collection of Aerial Photography: copyright reserved).
(Figure 3.49) White Nothe showing the zones of the Chalk in relation to the old coastguard lookout (CG = White Nothe Cottages on (Figure 3.48)) and the zig-zag path. (After Rowe, 1901, fig. 1.)
(Figure 3.50) Looking east from White Nothe across Middle Bottom to Bats Head. (Photo: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.51) Upper Greensand/Chalk contact and the Zig Zag Chalk succession exposed at the base of White Nothe cliffs, Dorset, in the landslipped masses.
(Figure 3.52) Part of the Chalk succession exposed at White Nothe, Dorset, in the slipped masses and in the cliff
(Figure 3.53) The Handfast Point to Ballard Point Upper Cretaceous GCR site, Swanage, Dorset.
(Figure 3.54) The two ends of the Handfast Point to Ballard Point GCR site. (a) The southern end at Ballard Head, looking south-west. (b) The northern end at Handfast Point — Handfast Point and Old Harry sea stack looking south-west. (Photos: Cambridge University Collection of Aerial Photography; copyright reserved.)
(Figure 3.55) Cliff section from Ballard Point to Handfast Point, Isle of Purbeck, Dorset. (After Rowe, 1901, fig. 2.)
(Figure 3.56) Chalk stratigraphy and the major thrust fault in the Chalk at Ballard Point, Dorset (see (Figure 3.54)a).
(Figure 3.57) Simplified geology of the Isle of Wight, showing the position of the two GCR sites, at Compton Bay and Whitecliff and related sections.
(Figure 3.58) Map showing the details of the Compton Bay site. (MLWM = mean low water mark.)
(Figure 3.59) Marker beds in the Cenomanian Grey Chalk Subgroup at Compton Bay, Isle of Wight. Note the conspicuous cyclostratigraphy picked out by marl-limestone couplets. (Photo: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.60) The Grey Chalk Subgroup succession, exposed at Compton Bay, Isle of Wight.
(Figure 3.61) (a, b) The base of the Upper Cretaceous in Compton Bay, Isle of Wight, at the contact between the Albian Upper Greensand and the Cenomanian Glauconitic Marl. (Scale: Tom Mortimore = 1.8 m tall). (GM = Glauconitic Marl; UGS = Upper Greensand). (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.62) (a) Turanian–Coniacian Lewes Nodular Chalk Formation at the western end of the Compton Bay GCR site, adjacent to Freshwater Bay, Isle of Wight. (b) Base of the Lewes Nodular Chalk Formation in the Compton Down Military Road section in the Compton Bay GCR site, Isle of Wight. (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.63) The lower part of the White Chalk Subgroup, exposed in Compton Bay and on the north side of Compton Down Military Road section, Isle of Wight. (gmz = griotte (or flaser) marl zone.)
(Figure 3.64) The southern end of the Whitecliff GCR site at Culver, Isle of Wight.
(Figure 3.65) Sketch drawing of the White Chalk Subgroup exposed at the northern end of Culver–Whitecliff, Isle of Wight (see also Figures 3.12 and 3.66a).
(Figure 3.66) The Seaford Chalk Formation at Whitecliff, Isle of Wight. (a) Seaford Chalk Formation and Basal Newhaven Chalk Formation. (b) Close-up of the Seaford Chalk Formation seen in centre of (a). (BCF=Bedwell's Columnar Flint; BHF=Baily's Hill Flint; BrPF=Brasspoint Flint; MDF=Michel Dean Flint; TNF1, TNF2=Tarring Neville Flints 1 and 2; W3=Whitakers's 3-inch Flint Band). (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.67) The lowest sections exposed at The Nostrils and 'White Horse' at the southern end of the Whitecliff GCR section.
(Figure 3.68) The top Seaford and basal Newhaven Chalk (Santonian) formations at Whitecliff, Isle of Wight.
(Figure 3.69) The succession including the so-called 'Flintless Belt' of Rowe (1908) in the middle of the Whitecliff GCR section, Isle of Wight. (P = paramoudra flints.) (From Mortimore and Pomerol, 1997.)
(Figure 3.70) The 'Flintless-Chalk' unit with hardgrounds within the Newhaven Chalk Formation at Whitecliff. (Photomosaic: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.71) (a, b) Intraclasts, mobilized flints and block sliding incorporating the Telscombe Marl 1, the Culver section. Intraclasts in the Telscombe Marl in (b) are arrowed. (Photos: R.N. Mortimore).
(Figure 3.72) The Culver Chalk Formation, Culver Cliff (Whitecliff GCR site), Isle of Wight. Lower Campanian Gonioteuthis quadrata Zone. (B2ii and B2iii refer to the benthic foraminiferal zonal/subzonal scheme of Swiecicki (1980).)
(Figure 3.73) Portsdown Chalk Formation with numerous marl seams, Culver Cliff (Whiteclift), Isle of Wight, Upper Campanian Belemnitella mucronata Zone.
(Figure 3.74) (a, b) The Isle of Wight Tubular Flints (arrowed) in the Portsdown Chalk Formation, Whitecliff, Isle of Wight. (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.75) Sketch of the geology of the Culver Chalk Formation formerly exposed in Downend Chalk Pit, Portsdown. Hardgrounds, growth structures and slumps are interpreted as resulting from latest Early Campanian Peine Phase tectonic uplift. (From Mortimore, 1979, 1983; and Gale, 1980).
(Figure 3.76) Downend Chalk Pit, Portsdown, Hampshire, looking east onto the eastern and southern faces. Growth tectonics, synsedimentary slumping and penecontemporaneous slump folding in the intra-Early Campanian Culver Chalk Formation. (a) Box-folded flint band over the Downend Main Hardground (4). (b) Detail within Fold 2; slump folding. (c) Detail within Fold 3; a hardground succession. (Photomosaic: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.77) Detail of Fold 1, Downend Chalk Pit. The Downend Main Hardground picks-out the fold and is inverted on the south side of the fold. (Photo: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.78) Stratigraphy of the Campanian Chalk originally exposed at Downend Chalk Pit, Portsdown. Any two sections are different as synsedimentary channels and growth of penecontemporaneous slump folds create local pockets of expanded or condensed sediments. The sections shown are an attempt to illustrate the total range of the stratigraphy and the main subdivisions unravelled from the slump complex. (ms = marl seam; ml = marly laminae.)
(Figure 3.79) Structure contours on the Chalk of Portsdown, showing the shape of the Portsdown Anticline and Wallington Syncline. Peine phase tecto-sedimentary structures are present at Downend Chalk Pit and Warren Farm Chalk Pit, close to the crest and western flank of the structure. (From Mortimore and Pomerol, 1997.)
(Figure 3.80) Warren Farm Chalk Pit, Portsdown: Peine Facies change within the Culver Chalk Formation. (From Mortimore and Pomerol, 1997.)
(Figure 3.81) The Campanian Chalk succession at Warren Farm Chalk Pit, Portsdown. A vital link with Downend Chalk Pit.
(Figure 3.82) Paulsgrove Chalk Pit, Portsdown, Portsmouth, Hampshire.
(Figure 3.83) A possible correlation between Downend Chalk Pit, Warren Farm Chalk Pit and Farlington Chalk Pit (Gas Store Pit), Portsdown, and Whitecliff, Isle of Wight. B2ii and B2iii refer to the benthic foraminiferal zonal/subzonal scheme of Swiecicki (1980). (BJ = bedding joint; ms = marl seam; ml = manly laminae.)
(Figure 3.84) Location of GCR and other sites described in the text in the East Sussex Chalk Downs.
(Figure 3.85) Geology of the Brighton Chalk Block showing the Chalk outcrop and the location of the Newhaven to Brighton GCR site and related local sections. (Modified from BGS 1:50,000 Series Geological Maps, Sheets 318/333 and 319.)
(Figure 3.86) Castle Hill, Newhaven, at the eastern end of the Newhaven to Brighton GCR Site illustrating the sub-Palaeogene unconformity (compare the flint stratigraphy with (Figure 3.92)). (Photomosaic: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.87) The cliffs beneath Castle Hill, Newhaven, with Palaeogene sediments resting unconformably on the Upper Cretacous Chalk (Culver Chalk Formation; Lower Campanian G. quadrata Zone). (CHF4, CHF5 = Castle Hill Flints 4 and 5.) (Photo: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.88) Schematic geological section of the Newhaven to Brighton cliffs GCR site showing the length of exposure in each of the main divisions of the Newhaven Chalk Formation and the length of section already covered by sea walls. Note the change from thinner beds at Friars Bay to thicker beds at Black Rock. The last vestiges of Palaeogene sediments capping Chalk die out at Portobello.
(Figure 3.89) The Newhaven to Brighton coast sections showing the main Upper Cretaceous Chalk sections.
(Figure 3.90) Saltdean Cliffs exposing the Saltdean to Old Nore marls in the Newhaven Chalk Formation in the Lower Campanian Echinocorys scutata depressula Subzone. Note the characteristic sheet-flints in this interval, which can be traced as a broad unit across southern England. (Photomosaic: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.91) The Newhaven Chalk Formation–Culver Chalk Formation boundary at Telscombe Cliffs in the Newhaven to Brighton GCR site. (a) The youngest Chalk preserved on the Sussex coast, at Telscombe Cliffs. (b) The best section for the band of abundant Offaster pilula and large O.p. planatus in England. (Photomosaic: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.92) The Chalk cliffs on the west side of Newhaven Harbour showing the key litho- and biostratigraphical features. (After Mortimore, 1997.)
(Figure 3.93) The Newhaven and Culver Chalk succession exposed in the cliffs at Bastion Steps, Peacehaven. The numbers 1–9 refer to the Castle Hill Flints.
(Figure 3.94) Correlation of the upper beds of the Newhaven Chalk Formation from Newhaven to adjacent areas and to the Isle of Wight. This shows the diachronous nature of the Culver Chalk Formation. (z = Zoophycos flints.) (After Mortimore and Pomerol 1997, fig.10.)
(Figure 3.95) The Portobello locality in the Brighton and Newhaven Cliffs GCR site. (a) The Bastion Steps Beds and basal Culver Chalk Formation exposed at the southeastern end of the Portobello locality (b) The chalk exposed at the north-western end of the Portobello locality.
(Figure 3.96) Map of the Cuckmere to Seaford GCR site indicating the main geological features.
(Figure 3.97) Lower Coniacian upper Lewes Nodular Chalk Formation at Seaford Head west beneath the Castrum. (trz = total range zone.)
(Figure 3.98) Topmost Lewes Nodular Chalk and lower part of the Seaford Chalk Formation, Cuckmere to Seaford GCR site.
(Figure 3.99) Coniacian–Santonian boundary section, Seaford Head, Sussex. (CU = Basal Santonian beds with Cladoceramus undulatoplicatus; PV = top of lower belt of Platyceramus with Volviceramus; SSFB = Seven Sisters Flint Band (Belle Tout Beds–Cuckmere Beds boundary).) (Photo: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.100) Seaford Head: the Coniacian–Santonian boundary and the higher part of the Seaford Chalk Formation.
(Figure 3.101) Seaford Head: the lower half of the Newhaven Chalk Formation, including the Santonian–Campanian boundary
(Figure 3.102) Seaford Head: the youngest Chalk from the Old Nore Beds, Newhaven Chalk Formation, to the Castle Hill Beds, Culver Chalk Formation (Lower Campanian).
(Figure 3.103) Seaford Head: The Santonian–Campanian (S/C) boundary (a) The Pinnacle with the Brighton Marl at the base and Friars Bay Marls above. (b) Seaweed-covered Santonian–Campanian boundary: rough nodular beds below (arrowed). (FBF = Friars Bay Flints; FBM1, FBM2 = Friars Bay Marls 1 and 2.) (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.104) Seaford Head, Newhaven Chalk Formation, Lower Campanian Offaster pilula Zone. (BSB = Bastion Steps Beds; MB = Meeching Beds; ONB = Old Nore Beds; PB = Peacehaven Beds.) (Photo: R. N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.105) Seaford Head, western end, Newhaven and Culver Chalk formations; beds dip 10° north on the Seaford Anticline. (Photo: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.106) Map of the Caburn group of chalk pits at Lewes, Sussex showing the position of the GCR sites (boldface type) in relation to correlative sections. (After Mortimore, 1997.)
(Figure 3.107) Map of the former cement works quarries, Southerham Grey Pit and Machine Bottom Pit, Lewes, Sussex. (After Mortimore, 1997.)
(Figure 3.108) (a, b) Southerham Grey Pit, Lewes, Sussex, in 1976 prior to closure in 1978. Marker beds and the rhythmic sedimentation used to establish the cyclostratigraphy in the lower part of the Grey Chalk Subgroup are indicated (see also (Figure 3.5)). (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.109) Geological section for Southerham Grey Pit, Lewes, Sussex. Compare with (Figure 3.5) and (Figure 3.108); and (Figure 2.8), Chapter 2.
(Figure 3.110) Section for the Machine Bottom Pit (Southerham Grey Pit GCR site), Lewes, Sussex.
(Figure 3.111) Southerham Grey Pit correlated with Beachy Head illustrating the marked condensation in the Early Cenomanian West Melbury Marly Chalk at Eastbourne.
(Figure 3.112) The Machine Bottom Pit (part of the Southerham Grey Pit GCR site) correlated with Beachy Head, near Eastbourne, showing the very different lithologies of the two sites.
(Figure 3.113) Basal beds of the Plenus Marls Member in the type section at Beachy Head, Sussex. (a) Basal beds showing a cyclostratigraphy of paler and darker bands. (b, c) Sub-Plenus erosion surface mottled with (b) pale haloes of Bathichnus paramoudrae (arrowed) and (c) dark spirals of Zoophycos (arrowed). (B1 = Bed 1 with pyrite-filled burrows; B2 = Bed 2 with pyrite-filled burrows and an oyster band; B3 = Bed 3, a pale calcareous band; B4 = Bed 4, a dark marl with belemnites.) (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.114) Stratigraphy of the Turonian Holywell Nodular Chalk, New Pit Chalk and Lewes Nodular Chalk formations at Southerham Pit, Cliffe Industrial Estate (formerly known as 'Eastwoods Pit' or 'Southerham Cement Works'). (gmz = griotte (or flaser) marl zone; ml = marly laminae.)
(Figure 3.115) The northern end of the Southerham Pit GCR site showing the Cuilfail Tunnel, South Portal cut in the former Navigation Pit. (After Mortimore, 1997.)
(Figure 3.116) The Southerham Navigation Pit, Lewes, Sussex, Late Turonian and the base of the Coniacian stages (inoceramid bivalve zones inferred by extrapolation from expanded successions in Germany, see Walaszczyk and Wood, (1999b)). (LNC = Lewes Nodular Chalk.)
(Figure 3.117) New Pit on Milling Hill, Lewes: the type section for the New Pit Chalk Formation-Lewes Nodular Chalk Formation junction and the New Pit Marls. A link to the Southerham Pit sections and the Sussex Downs.
(Figure 3.118) The Folkestone to Kingsdown GCR site; Folkestone–Dover cliffs including 'The Warren', Abbot's Cliff, Shakespeare Cliff and Aycliff.
(Figure 3.119) The Grey Chalk Subgroup type section at Folkestone, Abbot's Cliff, showing key litho- and biostratigraphy. (Modified from Gale in Jenkyns et al., 1994: and Mortimore, 1997.) The black symbols in the schlueteri Subzone represent spongiferous nodules.
(Figure 3.120) The Folkestone to Kingsdown GCR site from Langdon Cliffs to Kingsdown. For a description of localities (1)–(4) see text.
(Figure 3.121) The lowest sections on Landon Stairs including the Dover Chalk Rock and Basal Complex. (Based on Mortimore, 1997.)
(Figure 3.122) East Cliff Dover. (a) Looking west from Fan Bay across Langdon Bay to the east wall of Dover Harbour. (b) Lower part of the Lewes Nodular Chalk Formation in Fan Bay (scale given by Dr Silke Voigt). (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.123) The upper sections on the Langdon Stairs exposure, Dover showing the Dover Top Rock and upper Lewes Nodular Chalk Formation. Inoceramid bivalve zones are inferred from expanded sections in Germany and are subject to review
(Figure 3.124) Seaford Chalk Formation on Langdon Stairs, Langdon Cliff and East Cliff, Dover, showing key marker beds.
(Figure 3.125) The Thanet Coast Upper Cretaceous Chalk GCR site showing key features.
(Figure 3.126) The Chalk succession around the Thanet Coast of north-east Kent. The upper limit of the Cladoceramus undulatoplicatus Zone is uncertain.
(Figure 3.127) (a) The cliffs at Joss Bay, showing Whitakers 3-inch Flint Band (W3) and strongly cryoturbated chalk and flint. (b) Giant flint columns emanating from Bedwell's Columnar Flint Band, South Portal, Ramsgate Harbour Tunnel (arrowed). (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.128) Aerial view of the Chalk cliffs on the south coast of the Isle of Thanet, Kent, between Pegwell village and Ramsgate Harbour. (Photo: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 3.129) The Margate Chalk Member of the Thanet Coast. (a) North Thanet Coast, Birchington to Margate; caves are developed along vertical joint sets in Margate Chalk where the sea wall is absent. (b) South Thanet Coast, western end of Pegwell Bay, caves have developed along vertical joint sets in the Margate Chalk Member. (Photo: R.N. Mortimore).
(Figure 3.130) East side of Margate Headworks showing the cliffs of Botany Bay and the critical Chalk exposures in the Uintacrinus socialis and Marsupites testudinarius zones. (Photomosaic: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 4.1) Location of GCR sites (bold type), and other sites also mentioned in the text, in the Transitional Chalk Province of England.
(Figure 4.2) Chalk succession exposed in Chinnor Chalk Pit, Oxfordshire (* = inferred zones based on other sections and associated fossils). (After Sumbler and Woods, 1992.)
(Figure 4.3) Correlation of the Cenomanian Grey Chalk Subgroup from Chinnor Chalk Pit to other sites in the Transitional Province and a comparison with the Folkestone standard section. (G = Glauconitic Marl; JB7 = Jukes-Browne Bed 7; M3 = marker horizon 3 of Gale, 1989.)
(Figure 4.4) The Chalk succession exposed at Fognani Quarry, a key section for Chalk Rock stratigraphy. Compare with Charnage Down Chalk Pit ((Figure 3.41), Chapter 3) and Kensworth Chalk Pit (Figure 4.21).
(Figure 4.5) The 'high' Chalk of Norwich and north Norfolk based on Peake and Hancock (1961, 1970); Wood (1988); Johansen and Surlyk (1990); and Christensen (1995, 1999).
(Figure 4.6) Location of Fognam Quarry (Fognam Farm), near Lambourn, Berkshire.
(Figure 4.7) Location of Boxford Chalk Pit and Winterbourne Chalk Pit in the River Lambourn valley north of Newbury. (BH=Boreholes with geophysical logs that extend the stratigraphy to the Chalk Rock and below)
(Figure 4.8) Stratigraphy at Boxford Chalk Pit. Hardgrounds, channels and slump beds in the Seaford Chalk Formation. (After Jarvis and Woodruff, 1981, fig. 2.)
(Figure 4.9) Boxford Chalk Pit, Berkshire, showing the outlines of the slump-folded hardgrounds. Width of section illustrated, approximately 10 m. (Based on photographs kindly supplied by Professor A. Gale.)
(Figure 4.10) Chalk succession exposed at Winterbourne Chalk Pit near Newbury, Berkshire. (After Jarvis and Woodroof 1981, fig. 5.)
(Figure 4.11) General geology in the vicinity of South Lodge Pit, Taplow.
(Figure 4.12) South Lodge Pit, Taplow, as exposed in 1905. (After White and Treacher, 1905, fig. 1.)
(Figure 4.13) The Chalk succession at South Lodge Pit, Taplow.
(Figure 4.14) South Lodge Pit, Taplow, Berkshire, November 1999. (a) Bluff A, showing a pipe with reworked phosphates (arrowed). (b) The base of Bluff A with Lower Phosphatic Chalk and Upper Phosphatic Chalk underlain by flints and marls (arrowed). (c, d) Bluff C. The uppermost beds (c) display sponge nodular horizons. The Upper (c) and Lower (d) Taplow Hardgrounds are orange-stained, glauconitized and phosphatized. (Photos: R.N. Mortinore.)
(Figure 4.15) (a, b) Chalk geology exposed in the M40 Aston Rowant Cutting. (Photos: (a) R.N. Mortimore; (b) C.J. Wood.)
(Figure 4.16) Aston Rowant Cutting, Chalk Rock. (a) Top Rock and the marker flint above Top Rock. (b) Details of the hardgrounds comprising the Chalk Rock in the Aston Rowant cuttings. (Photos: C.J. Wood.)
(Figure 4.17) Simplified geological section of the M40 Aston Rowant Cutting, Oxfordshire, constructed from field measurements and depths to marker beds in the original site investigation trial shafts.
(Figure 4.18) Chalk succession exposed in the M40 Aston Rowant (Stokenchurch) cutting.
(Figure 4.19) The Chinnor quarries, Oxfordshire, exposing the Grey Chalk Subgroup and basal units of the White Chalk Subgroup.
(Figure 4.20) Location of Kensworth Chalk Pit, Bedfordshire, and adjacent sections.
(Figure 4.21) The Chalk succession at Kensworth Chalk Pit, where the inter-basinal Turonian marker marl seams are present and the northward change in development of the Chalk Rock and Top Rock is illustrated.
(Figure 4.22) Barrington Chalk Pit, Cambridgeshire.
(Figure 4.23) Barrington Chalk Pit, Cambridgeshire: a classic locality for the Cambridge Greensand and Totternhoe Stone. (Photomosaic: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 4.24) The location of Caistor St Edmund Chalk Pit and Catton Grove Chalk Pit, and other sections mentioned in the text, around Norwich, Norfolk. (After Cox et al., 1989.)
(Figure 4.25) The Campanian Chalk (White Chalk Subgroup) at Caistor St Edmund Chalk Pit, Norwich (see (Figure 4.24) for location). (Letters T–Z for flint bands are those of Peake and Hancock, 1961; numbers 1–15 are those of Wood, 1988.)
(Figure 4.26) The Campanian Chalk (White Chalk Subgroup) at Cation Grove Chalk Pit, Norwich, and nearby exposures (see (Figure 4.24) for locations). (Letters A–H for flint bands are those of Peake and Hancock, 1970; numbers 1–10 are those of Wood, 1988.)
(Figure 4.27) The Overstrand to Trimingham Chalk exposures in ice-rafted masses, north Norfolk coast.
(Figure 4.28) Composite, simplified section for the latest Campanian and Lower Maastrichtian of the Chalk between Overstrand and Trimingham, north Norfolk coast. (P and Q are marker flint bands of Peake and Hancock (1961, 1970); * = Brydone's terms.)
(Figure 4.29) The Overstrand Hotel Chalk Masses, incorporated in Quaternary sediments and partly landslipped Overstrand Cliffs, north Norfolk coast. All the masses are in the Sidestrand Chalk Member. (Photomosaic: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 4.30) Mass 1 (Overstrand Hotel Lower Mass) containing the Overstrand and Sidestrand marl seams and the Campanian–Maastrichtian boundary (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 4.31) Two components of the Sidestrand Western Mass enfolded in Quaternary sediments, Sidestrand beach, north Norfolk coast. The upper part is thrust over the lower part and contains the Sidestrand Marl at its base. (Photomosaic: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 4.32) Stratigraphy of the Overstrand Hotel Lower Mass (Mass 1).
(Figure 4.33) Stratigraphy of the Sidestrand Western Mass.
(Figure 4.34) Little Marl Point, Trimingham near Mundesley, north Norfolk coast. The uppermost Maastrichtian exposed in the onshore succession (as an ice-rafted block). Letters refer to the beds identified by Peake and Hancock (1961, 1970). Belemnella sumensis is abundant throughout this exposure except in the sponge beds at the base of the section. (a) Composite photograph. (b) Oyster-rich Chalk. (Photomosaic: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 4.35) Folding picked out by flint bands within the rafted Ostrea lunata Chalk masses exposed in the foreshore at Trimingham, August 1949, north Norfolk Coast. (From Sainty, 1949, pl. 7.)
(Figure 4.36) Sections in the highest onshore chalk in England at Trimingham.
(Figure 5.1) Location of GCR sites and other sites mentioned in the text in the Northern Chalk Province of England.
(Figure 5.2) Distribution of Chalk formations in the Northern Province of the Lincolnshire and Yorkshire Wolds (outcrop and subcrop).
(Figure 5.3) The stratigraphy of the Northern Province Chalk (compare with (Figure 1.5), Chapter 1 and Figures 2.8, 2.9, 2.21, 2.22 and 2.27, Chapter 2).
(Figure 5.4) Key marker beds at the Welton–Burnham Chalk boundary, North Landing, Flamborough Head GCR site, Yorkshire. (Photo: C.J. Wood.)
(Figure 5.5) The Black Band of the Northern Province at the base of the White Chalk Subgroup and the Welton Chalk Formation. (a) The top of the Black Band to the twin marls (Inoceramus Pebble Bed) in Bigby Quarry Lincolnshire. Note the mould of a very large ammonite (Lewesiceras, labelled 'L'). (b) The Black Band succession of Variegated Beds in Melton Ross Quarry Lincolnshire. (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 5.6) Map of the Hunstanton Cliffs GCR site (also see (Figure 5.7)).
(Figure 5.7) Hunstanton Cliffs, north Norfolk coast. (Photo: A. Hutchinson.)
(Figure 5.8) The Chalk succession at Hunstanton Cliffs (compare with (Figure 5.7)). The higher Cenomanian beds are not present at Hunstanton, these are seen at Barrett Ringstead Chalk Pit. (M. g. = Metoicoceras geslinianum; N. j. = Neocardioceras juddii.)
(Figure 5.9) Correlation of key marker beds in the Cenomanian Grey Chalk Subgroup between the Southern Province (West Melbury Marly Chalk and Zig Zag Chalk formations), and the Northern Province (Ferriby Chalk Formation).
(Figure 5.10) The Melton Bottom Chalk Pit GCR site, East Yorkshire; type locality of the Welton Chalk Formation. (Based on British Geological Survey Sheet 80, Kingston upon Hull.)
(Figure 5.11) The Melton Bottom Chalk Pit GCR site, represented by the 'Lower Pit' (Melton Bottom Chalk Pit, and the 'Upper Pit' (Welton Wold Quarry).
(Figure 5.12) The Red Chalk and Ferriby Chalk succession at Melton Bottom Chalk Pit (the 'Lower Pit' at Melton, (Figure 5.11)) (N. = Neostlingoceras). (After Whitham, 1991.)
(Figure 5.13) The stratotype section for the Welton Chalk Formation at Welton Wad Quarry (the 'Upper Pit' at Melton, (Figure 5.11)). (After Whitham, 1991, fig. 5.)
(Figure 5.14) The Welton Chalk Formation in the Northern Province, Melton Ross Quarry, Lincolnshire. (a) The lower part of the Welton Chalk Formation marker marl seams. Note the typical conjugate fractures characteristic of this Chalk. (b) The Chalk Hill Marls and the First Main Flint at the boundary between the Mytiloides spp. and Terebratulina lata zones. This is effectively correlated to the boundary between the Holywell Nodular Chalk and New Pit Chalk formations of the Southern Province. (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 5.15) The location of Enthorpe Railway Cutting and other field sections in the Yorkshire Wolds.
(Figure 5.16) The Enthorpe Railway Cutting GCR Site, exposing the Burnham Chalk Formation from just above the Ulceby Marl to a level above the Easthorpe Tabular Flints in the Beachy Head Zoophycos Beds.
(Figure 5.17) Enthorpe Railway Cutting in the highest Turonian and Lower Coniacian Burnham Chalk Formation. (a) North side of cutting looking NNW (b) South side of cutting looking south-east. (Photos: C.J. Wood.)
(Figure 5.18) The Burnham Chalk Formation section exposed in the abandoned Enthorpe Railway Cutting, Yorkshire Wolds.
(Figure 5.19) Location of key sections in the Flamborough Head GCR site.
(Figure 5.20) The oldest and youngest Chalk exposed on the Yorkshire coast of Flamborough Head. (a) The youngest chalk south of Sewerby Steps in the Flamborough Chalk Formation. This chalk is flintless but contains numerous marl seams. (b) The oldest chalk is at the base of Speeton Cliff in the Hunstanton Red Chalk Formation (HRCF, labelled). This chalk is flintless, but contains numerous flaser marl seams and nodular chalk layers. (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 5.21) The Hunstanton Red Chalk and Ferriby Chalk formations at Speeton Cliff, Yorkshire, showing the stable isotope S13C curve used to identify the Albian–Cenomanian boundary, between peaks 2 and 3. (Modified from Mitchell, 1995a, fig. 11.)
(Figure 5.22) The Cenomanian Ferriby Chalk Formation at Speeton Cliff–Buckton Cliffs, Yorkshire (compare with Figures 5.20b, 5.21, 5.23 and 5.24). For explanations of bed abbreviations, see text.
(Figure 5.23) Lower and central part of the Ferriby Formation at Buckton Cliffs, Flamborough, East Yorkshire. (The '6 Band Group' of limestones of Jeans = 'The Bank' at Southerham Grey Pit; the rib of Limestone = 'The Rib' of Southerham Grey Pit.) (Photos: Dr C.V. Jeans, University of Cambridge.)
(Figure 5.24) Upper part of the Ferriby Chalk Formation (Cenomanian) at Buckton Cliffs, Flamborough, East Yorkshire. (Nettleton Stone = approximate position of the base of the Acanthoceras jukesbrownei Zone; P/B Break = Plantonic/Benthic ratio change, the approximate position of the Turrilites costatusacutus sub-zonal boundary) (Photos: Dr C.V. Jeans, University of Cambridge.)
(Figure 5.25) Looking east onto the cliffs at North Landing, Flamborough Head, Yorkshire, where the Welton–Burnham Chalk boundary is well exposed. Spectacular Paramoudra flints are present in the basal unit of the Burnham Chalk Formation. (Photo: C.J. Wood.)
(Figure 5.26) The Welton Chalk and basal Burnham Chalk formations at the Flamborough Head GCR site between Speeton Cliff and North Landing. (After Mitchell, 2000; and unpublished logs of C.J. Wood.)
(Figure 5.27) Chalk cliffs on the east side of Breil Nook, Flamborough Head, Yorkshire, illustrating rhythmically bedded Burnham Chalk Formation with flint bands (Micraster cortestudinarium and M. coranguinum zones). These inaccessible cliffs have never been measured or properly interpreted. (Photo: A.A. Morter.)
(Figure 5.28) The 'disturbed zone' at Selwicks Bay, Flamborough Head, Yorkshire. The series of faults displaces the chalk by 23 m down to the south, bringing Flamborough Chalk against Burnham Chalk. (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 5.29) Correlation from Stottle Bank across the Selwicks Bay Fault to Flamborough Head (High Stacks) with inferred biostratigraphy.
(Figure 5.30) Formation of sea stacks and the Flamborough Fault Zone at Selwicks Bay, Flamborough Head, Yorkshire. (Photo: Cambridge University Collection of Aerial Photography: copyright reserved).
(Figure 5.31) A simplified true scale section of the highest Burnham Chalk Formation and Flamborough Chalk Formation from Stottle Bank to the Sewerby Steps Quaternary cliff section. For details of the highest Burnham Chalk and basal Flamborough Chalk formations, see (Figure 5.29).
(Figure 6.1) Main Upper Cretaceous localities in the Inner Hebrides Province; GCR sites are in bold type face.
(Figure 6.2) Structural elements and volcanic centres affecting Inner Hebrides Upper Cretaceous sedimentation.
(Figure 6.3) Lithologies in the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Inner Hebrides. (a) The Clach Alasdair Conglomerate, Clach Alasdair, Eigg. (b) The Thalassinoides bed (arrowed) in white sandstones at Carsaig, Mull. (c) Upper Cretaceous Greensand with phosphatic concretions resting unconformably on Jurassic shales, Clach Alasdair, Eigg. (d) Upper Cretaceous Greensand with phosphatic concretions (arrowed), Clach Alasdair, Eigg. (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 6.4) The Auchnacraig Section 1, Mull (see also (Figure 6.5)).
(Figure 6.5) Lateral variation in the Upper Cretaceous stratigraphy on Mull illustrated by the Auchnacraig sections and the nearby Torosay section. These sections are near the Great Glen Fault. See also (Figure 6.4) for notes on the beds.
(Figure 6.6) The Upper Cretaceous GCR sites at Gribun, Mull.
(Figure 6.7) Gribun landslip section, (sometimes known as the 'Gribun Boulder' — Gribun Boulder 1, in the present volume).
(Figure 6.8) The stratigraphy of the Gribun Stream Boulder, which exposes beds stratigraphically above Gribun Boulder 1.
(Figure 6.9) The Gribun Stream Boulder illustrating the stratigraphy of the Chalk and its contact with the overlying sandstones, conglomerate and mudstones. Note, on figure (b) the mudstone is altered, hard (red) and shaly; the sandstone is altered, hard and red, with flint/chalk conglomerate; the greensands have partly turned red forming a flaser structure in the topmost chalk; the cherry chalk is fawn-coloured with saccharoidal silicified, millet-seed sand-fills around the chalk; the dark grey flinty chalk looks like typical flint. (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 6.10) Cut slabs showing details of the uppermost 0.5 m of the Gribun Chalk Formation from the Gribun Stream Boulder, Mull.
(Figure 6.11) Second cut slab of the Gribun Chalk Formation from the Gribun Stream Boulder, Mull.
(Figure 6.12) Group I exposures. (a) Northern end of Gribun Boulder 1 (arrowed). (b-f) The Clachandhu Boulders, behind Clachandhu Cottage, at the northern end of Gribun, Mull; (b) Clachandhu Cottage, with the Clachandhu Boulders behind; (c) The First (northernmost) Boulder (Clachandhu Boulder 1), immediately behind cottage; (d) the Second (central) Boulder (Clachandhu Boulder 2) showing the Chalk-red shale contact; (e, f) The Third (most southerly) Boulder (Clachandhu Boulder 3), adjacent to fence showing the contact between greensands and silicified chalk. (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 6.13) The stratigraphy of the Clachandhu Boulders at Gribun, Mull. Details of the beds are not as clear as in the Gribun Stream Boulder.
(Figure 6.14) Panoramic view looking east over the southern end of Gribun and The Wilderness. The Mesozoic rocks form the flatter farmland in the foreground. Tertiary basaltic lavas form the high crags and plateaus and the Upper Cretaceous deposits are found in intermittent slivers beneath the basalts. (Photomosaic: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 6.15) (a, b, c) Allt na Teangaidh, Gribun, Mull, looking north-west from the pass above the waterfalls to the Island of Inch Kenneth where a thick succession of Triassic sediments is present. (Photomosaics: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 6.16) The Gribun Group III exposures, Allt na Teangaidh stream bed, Mull.
(Figure 6.17) Details from the Gribun sandstones. (a) Base of the Allt na Teangaidh section; greensands pass up into laminated beds and the calcareous nodular bed. (b) Abundant Rhynchostreon oyster horizon in a Balmeanach sandstone boulder. (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 6.18) The Caisteal Sloc nam Ban section in The Wilderness, Mull. Section drawn as a weathered profile of the rock exposure, not as a sedimentological grain-size profile.
(Figure 6.19) The most southerly Upper Cretaceous? or basal Palaeocene section in Gribun at Caisteal Sloc nam Ban, Mull, showing two conglomerates separated by a thick 'white', millet-seed sandstone unit. The lower conglomerate is a mixture of silicified chalk fragments and well-rounded quartz pebbles and cobbles, all poorly sorted, and containing sand/gravel lenses. The upper conglomerate is primarily composed of flints including red flints. (a, b, c) Upper section beneath Tertiary basalts, the poorly sorted flint conglomerates including red and green coloured flints. (d, e, f) Lower section with the waterfall on the white sandstone and the under-cut section in a silicified chalk quartz sand and gravel deposit, which thickens in a wedge from beyond the waterfall towards the geologist. Many Upper Cretaceous fossils are present in the reworked chalky material. (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 6.20) Two views of the Carsaig sections. (a) Sections above Carsaig House include the waterfall (arrowed). (b) Upper Cretaceous sections (arrowed) north-west of Carsaig beneath basalts and above Jurassic sandstones and shales. (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 6.21) Upper Cretaceous sections at Carsaig, Mull. The far western gully section.
(Figure 6.22) Carsaig main gully section, Mull.
(Figure 6.23) Feorlin Cottage tributary stream section on the east side of Abhainn na Feorlin section under the waterfall, below the road, Carsaig, Mull.
(Figure 6.24) Feorlin Cottage main stream section above the waterfalls formed on massive white sandstone.
(Figure 6.25) Possible correlation of the Upper Cretaceous sections at Carsaig, Mull.
(Figure 6.26) Three Carsaig exposures. (a) North-west of Carsaig, abundant oyster-shell beds (OSB) at the top, and base of, the sandstone are arrowed (see also (Figure 6.25), western gully section). (b) Above Carsaig House, showing an abundant oyster-shell bed (OSB) at the top of the sandstone, and a concretionary bed (CB) at the base of the sandstone. (c) Feorlin Cottage upper stream section. An upper band of chalk/flint separating two sandstone units is arrowed. (Photos: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 6.27) A possible correlation of the Gribun sections, Mull.
(Figure 6.28) The Morvern Upper Cretaceous GCR sites at Beinn Iadain and Beinn na h-Uamha.
(Figure 6.29) Upper Cretaceous GCR Sites at Morvern, Argyll, the main Beinn Iadain section on the south-east corner. ((Figure 6.28), Section 1; re-measured 1998 by R.N. Mortimore and C.J. Wood.)
(Figure 6.30) Small, faulted outlier of Upper Cretaceous sediments on the west bank of Coire Riabhach, north-east side of Beinn ladain, Morvern, north-west Highlands, Scotland. (a) Panoramic view of the north side of Beinn Iadain. (b) A view across the main exposure on the north-east side of Beinn ladain looking south-west. (c) Detail of the upper part of the section, which in downwards order consists of amygdaloidal basalt lava, baked mudstones, lignite with coarse flint pebbles, sandstone and flint conglomerate, thin lignitic mudstone, white cherry chalk and greensands with phosphate layers (see (Figure 6.31)). (d, e) Details of the conspicuous rib of white chalk. (f) Photo turned on its side showing the white sandstone and beds below including the Trias (see (Figure 6.31)). (Photomosaics: R.N. Mortimore.)
(Figure 6.31) The stratigraphy of the Coire Riabhach stream section, Beinn Iadain, Morven. (Measured by R.N. Mortimore, 1999.)
(Figure 6.32) The Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Lochaline Mine Adit section, Lochaline, Morvern. The Gribun Chalk Formation probably incorporates the Clach Alasdair Conglomerate and lignites.
(Figure 6.33) Correlation of the Upper Cretaceous GCR sites at Morvern, Argyll, the main Beinn Iadain sections linked to Lochaline.
(Figure 6.34) Correlation of the Upper Cretaceous GCR sites in the Inner Hebrides at Morvern, Argyll (Beinn Iadain and Lochaline) and at Auchnacraig, Carsaig, and Gribun, Mull. Note the restructuring of the lithostratigraphy of the Inner Hebrides Group.
(Figure 6.35) A composite Antrim Hibernian Greensand Formation succession, Northern Ireland, based on stratotypes of component members. The equivalent of the Cenomanian Greensand of the Inner Hebrides sections at Carsaig, Gribun etc. with large Amphidonte is also present in Northern Ireland. The Colinwell Sands Member, which is only locally preserved in Northern Ireland, may equate with the Inner Hebridean Lochaline White Sandstone Formation. The lower part is correlatable in detail with the Mull and Morvern sections as it contains similar concretionary and burrow beds overlying similar bands of oyster shells. There is also a strong similarity in fossil content (particularly sponges), between the Beinn ladain phosphatic sandy marl, and the Cloghfin Sponge Beds of Northern Ireland. These beds are followed by the onset of real chalk in both areas.
(Table 1.1) Mapping units and formal and informal lithostratigraphical terms. Key references for the Chalk of each Province are shown.
(Table 3.1) Lithostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous at Wilmington Quarry.
(Table 3.2) Lithostratigraphy of Phillips (1818).
(Table 6.1) The Upper Cretaceous Inner Hebrides Group Succession in Mull.