Mortimore, R.N., Wood, C.J. & Gallois, R.W. 2001. British Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphy. Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 23, JNCC, Peterborough. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Southerham Pit, Lewes, Sussex
The Southerham Pit GCR site comprises three former quarries at Lewes, in the core of the Caburn Syncline. From south to north these are Southerham Works Pit (now Cliffe Industrial Estate), Chandlers Yard and the Navigation Pit (combined into one pit during construction of the A26 Cuilfail Tunnel,
These 'Southerham' quarries are cut into the steep, west-facing slope of the Mount Caburn Chalk Block with the hill of Cuilfail overlooking the site from the north. This steep slope, one of the steepest natural slopes in England, was the site of a fatal avalanche in 1856. The avalanche swept off Cuilfail Hill onto a public house, which subsequently became known as 'The Snowdrop'. Mantell (1822, Tablet II, fig. 3) and Jukes-Browne and Hill (1903, pp. 399–402, fig. 72) described the line of hills from Mailing to Southerham informally as the 'Cliff Hills'.
The three former quarries comprising the Southerham Pit GCR site expose Chalk with bedding dips of 30° north at the southern end in Southerham Works Pit, nearly horizontal below the Lewes Golf Club House in the former Chandlers Yard, and 5°–8° south at the northern end in the Navigation Pit. These angles of dip, and the plunge westwards of the strata, were first recorded and illustrated by Mantell (1822, p. 140 and Tablet VII). The quarries have been variously named depending on the occupancy. Southerham Works Pit is the most southerly and largest and was simply known as 'the quarry at Southerham' by Mantell (1822, p. 140) and later the 'Southerham Limekiln Quarry' (Jukes-Browne and Hill, 1904, p. 46), where lime kilns and, subsequently, the cement works, were located. It is now occupied by Cliffe Industrial Estate and exposes most of the Turonian and the Coniacian succession up to the Seven Sisters Flint Band. It includes the famous Lewes Phosphatic Chalk (Strahan, 1896; Jukes-Browne and Hill, 1904, p. 46), floored by Strahan's Hardground (Mortimore, 1986a,b). The phosphatic chalk overlies a mineralized hardground (Strahan's Hardground) which represents the lithification of a local channel. The overlying 15 m of flinty chalk are anomalous and are assumed to represent a channel-fill.
The next quarry to the north, Chandlers Yard, is named after Chandlers, a local Builders Merchants. Chandlers occupied the quarry until the Cuilfail Tunnel was constructed in 1978–1979 (
Southerham Works Quarry
(now Cliffe Industrial Estate)
The Southerham Works Quarry (formerly known as 'Eastwoods Pit' or 'Southerham Cement Works') has provided exposures for studying the stratigraphy of the Chalk since the end of the 18th century. Mantell's The Fossils of the South Downs (1822, Tablet VII) illustrates the extent of his 'Lower Chalk' then exposed at Southerham near the Old Lime Kilns. Parts of this old section still remained when Strahan (1896) and Dibley (1906) described the Lewes Phosphatic Chalk, but until recently it was degraded and overgrown. Since 1980, construction of the Cliffe Industrial Estate has resulted in a complete re-excavation of the whole succession from near the base of the Holywell Nodular Chalk Formation to the Heeding Beds in the upper part of the Lewes Nodular Chalk Formation, providing an outstanding section through the Turonian succession and the phosphatic chalk (Mortimore, 1986a,b; 1997). Parts of the succession were included in the descriptions by Jukes-Browne and Hill (1903, 1904) with lists of fossils and some lithological details. The first detailed logs of the stratigraphy were provided by Mortimore (1979, 1983, 1986a,b) and sketches of the exposures showing the stratigraphy are illustrated in Mortimore (1997).
At the southern end of the quarry, the beds of the Holywell Nodular Chalk Formation dip relatively steeply north at 25°–30°. The lowest horizons that can be identified are the Holywell Marls and the griotte or flaser bedded chalks containing bands of abundant Mytiloides
A strongly developed, red-orange, iron-stained nodular chalk bed in the now poorly exposed upper part of the section, where it turns eastwards towards the Mailing Street Marls exposures, is the lateral equivalent of Glyndebourne Hardground 1 in the anomalous succession at Glyndebourne Pit 1. The section up to the Mailing Street Marls is poor, but the two dark, plastic marls are well exposed at the south corner behind the first building (Mortimore, 1997, fig. 8). Iron-stained nodular beds, equivalent to Glyndebourne Hardgrounds 2 and 3
The section between the Mailing Street Marls and Strahan's Hardground is largely covered by scree, but the section above, up to the Cliffe Hardground, is well exposed. The lowest beds below the hardground contain a well-developed bed of nodular chalk overlain by a thick, plastic marl. Some 2 m above is the hardground originally described by Strahan (1896), and later named 'Strahan's Hardground' (Mortimore, 1986a,b). It is an intensely indurated chalkstone penetrated by an extensive Thalassinoides burrow system, which pipes the overlying phosphatic chalk up to 0.15 m below the heavily phosphatized surface. The walls of the burrows are glauconitized and phosphatized and the phosphatic chalk fills may include bored and mineralized pebbles of hardened chalk.
The hardground is overlain by the Lewes Phosphatic Chalk (Strahan, 1896;
In the succeeding section, the Caburn and Bridgewick marls are readily identifiable. Farther north in the old quarry, the Lewes Marl and Lewes Tubular Flints and the Navigation Marls can be seen on the steeply dipping south flank of the Caburn Syncline. At the northern limit of the quarry
Navigation Pit and Chandlers Yard
Construction of the Cuilfail Tunnel (1976–1978) has partly obscured the section formerly exposed in the Navigation Pit. As a result of the southerly dip, the entire lower Lewes Nodular Chalk succession' up to the Lewes Marl was exposed during construction of the tunnel. The Navigation Pit is the stratotype section for the Lewes Marl and the Lewes Ilibular Flints, as well as for the succession between the Lewes Marl and the Cliffe Hardground. The latter comprises, in ascending order, the South Street Beds, Navigation Beds and Cliffe Beds (Mortimore, 1986a) and includes several key marker horizons, notably the South Street Marl, the Lewes Nodular Chalks, the Cuilfail Zoophycos (Flints) and the Navigation Hardgrounds and Navigation Marls. The University of Brighton's South Street Research Borehole was drilled in the floor of Chandlers Yard, immediately to the south, to provide control geophysical logs. The non-standard resistivity and gamma logs obtained (Mortimore, 1986b) helped in the interpretation of the stratigraphical position of Strahan's Hardground and the overlying Lewes Phosphatic Chalk (see below) and provided information on thicknesses of the Turonian Chalk in the area. These stratigraphical studies were complemented by the logs from three rotary cored boreholes and the logging of an old well sunk through the hillside.
The highest beds of the lower Lewes Nodular Chalk Formation (upper part of the Kingston Beds,
The top of the lower Lewes Nodular Chalk Formation is marked by a bed of hard, iron-stained nodular chalk, which is overlain by the Lewes Marl, 0.05–0.1 m thick (cf.
Above this level, following two bands of conspicuous nodular flints (Snowdrop Flints,
In Southerham Works Pit abundant Lower Turonian Mytiloides have been obtained from the Holywell Nodular Chalk Formation in association with bands of Orbirhynchia cuvieri (d'Orbigny). There is a conspicuous change to a brachiopod-Conulus subrotundus assemblage above the Gun Gardens Main Marl, which marks the base of the Middle Turonian Substage
The ammonite Lewesiceras peramplum has been collected from between the two Southerham Marls in association with a remarkable specimen of Holaster cf. subglobosus (Leske).
In the Navigation Pit, the beds from the base of the section around the Breaky Bottom Flint up to the Navigation Marl 1
The Lewes Marl is remarkable for the abundance of Micraster leskei Desmoulins and Mytiloides that it contains. Some 500 specimens of Micraster have been collected from this marl here and in the chalk pits surrounding Lewes. The Micraster are predominatly the large forms of leskei (leskei magna of Drummond, in manuscript) in contrast to smaller forms typically found on the top surface of the Chalk Rock at Charnage Down Chalk Pit and Kensworth Chalk Pit. The interval above the marl containing the Upper Lewes Tubular Flints is characterized by Micraster praecursor (Rowe, in manuscript; Drummond, 1983).
Very large specimens of Micraster are found in the higher part of the South Street Beds
Late Turonian Mytiloides are found in the South Street Beds and, with the evidence from Shoreham Cement Works, probably range up to the Navigation Hardgrounds. The topmost Turonian–Lower Coniacian inoceramid bivalve Cremnoceramus waltersdorfensis (Andert) has been found in the Navigation Marls and Micraster normanniae Bucaille enters above the Lewes Nodular Chalks. M. normanniae was taken in France to mark the traditional base of the stratotype Senonian, and by inference, therefore, the base of the Coniacian Stage. The presence of this fossil at Southerham led to earlier suggestions that the base of the Coniacian Stage might coincide with the base of the Navigation Beds rather than with the top of these beds (Bailey et al., 1983, 1984; Mortimore and Pomerol, 1987; Pomerol et al., 1987).
The sections comprising the composite Southerham Pit GCR site cannot be studied in isolation, but need to be seen in the context of the other exposures around Mount Caburn and the sections at Beachy Head, Eastbourne and Upper Beeding, Shoreham (Mortimore, 1986a).
In the Lower and Middle Turonian strata, a key section in relation to Southerham Pit is Glyndebourne Pit 1
In the upper section at Glyndebourne Pit 1, the Gun Gardens Main Marl, at the top of the Holywell Nodular Chalk, is well developed. This marl is overlain by a 1 m thick bed with slender finger-flints, the Glyndebourne Tubular and Finger Flints, for which this is the type locality (Mortimore, 1990, 1997; Mortimore and Pomerol, 1996). These flints are white externally and hence are relatively inconspicuous. The marl and the associated flints occur very widely throughout the Southern Province and Anglo-Paris Basin but have not so far been recognized in the extremely condensed sections in the Folkestone–Dover section (Folkestone to Kingsdown GCR site) although they are present in the North Downs Medway Pits at Haling. They mark a break from the Mytiloides-dominated, shelly Holywell Nodular Chalk Formation to the brachiopod-rich, smooth chalks with the echinoid Conulus subrotundus (Leske), that characterize the basal part of the New Pit Chalk Formation. The entry of the international marker for the base of the Middle Turonian Substage, the ammonite Collignoniceras woollgari (Mantell), has been located in situ in this section and a succession of Mytiloides from M. mytiloides (Mantell) to M. subhercynicus (Seitz) has been identified (Mortimore and Pomerol, 1991b, 1996). In conjunction with data from the expanded Beachy Head (Gun Gardens) section, these fossil records enable the basal Middle Turonian Chalk successions of the Southern Province to be linked to the ammonite and inoceramid bivalve standard international zonal schemes.
Of particular interest in this pit is a group of six glauconitized and phosphatized hargrounds, the Glyndebourne Hardgrounds (Mortimore, 1986a,b, 1997; Mortimore and Pomerol, 1987, 1991a,b, 1996) in the Middle Turonian Substage. Glyndebourne is the only place in England where hardgrounds associated with phosphatic chalks are known from the Middle Turonian Substage. Hardground 1 is located below the Mailing Street Marls, while the remaining hardgrounds lie above these marls. The interval between Hardground 1 and the Mailing Street Marls contains beds of chalk intraclast conglomerates, indicating synsedimentary erosion and channelling. In the Southerham Works Quarry (Cliffe Industrial Estate) section of the Southerham Pit GCR site, Glyndebourne Hardgrounds 1, 2 and 3 are represented by iron-stained nodular beds. Whether or not any of the higher Glyndebourne Hardgrounds (4, 5 or 6) relate to Strahan's Hardground at that locality is uncertain. Hardgrounds of a similar age, the Tilleul Hardgrounds, are present on the French Normandy coast at Tilleul (Mortimore and Pomerol, 1997, fig. 14).
At the nearby Glyndebourne Pit 2
Glynde Pit
Three additional chalk pits around Mount Caburn expose sections that are critical to long-range correlations within the Southern Province (and deserve to be considered for GCR status). The very large Caburn Pit
The occurrence of Micraster michelini (Agassiz) immediately below the Caburn Marl in the Caburn pit (Mortimore, 1986a) compares with records (Stokes, 1975) of similar forms from below this marl at Langdon Stairs, Dover (Folkestone to Kingsdown GCR site). The Turonian zonal index ammonite, Romaniceras deverianum (d'Orbigny) has been collected here just above the Glynde Marls. The occurrence of the diminutive, wheel-like bryozoan, Bicavea rotaformis Gregory, in the nodular beds immediately above the Caburn Marl (Mortimore, 1986a), establishes a key correlation with the abundance level of this species above the so-called 'Grey Marl' in the Compton Down, Isle of Wight GCR site (Rowe, 1908, White, 1921). This event-occurrence has not been traced farther east, since it is not represented at Dover, or in any of the correlative sections in the North Downs (Mortimore and Wood, 1986, fig. 3.3).
New Pit Depot
Bridgewick Pit
Despite the wealth of stratigraphical information from the Lewes chalk pits, one outstanding stratigraphical anomaly remains. Dating Strahan's Hardground and the overlying Lewes Phosphatic Chalk in the Southerham Works Pit has proved very difficult. It clearly lies above a New Pit Marl seam, and below Southerham Marl 1 and the associated Southerham Flints. The only fossil data are Strahan's (1896) records of Holaster planus (i.e. Sternotaxis plana (Mantell)) and Terebratulina lata R. Etheridge from less than a metre above the hardground. These fossils suggest a horizon in the basal Lewes Nodular Chalk Formation, i.e. at the level where S. plana first becomes common.
The hardground is, however, identifiable as a positive resistivity 'spike' in the non-standard resistivity log of the South Street Borehole in Chandlers Yard, close to the axis of the Caburn Syncline (Mortimore, 1986b, fig. 3.10). The resistivity log suggests that New Pit Marl 2 is missing, and that the marl below the hardground is probably New Pit Marl 1. Furthermore, the succession between the top of the anomalous interval of flinty chalk above the phosphatic chalk, and below the Southerham Flints, is broadly similar to the standard Glynde Beds succession in the New Pit Depot section, on the north side of the Caburn Syncline (Mortimore, 1986b, fig. 3.11). Both of these sections contain two conspicuous bands of nodular flint that, at New Pit Depot, overlie well-developed marl seams (Glynde Marls) and, at Southerham, succeed wispy marls that may represent Glynde Marls. The typically thick, dark, plastic Glynde Marl 1 appears to be absent at the latter locality.
A possible interpretation of the succession is that Strahan's Hardground represents the lithification of the floor of a channel that has cut down from the Glynde Beds, at the base of the Lewes Nodular Chalk, into the New Pit Chalk Formation (e.g. Mortimore and Pomerol, 1987, 1991a). This channel appears to have cut out both Glynde Marl 1 and New Pit Marl 2, to terminate just above New Pit Marl 1. The anomalous flinty chalk above the phosphatic chalk can be inferred to represent the channel fill. The exposure of the hardground is laterally extremely limited and consequently the original extent and geometry of the channel remain unclear. There is no evidence for Strahan's Hardground at New Pit Depot, only 3 km from the Cliffe Industrial Estate, but on the northern, less steeply inclined flank of the Caburn Syncline. The New Pit Chalk Formation–Lewes Nodular Chalk Formation boundary is represented in New Pit by a standard succession. These facts indicate that the anomalous succession is restricted to the axis of the syncline and to the steeply dipping northern flank of the Kingston Anticline.
The succession comprising Strahan's Hardground, the overlying Lewes Phosphatic Chalk and the anomalous interval of flinty chalk below the Southerham Marls has a major bearing on the interpretation of the base of the Lewes Nodular Chalk Formation and its probable correlative, the Chalk Rock of the Marlborough–Berkshire Downs (see Fognam Quarry GCR site report, this volume). The localization of the hardground and phosphatic chalks on the northern, steeply dipping limb of the Kingston Anticline, underlain by a major inversion fault-line, suggests tectonic control of sedimentation (Mortimore, 1986b; Mortimore and Pomerol, 1987, 1991a, 1997).
The Southerham Pit GCR site provides a unique composite inland section through an almost complete Turonian succession. This includes the thickest, most complete and most fossiliferous, Turonian–Coniacian boundary succession in the Southern Province, which is consequently of great potential international importance. This importance is enhanced by the abundance and variety of the echinoid genus Micraster and the inoceramid bivalves in the Turonian and Coniacian stages. Many type and figured species are also considered to have come from the Chalk pits in the vicinity including Micraster corbovis and Collignoniceras woollgari.
The site includes the type sections for the Southerham and Lewes marls, the Lewes Tubular Flints, the Cuilfail Zoophycos, the Navigation Hardgrounds and Navigation Marls and the Cliffe Hardground, all of which are used as marker horizons for correlation within and outside the Southern Province. Other marker horizons (New Pit Marls, Glynde Marls, Caburn Marls and Bridgewick Marls) have their type sections in nearby related pits. The GCR site and these related sites collectively provide the standard section for the Lewes Nodular Chalk Formation and for the framework of Turonian detrital marls and vulcanogenic marls. These relatively expanded sections help in the interpretation of the condensed successions in the adjoining regions.
The site is unique in the occurrence of Strahan's Hardground and the Lewes Phosphatic Chalk in the Middle Turonian succession. Solving the stratigraphy of these deposits and establishing their relationship with the Chalk Rock is a key to understanding sedimentary processes in the Chalk.