Stephenson, D., Loughlin, S.C., Millward, D., Waters, C.N. & Williamson, I.T. 2003. Carboniferous and Permian Igneous Rocks of Great Britain North of the Variscan Front. Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 27, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 497 2. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Cottonshope Head Quarry, Northumberland
D. Millward
A thin succession of tholeiitic, olivine-phyric basalts, referred to as the 'Cottonshope lavas' or 'Cottonshope basalts', is the only exposed record of effusive volcanic activity associated with development of the Northumberland Basin in Early Carboniferous times. The lavas crop out in a handful of localities south-west of the Cheviot Block, including Spithope Burn
The few published descriptions of the Cottonshope basalts are brief. C.T. Clough carried out the original geological survey of the area and his description of these rocks was incorporated in the Otterburn and Elsdon memoir (Miller, 1887). The succession and petrography were described later by Tomkeieff (1931). The area including the GCR site was re-mapped in 1932 by W Anderson and is included in the Geological Survey Sheet 8 (1951). Previous work was summarized by Randall (1995a).
The description of the Cottonshope Head Quarry GCR site is based on the published accounts and on field maps and manuscript notes in the British Geological Survey archives; this is supplemented by recent observations.
The upper part of the Cottonshope valley provides a complete section through the relatively poorly exposed Cottonshope basalts
The volcanic succession comprises three sheets of basalt. The lowest one is 12 m thick and has an undulating pillow-like to slaggy, scoriaceous top in which there are sedimentary infills. This is overlain directly by vesicular basalt, 6 m thick. The uppermost basalt is also 6 m thick, but is separated from the underlying ones by 6 m of bedded mudstones, flaggy sandstones and 'cementstones'. In the Spithope Burn
'Upper lava: | lava, dark grey with a few small vesicles 10 feet [3 m]. |
Vesicular lava with inclusions of shale and cementstones up to 2 x 1 feet in size, 1 to 10 feet [0.3–3 m]. | |
Junction between lavas slightly undulating. | |
Lower lava: | vesicular lava, coloured. The amygdales are filled with quartz and calcite, lined with green earth (chlorite) 3 feet [0.9 m]. |
Grey lava, apparently similar to top lava 8 feet [2.4 m].' |
Miller (1887) described the inclusions of sedimentary rock recorded from the upper unit as having been bleached and altered by heat. The base of the upper unit was poorly exposed at the rear of the quarry in the summer of 2000, adjacent to a small stream. There, unbedded carbonate rock appeared to contain scattered angular fragments of basalt.
Though the volcanic rocks are generally conformable with the sedimentary rocks, Miller (1887) noted possible irregularity at the base of the lowest basalt in a stream about 800 m south of Cottonshope Head, probably at about
Generally, the basalt is closely fractured and considerably altered, though fresher material is noted from Calley Sike
The manuscript notes also record that the southern face of the quarry is formed by an easterly trending vein of quartz and galena about 80 mm wide. This is one of two similarly orientated veins, the second of which is exposed in Cottonshope Burn, 250 m downstream from Cottonshope
The Cottonshope basalts were interpreted as subaqueous by Miller (1887) and as submarine by Taylor et al. (1971). However, the presence of 'cornstones' in the sequence below the lavas suggests a subaerial environment. 'Cornstones' form as a result of a fluctuating water table through the soils of semi-arid floodplains. The 'cementstone' succession interbedded with, and overlying, the lavas is also thought to have been deposited on a fluvial coastal plain with lagoons (Taylor et al., 1971).
Miller (1887) considered that the inclusions of sedimentary rock seen in the basalts were caught up in the moving flow and that some of the larger masses of sandstone represent the filling of an irregular topography during the intervals between eruptions. However, the undulating and pillow-like form to the top of each basalt was thought by Tomkeieff (1931) to resemble the hummocky and ropy surface of subaerial pahoehoe lava, though similar surface features are now known to be characteristic of submarine sheet-flows. He also concluded that fragments of sediment within the lava, and clasts of basalt within the sedimentary rocks overlying the second unit at Spithope, indicate that the basalts and sediments were contemporaneous, and hence imply an extrusive origin.
The three basalt lavas preserved in the Cottonshope Burn outcrop make this the thickest and best development of the Cottonshope basalts. Elsewhere, only one lava is thought to be present. Tomkeieff (1931) speculated on the source of the lavas. On Carter Fell
The Cottonshope basalts, which lie only about 100 m beneath the top of the Cement-stone Group in Redesdale, have been tentatively assigned an early Tournaisian age. This is not well constrained because of the restricted nature of the fossils in the enclosing sedimentary rocks (Taylor et al., 1971). The Cementstone Group of Northumberland probably correlates with the Lower Border Group farther west, and the top of the latter corresponds approximately to the Tournaisian–Visean boundary.
The recent discovery of 'cornstones' within the Lower Freestone Beds provides significant new evidence for eruption of the Cottonshope basalts during early Tournaisian times. M.A.E. Browne (pers. comm., 2000) examined the succession in Cottonshope Burn and concluded that the lithofacies present are typical of the Kinnesswood Formation of central Scotland. In the New Cumnock area
The Cottonshope Head Quarry GCR site is representative of the Cottonshope basalts, the only exposed sequence of Early Carboniferous volcanic rocks within the Northumberland Basin. The volcanic succession crops out southwest of the Cheviot Block and comprises up to three intensely altered, massive to highly amygdaloidal and scoriaceous, basalt lavas. The lavas are intercalated with sedimentary rocks of the Cementstone Group of Northumberland and overlie a sequence of sandstone, mudstone and concretionary carbonate ('cornstone') that was deposited on a semi-arid floodplain. The sedimentary rocks below the lavas were formerly assigned to the Lower Freestone Beds, a local formation, but they may be correlated with the Kinnesswood Formation of central Scotland. The age of the latter suggests that the Cottonshope basalts are early Tournaisian in age and hence they are part of the Birrenswark–Kelso volcanic episode.