Stephenson, D., Loughlin, S.C., Millward, D., Waters, C.N. & Williamson, I.T. 2003. Carboniferous and Permian Igneous Rocks of Great Britain North of the Variscan Front. Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 27, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 497 2. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Garleton Hills, East Lothian
I. T Williamson
The upper part of the Garleton Hills Volcanic Formation in East Lothian, represented by the Garleton Hills GCR site, is the erosional remnant of a lava field, built up of evolved trachytic flows and associated pyroclastic rocks
Early Carboniferous volcanism in the Midland Valley of Scotland was dominated by the construction of basaltic and hawaiitic lava fields. However, mugearite, benmoreite and trachyte flows interbedded with the more basic rock-types also feature in many areas (see for example Machrihanish Coast and South Kintyre, Campsie Fells, and Touch, Fintry and Gargunnock Hills GCR site reports). Discrete trachyte-rhyolite centres were also formed in some areas, most notably the Misty Law Trachytic Centre in the Renfrewshire Hills (Johnstone, 1965; Paterson et al., 1990). Studies of these more evolved members of the suite, such as those exposed in the Garleton Hills GCR site, are therefore important in modelling magma genesis and volcanic processes on a province-wide scale.
The Garleton Hills Volcanic Formation is the basal unit of the Visean Strathclyde Group; it is conformable with both the underlying Ballagan Formation (Inverclyde Group) and the overlying Gullane Formation. The underlying and overlying sedimentary rocks have yielded good biostratigraphical evidence of age. In the Spilmersford borehole
Early descriptions of these rocks are by Howell et al. (1866), Geikie (1880, 1897), Hatch (1892) and Clough et al. (1910). The geology of the area has been described more recently by McAdam and Tulloch (1985); accounts of the successions in the Spilmersford and East Linton boreholes are by Davies (1974) and Davies et al. (1986). Petrographical aspects of the rocks were described by McAdam (1974). Localities within the GCR site are used frequently for educational purposes and are included in excursion guides for the district (McAdam et al. in Upton, 1969; Upton and Macdonald in McAdam and Clarkson, 1986).
The Garleton Hills form an area of low hills and escarpments up to 180 m above sea level, about 2.5 km north of Haddington, and in the southwest part of the outcrop of the Garleton Hills Volcanic Formation. The geomorphology is controlled strongly by the effects of both the strike of the rocks and glacial erosion
The stratigraphy of the Garleton Hills Volcanic Formation is shown below.
Thickness (m) | |
Bangley Member | |
Trachyte, quartz-trachyte and augite-phyric quartz-bearing trachyandesite (formerly 'quartz-banakite') lavas, trachytic tuffs | 0–160 |
Hailes Member | |
Feldspar-phyric basalts ('Markle' type) and mugearites | 25–70 |
East Linton Member | |
Mostly plagioclase-olivine-clinopyroxene-phyric basalts (Dunsapie type) and olivine-clinopyroxene-phyric basalts ('Craiglockhart' type), mugearites and analcime-bearing hornblende-phyric trachybasalts (formerly 'kulaites) | 10–90 |
North Berwick Member | |
Red basaltic tuffs and agglomerates, green basaltic tuffs and agglomerates, beds of freshwater limestone and dolostone | 50–150 |
The Garleton Hills Volcanic Formation is divided into four laterally persistent members (see above). The Garleton Hills GCR site is situated mainly within the outcrop of the Bangley Member, but some of the upper units of the Hailes Member are also present. A few volcanic necks and minor basic intrusions cut the lava sequence. The thickness of individual lavas is difficult to assess because interflow junctions are not easily identified and any interbedded vol-caniclastic rocks are not exposed. In addition, most of the flows have much the same characteristics, making correlation problematical even within this relatively small area. However, many of these lavas are probably more than 20 m thick (Upton, 1982). It is not known if, as seems quite likely, some of the units are shallow intrusions into the lava pile.
The oldest lavas within the area crop out in the relatively poorly exposed ground to the north-east of Kae Heughs
At Craigy Hill
The disused quarry cut into the southern flank of Skid Hill
Near Skid Hill, three small areas
The volcanic rocks are extracted for road metal and were formerly used for building stone. Haematite and baryte veins that cut the lavas were once exploited commercially and traces of the old haematite workings can be seen north-west of Phantassie Hill, where working ceased in 1876 (Macgregor et al., 1920; McAdam and Tulloch, 1985).
Published analyses of rocks from the Garleton Hills Volcanic Formation in general and their associated intrusions are few, the most recent, including stable isotope data, being those of Smedley (1986a,b, 1988a). Analyses of trachytic rocks are included only by Livingstone and McKissock (1974), Macdonald (1975) and Smedley (1986a).
Max (1976) and Floyd (1994) have both noted that the Garleton Hills lava field lies over the sub-surface extension of the main Southern Upland Fault, and Upton (1982) suggested that this zone of weakness may have acted as a focus for the development of magma chambers large enough to evolve felsic magmas. Magmas of trachytic composition are considerably more viscous and volatile-rich than those of basaltic and hawaiitic composition. Consequently, the trachytes of the Garleton Hills GCR site are likely to have been erupted as viscous lavas of limited aerial extent, and some may have been emplaced as lava domes. Such eruptions are commonly associated with pyroclastic ash-flow and ash-fall deposits. Thin units of bedded tuff and welded tuff, and also some of volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks are present in the Garleton Hills Volcanic Formation, though none are seen in the Garle-ton Hills GCR site. The presence of the sedimentary rocks shows that volcanic activity was intermittent, and that during the quiescent intervals plant and animal communities were established (Bateman and Scott, 1990; Scott, 1990). Upton (1994) has suggested that the Holocene cinder cones and domes in the Massif Central of France are good analogues of both the basaltic and the trachytic volcanism in the Garleton Hills Volcanic Formation (see also North Berwick Coast GCR site report).
Most geochemical studies of Dinantian volcanic rocks of the Midland Valley of Scotland have concentrated upon the basaltic to hawaiitic members (Macdonald, 1975; Macdonald et al., 1977; MacDonald and Whyte, 1981; Smedley, 1986a). This reflects not only their dominance in almost all sequences across the Carboniferous–Permian Igneous Province of northern Britain, but also that the more basic types are of most use in determining the composition and melting characteristics of the underlying mantle. However, understanding the evolution of the more evolved rocks from these suites, such as those seen in the Garleton Hills GCR site, is critical to our understanding of magmatic processes in the upper crust.
The Garleton Hills trachytes, like other more evolved Dinantian lavas of the Midland Valley, are regarded as the intermediate differentiation products of mildly alkaline and transitional olivine basalt magmas that underwent fractional crystallization in relatively high-level magma chambers (e.g. Macdonald, 1975; MacDonald and Whyte, 1981; Smedley, 1986a). Crustal contamination does not appear to have had a major influence, even in the evolved rocks (Smedley, 1986a). Intrusive rocks of even more evolved composition are represented nearby as the phonolitic trachytes of the Bass Rock and North Berwick Law, and the phonolite of Traprain Law. However, these highly evolved rocks are silica-undersaturated, in contrast to the silica-oversaturated trachytes and quartz trachytes of the extrusive sequence. They have been correlated traditionally with the trachytic rocks of the Garleton Hills, but their only likely extrusive associates are the flows of analcime-bearing hornblende trachybasalt that occur locally at the base of the lava sequence. The significance of this possible association is discussed in the Traprain Law GCR site report.
The volcanic rocks exposed in the Garleton Hills GCR site comprise the upper part of the Visean Garleton Hills Volcanic Formation, a sequence of trachyte lavas and minor pyroclastic beds overlying the mainly basaltic volcanic rocks that comprise the lower parts of the formation (see North Berwick Coast GCR site report). Though trachytic lavas are known from other Dinantian lava fields of the Midland Valley of Scotland, the Garleton Hills GCR site has been selected to represent this important group of geochemically evolved rocks and their style of volcanism. Individual trachyte lavas are probably more than 20 m thick, and were probably erupted as highly viscous flows or even as steep-sided domes. The extrusive rocks are cut by the remains of a few small volcanic necks that represent the feeders to-the volcanoes.
The trachytes probably represent the magma that remained in magma chambers at relatively high crustal levels after the eruption, or crystallization at depth, of basalts (the process known as 'crystal fractionation'). Their abundance in East Lothian suggests that magma chambers of considerable volume were present beneath the lava field for considerable time in order to generate magmas of this composition. Such magma chambers may have been located along the projected continuation at depth of the Southern Upland Fault.