Stephenson, D., Loughlin, S.C., Millward, D., Waters, C.N. & Williamson, I.T. 2003. Carboniferous and Permian Igneous Rocks of Great Britain North of the Variscan Front. Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 27, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 497 2. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Holy Island, Northumberland
S.C. Loughlin and D. Stephenson
The Holy Island coastal GCR site exhibits excellent exposures of a dyke system, related to the Whin Sill-complex, extending for over 30 km from Coldstream in the west to reefs off the east coast of Northumberland
The field relationships of the 'dyke' have been described by several authors (Winch, 1822; Trevelyan, 1823; Tate, 1868, 1871; Gunn, 1900; Carruthers et al., 1927). Holmes and Harwood (1928) included it in their petrographical study of the Whin Sill-complex and Holmes and Mockler (1931) produced a general summary. The most definitive account of the field relationships is that by Randall and Farmer (1970), who described the internal structure and the unusual flow textures in some detail. The intrusion was the subject of a palaeomagnetic study by Giddings et al. (1971) and a detailed magnetic survey of the mainland part of the dyke system was conducted by El-Harathi and Tarling (1988). However, it was the magnetic survey of Goulty et al. (2000) that revealed the most about the structure of the intrusion and resulted in a radical re-appraisal of its form. A weighted mean Ar-Ar age of 294 ± 2 Ma has recently been obtained from groundmass plagioclase in this intrusion (M. Timmerman, pers. comm., 2002). The 'dyke' is included in a field itinerary for Holy Island, described by Randall and Senior in the excursion guide of Scrutton (1995).
The Holy Island Subswarm is the most northerly of the major dyke subswarms associated with the Great Whin Sill and is close to its northern limit (see Budle Point to Harkess Rocks GCR site report). In general, the mineralogy of the component dykes is the same as the sill, but the Holy Island 'Dyke' is porphyritic with phenocrysts of plagioclase, clinopyroxene and iron oxides in a fine-grained groundmass (Holmes and Harwood, 1928; Holmes and Mockler, 1931). On Holy Island itself there are five discrete en échelon outcrops, each of which has an east–west trend (Randall and Farmer, 1970). The outcrops reach a maximum width of c. 60 m but there is no northern contact exposed. The southern contact is undulating in places, but generally dips steeply to the south. The upper surface of each outcrop is generally irregular but in places it appears to be a planar margin to the intrusion, with a gentle dip to the east.
St Cuthbert's Isle
St Cuthbert's Isle
Immediately below this zone is a further amygdaloidal layer, about 0.8 m thick, in which the amygdales are small and spherical. This layer can be traced across much of the isle, suggesting that the upper surface of the intrusion was nowhere more than a metre or so above the current erosion surface.
Immediately to the south-east of the isle, a south-facing dolerite scarp, less than 1 m high and trending east-west, is exposed at low tide. This has been interpreted by Goulty et al. (2000) as the southern margin of a dyke, in continuity with the flat-lying sill that forms the main outcrop of St Cuthbert's Isle.
Heugh Hill
The Heugh Hill outcrop is up to 30 m across and extends some 500 m from the coast opposite St Cuthbert's Isle to the slipway at Steel End
Castle Hill
The outcrop of dolerite at Castle Hill is almost 60 m wide. The undulating southern margin is exposed above the beach, where sub-horizontal sections form a series of benches, some up to 3 m wide. The most obvious bench, at Cockle Stone
Scar Jockey
At Scar Jockey dolerite crops out on the shoreline but no contacts are exposed. Prominent joints dip at 20° to the south-east and are typical of those along the northern margin of the other outcrops (Randall and Farmer, 1970).
Plough Rock and Goldstone Rock
The Plough Rock, 1 km from shore, is composed entirely of dolerite and marks the edge of a reef known as Plough Seat, which is partially visible at very low tides. Dolerite is further exposed 3.5 km offshore on the Goldstone Rock.
The igneous and intrusive nature of the 'dyke' at Holy Island was recognized by early authors (Winch, 1822; Trevelyan, 1823). On early one-inch-scale geological maps of the 1870s all the outcrops on Holy Island and further en échelon segments on the mainland were joined as one long sinuous dyke. Gunn (1900) recognized the discontinuous nature of the dyke and a revision of the six-inch maps took place during the 1920s (Carruthers et al., 1927).
Holmes and Harwood (1928) suggested that the Holy Island 'Dyke' and its mainland equivalents were intruded into pre-existing tension cracks developed during a period of Late Carboniferous east-west compression, which was also responsible for the Holburn and Lemmington anticlines. This theory was accepted by many authors (e.g. Robson, 1954, 1977; Westoll et al., 1955; Shiells, 1964; Wilson, 1970). However, Carruthers et al. (1927) noted field relationships suggesting that the dykes post-dated the compression event, and Jones et al. (1980) pointed out that the tension gashes occur between shear faults that offset the axis of the Holburn Anticline. The magnetic survey of El-Harathi and Tarling (1988) showed that there are four distinct sub-parallel ENE-trending dykes in the mainland part of the subswarm, rather than numerous small offset segments, and they interpreted this as proof that dyke emplacement was not related to an east-west compressional event. They suggested that the dykes represent the infilling of tensional fractures formed after the compressional event, perhaps during isostatic adjustment between the Cheviot Massif and the Northumberland Trough.
Giddings et al. (1971) proposed that at the time of crystallization of the Holy Island 'Dyke', the magnetic pole was at latitude 38° N and longitude 177° E. This is consistent with its formation close to the equator in latest Carboniferous or Early Permian times when the ancient geomagnetic field was reversed. This location is statistically indistinguishable from that determined for the Great Whin Sill by Creer et al. (1959). However, the recently obtained Ar-Ar date of 294 ± 2 Ma is significantly younger than the even more precise 297.4 ± 0.4 Ma U-Pb date from the Great Whin Sill (see Upper Teesdale GCR site report) and may re-inforce views that the sills and dykes are not quite coeval.
The steeply inclined, chilled southern contacts to the intrusion on Holy Island imply a dyke-like body, but several of the outcrops also exhibit planar chilled upper surfaces that dip gently to the east. Sub-horizontal jointing is dominant close to these contacts, increasing in intensity towards them, and parallel zones of flattened elongate amygdales also occur. The sub-horizontal contacts were originally interpreted as the upper termination of a dyke within the Carboniferous sedimentary pile (Randall and Farmer, 1970). Such a blunt termination is most unusual in dykes, which normally taper and pinch-out upwards, yet this interpretation persisted until a detailed magnetic survey by Goulty et al. (2000) suggested a form that fits the field observations much more convincingly
The sill-like parts of the intrusion are characterized by amygdaloidal zones in much the same way as a lava flow. The amygdales are infills of vesicles that formed by the exsolution of volatiles from the magma, probably following rapid decompression as a result of injection into the near-surface sedimentary pile. The rapid release of volatiles causes undercooling, which leads to rapid crystallization of the magma, hence explaining the fine-grained linings around the vesicles (Randall and Farmer, 1970). The quenched linings must have remained plastic for long enough to allow flattening, elongation and the development of flow structures by the still-molten magma moving through the intrusion. The flow structures at the base of the vesicles resemble pahoehoe ropy flow structures on the surface of lava flows and can be used to infer local flow directions
The Holy Island 'Dyke' is an extremely well exposed component of an E–W-trending dyke system at the northern margin of, and related to, the Whin Sill-complex. The upstanding rocky ridge is a significant landscape feature that has clearly influenced the defensive and monastic settlements of Lindisfarne, one of the prime historical sites in Britain.
The exposures comprise several outcrops of quartz-dolerite that show a confusing variety of contact-related features, some steeply inclined and some near horizontal. Originally these were attributed to several en échelon segments of a dyke that terminated close to the present land surface at a broad, gently sloping, near-planar upper surface. However, a geophysical survey has shown that the features are better explained by a series of step-and-stair transgressions that result in alternating dyke-like and sill-like sectors of the intrusion. This re-interpretation has in no way detracted from the potential international importance of the site, which preserves a wide variety of interesting features associated with such structural perturbations in an otherwise regionally persistent major dyke.
Of particular interest are near-horizontal joints and zones of large flattened and elongate amygdales that are prominent close to the upper contacts of the sill-like sectors. The original inner surfaces of the gas bubbles are revealed where the infilling material has been removed by later erosion and these show miniature 'ropey' flow structures. Such structures, which are very rare or possibly unique worldwide, have been used to determine the final flow direction of magma in the dyke.