Stephenson, D., Loughlin, S.C., Millward, D., Waters, C.N. & Williamson, I.T. 2003. Carboniferous and Permian Igneous Rocks of Great Britain North of the Variscan Front. Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 27, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 497 2. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Litton Mill Railway Cutting, Derbyshire
C.N. Waters
The Litton Mill Railway Cutting, in the Wye Valley of Derbyshire, represents the Brigantian Upper Miller's Dale Lava. Here, the lava occurs within a limestone sequence and appears to have flowed across an eroded surface into a lagoonal embayment. The flow-front is well exposed and is shattered and brecciated as a consequence of contact with water. Numerous publications have referred to this section and the significance of the dramatic thinning and termination of the Upper Miller's Dale Lava (Green et al., 1887; Arnold-Bemrose, 1907; Cope, 1933, 1937; Walkden, 1977).
The Upper Miller's Dale Lava, which is also present at the Calton Hill GCR site, commonly consists of several lava flows. The lavas are of Brigantian age and are younger than the Asbian Lower Miller's Dale Lava seen at the Water Swallows Quarry and Tideswell Dale GCR sites
The GCR site comprises a disused railway cutting, extending about 550 m to the west of the Litton Tunnel
Thickness (m) | |
Monsal Dale Limestones: 'Priestcliffe Beds' of Cope (1937) | |
Limestone, dark grey, thinly bedded, very fine-grained with chert nodules; a marked discontinuity is present in the lower part of the section |
17.95 |
Limestone, grey, dark grey towards top, fine grained, irregular bedded with rounded fragments of decomposed lava near base | 1.37 |
Upper Miller's Dale Lava | |
Basalt, brown-weathered, upper 1.52 m poorly exposed, rough flow-banding, rounded masses of harder material up to 0.61 m diameter | up to 5.18 |
Monsal Dale Limestones: including 'Station Quarry Beds' of Cope (1937) | |
Limestone, dark grey, thinly bedded, fine grained, locally crinoidal, cherry in places especially in the upper part, 10 cm-thick K-bentonite 4 m above base; irregular base (unconformity) with pot-holes in underlying Bee Low Limestone filled with impersistent K-bentonite, up to 50 cm thick, overlying conglomerate with pale- and dark-grey limestone clasts | up to c. 10.00 |
Bee Low Limestones: Miller's Dale Beds of Cope (1937) | |
Limestone, pale grey, thickly bedded, very fine-grained, but with some slightly crinoidal or shelly beds | c. 15.00 |
The Upper Miller's Dale Lava is present only in the western part of the section
At the eastern end of the cutting, at the western portal of Litton Tunnel
The Upper Miller's Dale Lava has a typical thickness of about 30 m in Miller's Dale, but decreases markedly in thickness toward the Litton Mill Railway Cutting in the east. This GCR site provides a rare example in England of such a lateral termination of a lava flow, which is both well exposed and easily accessible.
Green et al. (1887) were first to recognize the lateral thinning and dying out of the lava flow. Arnold-Bemrose (1907) suggested that the absence of the flow along part of the railway cutting resulted from the presence of a fault with a downthrow of some 60 m to the east. However, in a detailed description of the cutting and adjacent area, Cope (1933, 1937) discounted the fault model and proposed that the lava died out as a flow-front about 550 m to the west of the Litton Tunnel. Walkden (1977) confirmed the presence of a flow-front and identified bentonites present laterally to the east of the lava. He also identified an intra-Brigantian unconformity beneath the flow and provided an interpretation of the environment of formation of the lava and of the events necessary to produce the succession seen at this site. This is summarized as follows:
- Regional uplift at the end of Asbian time produced a karstic surface at the top of the Bee Low Limestones. Alternatively, this could have been caused by a sea-level fall (Aitkenhead et al., 1985).
- Resumed sedimentation with deposition of the Station Quarry Beds, of early Brigantian age.
- Folding and development of a broad, low-amplitude anticline with a WNW-trending axis, referred to as the Taddington Anticline by Cope (1937), located to the south of the GCR site. The folding is associated with uplift and erosion, with localized removal of the Station Quarry Beds in the hinge of the anticline, re-exposure of the karstic surface on the top of the Bee Low Limestones and filling of potholes with limestone breccia, as seen at the Litton Tunnel portal
(Figure 7.4) . The broad syncline described by Walkden (1977) in the Bee Low Limestones beneath the railway cutting is a product of this folding event. - Eruption of earlier flows of the Upper Miller's Dale Lava to the west, with these flows not reaching the area of the Litton Mill Railway Cutting. Along the cutting this event is found as pyroclastic debris, evident as the lower K-bentonite present only in karstic hollows, such as at the portal of the Litton Tunnel.
- Dormant phase associated with local subsidence and deposition of carbonates of the Monsal Dale Limestones, possibly in an embayment between inactive lava flows.
- Resumption of extrusive activity with the earlier flows over-ridden by a lava that extends eastwards as far as the western end of the Litton Mill Railway Cutting. The tapered margin of this lava seen in the cutting is interpreted as an eastward-facing flow-front developed in a flooded embayment. The lava front displays a blocky and brecciated texture, interpreted by Walkden (1977) as a flow-foot breccia formed as a result of lava entering water and shattering. Palagonitization of the basalt is evident in places, in which devitrification of basaltic glass may have formed by rapid chill and hydration of lavas on entering water. The rapid chilling was sufficient to halt the flow of the lava and cause the development of a steep flow-front. Separate inclined sheets of lava rubble would have developed under water, giving the rough flow-banding described by Cope (1937) and Aitkenhead et al. (1985). The upper 10 cm-thick K-bentonite present at the Litton Tunnel portal may represent a hyaloclastitic carpet of fine-grained volcanic detritus, which accumulated in the lagoon in front of and was over-ridden by, the advancing lava (Walkden, 1977). The irregularly bedded limestones marginal to and overlapping the lava were interpreted by Cope (1937) as having being deposited at the time of the lava flow, and the angular discordance between two steeply dipping packages of limestone beds were interpreted as a foreset by Walkden (1977).
Evidence for two distinct extrusive events is present at Lime Works Quarry
Cope (1937) noted that the nearby Calton Hill Vent occurs in the core of the Taddington Anticline, with the inference that there may be a link between localized uplift and volcanic activity and that the Upper Miller's Dale Lava may have been sourced from the vent. However, the Calton Hill intrusion appears to be younger than the Upper Miller's Dale Lava and is of a different composition (see Calton Hill GCR site report).
The Litton Mill Railway Cutting GCR site shows a dominantly carbonate succession of Early Carboniferous age (c. 330–340 Ma), with evidence for a phase of broad folding, uplift and erosion interrupting deposition of the carbonate sediments. This folding event immediately predated the extrusion of several lavas, collectively known as the Upper Miller's Dale Lava, which crop out over a large area to the north-east of Buxton. The GCR site is representative of the upper part of this volcanic unit and is of great significance as it provides a rare opportunity in the Carboniferous rocks of England and Wales to study the lateral termination of a lava flow. This lava is interpreted as having flowed into a lagoonal embayment, becoming shattered and brecciated as it came into contact with the water. Explosive activity associated with rapid quenching of the lava may have produced a thin bed of fine volcanic detritus, which accumulated in the lagoon immediately in front of the lava flow and was subsequently partly over-ridden by the lava front.