Stephenson, D., Loughlin, S.C., Millward, D., Waters, C.N. & Williamson, I.T. 2003. Carboniferous and Permian Igneous Rocks of Great Britain North of the Variscan Front. Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 27, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 497 2. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Middle Hope, North Somerset
Y.P. Wright and PJ. Cossey
The Middle Hope GCR site, a large coastal site near Weston-super-Mare and about 4 km northeast of the Spring Cove GCR Site, provides a Courceyan to Chadian section extending from the Black Rock Limestone through to the Gully Oolite. The section includes an exceptional development of the Middle Hope Volcanic Beds with undersea lavas and pyroclastic deposits. The section has been described by Geikie and Strahan (1899), Morgan and Reynolds (1904), Sibly (1905), Reynolds (1908, 1917), and more recently by Matthews et al. (1973), Speedyman (in Savage, 1977), Jeffreys (1979), Whittaker and Green (1983) and Faulkner (1989b). The following account is based mainly on the work of Faulkner (1989b). Details of the lava geochemistry are to be found in Faulkner (1989a).
The Lower Carboniferous succession on the Middle Hope peninsula (see
The Middle Hope Volcanic Beds crop out at several locations on the northern side of the Middle Hope peninsula (see
The lower part of the Black Rock Limestone, below the volcanic rocks, consists of decimetre-scale, bioturbated wackestones and packstones, with fissile and manly layers. The fauna consists of crinoids, brachiopods, and rugose and tabulate corals. Trace fossils include Zoophycos, Chondrites, Planolites and Thalassinoides-likeburrows. This is overlain by a unit of multicoloured tuffs, which coarsens upwards. Lapilli-rich layers, 3–5 cm thick, within this unit also increase in grain size upwards. Bioclastic material of marine origin is present in these tuffs. Associated with the tuffs are thin-bedded limestones, some planar stratified or showing symmetrical ripples. The multi-coloured tuffs are in turn overlain by a unit of green, graded and ungraded lapilli-tuffs, with clasts of devitrified amygdaloidal basalt and unidentified chloritized rock, mixed with marine bioclastic material
The Middle Hope Volcanic Beds thin laterally from 37 mat Swallow Cliff in the west, to 4 m in the east of the site
The lower matrix-rich limestones at the base of the Black Rock Limestone represent deposits formed in the outer part of a sloping, shallow marine shelf
The overlying lapilli-tuffs were also deposited in marine waters, and were emplaced either by sediment gravity flows related to the eruptions, or by marine currents. The pillow basalts indicate subaqueous igneous activity, and show that the site was close to the volcanic centre. The marine limestones associated with the lapilli-tuffs were current reworked. The style of the vertical burrows in the sandstones suggests rapid sedimentation and the cyclic repetition of thin rippled layers with drapes of fine tuff indicates fair-weather deposition above wave base (Faulkner, 1989b). This sequence is interpreted as representing deposition of the lapilli-tuffs in relatively shallow water as the volcanic cone built up to its maximum height. Progressive eastward thinning of the volcanic beds suggests that the source of this volcanic material lay to the west of the site.
The thick, cross-stratified grainstone unit at the top of the Black Rock Limestone represents part of a transgressive, high-energy offshore shoal, influenced by longshore or tidal currents that formed in progressively deeper water as the volcanic cone was eroded or as the regional sea level rose, drowning the shoal (Faulkner, 1989b).
The Middle Hope GCR site provides an exceptional section of Tournaisian (Courceyan) marine limestones and volcanic rocks, representing the growth and subsidence of a volcanic cone on the outer part of an Early Carboniferous shallow-sloping marine shelf. The repeated exposure of the Middle Hope Volcanic Beds along the northern shoreline of the site allows the anatomy of the volcanic pile to be reconstructed in detail. The combined association of sedimentological and palaeontological features indicates that although the volcanic high was initially below storm-wave base, it subsequently developed in progressively shallower water as a result of volcanic updoming and the formation of a volcanic cone, which came close to sea level before finally subsiding. Together these features make Middle Hope one of the most important sites for the understanding of Early Carboniferous volcanic processes in southern England.