Stephenson, D., Loughlin, S.C., Millward, D., Waters, C.N. & Williamson, I.T. 2003. Carboniferous and Permian Igneous Rocks of Great Britain North of the Variscan Front. Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 27, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 497 2. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
River Esk, Glencartholm, Dumfries and Galloway
I.T. Williamson
The River Esk at Glencartholm, some 5 km south of Langholm, is the type locality of the Glencartholm Volcanic Beds
The Glencartholm Volcanic Beds were formed during the later part of the syn-extensional phase (Chadwick et al., 1995).
The Glencartholm Volcanic Beds comprise a 150–180 m-thick sequence of tuffs, localized lavas and interbedded mudstone and sandstone (many of which are volcaniclastic) and thin limestones, that occurs at the base of the (Visean) Upper Border Group. Palaeontological data from the interbedded lithologies suggest an age close to the Holkerian–Asbian boundary (George et al., 1976).
Brief accounts of the volcanic beds were included in publications by Peach and Horne (1903), Barrett and Richey (1945), Elliott (1960), Lumsden and Wilson (1961) and Leeder (1974); the most comprehensive description, including the type locality, is that of Lumsden et al. (1967).
Glencartholm has been credited as being the richest fossil fish site within the Carboniferous rocks of the British Isles, and in an international context is one of the most important Palaeozoic vertebrate sites in the world (see Dineley and Metcalf, 1999). It is also an important palaeobotanical site (see Cleal and Thomas, 1995).
The Glencartholm Volcanic Beds are the basal unit of the Upper Border Group, a succession mainly composed of sedimentary rocks and in total probably up to 800 m thick. The group may be divided into a lower unit comprising the volcanic rocks, marine mudstones, limestones and subordinate sandstones and coals, and an overlying upper unit dominated by arenaceous rocks with only subordinate argillaceous strata and thin limestones. These, and equivalent strata of early Asbian age, are known to crop out widely in the western and central parts of the Northumberland Basin, and along the northern margins of the Solway Basin.
The Glencartholm Volcanic Beds form a disconnected series of narrow outcrops extending over a distance of about 10 km from the Irvine Burn north-eastwards to the Muir Burn. Owing to the relatively soft and easily weathered nature of these fragmental volcanic rocks, there are few exposures other than in stream sections. The most extensive sections are found in Haw Gill, Pow Gill and Rae Gill, all streams at the head of the Muir Burn, but the best known, and the designated type locality, is between the Heck's Burn and Mumbie faults in the River Esk at Glencartholm
The best section is seen on the east bank of the River Esk. Here, the strata dip mainly towards the south or SSE at 5° to 60°, but the section is complicated by numerous small faults and folds. The lowest beds, at least 21 m thick, are poorly bedded blue-grey tuffs with thin beds of fine- to coarse-grained volcaniclastic sandstone. Both contain altered fragments of igneous and sedimentary rock. The larger fragments in the tuffs, up to 7.5 cm across, are mostly of sandstone, quartz, chert and 'cementstone'; the igneous clasts are considerably smaller. These are succeeded by interbedded tuffs, tuffaceous sandstones and siltstones, and 'cementstones'. There are numerous thin beds of chert, cherry sandstone and limestone.
The richly fossiliferous beds that have yielded internationally important arthropods and fish, first noted by Peach and Horne (1903), are exposed over a distance of 46 m about 460 m upstream from the mouth of Heck's Burn
The petrography of the volcaniclastic rocks in the River Esk section has been described by R.W. Elliot (in Lumsden et al., 1967). Descriptions of similar rocks in the Archerbeck Borehole
Effusive volcanic activity was not a major feature of this volcanic episode as there are few occurrences of lavas within the Glencartholm Volcanic Beds. None are noted from the River Esk section, but there are subordinate basalt occurrences up to 15 m thick elsewhere in the area. These include olivine-clinopyroxene-plagioclase-phyric basalt in Palling Burn c.
The Glencartholm Volcanic Beds have a wide, but variable, distribution across the Northumberland and Solway basins and were proved at depth in the Archerbeck Borehole near Canonbie (Lumsden and Wilson, 1961). The Oakshawford Tuff of the Bewcastle Anticline (Day, 1970) is probably its lateral equivalent. The sequence in the Archerbeck Borehole is greater than 152 m thick, whereas only a metre of tuff at Oakshawford suggests an abrupt thinning to the south (Leeder, 1974). None of the natural sections is complete, being either faulted or poorly exposed.
The volcanic beds are predominantly of pyroclastic and volcaniclastic sedimentary origin; fine-grained crystal- and lapilli-tuffs in beds a few centimetres to over 20 m thick are typical. The thinner beds, often with upward-fining profiles, are dominated by volcanic material whereas many of the thicker units include a high proportion of non-volcanic detritus. The interbedded, commonly spectacularly fossiliferous, sedimentary rocks were interpreted by Lumsden et al. (1967) as lagoonal to shallow marine sequences that were buried periodically by volcanic, predominantly ash-fall, deposits. The volcanic eruptions effectively contaminated these sedimentary environments, killing off any biota for significant periods until re-colonization could take place.
Volcanic necks and associated minor intrusions in the region appear not to cut strata younger than the Glencartholm Volcanic Beds and have consequently been suggested as possible sources for the volcanic rocks (McRobert, 1920; Lumsden et al., 1967). As much of the igneous detritus is compositionally distinct from the associated lavas, D.C. Knill (in Lumsden and Wilson, 1961) suggested that it may have been derived from the erosion of pre-existing volcanic rocks. However, this scenario was dismissed by Lumsden et al. (1967) on the grounds that similar detritus is not present in the interbedded sedimentary rocks and such rapid and repeated changes in provenance were unlikely to have occurred.
The section in the River Esk at Glencartholm is the type locality for the Visean Glencartholm Volcanic Beds. These predominantly bedded tuffs and volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks, in a succession 150–180 m thick, represent the latest and only significant volcaniclastic event during Dinantian volcanism associated with the early evolution of the Northumberland, Solway and Tweed basins. Fossil plant, arthropod and fish remains within the marine and lagoonal strata interbedded with these rocks are of international importance.