Stephenson, D., Loughlin, S.C., Millward, D., Waters, C.N. & Williamson, I.T. 2003. Carboniferous and Permian Igneous Rocks of Great Britain North of the Variscan Front. Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 27, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 497 2. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Touch, Fintry and Gargunnock Hills, Stirling
I.T. Williamson
The Touch, Fintry and Gargunnock hills between Fintry and _Stirling comprise the most north-easterly fault-bound block of the Dinantian Clyde Plateau Volcanic Formation. The GCR site representative of this fault block comprises the whole of the spectacular, NNW-facing escarpment of the Touch and Gargunnock hills and the WNW-facing scarp of the Fintry Hills to the west
The volcanic rocks were not sub-divided on early geological maps of these hills and only brief descriptions were given by Geikie (1897), who included them within the Clyde Plateau. Dixon (1938) was the first to give more details and to sub-divide the lavas. Little, if any, advance on this was made prior to the Geological Survey's re-mapping during the 1950s, almost entirely by W.A. Read, and the subsequent publication of the accompanying memoir (Francis et al., 1970). That work remains the most detailed study of the district.
The Clyde Plateau Volcanic Formation exposed along the northern escarpment of the Gargunnock Hills and Fintry Hills is conformable upon the Clyde Sandstone Formation of the Inverclyde Group (Paterson and Hall, 1986). This is predominantly composed of fluvial sandstone and conglomerate (Read and Johnson, 1967) and it is probably of late Tournaisian (Chadian) age. The Gargunnock Burn
The upper age of the Clyde Plateau Volcanic Formation is less easily defined than its base as, outwith the GCR site, the highest lavas are separated from overlying volcanic detritus by a markedly diachronous erosional regional unconformity (Dinham and Haldane, 1932; Francis et al., 1970). This unit of conglomerates, sandstones and mudstones, derived from the weathering of the volcanic formation, is similar to the Kirkwood Formation in the western blocks of the Clyde Plateau Volanic Formation (Paterson and Hall, 1986) and is probably of late Visean age.
Evidence for Dinantian volcanism prior to eruption of the earliest lavas is contained in beds of reworked volcaniclastic detritus below the oldest flows at several localities. Francis et al. (1970) included these within the uppermost part of the Clyde Sandstone Formation and noted increasing amounts of volcaniclastic detritus upward in the formation. Near Craigend, on the northern slopes of the Fintry Hills
The lava-dominated main volcanic sequence is 300–400 m thick and thins northwards and eastwards. The lavas are mainly plagioclase-phyric basalts described traditionally as olivine basalts of 'Markle' (macroporphyritic) and 'Jedburgh' (microporphyritic) types. They are more comprehensively described as plagioclase ± olivine ± Fe-oxide-phyric basalts, basaltic hawaiites and hawaiites (Macdonald, 1975). Some flows may be composite. There are also subordinate trachybasalts and mugearites, the latter mainly in the upper half of the succession.
Most of the lavas comprise a central massive facies between marginal rubbly, clinkery and amygdaloidal facies suggesting that they are aa lava. However, many show structures transitional between aa and pahoehoe lava types. Some, for example, exhibit rounded or elliptical masses of either massive or crudely columnar lava enveloped within less structured amygdaloidal lava and autobreccia. These structures may be considered as auto-intrusive features, perhaps representing cross-sections through infilled lava tubes. Such features are more common in pahoehoe lava fields. Some flows are clearly traceable along strike for several kilometres whereas others are more localized, perhaps only a kilometre or less in section. This probably reflects varying volume, viscosity and effusion rates as well as local topographical control during eruption. The lateral persistence, uniform stratigraphy and relatively constant thickness of most of the flows, as seen on the comparatively well-exposed northern escarpment, are typical of continental flood-basalt terrains. Many of the lavas have irregular weathered tops, and lateritic palaeosols (boles) are developed on some. These are seen particularly well at Double Craigs in the Fintry Hills, for example. A thick intercalation of laterite, detrital volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks and possible beds of reworked tephra (the Slackgun Interbasaltic Member), occurs in the lower half of the sequence. This marks a prolonged episode of weathering and the re-distribution of weathered and unconsolidated volcaniclastic materials.
In marked contrast to most of the other regional blocks of the Clyde Plateau Volcanic Formation, there are no agglomerate-filled necks cutting the volcanic sequence in the Touch, Fintry and Gargunnock hills, but there are rare plugs. A good example is the irregular intrusion of microporphyritic olivine basalt within the Slackgun Interbasaltic Member at the Dun, north-east of Fintry
In the west of the GCR site the lavas dip generally between 4° and 8° towards the southeast and south, but farther east the strike swings round so that they generally dip eastwards and north-eastwards at 5° to 15°
There are relatively few faults in the Gargunnock and Fintry hills. A number trend either north-west or NNW generally with small throws down to the north-east. One of the largest is the Balmenoch Burn Fault which throws down to the ENE by at least 30 m. In other parts of the GCR site, some of the very large, approximately E–W-trending structures that affect the Stirlingshire Coalfield (e.g. the Wallstale and Auchenbowie faults) also cut the Clyde Plateau Volcanic Formation.
A few major- and trace-element analyses of lavas from the Touch, Fintry and Gargunnock hills have been published in papers by Macdonald (1975), Macdonald et al. (1977) and Smedley (1988a), with additional data available in theses by Craig (1980) and Smedley (1986a). As with the Clyde Plateau Volcanic Formation in general, the lavas are mildly alkaline to transitional in character, meaning that basic members of the suite comprise both nepheline- and hypersthene-normative types. They can be assigned to the differentiation series ankaramitic basalt–basalt–hawaiite–mugearite–benmoreite–trachyte–rhyolite, although rocks more evolved than mugearite are not recorded from this GCR site.
The detailed lithostratigraphy of the Clyde Plateau Volcanic Formation in the Touch, Fintry and Gargunnock hills was established by Francis et al. (1970). Eleven lava 'groups' were recognized and these are now regarded as members of the formation. The members interdigitate in part and their boundaries may be diachronous
Basal Member
The Basal Member is only present in the eastern area of the Touch and Gargunnock hills, where it forms minor cliffs at the foot of the main escarpment. It comprises a thin sequence of varied lava types with trachybasalt being the most common. In the Baston Burn, (between
Baston Burn Member
The Baston Burn Member comprises mainly plagioclase-macrophyric flows but, as Francis et al. (1970) only refer to them as 'Markle basalts', the sequence may also include basaltic hawaiite and hawaiite. Rare plagioclase-microphyric units may represent parts of localized composite flows. From Baston Burn to Gargunnock Burn, both the thickness and the number of flows increases.
Table 2.1 Succession of the Clyde Plateau Volcanic Formation in the northern part of the Touch, Fintry and Gargunnock hills. (After Francis et al., 1970, table 7.)
Fintry Hills | Touch and Gargunnock hills |
Kirkwood Formation | |
Conglomerates, sandstones and mudstones derived from weathering of Clyde Plateau Volcanic Formation | |
—————— Regional diachronous erosional unconformity —————— | |
Touch House Member (thickness not known) Feldspar-macrophyric olivine basalts | |
Black Mount Member (>24 metres) Microporphyritic basalts and subordinate trachybasalts | |
Fintry Hills Member (>122 metres) Feldspar-macrophyric olivine basalts with a high proportion of microporphyritic basalts and rare trachybasalts | Gargunnock Hills Member (91—>152 metres) Feldspar-macrophyric olivine basalts and composite basalts with subordinate microporphyritic basalts and rare mugearites |
Shelloch Burn Member (40–60 metres) Trachybasalts, microporphyritic basalts and feldspar-macrophyric olivine basalts | Lees Hill Member (0–40 metres) Trachybasalts |
Spout of Ballochleam Member (24–92 metres) Feldspar-microphyric basalts; Stronend Interbasaltic Beds in middle part | |
Slackgun Interbasaltic Member (0–79 metres) Tuff (possibly volcanic detritus),l aterites and weathered lavas | |
——————Unconformity—————— | |
Skiddaw Member (0–37 metres) Feldspar-macrophyric olivine basalts and composite basalts | Baston Burn Member (9–67 metres) Feldspar-macrophyric olivine basalts |
Basal Member (30–46 metres) Trachybasalts, feldspar-macrophyric olivine basalts and feldspar-microphyric basalts | |
Clyde Sandstone Formation | |
Fluvial sandstones and conglomerates; some reworked volcaniclastic detritus in upper part |
The Gargunnock Burn section
Skiddaw Member
From the western end of the Gargunnock Hills into the Fintry Hills, the earliest lavas of the Clyde Plateau Volcanic Formation are assigned to the Skiddaw Member. The lavas are plagioclase-macrophyric types, similar to those of the Baston Burn Member, along with some composite basalt and microporphyritic basalt flows. At Slackgun
Slackgun Interbasaltic Member
The Slackgun Interbasaltic Member is a heterogeneous unit. There are intermittent exposures along parts of Standmilane Craig, but the best are at Slackgun
There are two main lithofacies associations. The lower part is characterized by thick lateritic deposits and rare, thin and laterally impersistent olivine-phyric basaltic lavas, whereas the upper parts form a stratified sequence composed of tuff and volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks. Some of the coarser-grained beds may be cross-bedded and some contain large spindle-shaped clasts that may be volcanic bombs. The lateritic deposits mostly derive from deep subaerial weathering of volcanic rocks in situ, but locally may show evidence of reworking. The member possibly formed, at least in part, during a relatively quiescent interlude in the development of the lava field. Craig (1980) interpreted it as the degraded remains of a line of ash cones.
Spout of Ballochleam Member
The type locality for the Spout of Ballochleam Member is the Boquhan Burn at the Spout of Ballochleam
The Stronend Interbasaltic Beds, comprising a laterite up to 2.75 m thick, occur in the middle part of the member and are seen best below Stronend at
Lees Hill Member
The Lees Hill Member generally forms the crest of the Gargunnock Hills escarpment at the top of cliffs formed by the Spout of Ballochleam Member. There are a few rare olivine-plagioclase-macrophyric flows, but otherwise the Lees Hill Member is dominated by trachybasalt. Francis et al. (1970) recorded a 40 m section of at least two thick trachybasalt flows in the Gargunnock Burn (between
Shelloch Burn Member
The Shelloch Burn Member comprises a variable sequence of trachybasalts and mugearites, along with olivine-plagioclase-macrophyric basalts ('Markle' type) and microporphyritic basalts. Its fullest development is in the northern Fintry Hills where it varies in thickness from 40 m to 60 m. Representative sections are exposed in the Shell-och Burn
The Shelloch Burn and Lees Hill members cannot be correlated despite their similar strati-graphical positions, their lithological similarities and their close proximity. Regionally, they probably correlate with the Langhill and Lower Lecket Hill lavas in the Campsie Fells block (Craig, 1980; Forsyth et al., 1996).
Gargunnock Hills Member
The Gargunnock Hills Member forms the greater part of the dip-slope of the Touch and Gargunnock hills. It comprises mainly plagioclase-macrophyric ('Markle' type) basalt (at least four flows of which are composite), several microporphyritic basalt lavas and rare mugearite. There are also significant lateral variations in the sequence, with micro-porphyritic basalt more common towards the Fintry Hills and the local development of the composite flows. In the eastern Touch Hills the member is more than 90 m thick, but it may have originally exceeded 150 m in the Gargunnock Hills. It can be divided into two units. Part of the upper unit is well exposed on Craigbrock Hill
Fintry Hills Member
The Fintry Hills Member is the youngest unit of the Clyde Plateau Volcanic Formation in the western parts of the Touch, Fintry and Gargunnock Hills GCR site, where it forms the highest ground of the Fintry Hills, south-east of Stronend. The sequence consists of plagioclase-macrophyric ('Markle' type) lavas intercalated with a high proportion of microporphyritic basalts and rare mugearites, and is at least 122 m thick. It may be equivalent to the Gargunnock Hills Member in the Gargunnock and Touch hills, and regionally may correlate with the Denny Muir, Kilsyth Hills and Holehead lavas in the Campsie Fells block (Craig, 1980; Forsyth et al., 1996).
Black Mount Member and Touch House Member
The youngest flows of the Clyde Plateau Volcanic Formation in the Touch, Fintry and Gargunnock hills are not seen within the GCR site. The Black Mount Member comprises at least 24 m of microporphyritic basalt and subordinate trachybasalt and the Touch House Member is composed entirely of plagioclase-macrophyric lavas.
Correlation of the Touch, Fintry and Gargunnock hills sequence with other sequences in the Clyde Plateau Volcanic Formation is illustrated in
Evidence for the existence of small shield volcanoes, vents and caldera structures is abundant throughout the northern Clyde Plateau; many eruption sites lie along linear features. However, unlike the sequences in the Campsie Fells and the Kilsyth, Kilpatrick and Renfrewshire hills, there are only rare plugs and no recorded agglomerate-filled vents or calderas within the Touch, Fintry and Gargunnock hills block. Also, the dykes present seem to be too few and insignificant to be considered the main sources of the lavas. Hence, it is more likely that most of the laterally continuous pahoehoe flows with 'continental flood-basalt' characteristics are the distal products of eruptions along the linear vent–fissure systems in the Campsie and Kilsyth hills (Whyte and MacDonald, 1974; Craig and Hall, 1975; Hall et al., 1998). Other flows, exhibiting proximal features and interbedded tuffs, may have been derived more directly from less voluminous eruptions centred upon small composite shield volcanoes south-west of the area.
Some members of the Clyde Plateau Volcanic Formation apparently thicken south-westwards from the Gargunnock Hills towards the Campsie Fells. This is especially clear in the Spout of Ballochleam Member and its proposed equivalent, the Campsie lavas, as illustrated in
The Touch, Fintry and Gargunnock Hills GCR site represents the most north-easterly of several large, fault-bound blocks that make up the overall outcrop of the Visean Clyde Plateau Volcanic Formation, by far the thickest and most extensive outpouring of Carboniferous or Permian volcanic rocks in the whole of Britain. Sub-parallel terracing, or 'trap' topography, is well developed and is seen particularly well on the long, spectacular, north-facing escarpment of these hills. The GCR site includes rock-types ranging from basalt to mugearite in composition, and there are several examples of ash-fall tuffs, probable remnants of ash cones, interflow sedimentary deposits derived from the reworking of the volcanic rocks, and soils that developed between eruptions. A detailed stratigraphy has been established, enabling comparisons with other blocks within the outcrop of the Clyde Plateau Volcanic Formation, thus allowing realistic three-dimensional models to be constructed for the evolution of the entire lava field through time.