Stephenson, D., Loughlin, S.C., Millward, D., Waters, C.N. & Williamson, I.T. 2003. Carboniferous and Permian Igneous Rocks of Great Britain North of the Variscan Front. Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 27, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 497 2. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Whin Sill exposures in Upper Teesdale, County Durham
High Force
S.C. Loughlin
Upper Teesdale contains a number of classic exposures of the Great Whin Sill, which combine textbook examples of features associated with sill intrusion with spectacular landscapes. The abundant features include the presence of baked sedimentary rocks at the upper and lower contacts of the sill, rafts of baked sedimentary rock within the sill, variations in grain size relating to cooling history, and transgressions where the sill changes level within the country-rock succession. Bands of very coarse-grained pegmatitic facies and felsic veins representing the final products of crystallization are well exposed. In places, joint and fracture surfaces are covered with the zeolite pectolite, which crystallized at a late stage in the cooling of the sill. There are also good examples of the bleached and altered sill-rock known as 'white whin', which is caused by the circulation of mineralizing fluids. The alteration of the sill by these fluids suggests that it pre-dates the northern Pennine mineralization. The Great Whin Sill is at its thickest (73 m) and occurs at its lowest stratigraphical level in Upper Teesdale. From here, the sill thins and rises in stratigraphical level in every direction, forming a 'saucer-shaped' intrusion (A.C. Dunham, 1970; Francis, 1982).
Upper Teesdale is a popular area for students and amateur geologists, which is reflected in the number of field guides and popular accounts of the area (e.g. A.C. Dunham, 1970; Johnson and K.C. Dunham in Johnson, 1973; Skipsey, 1992; Senior in Scrutton, 1995).
The Teesdale Fault, which trends northwest–south-east along the upper part of Teesdale, has a downthrow to the north-east. Hence, to the south-west of the fault are the lowest Visean strata exposed in Teesdale, whereas to the north-east are strata that extend up through the Yoredale Series into the Namurian succession. The Great Whin Sill is here intruded into low stratigraphical levels, around the Melmerby Scar Limestone, and hence its outcrop is mostly restricted to the south-west side of the Teesdale Fault, where the valley sides are dominated by long crags of dolerite
The margins of the Great Whin Sill are commonly fine grained and chilled, with a thin black skin that has commonly been described as glassy, although true glass may not be present. Moving away from the margins, the grain size increases to 2 mm (K.C. Dunham, 1948). Grain-size analyses have shown that the percentage of microphenocrysts increases towards the centre of the sill (Strasser-King, 1973; A.C. Dunham and Strasser-King, 1982). The quartz-dolerite of the main part of the sill is composed typically of 48% plagioclase, 29% clinopyroxene, 7% iron-titanium oxides with small amounts of orthopyroxene, pseudomorphs after olivine, chlorite, amphibole, carbonates, sulphides and apatite.
High Force
The spectacular waterfall of High Force
Dolerite (Great Whin Sill) | 7.31 m |
Altered mudstone | 0.45 m |
Dolerite sill | 1.82 m |
Baked sandstone | 3.65 m |
Mudstones and limestones (Tyne Bottom Limestone) | 9.75 m |
High Force Quarry
Low Force
Between Scoherry Bridge
Near the south-eastern end of the sill outcrop the dolerite has a bleached appearance where it has been altered to 'white whin' (see 'Introduction' to this chapter). The alteration has occurred around a series of thin anasto-mosing mineral veins, which, though barren within the sill, may be followed up through the succession and into an area of mineralization within the Single Post Limestone. The mineral veins and replacement deposits found here contain sphalerite, siderite and pyrite.
Farther upstream, just below Wynch Bridge
Cronkley Fell
On the south bank of the River Tees in Upper Teesdale, the Great Whin Sill forms a 3 km-long line of cliffs known as Cronkley Scar
Falcon Clints and Cauldron Snout
Cow Green Reservoir covers the site of Cow Green Mine which worked extensive veins of galena and baryte. Small mineral veins occur throughout this area and many were worked until the 1950s. At Cauldron Snout
The sill also forms a cliff known as 'Falcon Clints'
The earliest debate about the origins of the Whin Sill focused on the sections in Upper Teesdale, where it was widely believed that the sill is conformable with the surrounding sedimentary rocks (hence the term 'Whin see 'Introduction' to this chapter). Sedgwick (1827) provided very good evidence for the intrusive nature of the sill in Upper Teesdale but, because it appeared to follow almost the same stratigraphical horizon throughout the area, there were those, especially within the mining community, who continued to doubt the evidence (e.g. Hutton, 1838). Phillips (1836) described the sill as a conformable bed, citing the High Force section as an example, but detailed work by the Geological Survey conclusively demonstrated the intrusive nature of the sill in Teesdale (Clough, 1876). Clough presented evidence that the sill is not conformable with underlying sedimentary rocks in the High Force section and also drew attention to the irregular nature of the basal contact, where apophyses of dolerite branch off from the main sill.
The field relationships revealed at this GCR site are now regarded as type examples of the features required to prove the intrusive character of a sheet of igneous rock. For example, thermally metamorphosed sedimentary rocks at both the lower and upper contacts are clearly demonstrated at High Force, Low Force and at Cronidey Scar. The fine-grained nature of the sill close to both contacts is evidence for rapid chilling of the intruded magma against a cooler host rock (columnar jointing is also an expression of cooling between two surfaces although it also commonly develops in lava flows). At a glance the Great Whin Sill does look conformable with the sedimentary rocks at several places in Upper Teesdale but closer inspection shows that most contacts are in fact transgressive; this is demonstrated extremely well at Cronkley Scar but also on a smaller scale at High Force. Both the upper and lower contacts are transgressive and the occurrence of blocks or rafts of sedimentary rock within the dolerite that have clearly detached from the overlying host rock provide further evidence for intrusion.
The Great Whin Sill attains its greatest known thickness of over 70 m in Upper Teesdale. Hence cooling was slow, possibly having taken about 60 years, according to A.C. Dunham and Kaye (1965). Several features can be attributed to the later stages of this slow cooling, such as the sheets of pegmatitic dolerite and felsic veins that are best seen in this area. The radiating growths of pectolite on joints are also considered to have formed during the late stages of cooling, as hydrothermal fluids circulated through the jointed rock (Wager, 1929a,b; Smythe, 1930a). The mineral veins that cut the sill near Low Force, altering it to 'white whin', are particularly significant because they prove that the sill was emplaced prior to the local mineralization event, which is part of the regional northern Pennine mineralization.
The Upper Teesdale GCR site provides a number of classic and scenic exposures of the Great Whin Sill, which demonstrate clearly most features associated with sill intrusion. The sill represents an extensive magma body intruded between layers of Lower Carboniferous sedimentary rocks. Outcrops reveal superb examples of chilled margins, thermally metamorphosed sedimentary rocks at upper and lower contacts, transgressive upper and lower contacts, rafts of baked roof material incorporated in the sill, and columnar jointing. This is the thickest part of the Great Whin Sill and excellent examples of very coarse-grained pegmatitic dolerite, formed during slow cooling, are exposed. A very precise radiometric date of 297.4 Ma has been obtained from this pegmatitic facies. During the late-stage cooling of the sill, hydrothermal fluids deposited the hydrous zeolite mineral pectolite on joint surfaces, and in places the fluids associated with mineral veins have altered the quartz-dolerite to 'white whin'. The latter relationship suggests that the widespread northern Pennine mineralization post-dated emplacement of the sill, which therefore provides a maximum age for this major ore-field.