Barclay, W.J., Browne, M.A.E., McMillan, A.A., Pickett, E.A., Stone, P. & Wilby, P.R. 2005. The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 31, JNCC, Peterborough. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Wilderness (Land Grove) Quarry, Gloucestershire
W.J. Barclay
This site near Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire is a working building stone quarry in the Early Devonian Brownstones Formation of the Lower Old Red Sandstone
The quarry exposes beds dipping steeply (c. 30°) westwards
Thicknesses (m) | |
Thinly bedded, red-brown sandstones and mudstones | c. 10 m |
Red-brown sandstones in large channels, some sandstone beds up to 1 m thick; thin red-brown mudstone interbeds | c. 6 m |
Mudstone, red-brown; prominent persistent bed | c. 1 m |
Sandstone, red-brown, in beds of about 1 m average thickness | c. 4 m |
Mudstone, red-brown, with pale green layers and thin sandstones | c. 2 m |
Sandstone; top forms prominent bedding plane at eastern limit of workings |
The following account of the succession
The beds are arranged in fining-upward cycles. Each has a basal scoured surface overlain by sandstones, and locally conglomerates, in turn overlain by siltstones interbedded with thin sandstones. Fine-grained sandstone-filled desiccation cracks are present locally towards the tops of the siltstones. The scoured surfaces locally cut steeply down into the siltstones and thin sandstones of the underlying cycle. Broad, shallow channels are common in the siltstones, locally extending down to the underlying thick sandstones.
Wilderness Quarry is noted also for yielding one of the highest ostracoderm faunas known from the Lower Old Red Sandstone of south Wales and the Welsh Borderland (Allen et al., 1968). The assorted, disarticulated remains of the ostracoderm Althaspis leachi (White) and, very rarely, the articulated remains of the thelodont Turinia pagei (Powrie) were collected from a distinctive bed of purplish to greenish white sandstone within siltstones 29 m above the base of the section recorded in 1968. This bed occurs high up on the western face of the quarry, but was formerly exposed by the entrance to the quarry 2 m above the quarry floor. In addition, the quarry yields several different types of trace fossil, which are particularly abundant in the siltstones. The traces include irregularly, randomly orientated, branching tubes with longitudinally crinkled walls and less common smooth, sinuous tubes on bedding planes. Planolites occurs in the fish-bearing sandstone.
The fish-bearing sandstone ranges between 14 cm and 25 cm thick and overlies a red siltstone that fills and extends beyond a shallow depression in the top of the underlying sandstone. At its thickest, the bed is a tough, green, fine-grained, parallel-laminated sandstone with scattered siltstone clasts at its base. Over most of its outcrop in the quarry, the bed is a distinctive, fine- to very fine-grained, pinkish to mauve-brown sandstone that is parallel laminated at its base and cross-laminated in its finer-grained upper part. Convolute bedding is widespread.
The succession is interpreted as one that accumulated on an alluvial floodplain (e.g. Allen, 1964a, 1971; Allen et al., 1968). The scoured surfaces at the bases of the cycles were cut by stream channels migrating laterally across the floodplain. The channel-fill sandstones were deposited in high-energy streams, with planar sandstone beds being more common than dune forms. The fine-grained, argillaceous lithologies are interpreted as overbank, extra-channel floodplain deposits, as indicated by their desiccation cracks and pedogenic carbonate (calcrete) nodules. The fish bed, occurring within fine-grade, floodplain facies, probably originated as a flash-flood deposit, either as a crevasse-splay sheet-flood or levee.
Fossil fish remains collected by Sibly in 1915 were first identified as Pteraspis cf dunensis (Trotter, 1942) and later as the Breconian index fossil Rhinopteraspis dunensis (Welch and Trotter, 1961). These, as well as a large collection of pteraspid fragments obtained in 1965 were assigned to Altbaspis leachi (Allen et al., 1968). The presence of this late Dittonian index fossil in beds previously assumed to be Breconian in age emphasizes the need for more accurate definition of the local Anglo-Welsh stages, but may also demonstrate the diachronism of the Brownstones Formation.
Wilderness Quarry provides the best exposure in the Welsh Borderland at which to examine a facies of the Brownstones Formation that is transitional between those of the underlying St Maughans Formation and the overlying, more typical, Brownstones. Although sandstones dominate, mudstone interbeds are common and divide the succession into typical cycles comprising alluvial meandering channel deposits and overbank floodplain facies.
The site is internationally important in yielding the only fossil vertebrate remains from the Brownstones Formation. The occurrence of abundant disarticulated fragments of the late Dittonian index fossil Althaspis leachi in a flood-plain deposit is one of a few such occurrences in the Anglo-Welsh Basin, and provides an insight into the contemporaneous habitats and sedimentary environments of the Anglo-Welsh Basin during Early Devonian times.