Lawson, J.D. and Weedon, D.S. (Eds.) 1992. Geological Excursions around Glasgow & Girvan. Geological Society of Glasgow. This material is part of the series of excursion itineraries published by the Geological Society of Glasgow. Find out more on the Geological Society of Glasgow website.
Excursion 33 Quaternary
W. Graham Jardine
Until comparatively recently, the Quaternary 'Ice Age' was frequently regarded as a time of continuous glaciation of the British Isles. Research over the last 25–30 years has shown such a concept to be incorrect. To date, at least six major cold intervals, alternating with major temperate intervals, have been distinguished in the British Quaternary stratigraphical record. The last three major cold intervals are represented by glacial deposits in parts of Britain north of the Bristol Channel–Thames Estuary isthmus, so that demonstrably the Quaternary Period (Sub-era of some authorities) included at least three 'ice ages'. Also, in keeping with terrestrial evidence of multiple-rather than mono-glaciation, cores of Quaternary sediments from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans have revealed a series of more than twenty alternating cold and temperate Isotopic Stages (some of these being major climatic intervals, and some minor). In the Glasgow district, the visible effects of glaciation–both erosive and depositional–are believed to be due to ice masses that originated in the SW Highlands (and perhaps to a lesser extent in the Renfrewshire uplands) and had their greatest effect during the last major cold interval. This interval is thought to have commenced approximately either 125 or 70 thousand years ago (depending on the authority quoted and the evidence that is accepted) and to have lasted until about ten thousand years ago (Price 1983; Sutherland 1984; Jardine 1986).
Important effects of the alternation of major cold and temperate climatic phases were world-wide changes in sea level and regional changes in land level. These changes accompanied, and were due to, the growth and decay of enormous ice sheets approximately contemporaneously in North America, Fennoscandia and northern Britain: global sea level was at least 100 m lower than its present level during intervals of glaciation, and approximated to its present level during interglacial intervals; in a severely-glaciated area the landmass was depressed appreciably during glaciations by the weight of superincumbent ice, whence rebound of the landmass occurred in the intervening interglacial intervals. The combined effects of global changes of sea level and regional changes of land level produced in the Glasgow area, in the course of the last thirteen thousand years or so, a series of tilted marine shorelines: these now stand at various heights above present sea level due to differential land uplift having continued after sea level had approximately attained equilibrium.
A number of secondary recessions and advances of ice fronts, corresponding respectively with milder and more severe climatic intervals within the last major glaciation, occurred in western central Scotland. During the milder climatic phases (known as 'interstadials') sub-arctic type vegetation and animals occupied parts of the region outside the static or receding ice fronts. When conditions again became more severe and the ice readvanced (during a 'stadial'), remnants of flora and fauna were occasionally buried by the advancing ice and its deposits. A few of the interstadial deposits have been fortuitously preserved in the Glasgow area, and have been temporarily exposed in excavations during the last 150 years or so.
A summary of the sequence of events in the Glasgow district during the Quaternary Period is given in
a. Erosive effects of glaciation
In the Glasgow district, as in other parts of western Scotland, the relative importance of erosion by ice in the course of the Quaternary period and denudation by river action during the immediately preceding Tertiary time interval in determining the configuration of the present land surface is still an unsolved problem (cf. Jardine 1986, pp. 28–30). Many geomorphologists would agree with George (1955, p. 302) that 'The local effects of glaciation in the modification of landscape ... are no more than the final touches given to the pre-Glacial landforms by ice; and ... compared with the radical transformations that took place during the 50 or 60 million years of Tertiary times, the changes in surface grain arising through the coming and going of glaciers and ice-sheets during the past half-million years or so are more spectacular than fundamental'. Despite this claim, since Linton (1951) suggested that many major valleys were produced by 'diffluent' Quaternary ice that caused watershed breaching, there has been a nagging doubt concerning the relative erosive efficacy of river action and ice action.
Allowing for this doubt, and accepting that the configuration of the landscape of the Glasgow district as the product of glacier erosion is the cumulative result of multiple- rather than mono-glaciation, several good examples of both large-scale and small-scale glacial erosion may be recognised. The most impressive examples of the former are the overdeepened basin of the Firth of Clyde between the islands of Arran and Bute (rockhead at −320 m O.D.) and the depths of the basins of the northern part of Loch Lomond (to c. −170 m O.D.) compared with the depth of the southern part of the loch (to c. −10 m O.D.). Further examples of large-scale erosion are the so-called 'buried channels' that are cut in solid rock to depths as low as −75 m O.D below the Rivers Clyde, Kelvin and Leven (and to a lesser extent the River Cart). The origin of these channels is controversial, but excavation by subglacial meltwater streams under hydrostatic pressure, rather thanby glacier ice, probably was an important process involved in their formation (Jardine 1986, pp. 31–32). Another frequently cited example of marked glacial erosion is the deepening of the WNW–ESE oriented valley between Strathblane and Lennoxtown; especially when the Campsie Fells are covered with a thin sprinkling of snow, the tributary valley of Fin Glen is seen to 'hang' above the main valley. To the south of Strathblane, much smaller ice-scooped hollows, including that now occupied by Loch Ardinning (Locality 1,
Small-scale effects of glacial erosion are more difficult to find, mainly since much of the solid rock is covered by at least a thin veneer of Quaternary deposits (see below). Near the NW end of Loch Ardinning, however, striations are developed, even if only poorly, on the upper surface of the quartz conglomerate that is exposed in the nearby quarry. In contrast, 40 km to the north of Glasgow, on the eastern shore of Loch Lomond 50 m to the east of Rowardennan pier (Locality B,
b. Quaternary deposits
The Quatemary deposits of the Glasgow district comprise sediments laid down by ice and its meltwaters in the course of glaciation and deglaciation, together with sediments deposited by marine waters, by the River Clyde and its tributaries and by other terrestrial agents during interstadial intervals and after the ice had finally melted. Broadly, the Quaternary sedimentary succession is that shown in the right-hand column of
(i) The types and sequences of deposits filling the buried channels that underlie the Rivers Clyde and Kelvin are uncertain, being known mainly from occasional temporary exposures of the uppermost sediments and from borehole data recorded by drillers rather than geologists (Clough et al. 1925; Menzies 1981; Browne and McMillan 1985). The buried channels appear to contain beds of mainly water-laid (? glaciofluvial) sands and gravels, together with occasional layers or lenses of till. The uppermost sand and gravel deposits are almost certainly Devensian in age, since fossils of this age have been found in them (see next paragraph). Many of the other deposits, both tills and water-laid sediments, may also date from the Devensian glacial age. In the 1960s and 1970s, deposits in the vicinity of the buried channel that underlies the River Kelvin were exposed extensively in commercial sand and gravel pits within the burgh of Bishopbriggs. Sections on the site of the former Cawdor golf course (Locality C,
In 1963, there was found in the sands directly below the uppermost gravels of the former Wilderness pit (Locality D,
Two other examples of interstadial fossiliferous deposits are known from the Glasgow district. In 1937 the remains of bones of the reindeer, Rangifer tarandus Linne, were found in SE Glasgow near Queen's Park (Locality E, at approximately
In the 1850s, part of the beam of a reindeer antler was found in a thin succession of stratified deposits near Croftamie, Dunbartonshire, in the (former) railway cutting (Locality 3,
(ii) Most of the low hills on which central and western Glasgow is built are glacial drumlins consisting of grey till (boulder clay) with a mainly silty mud and sandy silt matrix, derived largely from local Carboniferous shales and sandstones (Abd-alla 1988, p.77 and p.263). Embedded in the matrix are stones of variable size up to boulders about one metre in diameter. The stones, which frequently bear striations, are dominantly of the same local rocks as the matrix, but occasional erratic quartz schists and schistose grits (from NW of the Highland Boundary Fault), Carboniferous basalts (? from the Kilpa trick Hills) and Devonian (ORS) sandstones (? from the vicinity of Dumbarton) occur. Opportunity to examine the nature and characteristics of the till is provided occasionally in temporary excavations within the city. The drumlins, of which Garnethill (Locality F,
In NW Glasgow and adjacent parts of Dunbartonshire there occurs a red till that is distinctly different in appearance and nature from the grey till of central Glasgow. The red till has a dominantly silty sand matrix, derived mainly from Devonian (ORS) sandstone fragments (Abd-alla 1988, p.77 and p.263). The stone content is dominantly of Highland quartzite and schistose grit, ORS rock fragments and Carboniferous lavas, but occasional small fragments of local Carboniferous shale and white/yellow sandstone occur (cf. Menzies 1981). The thickness of the till increases in a north-westerly direction, from about 1 m or less near a SW–NE oriented line extending approximately from Partick railway station
The nature and mode of origin of the red till and its relationships with the grey till were subjects of debate in the late 1960s and early 1970s (e.g. Jardine 1968; Sissons 1968). It is now generally agreed that the two tills are lodgement deposits of a single ice advance (during the Dimlington Stadial), differences in the characteristics of the tills, including colour, being due to derivation from different source rocks (see above; Menzies 1981; Browne and McMillan 1985). There still remain, however, a few puzzling aspects of the relationships between the tills. For example, it has long been known that there is a 3–4 km wide zone, immediately to the NW of the 'feather edge' of the red till (see above), within which both the grey and red tills are present and where, in places, the red till rests on grey till. Recently, grain-size, clay mineralogical and geochemical analyses of the matrices of the two tills (Abd-alla 1988, pp. 476–477) confirmed earlier field observations by Jardine (1968) that at a few locations within this zone a thin cover of red till rests on weathered rather than fresh grey till. This poses a problem, since such evidence suggests that at least a short period of exposure of the grey till occurred at these locations before the red till was deposited on the grey till. A possible sequence of events is as follows:
- The main advance of the Late Devensian ice sheet deposited grey lodgement till in the central Glasgow area, red lodgement till in NW Glasgow and Dunbartonshire and red-on-grey lodgement till in the zone mentioned above.
- During general recession of the ice front from east to west, there was a short period of stillstand of the front in the vicinity of sites within the zone where red till now rests on weathered grey till. At these sites, grey till was exposed beyond the ice front, or perhaps in hollows in the ice near the front.
- Following alteration of 'fresh' grey till to weathered grey till at these sites, thin covers of red till were deposited as flow till on top of the weathered grey till.
Such an explanation is in keeping with the thickness of the red till that rests on weathered grey till at these sites being less than two metres.
In addition to the grey and red tills described above, there are other distinctive tills occurring over limited areas within the Glasgow district. They are exposed occasionally, as in the Toryglen area (Locality H,
(iii) In western and central Glasgow, and also in the neighbourhood of Renfrew and Paisley, marine and brackish-water Late Devensian sediments occupy the low ground (up to 25 m or 41 m above O.D., depending on the author quoted: Rose 1975, p. 20; Sissons 1976, p.128; Browne in Jardine 1980, p.13; Browne et al. 1983)
The marine waters perhaps penetrated the Paisley-Glasgow area around 13, 000 years B.P. (Browne et al. 1977; cf. Peacock 1989), initially either by a sinuous channel through the narrow Lochwinnoch Gap (Peacock 1971), or by Greenock along the line of the present estuary of the Clyde (Sissons 1974, p. 330). By c.11, 700 years B.P. the sea had penetrated the Vale of Leven from Dumbarton to Balloch and extended into the Loch Lomond basin
(iv) The Dimlington Stadial, in the course of which the main Devensian glaciation of northern Britain took place, was followed by the Windermere Interstadial
Deposits of the Loch Lomond Stadial do not occur within the city of Glasgow itself. Indeed, the nearest these deposits are to be found is 25 km from the city centre in the neighbourhood of the villages of Killearn (Locality L,
(v) Flandrian marine and fluviatile deposits occupy the very low ground bordering the River Clyde and its estuary. The sediments vary in nature and composition, in places being silts or fine sands (? fossil tidal-flats) where they occupy wide flat tracts, e.g. between Shieldhall (Locality 0,
Themes | A variety of Quaternary landforms and erosive features, and a more limited number of Quaternary deposits, in the area to the NW of Glasgow city centre. |
Features | Crag-and-tail, drumlins, dry valley, end-moraine, esker, Flandrian raised beach, beach, former marine embayment, former marine shoreline, former sea cliffs, glacial striations (striae), glacially-deepened valley, 'hanging valley', ice-scooped hollow, position of buried charnel; Clyde Beds deposits; glacial meltwater deposits; shelly till. |
Maps | O.S. 1: 50 000 Sheet 56 Inveraray & Loch Lomond Sheet 57 Stirling & The Trossachs Sheet 63 Firth of Clyde Sheet 64 Glasgow B.G.S. 1: 63 360 Sheet 30 Glasgow (Dri ft) |
Terrain | Road or easy track, except at Locality 7 (which is optional), where the track is muddy and a stream has to be forded on foot. An easily negotiated fence has to be climbed at Locality 3 (which is also optional). |
Distance and Time | Approximately 95 km (60 mls) round trip by car from University of Glasgow. Short walks to exposures. Total time, 6–7 hours. |
Short itineraries | Slightly shorter itineraries, each of around 4–5 hours duration, would be to (a) Localities 1, 2, 3 and 4, or (b) Localities 5, 6, 7 and 8. |
Access | Many of the stops are made for the purpose of observing landforms from a distance and, therefore, present no access problems. Access at Locality 4, a working pit, is discussed below. |
Starting at the University of Glasgow Department of Geology & Applied Geology, which is sited at the SW margin of the Hillhead drumlin, proceed to the northern end of Byres Road. The route from thence, westwards along Great Western Road (and therefore opposite in direction from ice flow during the Dimlington Stadial; Table 33.1), undulates gently over the low till-based ground between the Dowanhill and Kelvindale drumlins as far as Bingham's Pond (beside the Pond Hotel), where it drops for a distance of 200–300 m into what was a marine embayment during the Windermere Interstadial, c.13, 000–11, 000 years B.P. A low till-cored rise is next crossed until, at Anniesland Cross (Locality J), Great Western Road again drops to lower ground underlain, e.g. in the High School playing fields to the SW of the Cross, by marine Clyde Beds deposits.
From Anniesland Cross follow Bearsden Road (A806) through the Temple area, noting in passing that the road rises abruptly at Glencoe Street
At Canniesburn Toll, the A81, Milngavie Road, should be followed, but before this is done it may be worth reflecting that concealed several tens of metres below the ground surface near the Toll is the southern boundary of the buried channel of a former course of the River Kelvin. The northern boundary of the same channel is located about 1.5 km from the Toll. It underlies Milngavie Road 300–400 m north of Hillfoot Station, although no trace of its presence is betrayed by the surface features that occur in this area, mainly the W–E oriented Kilmardinny and Boclair drumlin-like hills.
Locality 1. Loch Ardinning [NS 564 780] (Figure 33.1)
The A81 route to Strathblane skirts the eastern side of the town of Milngavie and, having passed Craigmaddie Reservoir on the left, winds through an area where drumlins may be seen on the right around Baldernock, before the road straightens between Craigmaddie House and Loch Ardinning (Locality 1), where the first major stop should be made in the lay-by on the right (eastern) side of the road c.100 m south of the loch. The summit of the conglomerate crags in the quarry immediately to the north of Loch Ardinning provides an excellent viewpoint for the observation of a number of physical features that testify to the WNW–ESE passage of glacier ice over the surrounding area during at least one of the major cold intervals of the Quaternary period. To the south, Loch Ardinning in the immediate foreground occupies an ice-scooped hollow, whilst in the distance may be seen the large drumlin field on which much of the city of Glasgow and its environs are built. On the top surface of the conglomerate itself, poorly developed glacial striations occasionally may be observed; the quality of the striae has deteriorated recently, probably because of excessive recreational activity in the form of unauthorised motor-cycle 'scrambling. To the north is the glacially-deepened valley that extends from Strathblane to Lennoxtown, with the tributary valley of Fin Glen 'hanging above it on the southern face of the Campsie Fells. Far off to the NW may be seen the isolated peak of Ben Lomond which, although covered completely by ice in the course of the 'main' Devensian glaciation (i.e. Dimlington Stadial;
Locality 2. Dunglass [NS 575 789]
Leaving Loch Ardinning, the A81 route continues down the hairpin bend immediately south of Stra thblane. It is at this bend that the first glimpse of the 'crag-and tail' feature represented by the intrusive mass of Dunglass (Locality 2) is to be seen but, if a more prolonged view is desired, a short digression from the main route should be made eastwards along the A891 to a point near the entrance to Ballagan House. From such a location, the steeper solid-rock 'crag' at the western end and the streamlined 'tail' of glacially-deposited debris at the eastern end of the hill show up well, although it must be said that the feature as a whole is not a perfect example of its kind.
To reach the next major stop, at Drumbeg pit (Locality 4,
Locality 3. Croftamie [NS 473 860]
If desired, a brief digression may be made to the left (west) as the village of Croftamie is entered, into a minor road signposted 'Pirniehall', to visit the former railway cutting crossed by the road from Croftamie to Kilmaronock Church. Here shelly till of the Loch Lomond Stadial has been found to rest on a very thin layer of fossiliferous interstadial deposits which, in turn, rest on up to 1.5 m of till that is attributed to the Dimlington Stadial. The cutting is now largely overgrown but, 10–15 m from the southwestern side of the road and on the southern bank of the cutting, there is a small exposure of the red-coloured till of the Loch Lomond Stadial. Small fragments of shells can occasionally be found in the till. To gain access to the exposures in the cutting a low wire fence has to be straddled. There is parking space for one vehicle near the cutting, where a private farm road joins the public road.
Locality 4. Drumbeg pit
This is a working pit, in operation from Monday to Friday and on Saturday mornings. During working hours, permission to examine the faces should be sought from the site foreman, normally to be found in the office at the weighbridge. Permission to visit the pit outside working hours must be obtained in advance from John Wilson, Ardgowan Estate Office, Inverkip, telephone number 0475 521656, as agent for the owner. Neither the owner nor the operator can accept responsibility for the safety of any visitor. To comply with safety regulations, hard-hats must be worn while on the site, and working faces must not be approached closely because of the risk of their collapse. Wellington boots are recommended as footwear.
The stratified sediments exposed in the Drumbeg pit are part of a complex of morainic and meltwater deposits that accumulated at several locations close to the southern margin of the lobe of ice that occupied the Lomond basin during the Loch Lomond Stadial (c. 11, 00–10, 000 years B.P.). The sediments exposed in the pit vary as work progresses, but thicker layers of sand and thinner layers of gravel may be seen. The sediments occasionally exhibit structures typical of glacial meltwater deposits: unconformities, top-set and fore-set bedding and cut-and-fill structures. Shell fragments are found occasionally within these deposits (see section iv of the text above).
Locality 5. Muirland School [NS 348 867]
The route from Drumbeg pit to Locality 5 takes the Quaternary geologist back to the T-junction of the A811 and A809 south of Drymen. From thence, the A811 should be followed southwestwards towards Balloch, attention being paid, on the right (western) side of the road c. 2.5 km beyond the village of Gartocharn, to the deep dry valley that extends for several hundreds of metres parallel to the road. The channel is thought to have been cut by glacial meltwaters that were flowing from approximately north to south, either sub-glacially or close to the margin of the ice lobe that occupied the Lomond basin during the Loch Lomond Stadial.
In Balloch, signposts showing the route to Luss and Crianlarich should be followed. These take the traveller, via two major roundabouts, to the new northward-leading A82 road, which should be followed for 6–7 km to a point near Duchlage Farm
Locality 6. Highfields Muir [NS 323 857]
About 2 km south of Muirland School, the B832 meets the B831 at a crossroads. Turning right, the B831, leading towards Glen Fruin, should be followed for c.1.5 km to the point near where a track on the left (SW) side of the road leads to Inverlauren farm and, on the right beyond a gate, a recently-metalled but non-surfaced private road leads northeastwards on to Highfields Muir (Locality 6,
Locality 7 . Geilston [NS 341 777]
The best route from Highfields Muir to the next potential stop, at Geilston (Locality 7) near Cardross, is by returning on the B831 to its junction with the B832 and thereafter taking the B832 road southwards into Helensburgh. The Geilston stop is recommended to only the keenest and ablest-bodied Quaternary geologists, since the exposure at this locality has deteriorated greatly since it was described in detail by Rose (in Jardine 1980), and access to the site is not easy if the water is high. Wellingtons (or better, waders) are recommended. This, however, is one of the few localities, or perhaps the only locality, in the Glasgow district where Clyde Beds are (semi-)permanently exposed. From Helensburgh, the A814 coast road should be followed eastwards to Geilston, at the western end of the village of Cardross. As soon as the built-up area is entered a stone-built hall (resembling a church) will be seen set back about 25 m from the left (northern) side of the road. It is preferable to park vehicles in the small lay-by on the other (southern) side of the road. Very close to this parking place, the Geilston Burn flows under the A814. The site is located on the eastern bank of the Burn c.150 m south of the A814. The geologically most interesting route to the site is to walk southwards on a footpath that enters a narrow wood to the west of the bridge over the Geilston Burn. The path leads down to the low ground of the Flandrian raised beach. By skirting fields located on the sands and gravels of the raised beach it is possible to reach the western bank of the lower reaches of the Geilston Burn. A faintly-defined footpath leads northwards upstream, but at some point the burn has to be crossed to arrive at the site described in detail by Rose (in Jardine 1980, pp. 25–29). The site is best visited when vegetation is at its minimum. The Clyde Beds consist of sticky grey clays containing fragile marine fossils of bivalves (Arctica and Mytilus) and gastropods. A spade may be necessary for excavation. Lodgement till and beach gravels are also exposed.
Locality 8. 500 m east of Cardross [NS 354 767] .
The final scheduled stop is located c. 500 m east of the eastern end of the village of Cardross (Locality 8). Vehicles can be parked off the A814 on the left (northern) side of the road where a farm road joins the A814 about half way along a stretch of the main road that is bordered on the left by fields backed by red sandstone cliffs. The cliffs, together with a rock platform at their foot (a platform which is now covered with stratified sand and gravel deposits), probably are the equivalents of similar features that are thought by many authors to be the products of severe shore erosion during the Loch Lomond Stadial, by combination of frost riving and marine action. An alternative suggestion is that initial formation of the cliff and rock platform pre-dated the Loch Lomond Stadial, and the sea re-occupied a former position of the marine shoreline during the Loch Lomond Stadial (cf. Jardine 1986, p.37). The sand and gravel sediments resting on the platform are thought to date from a time later than the time(s) of formation of the platform, being deposited around 7, 000–6, 000 years B.P., when the culmination of the Flandrian marine transgression again led to the former shoreline position being reoccupied by the early Holocene sea. Since then, isostatic uplift of the land has led to the sand and gravel shore-zone sediments (together with the underlying platform and adjacent cliff) being raised to their present position, a few metres above present mean sea level (equivalent to Ordnance Datum, O.D.).
Return to the starting point via Dumbarton and the A82, which passes through Anniesland Cross. Note at Dumbarton that, whereas the River Leven now flows on the western side of Dumbarton Rock, at some (unknown) time during its Quaternary history it flowed on the eastern side of the Rock; the buried channel (to −68 m O.D. or lower, Jardine 1986, p.31) is located on that side.
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