Scrutton, C. (Ed.) 1995. Northumbrian Rocks and Landscape. A Field Guide. 216 pp. Maryport: Ellenbank Press for the Yorkshire Geological Society. ISBN 1873551 118.
Johnson, G. A. L. (compiler), in press. The geology of North East England. Special publication, Natural History Society of Northumbria. Newcastle upon Tyne.
Robson, D.A. (ed.). The geology of North East England. pp. iv+t13. Special publication, Natural History Society of Northumbria. Newcastle upon Tyne.
Taylor, B. J., Burgess, I. C., Land, D. H., Mills, D. A. C., Smith, D. B. & Warren, P. T. 197r. Northern England. British Regional Geology. 4th edn, pp. x+125. H.M.S.O., London.
Reference Works
Allaby, A. & Allaby, M. 1990. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Earth Sciences. xxi+410pp. O.U.P., Oxford.
British Museum (Natural History) 1975. British Palaeozoic Fossils. 4th edn. 203pp. London.
Hamilton, W. R., Woolley, A. R. & Bishop, A. C. 1992. Minerals, rocks and fossils. 320pp. Hamlyn, London.
Roberts, J.L. 1989. Field guide to geological structures. 250pp. Macmillan, London.
Schumann, W. 1985 (1992). Rocks, minerals and gemstones. 380pp. Harper Collins, London.
Only works quoted in the text are listed here. Further articles on various aspects of the geology and geomorphology of Northumbria may be found particularly in the Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society as well as many other journals, British Geological Survey Memoirs, and Geologists Association guides.
Aspinall, I. J.; Macklin, M. G. & Brewis, T. 1986. Metal mining and floodpilaiti sedimentation at Garrigill, and their influence on terrace and floodplain soil development. In Macklin, M. G. & Rose, J. (ells). Quaternary river landforms and sediments in the northern Pennines: field guide, 35-45. British Geomorphological Research Group and Quaternary Research Association.
Carruthers, R. G., Dinham, C. H., Burnett, G. A. & Maden, J. 1927. The Geology of Belford, Holy Island, and the Fame Islands. Memoir of the British Geological Survey, Sheet 4, pp. x+195. H.M.S.O., London.
Cope, J. C. W., Ingham, J. K. & Rawson, P. F. (eds) 1992. Atlas of palaeogeography and lithofacies. Geological Society Memoir No. 13, 153pp, 106 maps.
Day, J. B. W. 1970. Geology of the country around Bewcastle. Memoir of the British Geological Survey, Sheet 12 (England and Wales), pp. xi+357. H.M.S.O., London.
Dunham, K. C. 1990. Geology of the Northern Pennine Orefield, Volume 1. Tyne to Stainmore. 2nd edn., pp x + 299. Memoir of the British Geological Survey, H.M.S.O., London.
Elliott, T. 1976. Sedimentary sequences from the Upper Limestone Group of Northumberland. Scottish Journal of Geology, 12, 115-124.
Farmer, N. & Jones, J. M. 1969. The Carboniferous, Namurian rocks of the coast section from Howick Bay to Foxton Hall, Northumberland. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham and Newcastle upon Tyne, 17, 1-27.
Frost, D. V. & Holliday, D. W. 1980. Geology of the country around Bellingham. Memoir of the British Geological Survey, Sheet 13, pp. x+ 112. H.M.S.O., London.
Fullerton, B. & Sharp, J. (Eds.) I980. Excursions in North-East England. 102 pp. Department ofGeography, University of Newcastle upon Tyne for the Geographical Association, Tyneside Branch.
Grieg, D. C. 1988. Geology of the Eyemouth district. Memoir of the British Geological Survey, Sheet 34 (Scotland), pp. viii+ 78. H.M.S.O., London.
Hollingworth, N. T. J. & Pettigrew, T. H. 1988. Zechstein reeffossils and their palaeoecology. Palaeontological Association Guides to Fossils, No. 3, pp. iv+ 75. London.
Hunt, C. J. 1984. The lead miners of the northern Pennines in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. 282pp. Davis, Newcastle upon Tyne.
Jhingran, A. G. 1943. The Cheviot Granite. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 98, 241-254.
Johnson, G. A. L. 1952. A glacial erratic boulder of Shap Granite in South Northumberland. Geological Magazine 89, 361-364.
Johnson, G. A. L. 1959. The Carboniferous stratigraphy of the Roman Wall district in western Northumberland. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 32, 83-130.
Johnson, G. A. L. & Richardson, G. 1990. Coal Measures of the Rive Wear Gorge at Durham, England. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumbria vol.55, pt. 2, 84-96.
Lumsden, G. I., Tulloch, W., Howells, M. F. & Davies, A. 1967. The Geology of the neighbourhood of Langholm. Memoir of the British Geological Survey, Sheet II (Scotland), pp. viii+255. H.M.S.O., London.
Lunn, A. G. 1980. Quaternary. In Robson, D.A. (ed.). The geology of North East England, pp.48-60. Special Publication, Natural History Society of Northumbria. Newcastle upon Tyne.
McAdam, A. D., Clarkson, E. N. K. & Stone, P. 1992. Scottish Borders geology: an excursion guide. pp. x + 220. Scottish Academic Press.
Mills, D. A. C. & Hull, J. H. 1976. Geology of the country around Barnard Castle. Memoir of the British Geological Survey, Sheet 32, pp. xii+ 385. H.M.S.O., London.
Raistrick, A. R. & Jennings, B. 1965. A history of lead mining in the Pennines. 347 pp. Longmans, London.
Randall, B. A. & Farmer, N. 1970. The Holy Island Dyke. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham and Newcastle upon Tyne,17 , 79-91.
Reynolds, A. D. 1992. Storm, wave and tide-dominated sedimentation in the Dinantian Middle Limestone Group, Northumbrian Basin. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, 49, 135-148.
Scarboro, D. & Tucker, M. E. 1995. Amphibian footprints from the mid-Carboniferous ofNorthumberland, England. Palaeoecology, Palaeoclimatology,Palaeogeography,113, 335-349.
Scotese, C. R. & McKerrow, W. S. 1990. Revised World maps and introduction. In McKerrow, W. S. & Scotese, C. R. (eds) Palaeozoic palaeogeography and biogeography. Geological Society Memoir No. 12, I21.
Smith, D. B., 1994. The geology of the Sunderland district. Memoir of the
British Geological Survey, Sheet 21, pp. xii+ 161. H.M.S.O., London. Turnbull, L. 1975. The history of lead mining in the north east of England. 80pp. Harold Hill and Son, Newcastle upon Tyne.