Ellen, R. and Callaghan, E. 2015. Geodiversity Audit of Spireslack and Mainshill Wood Surface Coal Mines. British Geological Survey Commerical Report CR/15/126. 70pp.

Appendix 1

This Appendix summarises details of sites within Spireslack SCM (Figure 15), which are of lesser quality than the 18 sites included in the audit, but are worth recording. These are described briefly below and should be considered as a second priority for protection than those included in the main audit.

(Figure 15) Location of sites within Appendix 1 at Spireslack SCM.

  1. Drill hole in limestone pavement, NGR 274758 630557, [NS 74758 30557]. Hole drilled in limestone to relieve pressure from build-up of water behind the pavement. Economic geology interest.
  2. Sequence of poor-quality coals, siltstone and ironstone nodules, NGR 274913 630591, [NS 74913 30591]. Sedimentary and stratigraphic interest.
  3. Faulted sequence beneath McDonald seatearth, NGR 275187 630824, [NS 75187 30824]. Ironstones and mudstones affected by faulting and mineralisation. Structural and sedimentary interest.
  4. Thin dyke, NGR 274748 630432, [NS 74748 30432] . Another of many thin dykes intruding the Limestone Coal Formation. Igneous interest.
  5. Sequence beneath McDonald seatearth, NGR 274447 630266, [NS 74447 30266]. Another exposure of the McDonald seatearth and sequence beneath. Sedimentary and stratigraphy interest.
  6. Small displacement fault, NGR 274736 630542, [NS 74736 30542]. Another example of many low displacement faults cutting the McDonald Limestone, with associated mineralisation. Structural and mineralisation interest.
  7. Fault at western end of Spireslack, NGR 274517 630430, [NS 74517 30430]. The juxtaposition of the McDonald and the Hurlet Limestone, caused by a fault at the western edge of the site, is observed at this locality. Structural interest.
  8. Index Limestone, NGR 274487 630214, [NS 74487 30214]. The road surface intersects the trace of the Index Limestone here, allowing hands on access to limited exposures. Sedimentological and palaeontological interest.
  9. Fault juxtaposing Limestone Coal Formation against Lawmuir Formation, NGR 275391 629463, [NS 75391 629463]. The trace of the fault intersects the eroded back wall of the Spireslack SCM, conspicuous by a red staining of the rocks there. Structural interest.
  10. Large blocks with gigantus productids, NGR 275560 629654, [NS 75560 29654]. A collection of quarried limestone containing abundant layers of Gigantoproductids, good for teaching purposes. Palaeontological interest.
  11. Large monoliths across Spireslack SCM, NGR 275578 629817, [NS 75578 29817]. Large rock monoliths containing excellent examples of cross-bedding in sandstones and bioturbation in seatearths — potential for onsite 'geo-trail' marked by these blocks. Sedimentary interest.
