Gordon, J.E. and Sutherland, D.G. GCR Editor: W.A. Wimbledon. 1993. Quaternary of Scotland. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 6. JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 0 412 48840 X. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
J.J. Lowe
The sediments that infill the floor of a kettle hole at Mollands provide an important record, supported by radiocarbon dating, of the Holocene vegetational history of this important ecological area located at the boundary between the Highlands and the Central Lowlands. Together with Tynaspirit, Mollands also provides significant evidence for establishing a glacial chronology for the area.
The site at Mollands
The limit of the last glacier advance in the Teith valley is marked by a well-defined terminal moraine (the Callander Moraine) which can be observed on both sides of the river just downstream from Callander
The basal sediments are very variable, with a number of thinly bedded units, including rhythmites
The vegetational succession
The dominant juniper phase at the site has been dated to 10,670 ± 85 BP (Hv–5647), a date which compares well with that of 10,420 ± 160 BP (Hv–4985) obtained for the immigration of juniper at Tynaspirit. Juniper remained a dominant species until shaded out by birch, and hazel colonization appears to have been well under way in southern Perthshire by 9365 ± 120 BP (Hv–5645), an age estimate that compares favourably with that of 9260 ± 100 BP (Hv–4984) obtained from a comparable biostratigraphic level at Tynaspirit.
The principal points to emerge from the studies completed at Mollands so far, excluding the vegetational history which has been summarized above, relate to the time and sequence of deglaciation at the end of the Loch Lomond Readvance and to aspects of Holocene vegetational history. Taken together, the evidence from Mollands, Tynaspirit and Torrie
The interpretation of radiocarbon dates obtained from samples of last glacial–interglacial transition age (c. 14,000–10,000 BP) is, however, fraught with difficulty. Consistency in age measurements is no longer taken to be an indication of reliability, for there appear to have been short-term, temporal variations in radiocarbon activity (Ammann and Lotter, 1989), and it has been argued that the radiocarbon time-scale deviated significantly from the calendar time-scale over the period concerned (Bard et al., 1990). The various problems affecting the dating of Lateglacial and early Holocene deposits are reviewed by Lowe (1991) and Pilcher (1991). In view of these problems, the precise timing of events and the conflicts in interpretation of chronology cannot, at present, be satisfactorily resolved.
The Loch Lomond Readvance ice masses are generally thought to have decayed rapidly, within the space of a few hundred years. This means that it is difficult to use conventional radiocarbon dates to assess the pattern and timing of deglaciation in Scotland owing mainly to a lack of resolution in the method (standard error ranges of Lateglacial/early Holocene dates are commonly of the order of 200 to 300 years) (see also Price, 1983) and to the methodological problems mentioned above. Recently, however, it has been proposed that patterns of ice retreat can be inferred from contrasts between the pollen assemblages recorded in the basal sediments from depressions that lie within the Loch Lomond Readvance limits and which have received sediment from the time of deglaciation (Lowe and Walker, 1981; Tipping, 1988). First proposed by Pennington (1978) for sites in the English Lake District, the conclusions are based upon the recognition of a full stadial–early Holocene pollen-stratigraphic sequence at sites where de-glaciation occurred early, whereas curtailed sequences (the earlier pollen assemblages are not represented) characterize sites in areas of delayed deglaciation. The Mollands site has proved crucial in this developing argument.
Using this approach, Lowe and Walker (1981) have concluded that climatic amelioration, which promoted widespread glacier retreat, resulted in an immediate response near the termini of long valley glaciers (such as at Mollands), but ice-melt was delayed in areas where the ice was thicker or closer to source catchments (for example, parts of Rannoch Moor – see Kingshouse). On the basis of a comparison of pollen spectra from basal samples at three sites in Glen More (Isle of Mull), Walker and Lowe (1985) have also proposed that a pattern of valley retreat of Loch Lomond Readvance ice can be deciphered. A more recent study of four sites in the Varragill–Sligachan valleys of Skye, which lay within the Loch Lomond Readvance limits, also indicates progressive ice-front retreat (Walker et al., 1988; Lowe and Walker, 1991; Benn et al., 1992). Tipping (1988), however, has sounded a note of caution about the general applicability of this approach, finding that sites along Loch Awe did not show progressive changes in the pollen sequences in the basal sediments from the sites he examined.
This methodology therefore offers the prospect of determining general patterns of regional ice decay in Scotland, and may enable the distinction of areas characterized by progressive ice-margin retreat from those characterized by widespread downwasting of ice. The Mollands site contains the most detailed and fullest Late Devensian–Holocene pollen record so far reported from Britain. It has the added interest that radiocarbon dates obtained from the basal sediments support the contention that ice retreat may have occurred early at some valley-glacier termini as an immediate response to changes in glacier budgets.
The site offers one of the best resolutions of Holocene vegetational development reported from the south-east Grampians and adjacent lowlands, in particular in relation to the early Holocene part of the sequence. The biostratigraphic boundaries are distinct throughout, including the late Holocene 'elm decline'. The site appears to be located in what was an important ecotonal transition between the dominant mixed deciduous woodlands of the central lowlands of Scotland and the pine woods that dominated the Highlands (McVean and Ratcliffe, 1962). It is therefore an important reference site for the succession of Holocene pollen zones in the Western Highland Boundary area.
Mollands is important in two main respects. First, the pollen grains preserved in the sediments provide a valuable and detailed record of vegetational history during the Holocene (last 10,000 years) in the West Highland Boundary area, an important ecological zone of transition between the Highlands and Central Lowlands. Second, Mollands is important for establishing the timing of Loch Lomond Readvance deglaciation and, together with Tynaspirit, for establishing a chronological sequence of ice advance and retreat in the Callander area during the latter part of the last ice age.