Figures, photos and tables
(Figure 1) Location of East Lothian Council area.
(Figure 2) Simplified geological map of the Midland Valley of Scotland.
(Figure 3) Bedrock geology of East Lothian (BGS 1:625k digital geological maps).
(Figure 4) Superficial deposits map of East Lothian.
(Figure 5) Location map of East Lothian Geodiversity Sites.
(Figure 6) Gala Law Location Map. The site boundary includes key rock exposures, immediate access to the quarry, and viewpoints looking down into the quarry.
(Figure 7) Burn Hope (‘Fairy Glen’) Location Map. The exact area of bedrock exposure is likely to vary over time due to erosion and changes in vegetation. The landform area covers the glacial meltwater channel along which the bedrock at the site is exposed, and is therefore included within the Site Boundary. Northern parts of the site have been designated geologically significant as they provide good viewpoints across the site from the rim of the gully.
(Figure 8) Gin Head (near Tantallon Castle) Location Map. The site boundary has been drawn to include all of the Ballagan Formation bedrock exposure at Gin Head, as well as the intertidal beach at the west of the site. The beach is mapped here as a geologically significant site area, as boulders containing fragments of tetrapods and other Lower Carboniferous fossils have been found here in recent times.
(Figure 9) Dunbar Shore Location Map. The site comprises rock exposures along the shore platform and coastal landforms including shore platforms, raised beach, and areas of beach in the immediate vicinity of the main rock outcrops, The exact area of bedrock exposure (blue hatched areas) is likely to vary in time due to changes in the beach morphology. Geologically significant areas also included within the site boundary are important view or access points to the rock exposures. The adjacent geomorphological Tyne Estuary & Belhaven Bay Site (ELC_28) is shown for reference (transparent grey polygon).
(Figure 10) North Berwick Shore Location Map. The site comprises rocks exposed in shore platforms with intervening areas of beach. The exact area of bedrock exposure (blue hatched areas) is likely to vary in time due to changes in the beach morphology. Areas of geological significance include a viewpoint at the east edge of the site which overlooks the historic harbour of North Berwick to the west.
(Figure 11) Yellow Craig Shore Location Map. Bedrock exposure (blue hatched areas) is likely to vary over time due to changes in beach morphology. Coastal landforms, including wave-cut platforms, dunes and areas of beach in the immediate vicinity of the main rock outcrops are included within the site boundary.
(Figure 12) Old Markle Quarry Location Map. The site boundary has been drawn to include rock outcrops to the north of the quarry, as they are of the same rock type and will provide alternative exposures to examine should high water levels in the pond of the quarry restrict access. Access and general viewpoints are also included within the geologically significant site area.
(Figure 13) Blaikie Heugh Location Map. The site boundary includes rock and landforms including boulder fields lying at the base of the cliff, the cliff escarpment and streamlined bedrock. The area between the two rock exposures is classed as geologically significant for access between the sites and for an appreciative view point toward the cliffs.
(Figure 14) Kippielaw Scarp Location Map. The site boundary has been drawn to include key exposures, and access to the site as well as suitable viewing distance of the natural surfaces (geologically significant area).
(Figure 15) Dirleton Castle Location Map. The site boundary is drawn to include key exposures, access to the castle and grounds and coincides with the area of the Scheduled Ancient Monument. The castle itself is also considered to be part of the geologically significant area associated with the site.
(Figure 16) Craigs Quarry Location Map. The site boundary includes small areas of rock exposure, with a larger geologically significant area that incorporates the location of the old Craigs Quarry, and access paths to the site.
(Figure 17) Peppercraig Quarry Location Map. The site boundary includes the original extent of the quarry, which is historically and geologically significant due to its importance in providing building stone to the town of Haddington. Exposed rock is highlighted by blue hatched areas.
(Figure 18) Gullane Shore Location Map. The site area comprises bedrock exposures in shore platforms and coastal landforms including inlets and areas of beach in the immediate vicinity of the main rock outcrops, The exact area of bedrock exposure is likely to vary in time due to changes in the beach morphology. This site is adjacent to the Aberlady Bay Site (ELC_30) and Gullane Bents Site (ELC_29), here greyed out.
(Figure 19) Kilspindie Shore Location Map. The site boundary is drawn to include access along the edge of Kilspindie Golf course, as well as encapsulating local landforms (e.g. beaches) and the key rock exposures. This site is immediately adjacent to the geomorphological Aberlady Bay Site (ELC_30). The local extent of Aberlady Site is shown above as a transparent grey polygon.
(Figure 20) Prestonpans Shore Location Map. The site comprises areas of bedrock exposure (coastal rock platforms), and beaches. Bedrock exposure is likely to vary over time due to changes in beach morphology. Areas of the site important for access or viewing of features are included as geologically significant site areas
(Figure 21) Cockenzie and Port Seton Location Map. The site comprises bedrock exposed in shore platforms and adjacent areas of beach. Bedrock exposures likely to vary over time due to changes in beach morphology. Areas of the site important for access or viewing of features are included as geologically significant site areas.
(Figure 22) River Esk Location Map. The site comprises the incised gorge of the River Esk (landform) in which bedrock is exposed along the steep banks. The geologically significant area in the southern part of the site provides a good location for studying the cliff section.
(Figure 23) Pencraig Wood Location Map. Site boundary has been drawn to include rock exposures (blue hatched areas) and also site access and viewpoints (drawn as geologically significant site area).
(Figure 24) North Berwick Law Location Map. The site boundary includes the crag and tail feature of North Berwick Law and related bedrock exposures, only the proximal part of the landform 'tail' to the east is included. The site boundary coincides in part with that of the lowland calcareous grassland SSSI.
(Figure 25) Kidlaw Quarry Location Map. The site boundary has been drawn to include the rock exposures within the quarry, and related access and viewpoints (geologically significant site areas). The site boundary for the Kidlaw Erratic (ELC_22) to the east is included for reference (shaded area).
(Figure 26) Cheese Bay Location Map. The site boundary has been drawn to include the bedrock exposure containing the Shrimp Bed for which Cheese Bay is known. The adjacent intertidal zone and is also included due to its potential for containing fossiliferous mudstone pebbles, derived from the Shrimp Bed. The adjacent Yellowcraigs ELC site (ELC_6) is shown for reference (shaded grey area).
(Figure 27) Garleton Hills Location Map. The site boundary covers an area of erosional glacial landforms. The area contains numerous exposures of volcanic bedrock, but these have not been marked as they are already covered by SSSI designation.
(Figure 28) Kidlaw Erratic Location Map. The site boundary is drawn to include the main upstanding mass of limestone and its continuation below the adjacent moundy lower ground to the east as marked on the BGS 1:50k solid geology Sheet 33W. The site boundary for the Kidlaw Quarry (ELC_20) to the west is included for reference (shaded area).
(Figure 29) Lochhouses Location Map. Suggested site boundary includes the field boundary surrounding the landform in which the tsunami deposits are found.
(Figure 30) Seacliff-Scoughall Shore Location Map. The site boundary covers the landforms comprising shore platforms, backing cliffs, and postglacial raised beaches.
(Figure 31) Thorntonloch Coast Location Map. The site boundary has been drawn to include the rock cliffs and intertidal shore platform.
(Figure 32) Whitekirk Location Map. The site boundary is drawn to include a representative area of ice-moulded bedrock.
(Figure 33) Tyne Estuary Map. The site boundary includes the landform assemblage of the modern estuary and bay as an integral coastal geomorphology unit. The adjacent bedrock and Quaternary site at Dunbar (ELC_4) is shown for reference (transparent grey area).
(Figure 34) Gullane Bents Map. The site boundary includes the sand flats of Gullane Bay, the Gullane Bents dune system and backing cliff. The site boundary for the adjacent Gullane Shore bedrock/Quaternary site (ELC_13) to the west is included (ELC_30) (transparent grey polygon). It should be noted that the westernmost extent of the sand flats at Gullane Bay is included within the adjacent Gullane Shore site (ELC_13) but is considered to be integral with the sand flat - dune system of Gullane Bents.
(Figure 35) Aberlady Bay Map. The site boundary has been drawn to include the dominant intertidal portion of Aberlady Bay including sand flats, and the dune system. The site boundary is largely coincident with that of the Aberlady Bay Local Nature Reserve. The neighbouring bedrock/Quaternary ELC Geodiversity sites ((ELC_13), Gullane and (ELC_14), Kilspindie Shore) are included for reference, along with the geomorphological Gullane Bents (ELC_29) site, shown as transparent greyed out areas.
Site photographs
(ELC_1_P1) Steeply dipping, thinly bedded siltstones, mudstones and shales exposed in the east wall of the quarry at Gala Law. The thicker units are grey-brown siltstone, with thinner black shale and pale grey micaceous mudstone between. These sequences represent low-density submarine turbidity current deposits, resulting from low-concentration flows transporting mainly silt- and clay-sized material. These fine-grained sediments would have been deposited by suspension fallout and traction, following a period of high flow velocity and rapid deposition of the initial coarse-grained sandy turbidite. Photo looking toward the south-east. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_1_P2) Detail of very fine (mm-scale) laminations within the siltstone, mudstone and shale sequence exposed in the east wall of the quarry. These sediments were laid down in submarine fan systems adjacent to the Laurentian continental margin. Siltstone layers are yellow-brown, mudstone layers are pale-grey and shale layers are black. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_1_P3) Hand specimen from the site reveals a black shale layer containing abundant graptolite fossils. Graptolites are one of the characteristic fossils used to help define the stratigraphy of the Ordovician and Silurian successions, and have been used to define ‘biozones’ throughout the strata, aiding geologists in dating the sequence. Graptolites, marine colonial organisms, lived from the Upper Cambrian to the Lower Carboniferous. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_1_P5) A 10cm wide fault zone is exposed at the north end of the east wall, composed chiefly of brecciated clasts of the surrounding siltstone. Photo taken looking west. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_1_P4) A 1m thick rib of brown-red greywacke (coarse- grained, poorly-sorted sandstone characterised by quartz, feldspar and lithic clasts forming more than 15% of the rock) is exposed on the western wall of the quarry. The greywacke was deposited as part of a turbidity current during Silurian times, the principal depositional agent in the submarine fan systems dominating the region at the time. Such coarse-grained sediments within turbidite sequences are representative of high flow velocities and rapid rates of deposition during the onset of a turbidity current, which can be strong enough to scour submarine canyons into unconsolidated deep sea sediments. Photo looking toward the west. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_1_P6) Typical view of the eastern quarry wall, exposing sequences of siltstones, mudstones and shale. Quarry activity has left clean fresh faces to examine, as well as large rock piles on the floor of the quarry, such as the one in the right of the photo. These rock piles have extensive hand specimens to examine without sampling from the quarry wall itself. Photo looking south. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_2_P1) Loosely bedded, massive, slightly imbricated conglomerate beds dominate the 10 m high cliffs of the Burn Hope site. Clast sizes vary across the site – in this photo, clasts up to 45 cm are found, whereas to the east of the site smaller clasts are seen. The different sizes of clasts is indicative of differing energies in the fluvial-terrestrial environment that supplied this sediment, where large rivers and alluvial fans drained broadly towards the south-west during Lower Devonian times. Photo looking north west © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_2_P2) Detail of the matrix-supported nature of the conglomerate. Note most of the smaller clasts are flat and elongate. The reddened nature of the rocks is indicative of deposition in a semi-arid environment. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_2_P3) Imbrication of clasts within the conglomerate can be seen just below the camera case, orientated top left to bottom right with respect to the photo. The imbrication here is truncated by a thin (5 cm) layer of green silty sandstone. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_2_P4) The basalt dyke cutting the sequence at Burn Hope contains small vesicles and a set of fractures parallel to the edge of the dyke. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_2_P5) The dyke forms a proud standing rock wall (‘Fairy Castle’) at the southern end of the eastern margin of the site. The camera case here rests on the dyke itself, and the higher rock to the left of the dyke is the hardened, baked conglomerate. Photo looking north. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_2_P6) Talus fans are commonly found forming at the base of these 20 m high cliffs, and are actively, but slowly, growing. The talus fans mimick, albeit on a much smaller scale, the processes that would have formed the Great Conglomerate during the Lower Devonian, i.e. erosion of mountains and deposition in alluvial fans. Photo looking north, cliff height around 20 m. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_2_P7) The gorge was formed by fluvial processes, which as well as leaving spectacular rock cliffs, has also left conspicuous rock spires. These erosional features are conical columns usually capped by a boulder (conglomerate clast) that shields the underlying softer rock from erosion. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_3_P1) Trough cross-bedding developed within fluvial sandstones of the Ballagan Formation. Note the sub-horizontal bedding in the foreground is truncated by the cross-bedded layer, suggesting the cross-bedding developed within a river channel that actively eroded earlier deposits. Photo looking toward the north-east. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_3_P2) Ripple lamination within sandstone and siltstone lithologies across the site are common. This photo shows a cross-section through a rippled sequence of siltstones. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_3_P3) Deformation bands (linear bands produced by faulting, composed of crushed quartz grains with a component of displacement) cross cut sedimentary layering across much of the site. These bands are associated with cm-scale displacements, and deformation (folding or buckling) of the sedimentary layering. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_4_P1) Ripples formed on the upper surface of a red sandstone bed within the Devonian sequence, visible on the intertidal shore platform east of Dunbar. The ripples appear asymmetrical, suggesting they were formed within a uni-directional flow, such as a river. Preservation of the ripples gives us an indication of the flow direction at the time of deposition, in this example, the ripples suggest a flow towards the south. Photo looking west. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_4_P2) Excellent examples of palaeosols (fossilised soils) within the Kinnesswood Formation are revealed in an easily accessible cliff section above high water mark and immediately off the coastal path north of Dunbar. Red-brown ‘roots’ can be seen penetrating down through white sandstones from a sharp horizon. This horizon likely indicates a break in the deposition of sediments, long enough for plants to colonise and soils to start forming. The dark red horizon beneath the palaeosol may represent an iron-pan and indicate the level of the water table within the sediments at the time of formation. Photo looking south. Scale: image displays approx 1.5m of the sedimentary sequence. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_4_P3) View looking east across the bay north of Winterfield Golf Course, displaying gently dipping strata belonging to the Ballagan Formation of early Carboniferous age. The sequence is made up of interbedded mudstones and cementstones, dissected by numerous faults and igneous intrusions (vents and dykes). © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_4_P5) Symmetrical ripples with rounded crests, preserved on the top surface of a bed within the Ballagan Formation. This type of ripple is indicative of a bi-directional flow, possibly shallow marine environment. Note also the finer cross-cutting trace fossils on top of the ripples, these are markings/impressions left by organisms travelling across or through the substrate. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_4_P6) Quartz-dolerite dyke (dark coloured) intruding the paler sedimentary sequence of the Ballagan Formation. Note the sharp, sub-vertical margin between the two rock units, intrusions will often exploit natural weaknesses in the rock and may intrude along the plane of an existing fault or fracture. There is also evidence of a chilled margin being present, which would have formed as the hot magma cooled quickly against the cold rocks it intruded. Photo looking north. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_4_P7) An excellent example of columnar jointing (similar to the spectacular Giant’s Causeway in Ireland) is displayed in an outcrop of basalt at The Battery, Dunbar. Columnar jointing is a network of closely spaced joints/fractures in the rock, which formed as the hot basaltic magma cooled, contracted and fractured (typically into hexagonal columns) as it solidified. Although closed to the public at the time of visiting, the site is said to have extensive views of Dunbar, the Victoria and Cromwell harbours and have long range views to the Bass Rock and islands in the Firth of Forth. Photo looking north. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_4_P8) Typical view of the red and brown bedded tuff and breccias, probably part of the volcanic cones associated with the Parade Vent, the largest of the early Carboniferous volcanic vents in the Dunbar area. The material has allowed the development of some superb rocky coastal landforms including an extensive shore platform which backed by high cliffs along which the coastal path meanders, allowing excellent views across to the cliff faces and down to the foreshore. Photo looking north-east. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_4_P9) Close-up of lithified volcanic ash (tuff). Tuffs and breccia typically infill the numerous vents visible along the Dunbar coastline. This example is from within the Kirk Hill Vent and displays white feldspar crystals which have been incorporated into a fine-grained red-brown ash matrix. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_4_P10) Small cliff section at the eastern side of Belhaven Bay, displaying raised beach deposits on top of reddened mudstones and cementstones of the Ballagan Formation. The beach deposits in the section are well-bedded and consist dominantly of shingle, sand and shells, and are representative of a time when sea level was higher than it is today. The contact between the two units can be described as an angular unconformity; ‘angular’ because the overlying sediments lie at a different angle to the strata below and ‘unconformable’ because the surface separating the two units represents a period of non-deposition or erosion. Photo looking north. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_4_P11) A natural arch, located at the western end of Dunbar Castle, has formed in a promontory of rock jutting out from the coastline. Coastal erosion has selectively removed an area of softer/weaker rock to the extent that it has created a hole completely through it, leaving an ‘arch’ or ‘bridge’. As erosion continues, the arch will enlarge and the roof eventually collapse and form a ‘stack’, examples of which (including the Dove Rock) can be seen further west along the coastline, along with other coastal erosion landforms such as caves and shore platforms. Note the old foundations of the castle still clinging to the cliff and one of the gun ports which helped defend the castle during its long and turbulent history. Photo looking north-west. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_4_P12) Small-scale structural features can be studied within the Devonian strata east of Dunbar, above high water mark. The pale streaks running through the red sandstone highlight the presence of fractures/joints within the strata. As ground water migrated along the fractures and the adjoining strata it has caused reduction of some of the ferric oxide to ferrous oxide, which is slightly soluble. Leaching of the reduced iron has resulted in the red sandstone losing its colour. Such ‘halos’ form distinctive streaks in fractures cutting porous sandstones, the same effect is not seen in fractures cutting through mudstone due to their lack of available pore space. Photo looking south. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_4_P13) View across the intertidal area east of Dunbar, the shore platform exposes many faults cutting through the Devonian sedimentary rocks. this example shows evidence of strike-slip movement. Within the fault plane the rocks tend to be ground up and broken, and so more easily eroded, leaving naturally formed linear gullies in the shore platform. Photo looking east. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_5_P1) Cementstones (ferroan dolomite) and calcareous mudstones interbedded with basaltic tuff in Milsey Bay. These interbedded sedimentary rocks are little more than 10 cm thick, and are recognizable in the field by their characterist ic orthogonal fracture pattern. The deposition of these sediments during the Carboniferous would have occurred between volcanic eruptions (mostly ash fall), in shallow tropical lagoons. In the photo the town of North Berwick is visible on the skyline. P hoto looking west. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_5_P2) Perfectly circular pale-green reduction spots within red calcareous mudstones. Reduction spots are thought to form due to the reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+, caused by the presence of organic particles in the original geological deposit. The dark centre of the larger reduction spot in this photo is likely to be the remains of an organic particle around which reduction occurred. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_5_P3) The calcareous mudstones contain tuffaceous layers, representative of ash-rich volcanic eruptions over the shallow lagoonal environments forming the calcareous mudstones. These tuffaceous layers are clast –supported, and composed of sub-angular clasts of creamy, altered feldspar crystals, along with volcanic and calcareous mudstone clasts. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_5_P4) The grey-red basalt protecting the north-west wall of North Berwick harbour contains abundant mineral crystals, namely plagioclase feldspar phenocrysts (<5 mm in size) with occasional 1 cm euhedral labradorite feldspar phenocrysts set in a fine grained groundmass. Occasional <1 mm sized phenocrysts of pyroxene and olivine pseudomorphs can be identified within the face, such as the large crystal being pointed to in the photo. The presence of large crystals set in a fine grained groundmass are indicative of two phases of cooling in this lava flow – a slow, initial cooling forming larger crystals (probably within the magma chamber) and a fast, rapid cooling during eruption which formed the fine grained groundmass. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_5_P5) The image shows a particularly fine example of calcite infilling a large vesicle in basalt, where all three of the calcite crystals natural cleavage planes can be seen The relatively porous top of the grey-red basalt forming the north-west wall of North Berwick harbour represents the flow top of an ancient lava flow. The tops of lava flows are typically very vesicular and gas bubble rich due to gas release from the bulk of the flow below, and its interaction with the open air during eruption. This increase in porosity allows groundwater in more easily in this part of the lava flow, allowing in some cases the deposition of Ca-bearing fluids and precipitation of calcite in these ‘vugs’. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_5_P6) View to the north looking out across the basalt lava flows to the north of North Berwick harbour. The high standing cliff to the left of the photo with large ‘holes’ is the porous flow top to the plagioclase-macrophyric basalt, whereas the beneath it (at the same level as the grey pipe), the slightly reddened mugearite lava flow is exposed. The basalts here dip toward the west. The island of Craigleith is visible in the background. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_5_P7) Macroscopic detail of the ‘Dunsapie Basalt’, which lies stratigraphically below the mugearite lava flow at the north end of North Berwick harbour. The photo shows a large, <1 cm black phenocryst of pyroxene set in a fine-grained red-brown ground mass. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_5_P8) View toward the Sea Bird Centre, to the west. The photo shows the ‘Dunsapie’ basalt cliff below the Sea Bird Centre, which is underlain by a reddened tuff unit (between the base of the cliff and seaweed covered rock platform). The wave cut platform is composed of trachybasalt, which forms an irregular base overlying tuffs (the reddened unit between the boulder foreground and small cliff). © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_5_P9) View toward the east along Milsey Bay, with bedded grey-green tuffs in the foreground. The coarser grained beds are volcanic breccia, and the finer grained beds tuff, representative of ash fall deposits during the Carboniferous. The bedding represents pulsatory jetting of material and showers of ash from a volcanic eruption.The volcanoes from which these were emplaced are preserved as vents situated along the coast, such as that of Parten Craig. The Parten Craig vent lies in the background of the photo. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_5_P10) The westward margin of the Yellow Craig basalt plug displays a well-developed chilled margin at its contact with the bedded basaltic tuff sequence. The fresh dark gray-black basalt can be seen in the centre of the image, becoming increasingly paler as it approaches the reddened bedded tuffs (to the left of the hand lens). The chilled margin formed when the hot intruding basalt plug cooled rapidly against the cold tuffs, restricting crystal growth and resulting in very fine grain sizes. Photo looking north. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_5_P11) Minor dykes radiate out from the Yellow Craig plug, composed of the same basaltic material as the plug. Here they can be seen intruding the bedded tuff units. The phonolite plug of Bass Rock is visible in the background. Photo looking toward the north-east. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_5_P12) View toward the Partan Craig cliff, where a synclinal structure, formed by shallow collapse of a volcanic vent, is clearly visible. The layers of the syncline are composed of tuff, volcanic breccia, and debris flow deposits. Photo looking east. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_5_P13) The red-grey strata above the geologist in the image is composed of chaotically orientated blocks <2 m in size, floating in a matrix of tuff. It is thought this 3 m thick unit represents the preserved remains of a debris flow at the side of a volcanic vent. The debris flow is overlain by grey beds composed of tuffs and volcanic breccias. Photo looking east. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_5_P14) The volcanic breccias and debris flows of Partan Craig contain volcanic bombs, up to 1 m in size. The bomb photographed here is composed of nepheline-basanite, a light grey and friable volcanic rock. Sagging of the beds can be seen beneath the bomb where it would have plummeted on the then unconsolidated slopes of the volcano. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_5_P15) A 10 cm displacement normal fault cutting the ‘Dunsapie’ basalt and red tuff layer is exposed in the intertidal zone below the Sea Bird Centre. The plane of the fault is near vertical in the overlying basalt, and as it dissects the tuff becomes more inclined. This ‘refraction’ of the fault plane results from the differing strengths of the rock it is cutting – the basalt is strong and tends to fault with a vertical orientation, whereas the underlying tuff is weaker and shears more easily into an inclined orientation. Hand lens for scale (circled). © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_5_P16) Small extensional, domino-block style faulting has developed, accommodating movement within the Partan Craig vent as it was collapsing into its present day shallow syncline form. Photo looking to the north west. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_6_P1) Intertidal exposure of reddened cementstones with a charactersitic orthogonal fracture network. Photo is looking to the north. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_6_P2) Subtle folding is found within the dolomitic and tuffaceous layers of the Gullane Formation. It is thought the folding is related to a nearby fault. Seaweed and barnacles largely obscure the outcrop in the intertidal zone. Photo is looking toward the west. © BGS, NERC
(ELC_6_P3) The breccia of the Yellow Craig Vent is a brown-grey tuff, containing baked angular clasts of volcanic material, such as those pictured above. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_6_P4) Polygonal fracturing within the basic intrusion of Longskelly Point. The basalt here displays well formed vesicles, relict gas bubbles which have been preserved after the basalt cooled deep underground. © BGS, NERC
(ELC_6_P5) Detail of feldspar phenocrysts within the plagioclase-macrophyric basalt. The plagioclase phenocrysts are set within a fine grained groundmass, suggesting before this lava was emplaced, it cooled in two phases – a rapid cooling (forming miniscule crystals in the groundmass), and a slower, prolonged cooling (forming plagioclase feldspars). © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_6_P6) Example of mineralised autobrecciation at the top of a lava flow of the plagioclase-macrophyric basalt. Autobrecciation occurs when a new lava flow rumbles over the top of a pre-existing one, picking up loose or unsolidified material and rolling it along beneath the new flow. This zone is also susceptible to mineralization, due to the large pore spaces left during such a process. © BGS, NERC
(ELC_6_P7) Concentric iron bands rim a bleached core of iron-depleted mugearite. Note the unaltered grey-purple mugearite outsite the iron concreations. The concentric iron- banding is produced by segregation of iron oxide. There are also zones of calcite mineralisation within the iron bands. © BGS, NERC
(ELC_6_P8) The top of the mugearite is excellently exposed, displaying the irregular, amygdaloidal slaggy top of the flow. Examples of these slaggy tops are seen today in volcanic areas such as Hawaii and Iceland. The top of a lava flow is susceptible to mineralization, due to increased pore space following gases escaping through the top after emplacement. At the locality, mineralisation of the vesicles is found (white specks in photo above). © BGS, NERC
(ELC_6_P9) Low cliffs expose excellent sections through the bedded trachyte tuff succession, such as the one pictured above. The unit coarsens upwards, and is composed of beds a few cm thick ranging from very fine material (ash) to coarse material (agglomeratic). © BGS, NERC
(ELC_6_P10) Agglomeratic units within the trachytic tuff truncate underlying ashy units, suggesting as the agglomeratic units were emplaced, it scoured out the pre- existing ash unit, formed from a previous eruption. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_6_P11) A cliff section at the Hanging Rocks forms the edge of the Weaklaw Vent, where the yellow-brown tuffs and breccias cross cut the reddish trachytic tuff sequence and overlying trachyte lava flow, which form the cliff in the right of the photo . Photo looking toward the east. © BGS, NERC
(ELC_6_P12) Example of a polished slickenlined plane within the trachytic tuff. Such slickenlined planes, in this cast mineralised by calcite, are numerous throughout the tuffs, thought to relate to a nearby larger fault. The slickenlines in the tuff indicate a normal sense of motion. © BGS, NERC
(ELC_7_P1) Overview of Old Markle Quarry. The floor of the quarry is filled with water, and the edges of the pond are littered with old bits of wood, rock debris, and other loose material. The accessible rock face is shown in this photo. Photo looking south. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_7_P2) Weakly developed columnar jointing within the plagioclase-macrophyric basalt. Columnar joints form when a basalt flow is cooling, with the cooling surface (e.g. ground or air) typically perpendicular to the orientation of the joints. In this case, the columnar joints are near vertical, suggesting the cooling surface was sub-horizontal (e.g. ground or air). Photo looking west. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_7_P3) Detail of the plagioclase-macrophyric basalt at this locality. The groundmass is grey-red, with abundant phenocrysts of white, blocky to equant feldspar phenocrysts. The reddish crystals which are lighter than the ground mass are pseudomorphs after olivine. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_7_P4) Detail of elongated vesicles (relict gas bubbles) within the basalt lava flow. The vesicles are elongated, suggesting they have been aligned during motion within the lava flow. This so called ‘vesicle flow alignment’ suggests a movement of the lava flow from left to right in this photo. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_7_P5) Slickenlines on joint within basalt. Slickenlines are ‘scrapes’ left on joint surfaces when the rock on either side of the joint has moved against the other. The movement often polishes the joint surface, as is the case in a lot of the slickenlines surfaces at this locality.
(ELC_8_P1) View of Traprain Law and Berwick Law from Balfour Monument, looking north-east. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_8_P2) View of Blaikie Heugh escarpment and monument, looking west. The rocks forming the escarpment are of ‘Craiglockhart’ basalt, an olivine-clinopyroxene-macrophyric basalt. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_8_P3) Faint columnar jointing seen in olivine- clinopyroxene-macrophyric basalt, exposed in the escarpment of Blaikie Heugh. Photo looking south-east © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_8_P4) Detail of an augite (type of pyroxene) phenocryst within the olivine-clinopyroxene-macrophyric basalt, exposed in the Blaikie Heugh escarpment. Finger (resting on white lichen) is pointing toward a black, equant augite phenocryst. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_8_P5) Detail of a pseudomorph after olivine within the olivine-clinopyroxene-macrophyric basalt, exposed in the Blaikie Heugh escarpment. Finger (resting on white lichen) is pointing toward a red-brown pseudomorphs after olivine. Fine mm-scale ribs, cutting across the pseudomorph from left to right, may represent relict crystal fractures of the original olivine. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_8_P6) Minor escarpment to the east of Blaikie Heugh escarpment, displaying a massive, well-jointed trachybasalt flow. Photo looking east. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_8_P7) Detailed view of the trachybasalt flow. The rock is stained red, due to oxidisation of (pseudomorphed) hornblende phenocrysts. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_9_P1) View of the quarried north-east face of the phonolite laccolith, Traprain Law, a SSSI. Photo is looking south west, taken from Kippielaw Scarp. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_9_P2) Old quarry within ‘Dunsapie’ type basalt, exposed in the Kippielaw Scarp. Randomly orientated joints cross the face, and likely formed during uplift and/or erosion of the basalt flow. Photo looking north-east. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_9_P3) Detail of the macroporphyritic basalt, bearing phenocrysts of pseudomorphs after olivine, pyroxene, and feldspar. The rock shown is also partially vesicular – the small, spherical hollows are the remnants of what would have been gas bubbles that became trapped in the basalt as it cooled. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_10_P1) View of Dirleton Castle, built upon a crag of porphyritic trachyte .© BGS, NERC.
(ELC_10_P2) Good exposure of the trachyte is found within crags at the north-west corner of the site. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_10_P3) Feldspar phenocrysts within the trachyte, measuring up to 5mm in size. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_10_P4) The trachyte is more blocky in appearance to the south and west of the site. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_10_P5) Weathered out feldspars and vesicles (formed by gas bubbles within the laval) give the trachyte a pockmarked appearance in places. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_10_P6) Structural features within the trachyte, such as these concentric rings, are exposed through weathering. It is thought these ellipsoids were developed during the cooling process of the lava.© BGS, NERC
(ELC_10_P7) Blocks of igneous rock (dark reddish brown) have been used in the construction of the castle; the castle has then been dressed by the paler yellow/white sandstone blocks which are seen weathering in the photograph. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_10_P8) Existing Interpretation panel describing the history of Dirleton Castle. Additional information could be provided on interpretation boards like these to describe the bedrock foundations on which the castle is built. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_11_P1) Fractured porphyritic trachyte exposure within the Craigs Plantation. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_11_P2) Exposure of the porphyritic trachyte displaying fissile weathering, creating the illusion of bedding. This type of weathering is typically found near the top of a lava flow. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_11_P3) Close up of the porphyritic trachyte showing greenish-cream coloured feldspar phenocrysts. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_11_P5) Signage within the site © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_12_P1) The building which houses the John Gray Centre in the middle of Haddington contains blocks of porphyritic trachyte, probably from Peppercraig Quarry. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_12_P2) Detail of part of the north facing wall of the John Gray Centre, displaying irregular shaped porphyritic trachyte blocks making up most of the wall with shaped sandstone blocks forming the door surround. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_12_P3) Close-up of porphyritic trachyte blocks used in the John Gray Centre. Note the large pale-coloured crystals (phenocrysts) scattered within a fine-grained dark green/purple groundmass. Typical of the material seen in Peppercraigs Quarry. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_12_P4) Small industrial park which lies within the former Peppercraig Quarry. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_12_P5) The uppermost 1–2 m of the quarry face is all that remains exposed following the infilling of the quarry. Although exposures are fairly clean they are generally fenced off and not easily accessible. Quarry face in the western part of the site. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_12_P6) Ongoing work in the eastern part of the site has cleared material away the quarry face. Although the face will be left exposed, the floor is to be concreted and a fence constructed around the plot, impeding/preventing access to the exposure. Quarry face in the central part of the site. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_12_P7) Detail of the uppermost part of the quarry face showing the increasingly weathered nature of the igneous rocks towards the natural surface. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_12_P8) Close up of the porphyritic trachyte which was extracted from the quarry and used to construct many of Haddington’s stone buildings. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_13_P1) View of the Upper Gullane Sill (foreground) and the northern end of Gullane Sands looking south from Gullane Point. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_13_P2) Intrusive igneous rocks of the Upper Gullane Sill at Gullane Point. The rocks have been extensively hydrothermally altered giving them a sandy, rubbly and veined appearance. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_13_P3) Lycopod Bark imprints in black shaly mudstone at Hummell Rocks. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_13_P4) Burrow traces in sandstone at Hummell Rocks. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_13_P5) View of Gullane Bay looking north-east from the Bleaching Rocks. The bedding of the sandstone in the foreground, visible due to iron staining, has been distorted by soft sediment deformation arising from mass flows in the soft, waterlogged sand soon after it was deposited. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_14_P1) The Hurlet Limestone forms a striking rock platform along the shore at the eastern edge of the site. Thin beds of shale between limestones bed have been eroded out, leaving a stepped appearance to the limestone. Photo looking north-west. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_14_P2) At the western edge of the site, a 20 cm thick coal seam is found beneath the Hurlet Limestone. In the photo the hammer is resting against a coal, with a brown shale layer above. The Hurlet Limestone caps this local sequence. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_14_P3) Amongst the many fossils identifiable within the Hurlet Limestone are those of Koninckophyllum, a solitary coral. Crinoid fragments are visible surrounding the coral. Modern day barnacles (white) are commonly found on the limestone. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_14_P4) This remarkable texture within the Hurlet Limestone is a dense concentration of the colonial coral fossil, Siphonodendron junceum. The fossils are so distinct that rocks bearing these fossils are locally given the name ‘spaghetti-rock’. The bed is exposed just below high water mark, and large boulders or cobbles of the same rock type can be examined/collected at high tide. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_14_P5) The Blackhall Limestone contains beautifully preserved crinoid stems, such as the ones imaged above. These crinoids lived in shallow waters, and would have been attached to the seat bottom by a stalk, the segmented remains of which are usually preserved in the fossil record. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_14_P6) The Blackhall Limestone also contains beautifully preserved brachiopods, where the intricate details on their shells can still be seen today. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_14_P7) Sandstone beds of the Lower Limestone Formation display weakly rippled surfaces, evidence of flowing water over the top of the sediment as it was deposited, possibly in a river bed or in a tidal environment. Modern day sand ripples reflecting in the sunshine can be seen on the right of photo. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_14_P8) Analcime-gabbro of the Gosford Bay Sill is exposed adjacent to concrete tank deterrants at the far west of the site. Yellow lichen tends to prefer mafic rocks, giving the rock a false yellow colour. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_14_P9) Erratics carried by glaciers are littered across the site. This example is a gabbroic erratic, displaying an excellent example of onion skin weathering, where orthogonal joint sets formed rectangular blocks are smoothed by weathering processes. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_14_P10) The remains of a sea stack, King’s Kist, can be seen in the middle of the site. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_15_P1) Intertidal shore platform showing the barnacle covered massive bedded sandstone of the Upper Limestone Formation. This sandstone is medium grained, buff in colour and dipping to the south-east. Photo is looking to the south-west. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_15_P2) An example of cross-bedding showing a curved base with the darker area of rock showing a sharp erosive top. This type of sedimentary structure can indicate the possible environemntal setting at the time the sands were deposited. In this case the sharp erosive top could indicate a deltaic palaeo environment. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_15_P3) The features seen in the sandstone are known as trace fossils. These show animal activity during the time when the sediments were laid down. In this case the ‘worm casts’ show the trails and burrows made by most probably worms as they moved or burrowed through the sediment.. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_15_P4) Index Limestone exposure (marks top of the Limestone Coal Formation). The limestone is approximately 60 cm thick, and would have been deposited in a warm shallow marine environment. Photo looking north north-west. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_15_P6) Erosive feature seen on surface of the Index Limestone. As limestone is soluble in water, joints in the limestone are easily weathered forming a feature known as a ‘limestone pavement’; the slabs formed are known as ‘clints’ and the fissures are termed ‘grikes’. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_15_P5) Shell debris including the spiral outline of a gastropod within the Index Limestone. Most gastropods are marine and live in shallow seas. © BGS, NERC
(ELC_15_P7) Buildings at the foreshore incorporate outcrops of bedrock. In this case coal with ironstone nodules can be seen under the stone work. ‘Seat earth’ can be seen to the foreground of the photograph. Seat earth is a thin horizon of fossilized rootlets found beneath coals representing the soil in which the vegetation grew. © BGS, NERC
(ELC_15_P8) Ripple structures seen on the surface of the bedding plane. The ripples appear asymmetrical which indicates flow direction. In this case the more gently dipping side of the ripple (stoss side) appears to be to the left of the photograph whereas the steeper dipping side (lee side) appears to be to the right of the photograph. This indicates that the flow direction is from left to right. © BGS, NERC
(ELC_15_P9) A cliff section near Morrisons Haven showing the material used to infill the harbour, creating an area of made ground. The spoil used to form this made ground would probably have come from the old coal mine workings within the Prestonpans area. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_15_P10) Fluid flow within fractures has redistributed iron throughout the sadnstone matrix, creating a handed ‘halo’ effect around fractures. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_15_P11) A mineralised fault-breccia cross cuts mudstones and shale layers. The fault-breccia formed during faulting and related displacement of the strata, with fault-breccia clasts composed of the same lithology as the surrounding wall rock. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_15_P12) Faults with cm-scale, normal displacement are found throughout the site cross-cutting strata.. Some of the fault planes have been mineralised by calcite (white mineral), evidence that fault planes here acted as conduits to fluid flow. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_15_P13) The buildings along the shoreline are composed mainly of local stone. Features such as cross-bedding and weathering processes can be seen in these building blocks. Here a plant fossil ‘Lepidodendron’ can be seen within the stone. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_16_P1) Cockenzie Power Station, looking west. The rocks in the foreground are the igneous rocks of the Port Seton-Spittal Dyke. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_16_P2) Port Seton Harbour; thinly bedded strata dipping south- west, of the Lower Coal Measures showing sandstones, mudstones and siltstones, a thin band of coal can be seen in the bottom right hand corner where the hammer is positioned. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_16_P3) Soft sediment deformation within the Passage Formation, east of Port Seton harbour, looking south © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_16_P4) Upper Limestone Formation dipping towards the south-east exposed within Cockenzie Harbour, looking south © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_16_P5) Cross-bedded sandstone of the Upper Limestone Formation exposed near the slipway of Cockenzie Harbour. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_16_P6) Rippled sandstone of the Upper Limestone Formation, with trace fossils seen. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_16_P7) Calmy Limestone of the Upper Limestone Formation, pale grey/blue with crinoidal debris. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_16_P8) Orchard Beds of the Upper Limestone Formation, a limestone rich in fossils including brachiopods and crinoid fragments. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_16_P9) Quartz-dolerite dyke known as the Port Seton-Spittal Dyke creating a natural harbour wall at Cockenzie old harbour. © BGS, NERC
(ELC_16_P10) Contact between the quartz-dolerite dyke and the sandstone of the Upper Limestone Formation as seen at Cockenzie old harbour. The purplre/brown rock of the dyke can be seen in contact with the pale sandstone just above the handle of the hammer. © BGS, NERC
(ELC_16_P11) Shells in the raised bed section at Cockenzie Harbour near the slipway. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_16_P12) Faulted strata within the Upper Limestone Formation, the limestone of the Orchard Beds on the right are faulted against the sandstone seen on the left. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_17_P1) Cliff section on the west bank of the River Esk. The buff coloured sandstone can be seen resting on the softer mudstone/siltstone which is undercuts the sandstone. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_17_P2) The thinly bedded sandstone slightly obscured by vegetation appears to be a channel which has cut into the thicker bedded sandstone below. The sharp, erosive contact between the sandstone and the undercutting mudstone/siltstone can be clearly seen © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_17_P3) Interbedded sandston showing differing lithologies, the finer grained silty sandstone beds are being eroded more quickly giving rise to prominent beds of sandstone. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_17_P4) Cliff section on the east bank of the River Esk. Exposure is showing massive bedded yellow/orange sandstone with a thin layer of coal exposed at its base. Erosive debris at the base of the section is obscuring the true thickness of the coal. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_17_P5) Coal rafts seen in consolidated material at the base of the sandstone. The coal deposits may have been transported by the sand during deposition in a fluvial environment or are plants remains which have been carbonised into coal. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_17_P6) 20cm layer of coal at the base of the sandstone. The coal is dull black, fractured and sulphurous, yellow staining can be seen. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_17_P7) Cliff section continues along the east bank of the River Esk and has been used as a foundation for the A68 which crosses the river at this point. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_17_P8) Cliff section exposing thick beds of sandstone interbedded with thinner beds of silty sandstone. Due to their lithology they are eroding more quickly than the thicker micaceous sandstone beds. The base of the thinner beds indicates a channel like structure. The coal exposed just north of this section is not seen at this location. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_17_P9) The footbridge at the ‘Meeting of the Waters’ is no longer in use. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_18_P1) Pencraig Wood Quarry. The quarry walls are overgrown by gorse and trees, and are covered at their base by rock fall. Photo looking toward the north. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_18_P2) Iron staining of the trachyte within the quarry, caused by movement of fluids along pore space within the rock. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_18_P3) View from the car park in the east of the site, looking southward toward Traprain Law. © BGS, NERC
(ELC_18_P4) View from the viewpoint to the north of the car park, looking northward toward North Berwick Law. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_19_P1) North Berwick Law crag and tail viewed from the south-east. © John Gordon.
(ELC_19_P2) Former quarry on the south-west side of North Berwick Law showing exposures of phonolitic trachyte. The quarry floor and faces are becoming overgrown in places. © John Gordon.
(ELC_19_P3) North Berwick Law crag and tail: view looking down on the 'tail' from near the summit of the Law. © John Gordon.
(ELC_19_P4) Ice-moulded bedrock near the summit of North Berwick Law © John Gordon.
(ELC_20_P1) Entrance to Kidlaw Quarry is accessed via a muddy grassy track through grazing fields. Photo looking north. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_20_P2) Kidlaw Quarry. Basanite outcrops to the right of the photo, with the tuff and breccia dyke cropping out in the centre of the photo on the grass bank. The quarry is littered with recent rubbish including tyres, bits of concrete, bits of machinery etc. Photo looking west. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_20_P3) The north face of Kidlaw Quarry is composed of basanite, a mafic igneous rock. The basanite displays sub- vertical cooling joints, with a roughly columnar form. Photo looking north, © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_20_P4) Augite phenocryst within basanite. © BGS, NERC
(ELC_20_P5) The speckled appearance of some of the weathered surfaces within the basanite is due to weathering of alkali feldspar with analcime. These weathered out crystals are around 2mm in diameter. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_20_P6) Ultrabasic nodules are found within the basanite. On weathered surfaces, these nodules are replaced by soft clay, and as a result weather in to form shallow hollows. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_20_P7) Xenoliths of biotite granite are found within the basanite, and are thought to be related to a Devonian granite 500 m to the ESE of the quarry. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_20_P8) Cooling joints within the basanite are occasionally mineralized. The example above has been mineralized by quartz. The quartz has formed prisms (see above finger) — this crystal morphology gives a clue as to the mineralization history of this joint. For quartz prisms to form, the quartz must be growing into, and finish forming, in an empty space, otherwise, a solid vein would form. This suggests this particular cooling joint was open when the quartz formed, allowing the beautiful natural crystal shape of quartz to form. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_20_P9) Joints within the basanite (adjacent to the intruded tuff and breccia dyke) are mineralised, and form impressive cross-cutting relationships. The mineral veins are typically sub vertical, and stand proud of the surrounding rock. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_20_P10) Unlike the quartz mineralisation of the basanite in the north face of the quarry, in this western sector of the quarry, orange clay and white carbonate minerals fill the joints. In the photo, the margins of the vein (white) represent carbonate minerals, and the orange/brown centre represent clay infill. This suggests this vein saw at least two fluid phases – one which precipitated firstly the vein marginal carbonate, followed by fluid which precipitated clay in the remaining joint space between the carbonate mineral linings. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_21_P1) Tealliocaris woodwardi is a crustacean that lived during the Carboniferous. This specimen was collected at Cheese Bay, and lived during a period of fluvio-deltaic conditions with short-lived marine incursions. This fossilised shrimp has three sections: a head with eye on stalks and antennae, a thorax, and an abdomen. © BGS, NERC.
(ELC_22_P1) Dip slope of the Garleton Hills viewed from the south-east. © John Gordon.
(ELC_22_P2) View east along the Garleton Hills from Hopetoun Hill, showing a series of escarpments and channels between them. © John Gordon.
(ELC_22_P3) Garleton Hills. View north-west from Barney Hill showing streamlined bedrock forms. © John Gordon.
(ELC_22_P4) Craigy Hill crag and tail (centre) © John Gordon
(ELC_23_P1) A glacially transported mass of mass of limestone forms a striking topographic feature north of Kidlaw Farm< (centre). View from the south. © John Gordon.
(ELC_23_P2) Disused limestone kiln, Kidlaw. © John Gordon.
(ELC_23_P3) Disused limestone pit, Kidlaw. © John Gordon.
(ELC_24_P1) Lochhouses viewed from north. The key sediments lie beneath the gully (centre of photo). © John Gordon.
(ELC_25_P1) Shore platform at The Gegan, Seacliff. © John Gordon.
(ELC_25_P2) Boulder train on the shore platform at The Gegan. © John Gordon.
(ELC_25_P3) Undercut collapsed blocks on the shore platform at The Gegan. © John Gordon.
(ELC_25_P4) Shore platform south of Great Scar. © John Gordon.
(ELC_25_P5) Undercut collapsed blocks on the shore platform south of Great Scar © John Gordon.
(ELC_25_P6) Shore platform with scattered boulders at Scoughall. © John Gordon.
(ELC_25_P7) Perched boulders (glacial erratics) on the shore platform at Scoughall © John Gordon.
(ELC_25_P8) Cavernous (taffoni) weathering in sandstone cliff east of Seacliff. © John Gordon.
(ELC_26_P1) Thorntonloch Coast showing northern-most red sandstone headland with natural arch (1) and shore platform with main area of weathering features (2). View looking south-east from the John Muir Way © John Gordon.
(ELC_26_P2) Natural arch and stack in sandstone, northern headland. Photo looking to the north. © John Gordon.
(ELC_26_P3) Former partly collapsed blowhole and arch, southern headland. Photo looking north. © John Gordon.
(ELC_26_P4) Solutional channels on the shore platform. © John Gordon.
(ELC_26_P5) Solutional weathering pits on intertidal platform, with beige rounded concretions in the upper part of the image (these are more resistant to weathering than the rock surrounding them). © John Gordon.
(ELC_26_P6) Runnels and solutional weathering near the seaward edge of the intertidal rock platform. © John Gordon.
(ELC_26_P7) Differential weathering under a 'caprock' calcretion in the sandstone. © John Gordon.
(Table 1) Classification of the Carboniferous strata in the Midland Valley of Scotland.
(Table 2) Sites of Special Scientific Interest in East Lothian.
(Table 3) List of geodiversity sites in East Lothian.
(Table 4) Site Type classification scheme .
(Table 5) Current Use classification scheme.
(Table 6) Geoscientific Merit criteria.
(Table 7) Summary of ratings for East Lothian Geodiversity sites.
(Table 8) Geological features present at the Geodiversity Sites.
(Table 9) Geological Conservation review sites (GCR) in east Lothian.
(Table 10) Sites already designated as a 'Local geodiversity Site' and/or have existing geological leaflets.