Farrant, A R. 2008.A walkers’ guide to the geology and landscape of eastern Mendip. Book and map at 1:25 000 scale. (Keyworth, Nottingham: British Geological Survey.) This guide is available to purchase from the British Geological Survey https://shop.bgs.ac.uk/Shop/Product/BSP_BEMEND
Gurney Slade and Emborough
Limited parking is available in Gurney Slade and around Emborough.
The region around Gurney Slade and Emborough is geologically quite complex, being located at the eastern end of the Pen Hill Pericline, one of the four major up-folds on Mendip. To the east this pericline dies away and the Carboniferous Limestone plunges downwards to the east, disappearing beneath the upper Carboniferous Quartzitic Sandstone and the Coal Measures.
South of Gurney Slade, the Carboniferous Limestone is folded into a down-fold known as the Binegar Syncline. To the north, the Emborough area is located on another syncline, sandwiched between the North Hill Pericline and the Pen Hill Pericline. However, here, the Carboniferous Limestone has also been thrust northwards over the younger Coal Measures along the Emborough Thrust. This major fault can be traced west as far as Cheddar where it is known as the South-western Overthurst.
To the east, the Carboniferous rocks are partially covered by the Triassic Dolomitic Conglomerate, which infills deep palaeovalleys (or wadis) cut into the limestone when the area was a mountain range over 200 million years ago. The best of these infilled wadis can be traced by the outcrop of Dolomitic Conglomerate from Slab House Inn
This is, in turn, overlain by marine strata — the Penarth and Lias groups north of Chilcompton and Emborough, which form a distinctive plateau around Ston Easton criss-crossed by drystone walls. Locally the Jurassic rocks have been silicified, especially where they lap onto the Carboniferous Limestone. Silicification occurs where the parent rocks are replaced by silica (quartz), creating a buff-brown rock known as chert. This local development of cherty rocks is known as the Harptree Beds. These are best seen on Smitham Hill, near Harptree (see the western Mendip Guidebook). The outcrop of the Harptree Beds is pockmarked with sinkholes formed by dissolution and collapse of the underlying Carboniferous Limestone.
The Gurney Slade area has been a major centre for quarrying since the mid 1800s. Several limestone quarries dot the area, the largest being the active Gurney Slade Quarry [53]
Located on the north-western limb of the Binegar Syncline, the quarry works the Clifton Down Limestone and the Oxwich Head Limestone, which here dip gently to the south-east at around 30º. The Clifton Down Limestone is generally well bedded, mid to dark grey, fine- grained and bioclastic. The overlying Oxwich Head Limestone comprises typically well-bedded, grey, fine-grained, crinoidal limestone with some chert bands.
Numerous fissures or Neptunian dykes infilled with Jurassic sediments cut the quarry face. In the south-east corner of the quarry, a small exposure of the horizontally bedded Jurassic Downside Stone can be seen. This rock rests with a marked angular unconformity on the underlying Carboniferous Limestone. The Downside Stone is a highly variable very pale cream conglomerate with large fragments of Carboniferous limestone in a finer-grained matrix.
The upper Carboniferous Quartzitic Sandstone was quarried a short distance away in Gurney Slade Bottom [54]
On the west side of the A37 is Binegar Quarry [55]
North of Gurney Slade are the Emborough quarries [56]
Within the limestone in the south-east corner of the quarry are relict caves and fissures infilled with Triassic and Jurassic sediments. During the Late Triassic, sediments were swept into these fissures from the surrounding area. Animal remains were also swept into these deposits and have now been exhumed by recent quarrying. These fissure infills have yielded a wide variety of vertebrate fossil remains, particularly the early reptiles Variodens and Kuehneotherium.
Of special note is the remarkable Kuehneosaurus, a very early flying lizard (not a dinosaur) with wing-like membranes between the front and rear legs with which it could glide through the air.
A short distance to the east is Emborough Pond [57]
Downstream, the water from the lake crosses over the Emborough Thrust and onto the Carboniferous Limestone. Shortly after, the stream disappears underground with sinkholes at several places depending on flow, probably to resurge at Gurney Slade Risings, the source of the River Mells [58]
Known as Fairy Slatts, it has now been filled in with mining waste, but other fissures probably occur in the area.