Hudson, J.D., Miller, A.D., Allwright, A. (2016) The geology of Eigg: a description of the geology of Eigg for all those interested in the landscape and natural history of the Hebrides, with suggested excursions. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Geological Society. Copyright: 2016. Edinburgh Geological Society.
(Figure 1) Basalt cliffs behind Cleadale.
(Figure 2) Camas Sgiotaig (the Singing Sands) viewed from the cliff to the south (Excursion 1).
(Figure 3) Eigg in the Hebrides. By permission IPR/25-11c— British Geological Survey.
(Figure 4) Rum from the Sgurr ridge (Excursion 4).
(Figure 5) The geology of Eigg. Note that basalt dykes and sills are not shown. By permission IPR/25-11c — British Geological Survey.
(Figure 6) Plesiosaur skeleton.
(Figure 7) Plesiosaur vertebrae.
(Figure 8) Praemytilus strathairdensis scale x2.5 (Excursion 6).
(Figure 9) Concretion in the Jurassic sandstone, Laig Bay (Excursion 1).
(Figure 10) Praeexogyra hebridica (Excursion 7).
(Figure 11) Examples of Jurassic ammonite (Cardioceras) and belemnite.
(Figure 12) Typical structure of a lava flow.
(Figure 13) Columnar joints in a basalt lava flow.
(Figure 14) Red bole developed between lava flows owing to intense weathering of the top section of the lower flow.
(Figure 15) Sketch of Eigg showing trap topography.
(Figure 16) Dykes intruding Jurassic sedimentary rocks between Laig Bay and Camas Sgiotaig.
(Figure 17) Dyke intruding basalt lava flows, Galmisdale (Excursion 2).
(Figure 18) Dyke intruding sandstone, near Camas Sgiotaig (Excursion 1).
(Figure 19) The Sgor Sgaileach silicic sill forms the northern tip of Eigg (Excursion 5).
(Figure 20) The Sgurr from the east, showing the junction between the pitchstone of the Sgurr and the brown- weathering basalts below.
(Figure 21) Sketch of cliffs at Bidein Boideach, showing conglomerate underneath the pitchstone. By permission IPR/25-11C – British Geological Survey.
(Figure 22) The south face of the Sgurr ridge, showing layering and the columnar nature of the pitchstone.
(Figure 23) Sketch showing the different stages in the formation of the Sgurr.
(Figure 24) Thin section of Pinites eiggensis.
(Figure 25) Kettle hole lochan near Laig farm (Excursion 1).
(Figure 26) Raised beach behind Laig Bay, with Cleadale and Bealach Thuilm.
(Figure 27) Diagram of a landslide.
(Figure 28) Remains of the shieling, east coast of Eigg (Excursion 6).
(Figure 29) Sketch map showing Jurassic rocks, dykes, sills and beach sands, north-west Eigg. By permission IPR/25-11C – British Geological Survey.
(Figure 30) Rum from inside a cave, Laig Bay.
(Figure 31) Natural arch in sandstone, north of Laig Bay.
(Figure 32) Distinctive dyke with tabular feldspar crystals, on the foreshore in front of Massacre Cave.
(Figure 33) Cathedral Cave.
(Figure 34) The view back to the pier and An Laimhrig, with Ardnamurchan beyond.
(Figure 35) Kildonnan sheet cutting dyke and basalts.
(Figure 36) The Sgurr with Galmisdale House in the foreground.
(Figure 37) Map of the pitchstone outcrop, showing the locations of valleys eroded in the older basalt lava flows. By permission IPR/25-11C— British Geological Survey.
(Figure 38) Sketch of deposits at the Recess beneath the Sgurr.
(Figure 39) Conglomerate beneath the Sgurr.
(Figure 40) Breccia in the main Recess below the Sgurr.
(Figure 41) Sedimentary rocks of the Kildonan member, showing grey mudstones and concretions.
(Figure 42) Frontispiece. A view of the north coast of Eigg showing the stony beach and cliffs of Sgor Sgaileach. Hugh Miller discovered plesiosaur bones in pebbles of red limestone here in 1844.
(Figure 43) Geological timescale on Eigg.
(Figure 44) The Sgurr Grulin and Lodge garden — postcard walk 1
(Figure 45) Caves, Lodge garden and Manse wood walk — postcard walk 2
(Figure 46) Kildonan, Harbour beaches and Manse wood walk — postcard walk 3
(Figure 47) Laig Bay and Plantation Trail — postcard walk 4
(Figure 48) Howlin, Cleadale and Singing Sands — postcard walk 5
(Front cover) The Sgurr of Eigg viewed from the ferry arriving at Galmisdale.
(Rear cover) Sandstone with concretions near Laig Bay, with Rum in the background.