Bridgland, D.R. 1994. Quaternary of the Thames. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 7. JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 0 412 48830 2. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
East Mersea Restaurant Site and Hippopotamus Site
D.R. Bridgland
Fossiliferous sediments here appear to provide a rare record of the Ipswichian Stage in fluvial deposits within the Thames catchment downstream from London. The site has one of the richest interglacial bone-beds in southern Britain, deposited by an erstwhile Thames tributary, the Essex Blackwater.
The East Mersea Restaurant Site and Hippopotamus Site both reveal Late Pleistocene fossiliferous deposits attributed to the River Blackwater. They are of considerable stratigraphical importance because of their close proximity to the Middle Pleistocene Thames-Medway locality at Cudmore Grove (see Part 2 of this chapter). The three sites collectively constitute a single large and complex GCR site, which also includes an area of cryoturbated London Clay between the two sets of Pleistocene deposits (see
The Restaurant Site, c. 1.5 km to the southwest of Cudmore Grove, appears to coincide with most if not all the early records of fossil bone-bearing deposits at East Mersea (Warren, 1917, 1924b, 1933; Cornwall, 1958; Zeuner, 1958). The sequence at the Restaurant Site has produced Mollusca and ostracods, as well as abundant mammalian remains. Warren (1933) considered it the richest bone-bed he had seen. The occurrence of hippopotamus suggests deposition during the Ipswichian Stage (sensu Trafalgar Square) (Sutcliffe, 1964; see Chapter 1).
There is a further occurrence of hippopotamus-bearing sediments at East Mersea, at the Hippopotamus Site, which lies between the Restaurant Site and the outcrop of the Cudmore Grove Channel
Casual observation of the Restaurant Site reveals only a shallow cliff of brickearth above a modern sandy, shelly and pebbly beach, below which the foreshore is cut in London Clay. Excavation through the modern beach
Thickness | |
3. Clayey silt, weathered (brown) | 1.0 m |
2. Sandy silt with bones and shells (grey) | 0.2 m |
1. Gravel with mammal bones | 0.4 m |
London Clay |
This sequence appears to fill a channel excavated in London Clay, the latter rising to cut out the later deposits beneath the eastern end of the beach. The gravel contains considerably more quartzose exotic material than the Mersea Island Gravel, but also includes a large proportion of southern rocks (predominantly Greensand chert) of the type characteristic of the East Essex Gravels (
Better exposures of the sequence were available in the early post-war years, when the Restaurant Gravel was preserved at the landward edge of the foreshore (Cornwall, 1958). Cornwall interpreted this deposit as filling the channel of a 'considerable stream', trending towards 11O.D.g; east of north. He interpreted the overlying sequence as a 'floodloam' overlain by marine silt and considered there to be a buried soil at the top of the floodloam. In addition to the published descriptions, the Restaurant Site was excavated in 1934 by D. Bate and J. Reach (MS notes in the Natural History Museum) and in the late 1960s by R. Gruhn and A.L. Bryan (MS notes in the Institute of Archaeology, London University) and H.E.P. Spencer. The mammalian remains from those excavations are preserved in the Natural History Museum, except for Spencer's collection, which is in the Ipswich Museum.
The Hippopotamus Site is broadly similar to the Restaurant Site, but the cliff section at the former is considerably higher and exposes over 2 m of bedded silts with sand and gravel stringers (
The Restaurant Site has yielded a mammalian fauna of ten species (Bridgland et al., 1988): in addition to the important indicator species Hippopotamus amphibius, the assemblage includes Palaeoloxodon antiquus (straight-tusked elephant), Dicerorhinus hemitoechus (narrow-nosed rhinoceros), Bison priscus, Megaloceros giganteus (giant deer) and Crocuta crocuta (Enxleben) (spotted hyaena). Another species of stratigraphical significance to occur is the modern water vole Arvicola terrestris, which is known only from the Late Pleistocene (Sutcliffe and Kowalski, 1976). As the bulk of the collections is from early investigations, no attempt has been made to separate assemblages from the gravel and silt (beds 1 and 2). The Hippopotamus Site has produced, in addition to hippopotamus, only giant deer and indeterminate bovine and elephant bones (Bridgland et al, 1988).
The molluscan fauna, which occurs only in the sandy silt (bed 2) at the Restaurant Site, is dominated by freshwater bivalves, including Pisidium supinum and P. moitessierianum, which suggest deposition in a sizeable stream. Of particular interest is the occurrence of Sphaerium rivicola (Lamarck), which is rare in the British Pleistocene (Bridgland et al., 1988). Five ostracod taxa have also been recovered from this same deposit: Candona neglecta, Ilyocypris bradyi, I. schwarzbachi Kempf, Herpetocypris sp. and Cyprideis torosa. The first two, which dominate the fauna, require a low-energy freshwater environment, but C. torosa is a brackish water species. However, only a few specimens of the last-mentioned species were encountered, the poor preservation of which may suggest derivation from an earlier estuarine deposit, such as that at Cudmore Grove, in which the species is common (see above).
Warren (1917, 1924b, 1933) was the first to recognize an 'elephant bed' at East Mersea and suggested that it was equivalent to the Clacton Channel Deposits, which also yield elephant remains (at both sites all identifiable elephant remains are attributable to Palaeoloxodon antiquus). The Clacton deposits were subsequently assigned to the 'Great Interglacial' (Hoxnian Stage) (Pike and Godwin, 1953), which led to a similar interpretation of the sediments at East Mersea (Cornwall, 1958; Zeuner, 1958; Spencer, 1966). However, Hippopotamus is prominent amongst collections from East Mersea and, since this species is believed to have been absent from Britain during the Hoxnian, the site had been attributed to the Ipswichian Stage (sensu Trafalgar Square) (Sutcliffe, 1964) well in advance of the recent investigations, which have confirmed that it is quite unrelated to the Clacton deposits (Bridgland et al., 1988).
The Restaurant and Hippopotamus Sites have closely similar sedimentary sequences at com parable elevations, the clast-lithological composition of the gravel at both sites matches
The most important biostratigraphical evidence from this sequence derives from the mammalian fauna. This is of fully interglacial character and, unlike that from the Clacton and Cudmore Grove channels, includes hippo‑
potamus. It also includes straight-tusked elephant and narrow-nosed rhinoceros, but lacks horse. Its closest match is with mammalian assemblages from Joint Mitnor Cave (Devon), Trafalgar Square (London), Barrington (Cambridgeshire) and Victoria Cave (North Yorkshire), all ascribed to the Ipswichian Stage. The last of these has yielded a uranium-series date of c. 120,000 years BP, confirming a last interglacial age (Gascoyne et al., 1981). There is little in the molluscan or ostracod faunas to confirm or deny the correlation of the deposits at East Mersea with the Ipswichian, although they do imply temperate conditions, and the two dominant ostracod species (C. neglecta and I. bradyi) survive in the Holocene. Ilyocypris schwarzbachi, however, was first described from a Holsteinian interglacial site at Karlich, near Koblenz.
If the fossiliferous deposits are of Ipswichian age, it is likely that the overlying unfossiliferous bedded silts and sands at the Hippopotamus Site represent aggradation under cold conditions during the Devensian Stage. These contain 'stringers' of gravel, the contents of which were analysed along with the underlying Restaurant Gravel
central Essex. Other exotic lithologies, in particular Rhaxella chert, are probably derived from Anglian Stage glacial deposits in the same area, although they could have been reworked from older Blackwater terrace gravels or from the Mersea Island Gravel. The latter has probably contributed much of the Greensand chert, but the High- and Low-level East Essex Gravels to the south of the Blackwater are also likely to have provided this rock type (see Part 2 of this chapter). The gravel stringers within the bedded silts and sands at the Hippopotamus Site contain fewer exotic rocks and more Greensand chert, having a composition intermediate between that of the Restaurant Gravel and the Mersea Island Gravel, although closer to the latter
The conclusion that the fluvial sequence at the Restaurant and Hippopotamus Sites is the product of the River Blackwater and not the Thames-Medway is fully consistent with its apparent Ipswichian age. It is thought that the Thames-Medway had migrated a considerable distance to the south of Mersea Island by the Ipswichian, leaving the area to be drained by the Blackwater (Bridgland, 1988a;
The London Clay exposures between the Cudmore Grove Channel–Mersea Island Gravel section and the silts (brickearth) at the Hippopotamus Site show evidence of severe and repeated periglacial activity. Involutions, filled with gravel similar to that above the Cudmore Grove Channel, have been observed in the upper levels of the cliff and extend into the upper part of the silt sequence above the Restaurant Gravel near its eastern edge. Further west, the height of the cliffs declines and the uppermost, cryoturbated silts have probably been removed by erosion. Immediately east of the Blackwater sequence at the Hippopotamus Site, two sets of gravel-filled involutions occur at the top of the London Clay cliffs
The deposits at these two localities are therefore interpreted as products of an Ipswichian to early Devensian Blackwater aggradation, laid down long after the Thames-Medway had ceased to flow further north (within the present land area of south-eastern Essex) than the immediate vicinity of its present estuary (Bridgland, 1988a;
Relation to the regional sequence
The Restaurant and Hippopotamus Sites at East Mersea, together with Cudmore Grove, form a highly significant locality spanning a large part of the Middle and Late Pleistocene. Whereas the Cudmore Grove site exposes a succession ascribed to the Hoxnian (sensu Swanscombe), the Restaurant and Hippopotamus Sites represent the Ipswichian (sensu Trafalgar Square) and Devensian Stages, the last interglacial and glacial episodes. The sediments at the Restaurant and Hippopotamus Sites are contained in the later and smaller of two juxtaposed channels
The Blackwater deposits at the East Mersea Restaurant and Hippopotamus Sites are therefore of considerable stratigraphical significance. Notwithstanding this, they are also of importance as a source of palaeoenvironmental evidence for the Ipswichian Stage. If the various Corbets Tey and Mucking Formation sites in the Lower Thames are correctly interpreted as of pre-Ipswichian (sensu Trafalgar Square) age (see Chapter 4), East Mersea is the only true 'last interglacial' site within the Thames system downstream of London. The fact that it represents a tributary is no accident. It is apparent from the elevation of the Trafalgar Square site that the projected Ipswichian thalweg level of the main river falls below the valley floor in the Lower Thames and probably below ordnance datum before the modern coast is reached. Therefore Thames-Medway Ipswichian deposits are more likely to be found offshore from the Essex coast or beneath coastal alluvium than within the onshore terrace system. Whether this is because of post-Ipswichian subsidence or whether it indicates that Ipswichian sea level was much lower than is generally believed is at present uncertain.
These two related localities provide exposures in fluvial sediments containing an assemblage of mammal remains typical of the last Pleistocene interglacial episode (the Ipswichian). These include such characteristic elements as hippopotamus, hyaena and straight-tusked elephant. The remains of molluscs and ostracods (small crustaceans) are also found at the Restaurant Site. During the last interglacial, the main channel of the Thames, downstream from London, lay well below the level of the present river floodplain, below modern sea level. It is because the interglacial sediments at East Mersea were deposited in a former tributary of the Thames, the Blackwater, that they lie at a sufficiently high level to be studied at the surface — the steeper upstream gradient of the Blackwater brings its last interglacial floodplain level above modern sea level at East Mersea. Because of this, the two East Mersea localities expose the only unequivocal last interglacial (Ipswichian) deposits (dated at around 125,000 years BP) yet recognized in the Thames catchment downstream from London. They are therefore comparable to the famous but inaccessible fossiliferous site at Trafalgar Square.