NWHG Ref. 040 — Sgonnan Mor, Dubh Loch Beag, Upper Glen Oykel

Location, grid reference and photograph

The site comprises three separate areas located within upper Glen Oykel, Grid Ref. NC 295145 — [NC 298 132], [NC 316 155][NC 320 160], [NC 308 180][NC 312 185].

GCR site reference, block, volume and notified feature of SSSI?

GCR Ref. 1160, Moine Block, Vol. 34. Notified feature of Ben More Assynt SSSI.

Description and geological significance

The three separate areas contain exposures of the Ben More Thrust and its associated structures. The site areas are considered representative of the Ben More Thrust and associated fold and thrust structures in the Assynt Culmination. They are also representative of the relationships between Lewisian and Torridonian units in the Ben More Thrust Sheet.


The site areas lie within a very remote and mountainous area, many kms from the nearest road, requiring a long walk over undulating and challenging terrain. There is therefore no all abilities access.


Low conservation requirement due to the nature, scale and location of the site areas.

Visibility and “clarity”

The main features are visible to the specialist eye once this very remote area is reached.

Interpretation and interpretation potential

The very remote and difficult nature of the site areas and the specialised aspect of their geological significance rule out any meaningful interpretation potential for the general public. The areas could be developed as an educational resource and included in a future Geopark guide.

Key references

BUTLER, R.W.H. 2009. Sgonnan More–Dubh Loch beag–Upper Glen Oykel. In Mendum, J. R., Barber, A. J., Butler, R. W. H., Flinn, D., Goodenough, K. M., Krabbendam, M., Park, R. G. & Stewart, A. D. (eds) Lewisian, Torridonian and Moine rocks of Scotland. Geological Conservation Review Series, 34, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough, 286–288.

ELLIOTT, D. & JOHNSON, M.R.W. 1980. Structural evolution in the northern part of the Moine thrust belt, NW Scotland. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 71, 69–96.