Smith, D.B. 1995. Marine Permian of England. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 8. JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 0412 61080 9. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Aeolian: produced by, or borne by, the wind.
Alabastrine: gypsum of a very fine-grained massive nature, generally white in mass but may be tinted.
Allochthonous: refers to rock formed elsewhere and transported to place where now found.
Anhydrite: anhydrous calcium sulphate (CaSO4).
Anoxic: lacking in oxygen.
Aphanitic: a rock in which the individual grains or crystals cannot be seen by the naked eye.
Arborescent: tree-like.
Authigenic: a mineral formed in place in a sediment or rock either by replacing an earlier mineral or by displacive growth.
Autochthonous: refers to rock formed in place where now found.
Azurite: copper carbonate (Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2).
Backreef or back-reef: the environment lying landward of a linear reef, especially a barrier reef; can include the landward margin of a linear reef.
Bafflestone: a term used in a refinement of the Dunham system of limestone classification to denote a rock in which a sparse population of sessile benthic organisms caused grains to be deposited by functioning as baffles and thereby reducing current velocity.
Barite (barytes): barium sulphate (BaSO4).
Benthic: refers to the flora and fauna of the sea floor.
Bindstone: a term used in a refinement of the Dunham system of limestone classification to denote a rock (commonly laminated) in which the constituent grains were held together by encrusting organisms such as cyanophytes.
Bioclasts: whole or fragmented organic remains, generally transported, in a sediment or rock.
Biota: faunal and floral assemblage of a bed or other stratigraphical unit.
Botryoidal: a term used to describe a smoothly mammilar accretionary surface, commonly on the free side of an encrusting mineral, facing a cavity.
Boundstone: a term used in the Dunham system of limestone classification to denote a rock in which the primary grains or constituents were bound together during formation or deposition (e.g. as in an organic reef).
Brash: a litter of broken pieces of rock, commonly in thin soil on rock.
Breccia: a rock composed of angular fragments, generally of varied sizes, produced in a wide range of ways.
Brockram: a term used in Cumbria for a sedimentary breccia of Permo-Triassic age; commonly red or purple.
Calcarenite: limestone formed mainly of calcium carbonate fragments of sand size.
Calcirudite: limestone formed mainly of calcium carbonate fragments of gravel size.
Calcite: calcium carbonate (CaCO3).
Celestite (celestine): strontium sulphate (SrSO4).
Chalcedony: a cryptocrystalline variety of silica (SiO2), consisting essentially of fibrous or ultra-fine quartz, some opal, together with water trapped in its structure.
Chalcocite: copper sulphide (Cu2S).
Chert: cryptocrystalline silica (SiO2) which may be of organic or inorganic origin, occurring as layers or nodules in sedimentary rocks (mainly limestones).
Chronostratigraphy: system of dividing up the geological column into convenient portions of time, leading to age classification of rocks according to hierarchal groupings of Systems, Series, Stages and Sub-stages.
Concretion: a hard, subspherical, discoidal or irregular mass or aggregate of mineral matter, generally formed by orderly and localized concentration from aqueous solution in the pores of a sedimentary rock.
Coquina: as calcirudite, but with most fragments being bioclasts.
Cyanophytic: related to microbes, especially blue-green algae, and the part they play in the creation of some laminated carbonate rocks.
Decollement (plane of): a surface separating rigid rock (below) from overlying, more plastic strata that have been detached and folded.
Dedolomite: a rock that previously has been composed of dolomite but which is now limestone.
Diachronous: a term used to describe a continuous rock body that is of different age in different places.
Diagenesis: the mainly physiochemical processes affecting sediments and sedimentary rocks between and including burial and re-emergence, but excluding metamorphism according to some authors.
Discontinuity: a break within a rock sequence indicating a cessation of deposition at the time of formation.
Dolomicrite: a dolomite rock composed of mud- to silt-size particles or crystals of dolomite.
Dolomite: (a) a mineral, carbonate of calcium and magnesium (CaMg(CO3)2) or (b) a rock composed mainly of the mineral dolomite; dolomite-rock.
Evaporite: a sedimentary rock composed mainly of minerals produced by chemical precipitation from a saline solution that became concentrated by evaporation of the solvent.
Fasciculate: as in a bundle of parallel rods.
Fenestral fabric: a texture characterized by very abundant primary or penecontemporaneous unsupported elongate cavities in a sediment or rock, generally carbonate; it may be open or filled with secondarily introduced sediment or minerals, commonly calcite or anhydrite.
Flaser: a sedimentary structure consisting of silt lenticles that are commonly aligned and usually cross-bedded.
Flowstone: a variety of travertine that coats existing surfaces (including the walls of caves and fissures) with laminar fine-grained deposits (generally calcium carbonate) precipitated from solution by trickling or slow-flowing mineral-rich water.
Foundering: the subsidence or collapse of strata overlying a sediment or rock that is undergoing dissolution.
Framestone: a term used in a refinement of the Dunham system of limestone classification to denote a variety of boundstone in which sessile skeletal organisms such as bryozoans construct a rigid or semi-rigid grain-trapping open framework.
Galena: lead sulphide (PbS).
Geode: a roughly equidimensional cavity up to a few centimetres across, in a rock; commonly lined with botryoidal deposits and/or inward-projecting crystals. Also called a vugh or vug.
Grainstone: a term used in the Dunham system of limestone classification to denote a carbonate rock composed of sand-sized grains in mutual contact and with no carbonate mud matrix.
Grapestone: a carbonate rock composed of grape-like clusters of silt-sized carbonate grains or crystals.
Gypsum: hydrated calcium sulphate (CaSO4.2H2O)
Halite: crystalline sodium chloride (rock-salt) (NaCl).
Infauna: the assemblage of fossil remains of organisms that lived below the sea floor, especially in sediments but also including some boring organisms.
Kaolinite: a clay mineral (Al4Si4O10(OH)8) of the kaolin group.
Lamellar drapes: thin layers of sediment, commonly laminated, that conform to substrate irregularities such as ripple marks.
Liesegang banding, rings: roughly concentric secondary rings or fronts caused in a sediment or rock by the rhythmic precipitation of pigmented minerals (commonly iron oxides) by groundwater.
Lithostratigraphy: the description, definition and naming of rock units. Units are named according to their perceived rank in a formal hierarchy, namely Supergroup, Group, Formation, Member and Bed.
Malachite: copper carbonate (Cu2CO3(OH)2). Mammilar as botryoidal.
Marl: a loosely-used term properly applied to a calcareous clay but widely misapplied in geology to describe a thick-bedded claystone or mudstone, whether calcareous or not.
Micrite: a limestone composed of microcrystalline calcite.
Microspar: a mosaic of crystals of any mineral in the 4–50 micron range; commonly applied to calcite and dolomite in the context used here.
Monomict: refers to a breccia/conglomerate composed of clasts of a single rock type, generally locally derived and accumulated.
Mucilage: a layer or mass of organic matter, commonly coating the shells of marine organisms and some grains such as ooids.
Muscovite: the commonest form of white mica; a silicate of aluminium and potassium, with hydroxyl and fluorine (KAl2(AlSi3) O10(OH,F)2).
Mylonite: a roughly laminated finely fragmental rock created at the mutual contact of two rock-masses that have been moved forcefully against each other.
Olistolith: a large coherent mass of rock that has been transported down a submarine slope by gravity sliding, and which forms part of a body of rock ('olistostrome') composed of similar masses in a varied fragmental matrix.
Oncoid or oncolith: a pisoid or pisolith of algal origin (= a subspherical algal stromatolite).
Ooid or oolith: a subspherical grain of sand-size, with or without a nucleus and with at least two concentric layers of roughly uniform thickness. Generally used to describe calcium carbonate grains but can be composed of other minerals.
Packstone: a term used in the Dunham system of limestone classification to denote a rock in which constituent grains in point-contact have mud-size carbonate grains in the interstices.
Palaeosol: a fossil soil.
Patch-reef: an isolated body of autochthonous reef-rock, generally 10–50 m across and 3–10 m thick in the sense used in this book.
Pellicle: a thin resistant coating on a grain of any size.
Pelloid: a sand-sized to granule-sized grain of finely crystalline carbonate of any origin, including pellets and ooids (or ooliths).
Peritidal: within or close to the tidal range; slightly broader than 'intertidal'.
Pinnate: leaf-like, with a central stalk.
Polyzoan: bryozoan.
Proximal turbidite: an obsolescent term used to describe a rock comprising an accumulation of coarse debris near the upslope limit of a submarine slump or slide. Now being replaced by 'debris flow'.
Pycnocline: a plane or thin transitional zone separating a dense lower layer in a density-stratified water body, from a less dense upper layer.
Pyrite: crystalline iron sulphide (FeS2).
Ramose: a term used for a fossil bryozoan or other sessile benthic organism with thin twiggy branches. Dendritic.
Recessive: forming a step-back or cleft in a cliff profile.
Reef crest: the junction between the basinward side of a reef flat and the top of the basinward reef slope (or reef wall, reef face).
Reef slope: the basinward slope (wall, face) of a shelf-edge or barrier reef.
Regression, marine: withdrawal of the sea from a large area of land.
Reticulate: having a net-like, equidimensional structure produced by rod-like frame elements crossing at right-angles and outlining square spaces or interstices.
Sabkha: a broad, very gently-sloping arid alluvial plain, generally understood to border a tropical or sub-tropical sea or lake and to have a high water table.
Saccharoidal: sugar-like, used to describe a carbonate rock formed of calcite or dolomite crystals of sand size.
Saccolith: a sack-shaped and sack-sized mass in a reef, thought to be a single colony of frame-building organisms such as bryozoans.
Scalenohedron: a crystal shape, essentially a twinned form of rhombohedra, especially in calcite, in which the twin plane is the basal pinacoid 0001.
Sessile: attached, applied to an organism that remains in one place during adult life.
Siliciclastic: a sediment or sedimentary rock comprising a high proportion of silica-rich grains or clasts.
Slickensides: parallel striations or scratches on the faces of a movement plane.
Speleothem: (= dripstone). A secondary mineral deposit, generally of calcium carbonate, formed in caves by deposition from saturated groundwater.
Sphalerite: zinc sulphide (ZnS).
Stellate: an aggregate of crystals in a star-like arrangement.
Stromatolite: a variously shaped (commonly domal) laminated, generally calcareous sedimentary structure, now mainly formed in a shallow-water, tropical environment under the influence of a mat or assemblage of sediment-binding blue-green algae (cyanophytes).
Stylolite: an irregular interpenetrant suture-like boundary, mainly in carbonate rocks, which is caused by pressure-dissolution; can lie at any angle relative to the bedding.
Sucrosic: a granular or crystalline texture resembling that of sugar.
Talus: an accumulation of rock litter at the foot of a slope, generally with a wide size-range (up to several metres) and ungraded; commonly used to denote debris shed from the high part of a reef slope and transported basinward by gravity ('reef talus', 'talus apron').
Transgression, marine: the invasion of a large area of land by the sea.
Travertine: see flowstone. Use of term broadened by some to include deposits of silica or other mineral formed in a similar manner.
Trepostome: an organism belonging to an extinct order of bryozoan.
Vor-riff, vorreef: an accumulation of debris near the basinward margin of a reef.
Wackestone: a term used in the Dunham system of limestone classification to denote a rock mainly of carbonate mud that contains more than 10%, but less than 50% of coarser clasts.