Smith, D.B. 1995. Marine Permian of England. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 8. JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 0412 61080 9. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Micklefield Quarry
The abandoned face at Micklefield Quarry (box 4 in
Micklefield Quarry lies behind houses near the south end of New Micklefield village and about 100 m west of the Great North Road; most of the floor of the former quarry has been filled with builders' and domestic waste. Strata now exposed comprise the lower part of the Sprotbrough Member (7.5 m+) and the uppermost part of the underlying Wetherby Member (2 m+), but the main features of interest and importance are the Hampole Beds (about 1 m) and the underlying Hampole Discontinuity. The discontinuity is regarded (Smith, 1968) as an erosion surface cut during a minor sea-level fall and the Hampole Beds are thought to be a product of an oscillating tropical shoreline on an extensive carbonate shelf at the edge of the English Zechstein Sea. The distinctive lower dolomite of the Hampole Beds was a much valued building stone and has been extensively used in the construction of the nearby walls and houses.
The quarry was first mentioned in the literature by Edwards et al. (1950), who recorded 60 ft (18 m) of 'limestone' (consisting mainly of the Wetherby Member), and summaries of the strata exposed now were given by Smith (1969b); a sketch of part of the quarry face was given by Kaldi (1980, fig. 3.36, 1986a, fig. 3b) who also included (fig. 6b) a photograph of a complex burrow system there.
Preservation of the face at Micklefield Quarry followed representations to the local council in 1969. Since then vital parts of the face have twice been covered and, following protests, twice re-excavated; nevertheless they remain vulnerable to illegal tipping. An information board provides a geological interpretation for visitors.
The position of Micklefield Quarry is shown in
Strata present in Micklefield Quarry belong entirely to the Cadeby Formation (the Cycle EZ1 carbonate unit of the marginal English Zechstein sequence) and comprise parts of the Wetherby Member (below) and the Sprotbrough Member. The general geological sequence in the quarry is summarized in
The sequence depicted is uniform throughout the quarry and dips gently eastwards. The overall apppearance of the southern part of the face is shown in
Micklefield Quarry is the most accessible and best exposure of the Hampole Discontinuity and Hampole Beds in central Yorkshire, supplanting the type locality of Hampole Limeworks Quarry
Wetherby Member below the Hampole Discontinuity
Less than 1 m of this member is now exposed below the Hampole Discontinuity, but up to 3.65 m of strata were seen by the writer before the site was landscaped; they were of typical open-shelf shallow water to intertidal peloid shoal or marginal facies, lithologically similar to equivalent strata at the type locality at the former site of Wetherby Station
Hampole Discontinuity (HD in (Figure 4.15) )
The gently rolling low relief of this crusted surface at Micklefield Quarry is typical of its configuration throughout the province; as elsewhere, it bears only a few minor eminences and hollows (?channels) and only slightly truncates bedding in underlying strata
Hampole Beds
Early workers from Sedgwick (1829) onwards recognized that the Cadeby Formation (formerly the Lower Magnesian Limestone or equivalents) could be readily divided into two main units on the basis of lithology and sedimentary characteristics, but the two units were nowhere fully defined and their mutual contact was commonly regarded as diachronous. Mitchell (in Mitchell et al., 1947, p. 122), however, described a distinctive bed about 0.6 m thick at the junction between the two units in the Don Valley near Sprotbrough and this bed was informally defined in his memory as the lower dolomite of the Hampole Beds by Smith (1968); the full normal sequence of the Hampole Beds at Micklefield Quarry
Micklefield Quarry
The most striking feature of the Hampole Beds is the unusual and environmentally significant lithology of the lower dolomite. The pronounced fenestral fabric of this algal-laminated ooidal bindstone is exceptionally clearly seen, and, in the Magnesian Limestone, is confined to this youngest bed of the Wetherby Member and a few thin lenses in grainstones a short distance below the Hampole Discontinuity. The combination of algal lamination, inferred crusts, imbricated rip-up clasts, minor channels and a convincing fenestral fabric suggests with reasonable confidence that this bed can be interpreted as the deposit of a high intertidal to predominantly low supratidal tropical marine-marginal sabkha or coastal flat (Smith, 1968); the presence at Mansfield of amphibian footprints on the surface of the underlying discontinuity (Hickling, 1906) is consistent with this interpretation.
The Hampole Beds have been traced along the depositional strike for more than 150 km from near Ripon to near Nottingham and, for a peritidal shoreline sequence, are extraordinarily uniform. All the component beds are lithologically consistent, the greatest variations being in relative and absolute thicknesses. In these respects the lower dolomite is the most variable, in keeping with its inferred beach or sabkha origin, ranging to more than 2.5 m thick at Wetherby (SE 49945)[sic] (but see Harwood, 1981, p. 82 for an alternative view) and Bramham
The Sprotbrough Member
Micklefield Quarry furnishes a representative (though relatively small) cross-section through the lower part of the grainstone shoal facies of this member, but displays most of the main distinguishing features; these are a parallel-laminated to thin-bedded basal unit, a coarsely cross-stratified main body, a scarcity of shelly fossils but local abundance of burrows, and an overall makeup of well-graded small (0.10–0.15 m) dolomite ooids (Kaldi, 1980). The member is also exposed high in the face at Cadeby Quarry and in many quarry and natural sections scattered along the outcrop between Ripon (where it is in a different facies) and Nottingham. The best and most spectacular exposures of the grainstone shoal (or sandwave) facies include those at Knaresborough
The grainstone shoal facies of the Sprotbrough Member is up to 60 m thick and forms most of the outcrop from Knaresborough southwards (Smith, 1989, fig. 7). It is interpreted as marking the site of an offshore field of high-energy subaqueous dunes (Smith, 1968, 1970b), sandwaves (Kaldi, 1980, 1986a) or grainstone barriers (Harwood, 1981, 1989), and separates a shallow protected shelf or lagoon to the west from a deeper-water open marine outer shelf to the east. The sedimentology and diagenesis of these rocks was investigated in detail by Kaldi (1980, 1986a, b) and their mineralization by Harwood (1981, 1986). By analysis of the trends of the prevalent large-scale cross-stratification, Kaldi showed that the sandwaves were constructed mainly by currents from the north-east (i.e. oblique to roughly normal to the inferred contemporary shoreline) with occasional storm currents from the south-east. The change of style from parallel-bedded at the base to coarsely cross-stratified above, points to a rapid deepening of the sea following the inferred peritidal phase of the Hampole Beds (Smith, 1974a, b, 1979; Kaldi, 1980, 1986a; Harwood, 1981, 1989).
Future research
There is scope here for further detailed research on the petrography and sedimentology of the lower dolomite of the Hampole Beds and on the mineralogy and origin of the various argillaceous beds present both here and at other exposures of these strata.
This site provides an excellent exposure of the Hampole Beds, a remarkably persistent and uniform sequence of passage beds spanning the contact between the Wetherby and overlying Sprotbrough Members of the Cadeby Formation, and of the Hampole Discontinuity. This marine carbonate sequence evolved from shallow water to intertidal and coastal plain sediments, before the Zechstein Sea again transgressed westwards and shallow marine deposition was resumed. The site is important in recording these changing phases of deposition, and in providing evidence in the form of the Hampole Discontinuity of a phase of emergence and erosion near the top of the Wetherby Member.