Smith, D.B. 1995. Marine Permian of England. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 8. JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 0412 61080 9. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Trimdon Grange Quarry
Trimdon Grange Quarry (not shown in
This quarry, not to be confused with the Grange Quarry
The quarry is about 70 m across and 5–9 m deep, and is cut entirely into gently-dipping, shallow-water, backreef or lagoonal carbonate rocks of the Ford Formation (formerly the Middle Magnesian Limestone). Most of these rocks probably were primary ooidal limestone, but they have undergone extensive mineralogical changes and are now a complex mixture of secondary limestone and subordinate dolomite; there is much evidence of replaced gypsum and/or anhydrite. The formation exposed here may also be seen in a number of other quarries in the area, although many nearby quarries have been filled in recent years and others are under threat; details of strata in all these exposures are available in the field-notes files of the British Geological Survey.
Trimdon Grange Quarry was first described by Smith and Francis (1967, p. 129) and further details were given by Smith (1981d). It is a peaceful place, almost cut off from the outside world, and its fascinating geology and botany are best enjoyed in the summer when its abundant wild strawberries are in season.
The position and outlines of the designated area are shown in
The rocks in the faces of Trimdon Grange Quarry are extremely varied, both vertically and laterally, and almost all display evidence of a complex diagenetic history; they dip gently eastwards, roughly parallel with the quarry floor, and about 9 m of strata are exposed. Strata in the north-west face and in some northern and upper parts of the south-west face are mainly of hard, off-white to pale buff-grey, finely saccharoidal secondary limestone, and most of the rock in the south face is of hard, coarsely saccharoidal, brown and grey-brown secondary limestone; rocks in the lower and southern parts of the south-west face are mainly of fairly soft, cream, finely crystalline dolomite which in places is soft and powdery. Traces of hollow ooids and of pisoids up to 4 mm across suggest that much of the rock was formerly an ooidal and pisoidal grainstone, though thin pack-stones and wackestones were probably also present. Much of the bedding has been blurred or obliterated by diagenetic changes, but enough has survived to suggest a mixture of beds, wedges and gentle lenses generally less than 1 m thick; abundant traces of low-angle, herringbone tabular cross-stratification (in sets up to 0.3 m thick) and hints of minor channels are present locally. Sub-vertical and U-shaped burrows up to 8 mm across are common in some beds and these have preferentially calcitized walls, but possible invertebrate remains are restricted to scattered bivalve-shaped casts.
Secondary features in the rocks of this quarry take the form of scattered, ovoid to irregular calcite-lined cavities up to 0.1 m across, of widespread, 'felted', platy calcite crystals after anhydrite or gypsum and of extremely numerous rectilinear and stellate intercrystalline dissolution voids; judging from the distribution and abundance of these features, the proportion of sulphate may once have ranged from 10 to as much as 90% of the rock. The 'felted' fabric is particularly eye-catching and is commonly associated with a boxwork of thin calcite veins; it was prevalent in cross-stratified ooidal dolomite exposed in a railway cutting (now filled) immediately east of the quarry. Other secondary features include widespread, patchy brick-red staining and a thick, sub-horizontal lens of coarsely-crystalline white calcite (recrystallized travertine?) in the north-east corner of the quarry.
Trimdon Grange Quarry provides a readily accessible and representative section in the backreef or lagoonal strata of the Ford Formation, and, where least altered, is typical of lagoonal ooid grainstones of all ages. Where highly altered, as in much of the quarry, it affords an unrivalled opportunity to study the diagenetic influence of former pervasive secondary calcium sulphate minerals.
Ford Formation strata landward of the shelf-edge reef occupy most of the outcrop of the Magnesian Limestone in County Durham, forming a triangular belt that exceeds 8 km in width in the Trimdon area; they are more than 100 m thick where adjoining the reef, but thin westwards (partly through erosion) and are probably mainly 30–60 m thick around Trimdon. Exposures are uncommon and mainly small in the narrow north of the outcrop, where they are near the reef and generally of shelly ooidal dolomite with scattered patch-reefs (as at Silksworth; see the account of Gilleylaw Plantation Quarry). In the wide outcrop to the south, by contrast, there are many quarries and natural exposures of only sparingly shelly ooidal strata lying several kilometres west of the reef (Smith and Francis, 1967, pp. 123–131) and it is these rocks that are epitomized by the beds exposed at Trimdon Grange Quarry. Ubiquitous low-angle cross-stratification, shallow channels and lenticular bedding all point to free grain movement under agitated (perhaps occasionally intertidal) shallow water, and the scarcity and low diversity of the shelly fauna may indicate slightly enhanced salinity. Lateral salinity gradients are common in many modern tropical lagoons and shallow marine shelves and may account for the westwards-diminishing faunal abundance and diversity in the Ford Formation. The general impression is of a broad, shallow marine shelf that evolved into a lagoon when the shelf-edge reef built up to sea level; near normal salinity probably characterized eastern parts, near the reef, but salinity increased gradually westwards (landwards) where the shelf/lagoon probably shelved imperceptibly into a marginal sabkha plain in which secondary evaporites may have been formed penecontemporaneously.
The predominantly dolomitic character of the rocks in the west face of Trimdon Grange Quarry is typical of the backreef/lagoonal peloid grainstones of the Ford Formation in a broad belt extending westwards to Bishop Middleham
The dolomitization of the backreef/lagoonal strata of the Ford Formation has been ascribed to refluxing dense brines relatively enriched in magnesium by the precipitation of thick calcium sulphate rocks in the succeeding Edlington Formation (Smith, 1981a, p. 179). Such brines might also have been generated in sabkhas marginal to the Ford Formation lagoon, which have now been eroded off. Harwood (19S6) postulated a similar mechanism to account for the equally pervasive dolomitization of equivalent strata in the Yorkshire Province, and Lee and Harwood (1989) invoke a reflux mechanism for the dolomitization of the underlying Raisby Formation in Durham. The calcium sulphate ions that subsequently replaced much of the dolomite presumably were introduced in the brines that effected dolomitization, and much of the dedolomitization was probably accomplished when the anhydrite was hydrated and dissolved during the current cycle of uplift (?Tertiary to present).
Future research
There has been relatively little research into the diagenetic and depositional history of the back-reef/lagoonal beds of the Ford Formation and both these aspects deserve attention; Trimdon Grange Quarry would form an excellent starting point.
Trimdon Grange is the only GCR site in which can be observed an accessible section of typical backreef or lagoonal carbonate sediments formed some kilometres west of the shelf-edge reef, the dominant feature of late Permian sedimentation in County Durham. Where unaltered, the oolitic limestones display bedding and channelling characteristic of lagoonal environments. However, in much of the exposure they are highly altered, the original limestone having been replaced by dolomite and this by calcium sulphate. The latter, in turn, was then either dissolved and its place taken by calcite, or replaced by calcite (together with some dolomite), producing a fascinating variety of rock fabrics and textures. The preservation of this site is important to safeguard the section of 'normal' lagoonal sediments, and the profound effects of later diagenetic processes.