Cleal, C.J. & Thomas, B.A. 1995. Palaeozoic Palaeobotany of Great Britain. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 9. JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 0 412 61090 6. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Freshwater East
Freshwater East has yielded the most diverse Silurian flora from anywhere in the world, and is particularly rich in rhyniophytoid species
Sandstone exposures on the north side of Freshwater East Bay, Dyfed
The geology of this site has been described by Dixon (1921). The plant fossils were found in a 0.3 m-thick grey sandstone within the Milford Haven Group
The following species have been reported from here:
Nematothallus pseudovasculosa Lang
Prototaxites sp.
Pachytheca sp.
Cooksonia hemisphaerica Lang emend. Edwards
C. cambrensis Edwards
cf. C. caledonica Edwards
cf. C. pertoni Lang
Cooksonia sp.
Tortilicaulis transwalliensis Edwards
cf. Salopella sp.
Hostinella sp.
Psilophytites sp.
The specimens are preserved as adpressions. Occasionally, some iron oxide and iron sulphide occurs on them, but no evidence of permineralization has been found (Edwards, 1979a).
This flora is characterized by an abundance of fertile rhyniophytoid specimens. By far the commonest were identified as Cooksonia by Edwards (1979a), who used 83 of the most complete examples to analyse the variation in sporangial shape and attachment. This allowed her to identify five form-species from here, one of which (C. cambrensis) was new. It also allowed her to emend Lang's (1937) diagnosis for C. hemisphaerica. She recognized the problem of identifying species on what are relatively minor differences, but argued that it was the only practical way of analysing such morphologically simple and fragmentary plant fossils. This is by far the most diverse Cooksonia assemblage reported from anywhere in the world.
Tortilicaulis transwalliensis was described from a number of unbranched axes bearing terminal, elongate bodies
A small number of specimens were axes, this time showing no evidence of twisting, which bore rather smaller, elongate sporangia. Edwards (1979a) compared these with Salopella of Edwards and Richardson (1974), but was unable to place them in any particular species.
As is normal in Přídolí age floras, fragmentary sterile axes are far commoner than the fertile specimens. The most common are smooth, either simple or dichotomous axes, which were identified as Hostinella by Edwards (1979a). No evidence of tracheids has been found in these specimens. Edwards also described three specimens showing a cluster of branches, which she compared with the 'K-branching' thought to be from the base of the Zosterophyllum plant (Walton, 1964a). However, she emphasized that there was no unequivocal evidence that the Freshwater East specimens were basal structures, and that they could equally be from the aerial part of a plant.
Of considerable interest was Edwards' discovery of four examples of axes, one of which shows a dichotomy, with spines attached
The Freshwater East plant fossils, which are 410–420 million years old, represent the most diverse Silurian flora from anywhere in the world. Small, upright, leafless plants, known as rhyniophytoids, are particularly abundant and diverse here, and the site has been of considerable importance in the study of these archetypal, primitive land plants. It has also yielded the earliest evidence of plant stems with spines, which may represent the evolutionary precursors of leaves. The flora provides a highly significant insight into land vegetation just before the major radiation that occurred about 10 million years later in the Early Devonian, and which is the subject of the next chapter.