Tyrell, G.W. 1928. The geology of Arran. Edinburgh, HMSO [for the Geological Survey]
Bibliography<ref>A number of unimportant items have not been included.</ref>
PENNANT, THOMAS. A Tour in Scotland and Voyage to the Hebrides; MNCCLXXII. Chester. And later editions. (Arran, vol. i., pp. 168–189).
HUTTON, JAMES. Theory of the Earth, with proofs and illustrations. 2 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh. (See pp. 429, 467, and 480 of vol. i. For 3rd volume of this work see under 1899.)
JAMESON, ROBERT. An Outline of the Mineralogy of the Shetland Islands and of the Island of Arran. 8vo. Edinburgh.
JAMESON, ROBERT. Mineralogy of the Scottish Isles; with mineralogical observations made in a tour through different parts of the mainland of Scotland, and a dissertation upon Peat and Kelp. (Often referred to as Mineralogical Travels, etc.) This, as regards Arran, is in great part a reprint with additions of the work of 1798 by the same author. (Arran, vol. i., pp. 16–127.)1802
PLAYFAIR, JOHN. Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth. 8vo. Edinburgh. (Arran, pp. 215, 314–316, 334–336.)
HEADRICK, JAMES. View of the Mineralogy, Agriculture, Manufactures, and Fisheries of the Island of Arran. 8vo. Edinburgh. 396 pp.
JAMESON, [ROBERT]. On Porphyry. Mem. Wern. Soc., vol. ii., p. 217.
MACCULLOCH, JOHN. Miscellaneous Remarks accompanying a Catalogue of Specimens transmitted to the Geological Society. Trans. Geol. Soc., ist Series, vol. ii., p. 388. (Goatfell, Arran.)
MACCULLOCH, JOHN. A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland, including the Isle of Man. London. 2 vols., 8vo., and vol., 4to, with plates. (Arran, vol. ii., pp. 311–439.)
BOUÉ, AMI Short Comparison of the Volcanic Rocks of France with those of a similar nature found in Scotland. Edin. Journ., vol. ii., p. 326.
(about). BOUÉ AMI. Essai Geologique sur l'Ecosse. 8vo. Paris. (Arran, pp. 18–20, 60–61, 270, 290–297, 305–317.) (Another edition in 1829.)
MACCULLOCH, JOHN. A Geological Classification of Rocks. 8vo. London. (Arran Pitchstones, p. 524, etc.)
NECKER DE SAUSSURE, L. A. Voyage en Ecosse et aux Iles Hébrides. 3 vols. Genève et Paris.
MACCULLOCH, JOHN. The Highlands and Western Isles of Scotland, containing descriptions of their scenery and antiquities. 4 vols. 8vo. London. (Arran, vol. ii., pp. 25–47.)
SEDGWICK, ADAM, and MURCHISON, [SIR] RODERICK IMPEY. On the Geological Relations of the Secondary Strata in the Isle of Arran. Trans. Geol. Soc. Lond., 2nd Series, vol. iii., part i., pp. 21–36. (Paper read 1828).
OEYNHAUSEN, KARL VON, and DECHEN, HEINRICH VON. Die Insel Arran. Karstein Archiv. I. (2 Heft), pp. 316–356. Tab. VIII., X.
PATERSON, JOHN. (Factor to his Grace the Duke of Hamilton and Brandon.) Account of the Island of Arran with a map. Prize Essay in Trans. Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh. Vol. xi., p. 125 (or New Series, vol. v.)
NECKER [DE SAUSSURE], L. A. Documents sur les Dykes de Trap d'une Partie de l'lle d'Arran.' Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. xiv., part ii., pp. 677–698.
RAMSAY, [SIR] A. C. Geological Model of the Island of Arran.
RAMSAY, [SIR] A. C. Notes taken during the Surveys for the Construction of the Geological Model Maps and Sections of the Island of Arran. Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1840, Trans. Sect., pp. 92–94.
RAMSAY, [SIR] A. C. The Geology of the Island of Arran from Original Survey. 8vo. Glasgow. 78 pp.
The New Statistical Account of Scotland. By the Ministers of the Respective Parishes. 15 vols. Edinburgh and London. Bute-shire (Arran), pp. 1–68.
LANDSBOROUGH, REV. DAVID. Arran. A Poem and Excursions to Arran, with reference to the Natural History of the Island. 8vo. London and Edinburgh.
NICOL, JAMES. On the Geology of the Southern Portion of the Peninsula of Cantyre, Argyllshire. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. viii., pp. 406–425. At p. 424 Arran rocks compared with those of Cantyre.
LANDSBOROUGH, REV. DAVID. Excursion to Arran, Ailsa Craig, and the Two Cumbraes, with reference to the Natural History of these Islands. 2nd series. Edinburgh.
NAPIER, JAMES. Observations on the Trap Dykes in the sea shore between the bays of Brodick and Lamlash in Arran. Edin, New Phil. Journ., New Series, vol. ii., No. i, p. 81.
BRYCE, JAMES. Geological Notices of the Environs of Glasgow, the Shores of the Clyde, and the Isle of Arran. 24 pp. 8vo. Glasgow. Later editions-i.e., Geology of Clydesdale and Arran -in 1859, 1865, 1872.
BRYCE, JAMES. Notice of Discovery of a New Granite in Arran. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow, vol. iv., pp. 18–21.
PHILLIPS, JOHN. Remarks on Certain Trap Dykes in Arran. Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1855, Trans. Sect., p. 94.
PHILLIPS, JOHN. Manual of Geology, Practical and Theoretical. 8vo. London. (Arran, pp. 503–506.)
SORBY, HENRY. On the Microscopical Structure of Crystals, indicating the Origin of Minerals and Rocks. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xiv., pp. 453–500. (Arran Pitchstones, p. 476, et seq., and Plate XVIII.)
DELESSE, ACHILLE. Etudes sur le Metamorphisme. Ann. des Mines. Series 5, vol. xiii., pp. 349, 350, 368–370.
BRYCE, JAMES. The Geology of Clydesdale and Arran. 8vo. Glasgow. 197 pp. (Arran, pp. 61–155.) Later editions, 1865, 1872.
MURCHISON, SIR RODERICK, and GEIKIE, [SIR] ARCHIBALD. First Sketch of a New Geological Map of Scotland, with Explanatory Notes.
ZIRKEL, FERDINAND. Mikroskopische Gesteinsstudien. Sitz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. xlvii., p. 226. (Arran, pp. 260–262, and plates.)
WATSON, REV. R. BOOG. On the Great Drift Beds with Shells in the South of Arran. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. xxiii., pp. 523546; and Proceedings, vol. v., p. 157.
GEIKIE, [SIR] ARCHIBALD. The Scenery of Scotland viewed in connection with its Physical Geology. 8vo. London and Cambridge. znd edition, 1887; 3rd edition, 1901.
BRYCE, JAMES. The Geology of Arran and Clydesdale. 8vo. Glasgow. Enlarged edition of work of 1859.
BRYCE, JAMES. On the Order of Succession in the Drift-beds of the Island of Arran. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxi., pp. 204–213.
CROSSKEY, REV. H. W. Glacial Deposits of the Clyde District. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. ii., part i., p. 45.
CAMPBELL, J. F. Frost and Fire . . . 2 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh. (Glaciation of Arran, vol. ii., pp. 63–71.)
LYELL, SIR CHARLES. Elements of Geology. 8vo. London. (Arran Granites, pp. 719–723.)
WÜNSCH, E. A. On the Occurrence of Fossil Trees Imbedded in Trappean Ash in Arran. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. ii., part ii., pp. 97–99, 160.
FORBES, DAVID. The Microscope in Geology. Popular Science Review (October), vol. xxv., pp. 355–368.
BOLTON, HENRY E. On the Occurrence of Slickensides in the Trap Dykes of Arran Island, Scotland. Journ. Roy. Geol. Soc. Ireland (N.S.), vol. i., p. 242.
BRYCE, JAMES. On the Age of the Arran Granites. Geol. Mag., vol. iv., pp. 552–553. (Paper read at Meeting of Brit. Assoc.)
WÜNSCH, E. A. On Carboniferous Fossil Trees imbedded in Trappean Ash in the Isle of Arran. Geol. Mag., vol. iv., p. 551, and Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1866, Trans. Sect., p. 73. (Title only.)
ZIRKEL, FERDINAND. Mikroskopische Untersuchungen fiber die glasigen and halbglasigen Gesteine. Zeits. deuts. geol. Ges., vol. xix., p. 737. (Arran Pitchstones, pp. 785–788, and Plate XIV.)
POTTS, REV. JOHN F. On the Arran Claystones. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. iii., part ii., p. 244.
BINNEY, E. W. Observations on the Structure of Fossil Plants found in the Carboniferous Strata. Palceont. Soc., pp. 55–59, and Plate XI.
WÜNSCH, E. A. On a Section of the Northern Shore of Arran. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. iv.. part i., pp. 95–96.
ZIRKEL, FERDINAND. Geologische Skizzen von der Westkiiste Schottlands. Zeits. deuts. geol. Ges., vol. xxiii., pp. 1–124, with 4 plates. 8vo. Leipzig, and separately. (Arran, pp. 2–46.)
ALLPORT, S. On the Microscopic Structure of the Pitchstones of Arran. Geol. Mag., vol. ix., pp. 1–10.
ALLPORT, S. On the Microscopic Structure of the Pitchstones and Felsites of Arran. Ibid., vol. ix., pp. 536–545.
BRYCE, JAMES. The Geology of Arran and the other Clyde Islands. 4th ed. 8vo. Glasgow and London. (Arran, pp. 1–227.) B. (Anon.) Review of Bryces "Geology of Arran". Geol. Mag., vol. ix., pp. 552–556.
M'ARTHUR, JOHN. The Antiquities of Arran, with a Historical Sketch of the Island. 2nd Edition. 8vo. Edinburgh.
BELL, DUGALD. Note on the Pitchstone at Corriegills, Arran. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. iv., part ii., p. 190.
VOGELSANG, HERMAN. Die Krystalliten. 8vo. Bonn (dated 1875), nach dem Tode des Verfassers herausgeben von F. Zirkel.
ALLPORT, S. On the Microscopic Structure and Composition of British Carboniferous Dolerites. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxx., p. 529. (Arran, pp. 534, 547, 562–564.)
LANDSBOROUGH, REV. D., and Son. Arran, its Topography, Natural. History, and Antiquities. 8vo. Ardrossan and London.
BONNEY, T. G. On Columnar, Fissile, and Spheroidal Structure. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxii., pp. 140–154. (Arran, p. 542.)
GOOCH, FRANK A. Bemerkungen über die Pechsteine von Arran. Tscher. Min. Petr. Mitth., pp. 185–186.
BONNEY, T. G. On Certain Rock Structures, as Illustrated by Pitchstones and Felsites in Arran. Geol. Mag., New Series, decade ii., vol. iv., pp. 499–511.
WÜNSCH, E. A. On the Junction of Granite and Old Red Sandstone at Corrie and Glen Sannox, Arran. Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1876, Trans. Sect., p. 98. See also Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. v., part i., 1875, pp. 162–163.
THOMSON, JAMES, and WÜNSCH, E. A. [Discovery of Derived Carboniferous Fossils in the Conglomerates at the North End of Arran]. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. v., part ii., p. 313.
Columnar Sandstone in Arran. Ibid., vol. v., part ii., p. 324. 1878.
LASAULX, PROF. A. VON. Aus Irland.' Bonn.
ALLPORT, S. Note on the Pitchstones of Arran, Geol. Mag. New Series, decade ii., vol. viii., pp. 438–439.
WÜNSCH, E. A. A German Professors Views of the Geology of Arran. Translated from Prof. A. von Lasaulxs Aus Irland. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. vi., part ii., pp. 165–178. See also 289.
HEDDLE, M. F. Minerals New to Britain. Min. Mag., vol. v., p. 1. (Analyses of pitchstone and spherulite from Corrygills.)
HEDDLE, M. F. The Geognosy and Mineralogy of Scotland. Sutherland, part iv. Min. Mag., vol. v., p. 133. (Murchisonite from Arran, p. 162.)
JUDD, J. W., and COLE, GRENVILLE A. J. On the Basalt Glass (Tachylyte) of the Western Isles of Scotland. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxix., pp. 444–465. (Lamlash, and Castle Grounds, Brodick.)
GLEN, DAVID CORSE, and YOUNG, JOHN. Notes on the Spherulitic Rock of Corriegills and the Banded Pitchstone of Invercloy, Arran. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. vii., part ii., pp. 352–358.
RUTLEY, FRANK. Notes on Alteration induced by Heat in certain Vitreous Rocks. Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xl., p. 430. (Arran Pitchstones.)
MACADAM, W. IVISON. Notes on the Ancient Iron Industry of Scotland. Proc. Antiq. Soc. Scotland, vol. xxi., p. 89. (Arran, several localities, pp. 98, 99.)
MACADAM, W. IVISON. Notice of a New Fossiliferous Bed in the Island of Arran. Trans. Geol. Soc. Edinburgh, vol. v., part ii., p. 316.
TEALL, [SIR] J. J. H. British Petrography. Large 8vo. London. (Arran, pp. 15, 184, 185, 194, 195, 263, 264, 265, 328, 344–347. Plates XXXIV. and XXXIX.)
GEIKIE, SIR ARCHIBALD. New Geological Map of Scotland, with Explanatory Notes.
GEIKIE, SIR ARCHIBALD. History of Volcanic Action in the British Isles. Presidential Address, Geol. Soc. Quart. Journ, Geol. Soc., vol. xlviii. (Arran, pp. 107, III, 115, 119, 120, 122, 123.)
BLAIR, M. [Two large boulders near Kings Cross, Arran.] Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. ix., part ii., p. 427.
JUDD, J. W. On Composite Dykes in Arran. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlix., pp. 536–565.
ZIRKEL, FERDINAND. Lehrbuch der Petrographie. 2nd Edition, 3 vols. 8vo. Leipzig. (Arran Pitchstones, vol. ii., pp. 223–225.)
CORSTORPHINE, G. S. Ueber die Massengesteine der sildlichen Theiles der Insel Arran, Schottland. Tscher. Min. Petr. Mitth., vol. xiv., pp. 443–470 — and separately. Wien.
Geological Survey. Annual Report for the year 1894, pp. 284–286.
SMITH, John. [Large Spherulites from Dun Fionn, Arran.] Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. x., part i., p. 166.
SMITH, John. [China Clay from the Schrevin Clun Shaune, Arran.] Ibid., p. 168.
SMITH, John. [Rock Fragments from near the centre of the Arran Granite area.] Ibid., p. 168.
BLAIR, MATTHEW. [Arctic Shells from the Clay Bed near Lag, Arran.] Ibid., p. 169.
SMITH, JOHN. A New View of the Arran Granite Mountains. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. x., part ii., pp. 216–256.
NEILSON, JAS. On the Old Red Sandstone and Carboniferous Rocks of the North End of the Island of Arran. Ibid., vol. x., part ii., pp. 280–301, 367.
Geological Survey. Annual Report for the year 1895, p. 29.
GEIKIE, SIR ARCHIBALD. Scottish Mountains. Scottish Mount. Club Journ., vol. iv., p. 113. (Goatfell, with plate.)
ROSENBUSCH, H. Mikroskopische Physiographie der Massigen Gesteine. 3rd Edition. 8vo. Stuttgart. (Arran, pp, 683, 692, 693, 699–793, 1144, 1157.)
YOUNG, JOHN. [A peculiar cream-coloured Felspathic Rock, from a boulder on the shore of Brodick Bay in Arran.] Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. x., part ii., p. 380.
GEIKIE, SIR ARCHIBALD. The Ancient Volcanoes of Great Britain. 2 vols. 8vo. London.
Geological Survey. Annual Report for the year 1896, pp. 53, 63, 66, 75, 76.
GUNN, W. Notes on the Geology of the Isle of Arran. Trans. Geol. Soc. Edinburgh, vol. vii., part iii., pp. 268–276.
THOMSON, JAMES. On the Stratified Rocks of the Shore-line from Clachland Point to the Cock of Arran. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. xi., part i., pp. 12–30, with a section. (The greater part of this paper was read in January 1875, and the section prepared for the Meeting of the British Association in 1876.)
YOUNG, DR. JOHN. [Specimen of Felsite, near Whiting Bay.] Ibid., vol. xi., part i., p. 132.
Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of Great Britain for 1897. Mem. Geol. Surv., pp. 81, 112–123.
HUTTON, JAMES. Theory of the Earth, with proofs and illustrations. Vol. iii. London. (Edited by Sir A. Geikie.) (Arran, pp. 191267.)
Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of Great Britain for 1898. Mem. Geol. Surv. (Arran, pp. 52, 53, 93, 131, 150–152, 168, 169, 185, 186, 206.)
COHEN, E. Sammlung von Mikrophotographien. 3rd Edition. Stuttgart. (Arran, Plate IV.)
BLAIR, MATTHEW. Andersonian Naturalists Society. (Report of paper on The Circuit of Arran, with special reference to the Ancient Sea Levels.) North Brit. Daily Mail, Sept. 13th.
Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of Great Britain for 1899. Mem. Geol. Surv. (Arran, pp. 67–71, 82, 133, 134, 147, 148.)
GUNN, WILLIAM. On the Old Volcanic Rocks of the Island of Arran. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. xi., part ii., pp. 174–191.
SMITH, JOHN. The Barite Veins of South-West Scotland. Ibid., vol. xi., part ii., p. 232.
SMITH, JOHN. Detached Microliths from the Pitchstone Sill at Corriegills, Arran. Ibid., vol. xi., part ii., p. 275.
COWIE, CHARLES R. The Glacial Phenomena of Loch Ranza Glen, Arran. Ibid., vol. xi., part ii., p. 282.
Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of Great Britain for 1900. Mem. Geol. Surv., pp. III, 123–126, 168, 169.
PEACH, B. N., GUNN, W., and NEWTON, E. T. ` On a Remarkable Volcanic Vent of Tertiary Age in the Island of Arran, enclosing Mesozoic Fossiliferous Rocks. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. pp. 226–241.
GEIKIE, SIR ARCHIBALD. The Scenery of Scotland, viewed in connection with its Physical Geology. 3rd Edition. London. (Arran, pp. 199, 249, 278, 299, 356, 358, 361, 364, 412, 481, 482.)
Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of Great Britain for 1901. Mem. Geol. Surv. (Arran, p. 178.)
SMITH, J. On a Flexed Structure in the Pitchstone of Corriegills, Arran. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol.xii., part i., p. 61.
The Geology of North Arran, South Bute, and the Cumbraes, with parts of Ayrshire and Kintyre. (Explanation of Sheet 21.) Mem. Geol. Surv. 200 pp.
COWIE, C. R. Notes on the Shoals at Caticol Point and Kim Point, Arran. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol.xii., part ii., pp. 156–158.
GUNN, W. On a Volcanic Series associated with the Schists of North Glen Sannox, Arran. Ibid., vol.xii., part ii., pp. 192–195.
STARK, J. A Tertiary Volcanic Vent in the Island of Arran. Ibid., vol.xii., part ii., pp. 196–202.
STARK, J. The Highland Boundary Fault in Arran. Ibid., vol. xii., part iii., pp. 292–293.
Notes on the Geology of South-East Arran. Ibid., vol. part ii., pp. 191–195.
REOCH, J. W. Notes on the Shore Section at Brodick and Corry-gills, Arran. Ibid., vol. xiii., part ii., pp. 255–263.
TYRRELL, G. W. The Classification of the Post-Carboniterous Intrusive Igneous Rocks of the West of Scotland. Ibid., vol. part iii., pp. 298–317. (Arran, pp. 312–316, Plate XIX., Figs. 5, 6.)
BOYLE, R. The Economic and Petrographic Geology of the New Red Sandstones of the South and West of Scotland. Ibid., vol. xiii., part iii., pp. 344–384. (Arran, pp. 344–347, 364.)
PEACH, B. N., and HORNE, J. The Scottish Lakes in Relation to the Geological Features of the Country, in Sir T. Murray and L. Pullar, Bathymetrical Survey of the Scottish Fresh Water Lochs, vol. i., Pp- 439–513.
GEIKIE, SIR ARCHIBALD . Arran: The Building-up of the Island, in The Book of Arran, Glasgow, pp. 1–30.
MORT, F. The Sculpture of the Goatfell Mountain Group. Scottish. Geogr. Mag., vol. xxvii., pp. 632–643.
TYRRELL, G. W. The Petrology of Arran, I. and II. Geol. Mag., New Series, decade v., vol. x., pp. 305–309.
MORT, F. North Arran: A Physiographic Study. Thesis for D.Sc. University of Glasgow. 72 pp., I Plate.
MORT, F. The Sculpture of North Arran. Scottish Geogr. Mag., vol. xxx., pp. 393–404.
SCOTT, A. The Pitchstones of South Arran. Trans. Geol. Soc., Glasgow, vol. xv., part i., pp. 16–36.
SCOTT, A. A Composite Sill in Glen Cloy, Arran. Ibid., vol. xv., part ii., pp. 140–150.
GREGORY, J. W. The Permian and Triassic Rocks of Arran. Ibid., vol. xv., part ii., pp. 174–187.
TYRRELL, G. W. On the Boundary between the Upper and Lower Divisions of the Red Rock Series, near Whiting Bay and in the Sliddery Water, Arran. Ibid., vol. xv., part ii., pp. 188–199.
TYRRELL, G. W. The Petrology of the Glasgow District. Proc. Geol. Assoc.,vo. 1 . xxvi., part iii., pp. 170–174. (Arran, pp. 173–4.)
TYRRELL, G. W. The Petrography of Arran, III. Geol. Mag., pp. 193–196.
TYRRELL, G. W.Some Tertiary Dykes of the Clyde Area. Geol. Mag., pp. 305–315, 350–356.
BOSWELL, P. G. H. A Memoir on British Resources of Refractory Sands for Furnace and Foundry Purposes, Part i. London. 246 pp. (Moulding sand, Whiting Bay, p. 169.)
SCOTT, A. Notes on the Physiography of Arran. Scottish Geogr. Mag., vol. xxxiv., pp. go-99.
Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of Great Britain for 1917. Mem. Geol. Surv. (Arran, p. 30.)
Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of Great Britain for 1918. Mem. Geol. Surv. (Arran, p. 23.)
GEIKIE, J. Structural and Field Geology, 4th Edition. Revised by Dr. R. Campbell. (Arran: Plates XIX., XXVI., XXXIX., XL., XLIII., LIV., LV., LVIII.)
GREGORY, J. W. The Pre-Glacial Valleys of Arran and Snowdon. Geol. Mag., vol. lvii., pp. 148–164.
Special Reports on the Mineral Resources of Great Britain. Vol. vi. Refractory Materials: Ganister, Silica-Rock, Sand, Dolomite Resources and Geology. Mem. Geol. Surv., znd Edition. 241 pp (Arran: Corrie ganister and hearth sand, pp. 156, 196.)
Special Reports on the Mineral Resources of Great Britain. Vol. xiv. Refractory Materials: Fireclays: Resources and Geology. Mem. Geol. Surv. 243 pp. (Arran: Bauxitic fireclay, Merkland Burn, pp. 230, 235). See also G. V. Wilson, 1922.
Special Reports on the Mineral Resources of Great Britain. Vol. ii. Barytes and Witherite. Mem. Geol. Surv. 3rd Edition. 119 pp. (Glen Sannox barytes mine, pp. too-tot.)
WILSON, G. V., and others. The Ayrshire Bauxitic Clay. Mem. Geol. Surv. 28 pp. (Arran, pp. 5, 8, 24.)
TYRRELL, G. W. The Classification and Age of the Analcite-bearing Igneous Rocks of Scotland. Geol. Mag., vol.lx., pp. 249–260. (Arran, pp. 256–259.)
Special Reports on the Mineral Resources of Great Britain. Vol. xxviii. Refractory Materials Firedays: Analyses and Physical Tests. By F. R. Ennos and Alex. Scott. Mem. Geol. Surv. 81 pp. (Arran, pp. 47, 64.)
GREGORY, J. W., and TYRRELL, G. W. Excursion to Arran. Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. xxxv., part iv., pp. 401–423.
HARRISON, J. V. The Geology of a Composite Intrusion at Bennan, South Arran. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol.xvii., part ii., pp. 173–180.
BARRETT, B. FL The Permian Breccia of Arran. Ibid., vol.xvii., part ii., pp. 264–270.
SHERLOCK, R. L. A Correlation of the British Permo-Triassic Rocks. Part i. North England, Scotland, and Ireland. Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol.xxxvii., pp. 1–72. (Arran, pp. 47–48.)
BAILEY, E. B. Subterranean Penetration by a Desert Climate. Geol. Mag., vol.lxiii., pp. 276–280.
BAILEY, E. B. Domes in Scotland and South Africa: Arran and Vredefort. Ibid., vol. lxiii., pp. 481–495.
Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of Great Britain for 1925. Mem. Geol. Surv. (Arran, pp. 13, 20, 21, 102, 137.)
GREGORY, J. W. The Scottish Kames and Their Evidence on the Glaciation of Scotland. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, vol.liv., part ii., pp. 395–432. (Arran, pp. 404–405.)
GREGORY, J. W. The Moraines, Boulder Clay, and Glacial Sequence of South-western Scotland. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. xvii., part iii., pp. 354–376. (Arran, pp. 356, 364, 368, 372.)
Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of Great Britain for 1926. Mem. Geol. Surv. (Arran, pp. 2, 24, 31, 35,75, 76, 77.)
TYRRELL, G. W., and BARRETT, B. H. The New Red Sandstone of Arran. Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1927, Trans. Sect., pp. 324–325. 1928.
ROBINSON, P. I. The Pitchstone of Penrioch, Arran. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol.xviii., part ii. (In the press.)