Bailey, et al. 1924. Tertiary and Post-Tertiary geology of Mull, Loch Aline, and Oban (a description of parts of sheets 43, 44, 51, and 52 of the geological map). HMSO [for Geological Survey]
Chapter 10 Petrology of basalt and mugearite lavas
A general introduction to the basalt and mugearite lavas of Mull is furnished in Chapter 5. It is there pointed out that certain types of basalt-lava, Plateau Types, are particularly characteristic of the earlier part of the lava-sequence still preserved from erosion; that other types, Central Types, are equally characteristic of the later part of this sequence; that mugearite-lavas are interbedded among the Plateau Basalts, more especially on a comparatively high horizon, well-displayed in Ben More; and that early representatives of Central Types are also found associated with Plateau Types—these early Central Types include basalts of Staffa Type, occurring at the base of the Plateau Group in south-west Mull, and also big-felspar basalts, roughly synchronous with the Ben More Mugearites.
The chemistry of these different lavas is represented by eleven analyses, quoted and discussed in Chapter 1 (pp. 15, 17, 24).
The differences, which in Ben More allow of a separation of the Plateau Basalts into a dark group below and a pale group above, have been dealt with in Chapter 8.
The pneumatolytic changes and contact-alteration, by which both Plateau and Central Lavas have often been affected, have been discussed to some extent in Chapters 5 and 8, but are further considered in the following pages.
With the help of these preliminary remarks the reader will readily understand the grouping of the petrological material adopted in the sequel.
Plateau types of basalt
(Anals. I.-III.;
The lavas of the Plateau-region of Mull are, with relatively few exceptions, normal olivine-rich basalts (S14913), (S19071)
The tendency to hypidiomorphism of the augite is found both in the coarse (doleritic) rocks (S14983)
Before leaving the subject of the Plateau Basalts, a word must be said concerning the ophitic structure presented by a great number of the doleritic and basaltic lavas. In the doleritic rocks, the ophitic structure is moderately coarse and quite normal in character, though varied by an occasional tendency for the augite to assume idiomorphism. In the ophitic basalts, the augite most frequently takes the form of small irregularly bounded clots, that behave ophitically towards the narrow labradorite-crystals, and are separated from each other by a matrix consisting almost entirely of labradorite, olivine, magnetite, and interstital matter (now largely converted into serpentine). To the resultant structure the term ophimottling may be applied. Generally, olivine is distributed more or less evenly without regard to the ophitic patches (S16041)
A certain amount of ground-mass, represented by zeolites and serpentine, is commonly present among the Plateau Basalts, and its failure to resist atmospheric erosion is probably responsible for the pimply-weathering of many of the basalt-flows outside the Limit of Pneumatolysis (
Segregation veins
A few of the Plateau Basalts show a somewhat remarkable tendency to segregate contemporaneous veins consisting mainly of augite, felspar, and analcite, without olivine. These veins differ in texture and composition from the parent-lava, and afford interesting evidence as to the manner of differentiation of the normal basalt-magma. They have an acicular crystallization, and are often associated with lines of amygdales, in which case there is generally an ingrowth of acicular crystals forming a first lining to the vesicles. The subject of their mode of occurrence has been dealt with more or less fully in Chapter 7, where it has been pointed out that the lavas affected by such veining are no less fresh than their unveined neighbours of similar composition and that they often retain their olivine in an undecomposed condition. The best examples of this phenomenon occur, beyond the limits of pneumatolytic action (
A good instance is afforded by a lava (S20782)
Veins from a similar lava (S20865)
Other examples may be drawn from the lavas of Tòn Dubh-sgairt (S20784)
It will be seen from the above description that these segregation-veins, which cannot be otherwise regarded than as normal differentiation-products of a basalt-magma, are in a general way mineral-logically and structurally related to the lamprophyres. They distinctly recall the ocelli of the camptonites (Chapter 35), a fact that must be reckoned with in discussing the age of the captonitic dykes of the Mull region (p. 380).
Another point of interest is the modification of the segregation-veins within the Limit of Pneumatolysis (
Amygdales outside limit of pneumatolysis
- Mull (Sheet 44): inland of the farmhouse of Carsaig (Compton); west side of Carsaig Arches; sea-cliffs below Beinn Chreagach, between Carsaig Arches and Carsaig Bay, associated with stilbite, mesolite, and scolecite (Goodchild); Loch Scridain, near Killinichen, on quartz (Mrs. Currie).
- Mull (Sheet 43): Dearg Sgeir, with gyrolite, mesolite, and scolecite (Heddle and Goodchild).
- Mull (Sheet 51): Calgary Bay (Currie).
- Mull (Sheets 51 or 52): Northern division of island with stilbite, mesolite, and prehnite (Macculloch).
- Staffa (Sheet 43): north end, on scolcite.
- Ulva (Sheet 43): (Macculloch).
- Treshnish Isles (Sheet 43): Bac Mòr, on stilbite and covered with natrolite; Lunga, with faröelite<ref>In British Museum Students' Index, faröelite is listed as a variety of thomsonite.</ref> and scolecite; Sgeir a' Chaisteil; Fladda, on scolecite and covered with natrolite.
From its mode of occurrence in the segregation-veins just described, it is safe to regard much of the analcite of Mull as an auto-pneumatolytic product of the containing lavas.
General pneumatolysis
(Anals. XI. and XII.;
Albite and epidote have resulted from the decomposition of the original felspar, and with - chlorite are the characteristic amygdale-minerals within the Limit of Pneumatolysis (S2112)
Epidotic veins are highly characteristic of the more altered areas (S14815)
It is particularly interesting to try and trace the fate of the segregation-veins, described above, within the Limit of Pneumatolysis. Dr. M'Lintock<ref>W. E. P. M'Lintoch, On the Zeolites and Associated Minerals from the Tertiary Lavas around Ben More, Mull. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. li., 1915, p. 1.</ref> has made a special study of certain amygdaloidal lavas of the Ben More Massif (
We have stated above that analcite is altogether replaced within the Limit of Pneumatolysis, so far as the Mull lavas are concerned. The chief support for this claim is the complete absence of analcite inside the Limit, whether we look for it in segregation-veins, or in amygdales, or in the general base of the lavas affected. In addition, Dr. M'Lintock has in one case found albite pseudomorphing icositetrahedra of analcite<ref>Dr. Heddle had previously recorded albite-pseudomorphs after heulandite, laumontite and analcite in Carboniferous lavas of Central Scotland, Mineralogy of Scotland, 1901, vol. ii. p. 13.</ref> (op. cit., pp. 10 and 19); but it must be admitted that he regarded the phenomenon as abnormal in the district he examined; and he did not think that analcite had ever been a common mineral in his lava-group. As already mentioned (pp. 50, 128), Dr. M'Lintock assigns the alteration of the particularly vesicular zone of Ben More to auto-pneumatolysis; whereas we are disposed to follow Mr: Currie in referring it to the general pneumatolysis of the central region.
The outstanding feature of the vesicular zone of Ben More is its richness in scolecite, first described by Mr. Currie (p. 49). Some of the fibrous agregates reach 10 cms. in length. Leaving out of consideration the segregation, or pegmatitic, minerals, Dr. M'Lintock arrives at the conclusion that the main sequence of amygdale-infilling has been: chlorite, followed in turn by albite, epidote, prehnite, and scolecite; and he connects this time-scale with a gradual fall of temperature allowing of the deposition of increasingly hydrous minerals (except for the chlorite—op. cit., p. 24).
Dr. M'Lintock's further work in elucidating the thermal metamorphism of the amygdale-assemblage in proximity with the granophyre of
Mugearites associated with plateau basalts
(Anal. I.;
Mugearites are represented amongst the lavas of Mull, more particularly in association with those of Plateau Type. Except for the main mugearitic horizon of Ben More and the plateau-region to the south and west, their occurrence is somewhat fitful. Petrographically, there are many examples which conform closely to the type as described from Skye; but, as has been found in other districts where rocks of this nature are developed, there is a tendency for them to pass, by an increase in the basicity of the felspars, and by a greater proportion of ferromagnesian minerals, into rocks with more definitely basaltic characteristics, which must be described either as basaltic mugearites or mugearitie basalts. In the other direction, with an increase in alkalinity, and a falling off in the ferromagnesian constituents, the mugearites grade into oligoclase-trachytes.
That the relative alkalinity of the mugearites when compared with the basalts is an original specific character there can be no doubt; but it is well to point out, that rocks similar to mugearites in many respects can be, and are, produced by the more or less complete albitization of some of the finer textured basalts.
In their mode of weathering and their platy fracture, due in a large measure to the fluxional arrangement of the microscopic felspars, they are, as a, rule, easily distinguishable from the basaltic rocks with which they are associated.
They are fine-grained holocrystalline dark-grey rocks, usually without phenocrysts. In some instances, however, small and infrequent phenocrysts of plagioclase may be detected with the unaided eye; while in one case among the mugearites of Ben More distinctly porphyritic crystals have been observed (S17797)
Microscopically, these rocks in their typical development consist of minute elongated crystals of an acid plagioclase, approximating to oligoclase in composition. The microlites are arranged with varying degrees of parallelism (trachytic structure) indicating that the rock retained considerable fluidity up to the final stages of its consolidation. Next in abundance is iron-ore, which is generally widely distributed throughout th rock as minute crystals of magnetite lying between the felspars or, less frequently, segregated into irregularly bounded patches. Olivine and, less abundantly, augite are the only original ferromagnesian minerals that occur in quantity; but in the case of the Mull examples olivine has not as yet been detected in an unaltered condition. It usually exists as rounded grains or minute elongated phenocrysts arranged parallel to the direction of flow as indicated by the felspar-microlites. In the majority of cases, it has been converted into highly birefringent chloritic pseudomorphs of deep-green colour (S17796)
Orthoclase has not been definitely recognized in the Mull rocks, nor have the pale-brown hornblende and biotite that occur in the Skye and Central Valley mugearites.<ref>J. S. Flett, On the Mugearites, Summary of Progress for 1907, Mem. Geol. Survey, 1908, p. 122.</ref>
Dr. Harker allows himself a certain amount of latitude in the interpretation of his type, and it appears quite clearly that slight departure of the dominant felspar from the composition of oligoclase, an increase or decrease in the percentages of olivine and augite, and the presence of micro-porphyritic crystals are, within limits, features of varietal significance only.
The Ben More mugearite at Kinloch (S20582)
Certain specimens of basaltic mugearite from Ben More (S17795)
In the more acid direction again, a rock south-west of Cruach Inagairt (S17328)
The mugearite of the mapped outcrop, north-west of the head of Loch na Kcal, is almost typical (S17991)
Another mugearite, not mapped but easily located, crops out from the raised-beach deposits at Ardchoirk (east of Lochdonhead). In some respects this rock approaches the soda-trachytes. The fetspars are andesine zoned with oligoclase. The augite is pale green, slightly pleochroic, and has a tendency towards a micro-ophitic habit. Olivine is represented by minute, well-shaped, dark-green, highly birefringent, pseudomorphs; and magnetite is moderately abundant. The section (S15555)
Central types of basalt associated with the plateau basalts
(1). Staffa Type
(Anals. II. & III.;
The columnar lavas of the south-west of Mull are mainly of the Staffa Type, and are moderately compact fine-grained basalts, poor in olivine, that approach somewhat closely to the olivine-poor or olivine-free basalts of the central region. On the other hand, columnar structure reveals itself occasionally in olivine-rich rocks of normal Plateau Type which occur at a low geological position in the same south-western district.
As representative of the Staffa Type, we may cite: the Fingal's Cave lava of Staffa (S20874)
All these rocks are distinguished in the field by fine-texture combined with columnar structure, generally of the double-tier type; and their microscopic appearance is equally characteristic.
Their constituent minerals are augite, olivine, labradorite, and magnetite or titano-magnetite. The augite is typically non-titaniferous, and the felspars, for the most part, are microlithic in habit. The rocks consist of a felted mass of labradorite microlites, usually without good terminations, which include within their meshes small granules of augite, olivine, and magnetite. Augite is particularly abundant, but olivine is a minor constituent. There is usually no semblance of fluidal structure, but residual material in the form of a chloritized base representing glass is a constant feature. Infrequent microporphyritic crystals of olivine, augite, or felspar may be represented, and, in keeping with the position of these rocks beyond the limit of the central Mull pneumatolysis, olivine is in a more or less undecomposed condition.
Augite is the dominant ferromagnesian mineral, in fact, the dominant mineral. It has a granular habit, and shows a tendency to segregate into aggregates that may, or may not, behave ophitically towards the felspar. The structure is highly characteristic, and occasionally becomes almost intersertal (p. 280). The Staffa Type of basalt is essentially a fine-grained olivine-tholeiite, and, if it were more coarsely crystalline, it would agree closely with the Salen Type of tholeiite (p. 285). This relationship is clearly shown by the agreement of the analyses (p. 17). It is interesting to note that the Staffa Type includes the columnar basalt of the Giant's Causeway (I. 440).
The tendency to display columnar structure, generally in two tiers, is so marked a feature of the Staffa Type that it is necessary to emphasize the fact that all the conspicuous columnar basalts and dolerites of the Hebrides, or even of south-west Mull, do not belong to one petrological category.
The best known columnar sheet of Skye, that of Preshal More and Preshal Beg, approaches the Staffa Type in its preponderance of augite with which is associated felspar, olivine, and iron-ore; but the structure in the only Survey slide (S9249)
In four slices of columnar basalts from the south-western district of Mull, the rocks prove to be of Plateau Type (S20746)
(2). Big-felspar basalt type
Basalts with conspicuously porphyritic felspars are only occasionally met with amongst the Plateau Lavas. The most striking examples belong to the Big-Felspar Basalt Type and their outcrops are indicated on the one-inch Map (Sheet 44) and
The chief porphyritic constituent is a basic labradorite approaching bytownite in composition, similar to, but showing more signs of zoning than, the smaller porphyritic felspars that characterize a large proportion of the later Central Lavas. These basic crystals are often edged with a more acid felspar (oligoclase), and in almost every case are albitized to a considerable extent.
Olivine in moderately large porphyritic crystals, often with good outlines, is a constant constituent, represented by frequent pseudomorphs in chlorite, calcite, and serpentine. It is always quite subordinate in amount to felspar.
These two porphyritic constituents make up by far the greater portion of the rock. In certain cases (S19068)
In its content of a considerable proportion of olivine, the Big-Felspar Type approaches the Plateau Lavas, and comformably with this its augite assumes a definitely purple tint.
There is often no marked difference between the groundmass, in which the big felspar-phenocrysts are embedded, and that, of an ordinary Plateau Basalt. Ophitic structure is frequently well developed (S18839)
In agreement with their position inside the Pneumatolysis Limit of
Central Types of basalt occurring in the Central Group
The Central Types of basalt are poorer in olivine than the Plateau Types; in fact, so far as one can judge from specimens, all of necessity collected within the Pneumatolysis Limit of
An unusual proportion of the rocks show variolitic structure, a circumstance in keeping with the assumption that many of the Central Lavas were erupted into water. A description of these 148 interesting variolites will be furnished after the more normal porphyritic and non-porphyritic types have been dealt with.
All specimens show pneumatolytic affects such as have been described above (pp. 95, 141). These include a universal decomposition of olivine, a certain variable amount of albitization of basic felspars, and also the production of abundant epidote. It is interesting to note that quartz occurs more commonly in the veins and vesicles of Central Lavas (S15598)
(1). Non-variolitic porphyritic basalts of Central Type
(Anals. III. & V.;
The chief characteristic of this type is an abundance of small phenocrysts of basic plagioclase, about 5 mm. across, and ranging in composition from basic labradorite to anorthite. A minor feature is the occasional occurrence of porphyritic augite (S18049)
Where olivine pseudomorphs are recognizable, there is a tendency for the augite to have a somewhat purple tint and to occur with frankly ophitic structure in a ground of doleritic texture (S16740)
With further reduction in olivine, the augite of the ground-mass loses its purple tint, and becomes granular (S18899)
With the disappearance of olivine, augite is almost universally granular and the texture of the base is very fine indeed. The analysed rocks from Derrynaculen (S18469)
(2). Non-variolitic non-porphyritic basalts of Central Types
(Anals. IV. & V.;
The Non-Porphyritic Central Types, here considered, reproduce the structures and composition of those Porphyritic Types in which olivine is very scarce or absent. They are very closely allied to the Staffa Type (p. 145), but are generally poorer in olivine and finer in texture. An extremely compact type is prevalent (S16441)
The matrix is microlithic, and consists of minute elongated microlites of labradorite, often altered, and microscopic granules of augite. Magnetite in a finely divided state is an abundant constituent and is largely responsible for the dark colour characteristic of these rocks in hand-specimens. Fluxion-structures are rare; more frequently the microlites are felted together without definite orientation.
(3). Variolites
(Porphyritic variolite: Anal. IV.;
Variolites are common among such minor intrusions of Mull as correspond in composition with the Central Types of lavas (pp. 18, 24). In keeping with this, where the Central Type of magma has assumed the pillow-lava habit, that is, where it has been extruded as small masses into water, it has developed a distinctly variolitic facies—though not comparable in perfection with what is common among the minor intrusions. Instances of variolitic structure in Mull lavas which have not the pillow-habit have been already noted as rarities (pp. 121, 138). It has also been suggested that if scoriaceous tops were specially selected for examination further instances might be found in considerable number. The significant fact remains, however, that, among the Pillow-Lavas of Central Type, variolites arc sufficiently abundant to require no special search to bring them to light.
Some of the variolotic pillow-lavas belong to the porphyritic class (S18472)
There are three main reasons why the Mull pillow-lavas are particularly interesting, as compared with other occurrences:
1. In their association of variolitic structure, on the microscopic scale, with pillow-structure on the large scale, they agree with what has been found in certain other parts of the world.<ref>G. A. J. Cole and J. W. Gregory, The Variolitic Rocks of Mount Genevre, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlvi., 1890, p. 311. F. L. Ransome, The Eruptive Rocks of Point Bonita, Univ. of California, Bull. Dept. Geol. vol. i., 1896, p. 99. H. Dewey and J. S Flett, On Some British Pillow Lavas and the rocks associated with them, Geol. Mag., 1911, p. 203.</ref>
2. In their froth-invaded vesicles, to be described immediately, they reproduce another microscopic peculiarity which has already been found in pillow-lavas elsewhere.
3. In their low soda-content (Anal. IV., p. 24), they contrast with what has been noted in other cases, more especially by Teall,<ref>J. J. H. Teall in Silurian Rocks of Britain, vol. 1, Scotland, Mem. Geol. Surv., 1899, p. 86.</ref> Dewey, and Flett.<ref>Op. cit., p. 205.</ref>
The phenomenon briefly styled 'froth-invaded vesicles' is quite a feature of many of the Mull pillow-lavas. It results from an invasion of vesicles by magma which after entry has frothed up in situ
The variolitic structure of the Mull pillow-lavas is occasionally discernible under the microscope in a subradiate grouping of the felspar microliths (S17900)
A similar transition from variolite to dolerite is traceable in another porphyritic flow occurring on Sren Dubh. Here the chilled base of a flow is found to be a variolite (S17898)
The pneumatolytic changes in the pillow-lavas seem to be of the same kind and degree as are met with in other Central Types. As might be expected, there is generally a certain amount of albitization of the basic felspars.
Contact-metamorphism of the basalt-lavas
Lavas of both Plateau and Central Types have come within the influence of many later intrusions of considerable magnitude which have been able to produce in them marked thermal effects. Sometimes the sphere of influence is but a narrow contact-zone, in other cases it embraces a wide and much less definite area.
As was found by Dr. Harker in Skye, and by Sir Archibald Geikie and other workers on the Tertiary volcanic rocks of Scotland in general, it is the low-temperature decomposition-products of the lavas themselves, and the minerals which fill amygdaloidal cavities, that first show the effects of contact-alteration. In extreme cases, however, every constituent of the rocks, whether original or secondary, may be recrystallized, and entirely new structures may be produced. In the field, an increasing toughness of the lavas is noticeable as an intrusive mass is approached, long before any actual signs of contact-metamorphism can be detected by the microscope.
In the majority of cases, the lavas that show the effects of contact-alteration most clearly had previously had impressed upon them low-temperature hydrothermal changes in common with the other lavas within the Central Area, and thus contact-alteration has given rise to obvious and interesting mineralogical features.
Contact-alteration of lavas of the Plateau Group can best be studied in relation to the Knock and Beinn a' Ghràig Granophyres; that of the lavas of the Central Types is especially well exhibited above the flat-topped Loch Uisg Granophyre, and in proximity to the gabbros of Corra-bheinn and Ben Buie.
Plateau Basalts within the Contact-Zone of the Knock Granophyre
The Knock Granophyre has produced interesting metamorphic effects on the Plateau basalt-lavas of its neighbourhood. In some cases (S14816)
Certain more coarsely crystalline rocks of doleritic characters (S14818)
Amygdales of Plateau Basalts within Contact-Zone of Beinn a' Ghràig Granophyre
(Anals. XIII. and XIV.;
We have already drawn upon an account which Dr. M'Lintock<ref>W. F. P. M'Lintock, 'On the Zeolites and Associated Minerals from the Tertiary Lavas around Ben More, Mull,' Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. li., 1915, p. 1.</ref> has given of the amygdales of a particular group of zeolite-bearing lavas exposed on the slopes of Maol nan Damh, An Gearna, and Beinn Fbada. The lavas concerned are olivine-basalts of Plateau Type. On the Map (p. 142), it is seen that one of the main localities studied, Maol nan Damh, is situated two miles from the Beinn a' Ghràig Granophyre, while An Gearna, and still more Beinn Fhada, are much closer. The thermal metamorphism of the amygdales corresponds with their nearness to the granophyre; and Dr. M'Lintock's main observations and inferences in respect to its distribution and character may be summarized as follows:
Even in the field, obvious differences are apparent on comparison of the amygdales of Maol nan Damh with those of An Gearna. The dark marginal chloritic layers of the amygdales on Maol nan Damh lose much of their definiteness on An Gearna, and are largely replaced by confused zones of yellow epidote, sometimes with tufts of green hornblende. Moreover, the colour of epidote found in the two localities is generally different: deep bottle-green on Maol nan Damh, and pale yellow, brown, or pink on An Gearna. Finally, garnet is extremely rare on Maol nan Damh, and fairly frequent on An Gearna; its tint varies, but is usually a pale wine-yellow.
On Beinn Fhada, the modification of the original amygdales is carried a step farther. Prehnite-tufts are in some cases found as pseudomorphs after scolecite. Beautiful specimens also occur where scolecite is sprinkled with groups of epidote and garnet, pale-pink, yellow, or even red, in colour. In other cases, nearer the granophyre, the amygdales merge at their margins into the containing rock: often prehnite is found veined and riddled with a pale yellow epidote and a garnet, pale-yellow to almost black in colour; elsewhere amygdales are represented by pale-pink massive material consisting largely of garnet and epidote.
Microscopic investigation shows that the following minerals have arisen during the thermal metamorphism of amygdales: prehnite, epidote, pyroxene, hornblende, garnet, sphene, albite.
The pyroxene and hornblende have been developed from the reaction of chlorite with scolecite or prehnite.
The sphene owes its origin to the titanium which in the original rock was contained in the augite and iron-oxides, and thence made its way into the epidote, and probably the chlorite, of the vesicles.
The prehnite, epidote, garnet, and albite have been derived from such minerals as scolecite and thomsonite. It is very interesting to note that their order of development, as revealed by the microscope, is the reverse of that which regulated the filling of the amygdales. Thus one finds: scolecite replaced by prehnite, followed in turn by epidote and garnet; or thomsonite converted to prehnite and albite, followed as before by epidote and garnet.
The order of alteration just cited bespeaks, in Dr. M'Lintock's judgment, a rising temperature; just as the order of their infilling corresponds with a falling temperature (p. 143). H.H.T., E.B.B.
Amygdales, etc., of Central Basalts in the roof of the Loch Uisg Granophyre
The crags above the Loch Uisg Granophyre are particularly well-suited for the collection of Central Types of lavas in all stages of alteration. The simplest and most prevalent metamorphism is practically that of dehydration of those secondary hydrous minerals which existed in the volcanic rocks at the time of their metamorphism. As such it takes the form of a simple molecular rearrangement of a more or less isolated character and finds expression in the reconversion of soda-lime zeolites to soda-lime felspars, chlorite to biotite, etc. The anhydrous and pyro-genetic minerals such as the pyroxenes and felspars are as a rule unaffected.
In the body of the lavas, low-grade thermal metamorphism is made evident by the formation of minute crystals and patches of red-brown biotite, more particularly in the neighbourhood of particles of iron-ore.
Many of the basalts, whether porphyritic or non-porphyritic, had already undergone some silicification, with a development of quartz in their vesicles and cracks. During metamorphism, the quartz behaved in a manner similar to quartz-xenocrysts caught up in a molten basalt. The interaction of quartz and basalt has, in such cases, given rise to secondary minerals and structures identical with those described in connexion with quartz-xenocrysts by Lacroix in his Enclaves des roches volcaniques. Partial assimilation of the secondary quartz of the vesicles has resulted in the residual quartz being surrounded by a reaction-border of augite, rhombic pyroxene, or both. Where assimilation has been complete, the place of the quartz is taken by clots and strings of pyroxene, which, but for the evidence of the less extremely altered rocks, might be taken for cognate pyroxenic nodules.
Partial assimilation of quartz and its envelopment by a reaction-border is exemplified by several sections (e.g. (S18048)
Complete assimilation of quartz may be inferred where clots of granular augite occur in association with secondary felspar and chlorite (S19085)
In other cases of complete assimilation of quartz, the original quartz-chlorite-filled vesicles and fissures are represented by zoned areas of biotite and rhombic pyroxene (S18939)
The development of rhombic pyroxene in the two rocks quoted above (S18939)
Of all the metamorphosed amygdales, the most interesting occur in a compact porphyritic lava (S18933)
Granulitized basalts in the contact-zone of the Corra-bheinn Gabbro
Many additional examples from other aureoles might be cited, but it is enough here to draw attention to three fine-grained granulites which represent lavas baked by the Corra-bheinn Gabbro. In such extreme cases, it is impossible to say whether the originals were of Plateau or Central Type. The specimens were collected in an area that is, for the most part, occupied by Central Types but it is quite possible that they really belong to sharply up-folded lavas of the Plateau Group.
One example (S16494)
The remaining specimen was presumably a lava of Plateau Type (S16496)