Bailey, et al. 1924. Tertiary and Post-Tertiary geology of Mull, Loch Aline, and Oban (a description of parts of sheets 43, 44, 51, and 52 of the geological map). HMSO [for Geological Survey]
Chapter 15 Surface-agglomerates later than the basalt-lavas
Volcanic breccia, or agglomerate, plays a very conspicuous part in the geology of central Mull. The various occurrences are of diverse dates, but they generally agree in being clearly later than the basalt lavas described in Chapters 5–10. Careful mapping and observation have led to the conclusion that this agglomerate has two main modes of occurrence. It is found in many instances filling volcanic vents (Chapter 16), while in other cases, considered below, it is in all probability superimposed upon adjacent basalt-lavas. There are in addition several minor occurrences of ash and agglomerate interbedded with the basalt-lavas, but these have already been sufficiently dealt with in connexion with the associated lavas. All the Tertiary surface-agglomerates are lettered Z on the one-inch Map.
The surface-agglomerates dealt with in the present chapter appear to follow, in more or -less conformable sequence, the basalt-lavas. They contain abundant fragments of these latter, along with debris derived from some of the early plutonic rocks of Chapters 11 and 12 On the other hand, they are freely cut, according to locality, by the Beinn Mheadhon Felsite of Chapter 17, the Early Acid and Basic Cone-sheets of Chapters 19 and 21, and the Loch Uisg Granophyre of Chapter 20. Their age-relationship in regard to the arcuate folds of Chapter 13 is more doubtful, and is discussed in the sequel.
There are two main outcrops of agglomerate to be considered in this chapter. Both of them are situated along the course of the Coire Mòr Syncline of Chapter 13: the one in the Coire Mòr district; the other at the west end of Loch Speve. These two outcrops can easily be recognized on Sheet 44, and are also shown on Plates 3 and 5 (pp. 91, 165). In addition, a couple of small exposures of agglomerate in Glen More will be discussed, although the agglomerate in these two instances may be contemporaneous with, and not later than, the associated basalt-lavas.
The chapter will be closed with a short petrological description of certain rhyolitic rocks, which as tuffs and lavas (lettered R on the one-inch Map), form a characteristic part of the Coire Mòr accumulation. Mention will also be made of the effects of contact-alteration by the Loch Uisg Granophyre of some sandstones and mudstones which accompany the agglomerate at Loch Spelve.
Field relations
Coire Mòr
The agglomerate of the Coire Mòr outcrop is a coarse breccia consisting for the most part of blunted blocks and fragments of gneiss, granophyre, gabbro, basalt, and sandstone. The sandstone is no doubt Mesozoic; the basalt is of types occurring among the Tertiary lavas and includes typical representatives of big-felspar basalt; the gabbro, apart from texture, corresponds in type to big-felspar basalt, and both it and the granophyre can be matched in Tertiary intrusions cut through by volcanic vents in the neighbouring Sgùrr Dearg (
While the contents of the Coire Mòr agglomerate vary from place to place, there is nothing that permits of the mass being separated into zones. Gneiss-fragments, for instance, are equally abundant in the marginal and central portions of the outcrop. In the main, the deposit is unbedded.
The relationships of the Coire Mòr agglomerate to the neighbouring lavas are much obscured by a profusion of cone-sheets, which cut both indiscriminately, and also by the unbedded character of the agglomerate. The view that the agglomerate accumulated on the surface, and not in a vent, is based mainly upon detailed mapping. In the first place, it is fairly easily recognized that the agglomerate occupies the centre of a syncline of lavas dipping away from Pre-Tertiary rocks exposed on either side (
A point of great theoretical interest in building up a history of Mull (pp. 5, 168) is the age-relationship of the Coire Mòr agglomerate to the folding which has given rise to the Coire Mòr Syncline (
Barachandroman, Loch Spelve
The continuation of the Coire Mòr Syncline runs along part of Loch Spelve (
On one side, the margin of this breccia is hidden by the waters of Loch Spelve, but on the other, a junction with olivine-free basalt-lava is well-exposed for a distance of about a mile. The lavas are dipping at 25° towards the breccia, and almost certainly continue under it. The district is one of fair relief, and includes but few intrusions, so that conditions are favourable for accurate observation. The main difficulty arises from the fact that the lavas merge into the breccia without a sharp plane of demarcation. This, combined with the fairly certain appearances of superposition of breccia on lava, suggests that the lavas were breaking up under subaerial decay at the time the breccia gathered upon them. Such an interpretation is in keeping with the view that the lavas were tilted before they were covered up, as this would tend to scree-formation. It is noteworthy, too, that the bedding of the sediments near the base of the breccia is intensely contorted as if the sand and mud had formed under water on a sloping surface and then slid down towards the bottom of the hollow.
Tom na Gualainne, Glen More
Agglomerate, or breccia, is seen in two small neighbouring exposures in Glen More resting upon the top of compact olivine-free basalt-lava. These two exposures are both shown on
In both exposures, the agglomerates referred to above consist largely of fragments of basalt and small-felspar rhyolite. They correspond in type with what is commonly encountered in Central Mull, so that their mode of occurrence suggests that a fair proportion of the agglomerates of this complex region may lie on top of basalt-lava instead of occupying vents. The further question arises whether, in such case, the agglomerates should be interpreted as contemporaneous with, or later than, the associated basalt-lavas. It has already been pointed out that, in two very minor instances, ash-beds containing ryholite-fragments can be seen interbedded with basalts of Central Type within the precincts of the southeastern Caldera (p. 134). Beyond this, it is impossible at present to venture an opinion.
Rhyolitic associates of agglomerates
Two slides of rhyolite, one from Glen Lìrein (S14427)
A slide (S14229)
Contact-alteration by the Loch Uisg Granophyre
A series of slides (S18946)
In the sandstones, the quartz occurs either as small grains with fritted margins, or as minute prisms and aggregates of prisms which experience of silica-bricks teaches us, must have developed as tridymite. In keeping with what is commonly observed in such cases. the several members of a prism-aggregate (now quartz) extinguish simultaneously irrespective of the directions of the long axes of the constituent prisms (S18947)
In the mudstones, a perfect granulitic structure is a feature. Little augite granules and crystals of a spinellid mineral, probably magnetite, are sometimes very conspicuous (S18949)