Bailey, et al. 1924. Tertiary and Post-Tertiary geology of Mull, Loch Aline, and Oban (a description of parts of sheets 43, 44, 51, and 52 of the geological map). HMSO [for Geological Survey]
Chapter 18 Gaodhail and Cruachan augite-diorites
The diorites are coarse-grained needle-rocks characterized by acicular augite. They vary considerably from point to point, and in one locality (pp. 217, 321) furnish what is regarded as an example of gravitational differentiation (Chapter 30). J.E.R.
Under the guidance of Dr. Harker, who visited the district with the writer during the early days of the enquiry, these rocks were at first regarded as hybrids, since they undoubtedly exhibit many of the phenomena of crystallization associated with hybridization. The phenomena observed have been subsequently proved, as will be shown in Chapter 30, to be characteristic also of internal migrations accompanying gravitational differentiation. Accordingly, since Mr. Richey has shown that the rocks of the present chapter, in one locality, give indications of gravitational differentiation, it seems wise to regard each of the two great masses as the product of a single intrusion in which internal migration has occurred; though possibly their history may have been complicated by some absorption of xenolithic material. W.B.W.
The multitude of Late Basic Cone-Sheets cutting the augite-diorites is so great that it effectually obscures most of their other field-relations. In the Gaodhail River, however, just below Gaodhail, and again in Allt nan Clàr, at Tomslèibhe, the Gaodhail Diorite is seen to be cut by a massive craignurite cone-sheet with narrow basic margins. It is probable, though not certain, that this sheet belongs to a very early stage in the intermittent development of cone-sheets so characteristic of Mull (Chapter 19). In keeping with this, there is some evidence that the Gaodhail Diorite is earlier than the Early Basic Cone-Sheet that constitutes the gabbro of Beinn Chreagach Mhòr. Gabbro is found in the lower part of the Gaodhail River which seems to belong to the Beinn Creagach Mhòr Sheet (
Gaodhail Augite-Diorite
Lenticles of the Gaodhail Augite-Diorite are well-seen in the following exposures:
1. For 100 yards above the upper path, west side of Glen Forsa, in the tributary stream adjoining the main river a little below the mouth of Allt an Eas Dhuibh.
2. River Forsa, 200 yards below mouth of Gaodhail River, and just upstream from outcrop of a thick craiguurite cone-sheet, lettered aI on the one-inch Map.
3. From 600–1000 yalds up the Gaodhail River.
4. The two northern tributaries of the Gaodhail River. The country-rock downstream is mainly gabbro ascribed to an Early Basic Cone-Sheet (
5. Slopes south and south-east of Lòn Bàn, Gaodhail River. The rock of the slopes south-east of Lòn Bàn is rather more acid than usual.
6. The Tomslèibhe stream and the slopes of Beinn Talaidh. The largest of these exposures is where the path to Tomslèibhe Cottage crosses the stream. The diorite is unusually acid at this point. W.B.W.
Cruachan Augite-Diorite
Stream-exposures of the Cruachan Augite-Diorite are afforded by the River Clachaig, Allt na h-Eiligeir, and in Coire Mòr. The Clachaig district is particularly interesting, for, on climbing from the bottom of the glen westwards on to An Cruachan, one finds that the lenticles of country-rock, showing between cone-sheets, become increasingly acid, so that at the hill-top one is dealing with granophyre and felsite in place of diorite—no attempt has been made to show these acid portions separately on the one-inch Map. Taken in conjunction with other examples of much the same kind this transition is regarded as due to gravitational differentiation, and is discussed under this heading in Chapter 30.
Under the title augite-diorite, for want of a better, we here group a number of somewhat coarsely crystalline rocks of intermediate to sub-basic composition. They are represented by the two above-described intrusive masses that are symmetrically disposed on either side of Loch 131, and possess sufficient likeness to each other to render it certain that they have had a similar origin and solidified under similar conditions. They present in the size and character of their mineral constituents, and also in their type of crystallization, an exaggerated reproduction of rocks that approach the border-line between craignurite and the Talaidh Type of quartz-dolerite described in Chapters 19 and 28. There is so much evidence of suddenly disturbed equilibrium, accompanying pronounced changes in the composition of the magma during the period of its crystallization, that the normal character of the rocks might be doubted. It is felt, however, that a magma of basic craignurite-composition might furnish such rocks if allowed to consolidate under conditions of a more nearly plutonic nature; and that the disturbances in equilibrium might well result from the interaction of a partially solidified magma and its own acid differentiate. Owing to the evidence being complicated by the later intrusion of cone-sheets in great numbers, it is inadvisable to speculate too freely upon the true origin or nature of the rocks concerned; but it is worth recalling that according to Mr. Richey (p. 217) there is practically conclusive proof that the north-eastern mass becomes increasingly acid upwards in its north-eastern extremity.
Gaodhail Augite-Diorite
A conspicuous feature of this intrusion (S2117)
Occasionally the felspar is perthite with an edging of orthoclase. The interspaces are filled with felspathic and quartzose matter, frequently in micrographic relationship. Large crystals of apatite are a feature, and are concentrated more particularly in the more acid portions. The columnar augites have in many instances been transformed into green fibrous hornblende (S14746)
These rocks sometimes contain fine-textured xenoliths that, apart from alteration, are of Talaidh Type, but field-evidence makes it quite clear that such xenoliths must be referred to an earlier source than the Late Basic Cone-Sheets. Under the microscope, they are seen to have suffered a considerable amount of granulitization and recrystallization of their augite, iron-ore, and felspar (S14732)
Turning now to a few examples that reproduce in clear fashion some of the features of interaction discussed in Chapter 33, we note a rock (S14357)
Intense granulitization of augite and conversion to hornblende and magnetite may also be noticed in a granophyric rock (S14731)
Cruachan Augite-Diorite
The Cruachan mass as exposed to the north-north-west of Beinn a' Mheadhoin (S19955)