Bailey, et al. 1924. Tertiary and Post-Tertiary geology of Mull, Loch Aline, and Oban (a description of parts of sheets 43, 44, 51, and 52 of the geological map). HMSO [for Geological Survey]
Chapter 21 Early Basic Cone-Sheets
It has been explained in Chapter 1 that there are innumerable basic cone-sheets in Mull, and that they are separable into two main groups. Members of the early group are lettered bI on the one-inch Map, Sheet 44, where they are for the most part treated as a complex, with seldom any attempt at showing intersections of one individual sheet by another. The Early Basic Cone-Sheets are mainly olivine-dolerites, and are inclined at an average angle of about 45° towards a centre (approximately C1,
Each sheet consolidated with chilled margins, no matter what the country-rock; even where one sheet cuts another, a glance at the mutual junctions suffices to indicate which is the later of the two. Only where there is clear independent evidence that the sheets have been greatly altered since consolidation, are their chilled margins obscured or obliterated. In the vicinity of the Ben Buie and Corra-bheinn Gabbros, sometimes for a distance of 50 yds., chilled margins fail in the great majority of the local representatives of the early Basic Cone-Sheets; contact-alteration has led to recrystallization, and this has masked the original fine texture of the margins of the sheets.
Further consideration of the Early Basic Cone-Sheets is divided in the sequel under the headings Distribution, Time-Relations, Convenient Exposures, and Petrology. (C.T.C)
The outcrop of the sheet-assemblage is for the most part a conspicuous scenic feature of Mull geology, as well as a marked characteristic of the one-inch Map. It starts near Beinn Chreagach Mhor, which rises above Glen Forsa in the north, passes through Creach Beinn, above Loch Spelve in the south-east, and returns northwards across Glen More, in the neighbourhood of Derrynaculen Cottage. This course, viewed broadly, is of horse-shoe form, open to the north-west. Probably the north-west gap in the outcrop is original, though it may have been accentuated by subsidence of the north-western caldera of Plate V. (p. 165), and also by the intrusion of the Late Basic Cone-Sheets of Chapter 28 and the Beinn a' Ghràig Granophyre of Chapter 32. The external limit of the assemblage-outcrop, though not abrupt, is very marked, and nowhere more so than on the slopes of Creach Beinn. The internal limit is also well-defined, but it can only locally be demonstrated as an original feature—where, for instance, there are comparatively simple tracts of lava in the northern Beinn Bhearnach, at the head of Glen Forsa, and again in the western part of Beinn Fhada, above Loch Sguabain in Glen More.
About Loch Spelve, one can recognize another interesting feature in the distribution of the Early Basic Cone-Sheets. There is a fairly consistent lack of parallelism between the margins of the assemblage-outcrop, on the one hand, and those of individual sheets on the other. The relationship has somewhat the geometry of false-bedding, and is quite clearly defined on the one-inch Map. The way in which individual sheets obliquely approach, and then die out along, the outer margin of the assemblage-outcrop is particularly obvious. That a similar relation holds also for the inner margin is best appreciated on comparing the sheet-complex exposed above Torness Cottage in Glen More with the lava-slopes of Beinn Bhearnach, north-west of Sgùrr Dearg—for though some of the detail here is difficult to unravel, the broad contrast is very marked indeed. E.B.B.
Of superinduced irregularities in the assemblage-outcrop of the Early Basic Cone-Sheets, the most pronounced are the gaps due to the later intrusion of the Ben Buie and Corra-bheinn Gabbros. Details are reserved for Chapter 22, but it may be stated here that a very large number of sheets, classed in the present chapter as Early Basic Cone-Sheets, are cut through by these two gabbros. It would afford a basis for a simple time-classification if the two gabbros concerned behaved precisely in the same manner in this matter. Almost certainly, however, the Corra-bheinn Gabbro is somewhat the later of the two, for it cuts off a series of porphyritic olivine-dolerite cone-sheets, many of which, on the other side of Allt Ghillecaluim, traverse the Ben Buie Gabbro (see one-inch Map, where a small selection of the evidence is presented). These particular porphyritic dolerite sheets are characterized by numerous small felspar-phenocrysts, a feature which is lacking in the great bulk of the Early Basic Cone-Sheets cut through by the Ben Buie Gabbro (and also in the Late Basic Cone-Sheets of Chapter 28). An approximate time-scale may thus be adopted: (1) Main Early Basic Cone-Sheets, non-porphyritic; (2) Ben Buie Gabbro; (3) Continuation of Early Basic Cone-Sheets, with small felspar-phenocrysts; (4) Corra-bheinn Gabbro (followed by Late Basic Cone-Sheets). (O.T.C)
Other time-relationships of the Early Basic Cone-Sheets are summarized in
Another feature of
The immunity to shattering so commonly exhibited by the Early Basic Cone-Sheets occasionally fails. In the Lussa River and the neighbouring slopes of Beinn Bhearnach, south of Sgùrr Dearg, the sheets are somewhat broken, and are veined with epidote, as is so frequently the case with lavas in Central Mull. Indeed their sheet-nature would be difficult to realize, were it not that there are many exposures of lenticles of the Torness Felsite which here serves as country-rock. Actual breaking up of Early Basic Cone-Sheets to yield agglomerate has not been noted anywhere in Mull; but it is certain that the explosions, which followed the consolidation of the Ben Buie Gabbro west of Loch Ardeglais (Chapter 22), must be of later date than the main mass of sheets now under consideration.
It seems, rather, that most of the more prominent intermediate and acid cone-sheets of Mull were intruded during the earlier phases of the Early Basic Cone-Sheet period. This association of basic, intermediate, and acid in one long period, combined with the frequent combination of basic margins with acid or intermediate interiors, makes it fairly certain that some of the Early Basic Cone-Sheets must be olivine-free basic or sub-basic rocks of the types which characterize the Late Basic Suite of Chapter 28. Be this as it may, the field-observer soon realizes the validity of the general rule that Early Basic Cone-Sheets in Mull are olivine-dolerites, often of considerable thickness and exposed in craggy scarped faces, as in Creach Beinn; whereas, Late Basic Cone-Sheets are olivine-free basic to sub-basic rocks of finer texture, apt to be individually thin and to cover themselves beneath long slopes of scree, as in Beinn Talaidh. In bulk, the two suites have a somewhat different distribution—the Late Basic Cone-Sheets fall within the horse-shoe outcrop of the Early Basic Suite, but there is a sufficient overlap to allow of countless intersections of the Early by the Late.
While there is abundant evidence that the main folding-movement, which centred about the south-eastern caldera of
1. At the summit of the hill from which it takes its name, the Beinn Chreagach Mhòr sheet is about 200 ft. thick, and is a coarse black-and-white gabbro. Elsewhere, it is generally not so thick, and is a fine-grained dark gabbro. Its outcrop is easily traced downhill into Glen Forsa, along the line shown in
2. The coarse dolerite of Beinn Chreagach Bheag runs, as a line of crag, down to the bottom of Glen Forsa to end abruptly in a little cliff just where neighbouring exposures show that the Loch Bà Felsite lies concealed beneath moraine. There is nothing to suggest a direct westward continuation of the dolerite once the dyke is crossed; whereas, about 300 yds. down the glen, near the southern end of a ruined village named Corrachadh, bare rock of the Beinn Creagach Bheag character can be followed as a low ridge, 400 yards long, leading away from the Loch Bà Felsite until lost sight of beneath alluvium.
Convenient exposures
All that remains, before turning to the petrology of the group, is to indicate a few sections of interest which do not happen to have been mentioned in preceding paragraphs:
1. Coire Bearnach, approached from the road that skirts the northern termination of Loch Spelve, supplies very good exposures of cone-sheets in gneiss.
2. A section showing typical cone-sheets with well-exposed chilled margins is afforded near the road just mentioned, westwards for some little distance from Rudh' Àird a' Chaoil. E.B.B.
3. An excellent coast and road section is met with east of Glenbyre Farm, on Loch Buie. In the same district, an unusually thick and gently inclined dolerite sheet (Beinn Chàrsaig) is regarded as belonging to the suite. G.V.W.
4. Stream-sections show dark dolerite-sheets cutting pale Derrynaculen Granophyre on the north face of Glen More, and are particularly diagramatic on account of the colour-contrast. (C.T.C)
The Early Basic Conic-Sheets are represented by about 80 slides in the collection. They are on the whole a very uniform assemblage of non-porphyritic olivine-dolerites with ophitic lilac-coloured augite.
Only two Early Basic Cone-Sheets have furnished examples of fresh olivine. These are the most massive -sheets of the group, the Beinn Chreagach Mhòr Sheet (S16448)
The felspar is zoned labradorite. The augite is of the purplish titaniferous variety, but is generally paler than that of the lavas (Chapter 10); in fact, strongly tinted augite is exceptional (S18975)
In several of the examples, there are interspaces filled by chloritic and serpentinuous products. In others, a distinct acid mesostasis is discernible (S18962)
Main type
As a rule, the structure displayed by these rocks is a variant of the ophimottled type already referred to as characteristic of a great proportion of the Plateau Basalts (Chapter 10). Of the three chief minerals, augite, felspar, and olivine, the felspar has had the most extended time-range of crystallization: for, starting in company with augite, it finished in company with olivine. The result is a separation of augite-felispar aggregates from surrounding felspar-olivine aggregates (S15559)
The relatively early date of the augite is obscured by its almost complete refusal to exhibit crystal-boundaries. Zonal growth is shown by a marked deepening of the purple tint of the augite towards its irregular margins. Commonly the early formed augite-felspar crystallizations occur in clusters, and in such cases the zonal coloration of the augite is in relation to the margin of the cluster as a whole.
The felspar often changes its type of developement from the central portions of the augite-felspar aggregates towards the margin of the aggregates, or towards the felspar-olivine areas beyond. The central felspar-growths tend to be skeletal and sometimes rudely radiate (S15637)
The olivine varies considerably in form and in its relation to associated felspar. It may be hypidiomorphic, but not infrequently definitely ophitic. The only important accessory is titaniferous magnetite, which occurs as skeletal growths, sometimes earlier than the augite, but perhaps more often of later formation.
The above remarks cover most of the examples from a typical roadside collection made between Ardachoil and Ardura Farms on Loch Spelve (S18962)
Porphyritic type
Dr. Clough has shown that there is a development of porphyritic Early Basic Cone-Sheets in the time-interval that separates the intrusion of the Ben Buie and Corra-bheinn Gabbros. These porphyritic rocks are typically represented by sheets (S16381)
Sub-basic types
The roadside exposure of Early Basic Cone-Sheets, between Ardachoil and Ardura farmsteads, shows how intimate is the connexion between the normal olivine-rich type and the sub-basic type that has quartz-dolerite affinities. One example (S18976)
Three specimens (S16361)
An example (S18963)