Bailey, et al. 1924. Tertiary and Post-Tertiary geology of Mull, Loch Aline, and Oban (a description of parts of sheets 43, 44, 51, and 52 of the geological map). HMSO [for Geological Survey]
Appendix 2 Bibliography
Compiled by D. Tait
1774. PENNANT, T, A Tour in Scotland and Voyage to the Hebrides, MDCCLXXII. 4to, Chester. (And later editions). [Mull, Part I., pp. 406–409.]
1774. BANKS, J., in A Tour in Scotland and Voyage to the Hebrides, by T. PENNANT. Part I., pp. 300–312. [Account of Staffa, 5 plates.]
1780. TROLL, U. VON. Letters on Iceland. 8vo, Lond. [Staffs, pp. 266493.]
1790. MILLS, A. Some Account of the Strata and Volcanic Appearances in the North of Ireland and Western Islands of Scotland. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., vol. lxxx., p. 73.
1791. McNICOL, D. United Parishes of Lismore and Appin. Statistical Account of Scotland, vol. i., p. 494. [Marl, Deer Horns.]
1795. CAMPBELL, D. Parish of Kilfinichen and Kilviceuen. Statistical Account of Scotland, vol. xiv., p. 184. [Rocks and Stones-Mines.]
1797. SAINT-FOND, FAUJAS B. Voyage en Angleterre, en Écosse et aux Îles Hebrides. Paris. (English Translation, 2 vols., 8vo, Lond., 1799; Edition with geological notes by Sir A. Geikie, 1907).
1800. JAMESON, R. Mineralogy of the Scottish Isles; with Mineralogical Observations made in a Tour through different parts of the Mainland of Scotland, and Dissertations upon Peat and Kelp. 2 vols., 4to, with maps and plates. Lond. and Edin. [Mull, vol. i., pp. 202–235.]
1814. MACCULLOCH, J. On Staffa. Trans. Geol. Soc., vol ii., p. 601.
1818. DANIELL, W. Illustrations of the Island of Staffa, in a series of views, accompanied by topographical and geological descriptions. Obl. fol., Lond.
1819. MACCULLOCH, J. A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland including the Isle of Man. 3 vols., London. [Vol. i.: pp. 552–580, Mull; vol. ii.: pp. 1–22, Staffa; pp. 59–79, General Comparison of the Trap Islands; vol. iii.: Pls. 6, 7, 20, 21; Maps, pp. 63, 73.]
1819. PLAYFAIR, J. Geographical and Statistical Description of Scotland. vols. Edinburgh. [Vol. ii., pp. 289.294, Mull, Staffa, Ulva, Inch Kenneth.]
1820. BOUÉ, A. Essai Geologique sur Ecosse. 8vo, Paris, no date.
1821. COMPTON, EARL (later MARQUIS OF NORTHAMPTON). Description of the Rocks which occur along a portion of the South Coast of the Isle of Mull. Trans. Geol. Soc., vol. v., pp. 369–374, Pls. 19–21.
1829. MURCHISON, [Sir] R. I. Supplementary Remarks on the Strata of the Oolitic Series, and the Rocks associated with them, in the Counties of Sutherland and Ross, and in the Hebrides. Trans. Geol. Soc., 2nd ser., vol. ii., pp. 353–368; [Fig. 3, pl. XXXV. is a horizontal section of the south coast of Mull.]
1831. PANCKOUCHE, C. L. F. L'Ile de Staffa, et sa grotte basaltique; dessinées et decrites par C. F. L. PANCEOUCHE. Fol., Paris.
1840. MACCULLOCH, J. (posthumous). A Geological Map of Scotland. Published by order of the Lords of the Treasury by S. ARROWSMITH. Scale, four miles to one inch.
1840. STEVENSON, A. Notice of Elevated Sea-Beaches. Edin. New Phil. Journ., vol. xxix., p, 94.
1844. NICOL, J. Guide to the Geology of Scotland. 8vo, Edin. [Mull, p. 229.]
1845. CAMPBELL, D. Parish of Kilfinichen and Kilviceuen. New Statistical Account of Scotland, vol. vii., pp. 303.304. [Geology and Mineralogy; Mines.]
1845. M 'LEOD, J. Parish of Morvern. New Statistical Account of Scotland, vol. vii., pp. 169–171. [Geology, etc., Mines, Quarries.]
1850. ARGYLL, DUKE OF. A Tertiary Fossiliferous Deposit underlying Trap in the Island of Mull. [Notice of.] Edin. New Phil. Journ., vol. xlix., p. 350.
1851. ARGYLL, DUKE OF. On a Fossiliferous Deposit underlying Basalt in the Island of Mull. Rep. Brit. Assoc., Edinburgh, 1850, (Sections) p. 70.
1851. ARGYLL, DUKE OF. Notice of a Fossiliferous Deposit underlying Basalt in the Island of Mull. [Abstract.] Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. iii., p. 21.
1851. ARGYLL, DUKE OF. On Tertiary Leaf-Beds in the Isle of Mull [3 Figs.]. With a Note on the Vegetable Remains from Ardtun by E. FORBES [3 Pls.]. Quart Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. vii., pp. 89–103.
1851. ARGYLL, DUKE OF. (Letter to Dr. GREGORY about Diatomite from an old channel between Loch Bà and the sea). Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. iii., p. 58
1851. ROSE, A. Notice of the Recent Discovery of Plumbago or Graphite in the Island of Mull, Hebrides. Rep. Brit. Assoc., Edinburgh, 1850, (Sections) p. 102.
1852. SCOTT, A. J. Analysis of Indian Ores of Manganese, and of some Scottish Zeolites. Edin. New Phil. Journ., vol. liii., p. 282. [Scolecite from Mull]
1853. GREGORY, W. On the Species of Fossil Diatomaceae found in the Infusiorial Earth of Mull. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. iii.,pp. 176–177, and ibid. pp. 204–306. [Additional observations.]
1853. STRENG, A. Beitrag zur Theorie der vulkauischen und plutonisehen Gesteinbildung. Poggendorff's Annalen der Physik und Chemie, band xc, p. 103. [Staffa analysis p. 114.]
1854. GREGORY, W. Additional Observations on the Diatomaceous Deposit of Mull. Quart. Journ. Micro. Sci., vol. ii., p. 24.
1856. BEDFORD, E. J. Notice of some Raised Beaches in Argyllshire. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xii., p. 167.
1856. HARKNESS, R. and BLYTH, J. On the Lignites of the Giant's Causeway and the Isle of Mull. Min. New. Phil. Journ., vol. iv., New Ser., pp. 304–312; and Rep. Brit. Assoc., Cheltenham, 1856, (Sections), p. 66. [Plate with microstructure-Analyses of Lignites.]
1858. NICOL, J. Geological Map of Scotland and Explanatory Note. Scale: One inch to ten miles.
1859. NICOL, J. On the Slate Rocks and Trap Veins of Easdale and Oban. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xv.,p. 110.
1861. GEIKIE, [Sir] A. On the Cronology of the Trap-Rocks of Scotland. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. xxii., pp. 633–653, Pl. xxxviii (Map).
1862. GEIKIE, [Sir] A. On the Chronology of the Trap-Rocks of Scotland. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin , vol. iv., p. 309. Additional Observations on the Chronology of the Trap-Rocks of Scotland. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. iv., p. 453.
1862. MURCHISON, Sir R. I. and GEIKIE, [Sir] A. First Sketch of a New Geological Map of Scotland, with Explanatory Notes. Edin. Scale inch to 20 miles.
1864. BOUÉ, A. Veber die saülenförmigen Gesteine, einige Porphyr-districte Schottlands, so wie über die vier Basaltgruppen des nördlichen Islands stud der Hebriden. Sitz. K. Akael. Wiss. Wien. (N.F), band. xlix, pp. 439–452.
1865. GEIKIE, [Sir] A. The Scenery of Scotland viewed in connection with its Physical Geology. 1st Ed. 1865; 2nd Ed. 1887; 3rd Ed. 1901.
1867. GEIKIE, [Sir] A. On the Tertiary Volcanic Rocks of the British Islands. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. vi., p. 71. [Abstract in Geol. Mag., Dec. i, vol. iv., p. 316.]
1868. GEIKIE, [Sir] A. Address by the President (of Section C, Geology). Rep. Brit. Assoc., Dundee, 1867, (Sections) pp 49–54.
1868. ARGYLL, DUKE OF. On the Granite and other Rocks of Ben More, from a letter addressed to Prof. Phillips. Rep. Brit. Assoc., Dundee, 1867, (Sections) p. 55. [Abstract in Geol. Mag., vol. iv.,p. 553.]
1868. SMYTH, T. On the Geology of the Coasts of Antrim and Londonderry, and on the age of the Giant's Causeway; being Observations made in the North of Ireland in the Autumns of 1865 and 1866. Trans. Geol. Soc. Edin., vol. i., pp. 68–81.
1869. ARGYLL, DUKE OF. Iona. Good Words for 1869, pp. 535–543, 614–620, 708–714. Reprinted separately, Lond., 1870. Eighth Ed., Edin. 1894.
1870. TATE, R. and HOLDEN SINCLAIR, J. On the Iron-Ores associated with the Basalts of the North-east of Ireland. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxvi., p. 151. [Refers to Mull.]
1871. ZIRREL, F. Geologische Skizzen von der Westkuste Schottlands. Zeitschr. d. deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft, band xxxiii., pp. 1–124, Pl. i-iv.
1871. GEIKIE, [Sir] A. On the Tertiary Volcanic Rocks of the British Islands. First Paper. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol.xxvii., p. 279. [Mull referred to incidentally.]
1872. SCROPE, G. P. Volcanoes. 8vo, Lond. 2nd Ed. [Staffa, p. 99.]
1872. TURNER, WILLIAM. On Human and Animal Bones and Flints from a Cave at Oban, Argyllshire. Rep. Brit. Assoc., Edinburgh, 1871, (Sections) p. 160.
1873. JUDD, J. W. Note on the Discovery of Cretaceous Rocks in the Islands of Mull and Inchkenneth. Rep. Brit. Assoc., Brighton, 1872, (Sections) p. 115.
1874. JUDD, J. W. The Secondary Rocks of Scotland. Second Paper. On the Ancient Volcanoes of the Highlands and the Relations of their Products to the Mesozoic Strata. [With Map and Sections of Mull.] Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxx., p. 220, Plates xxii-xxiii. [Abstract Geol. Mag., Dec. ii, vol i., p. 68 and 139.]
1874. GEIKIE, J. The Great Ice Age and its Relation to the Antiquity of Man. 8vo, Lond.; 2nd Ed. 1877; 3rd Ed. 1894.
1875. GRIEVE, J. and MAHONY, J. A. Notice of Fossils from the Leaf-beds of Mull and Analysis of the Matrix. Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, vol. ii., p. 22.
1876. GEIKIE, [Sir] A. Geological Map of Scotland, Edin. and Lond. Scale: One inch to ten miles; Edition in 1910.
1878. JUDD, J. W. The Secondary Rocks of Scotland. Third Paper. The Strata of the Western Coast and Islands. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxiv., pp. 660–743.
1879–1886. GARDNER, J. S. and ETTINGSHAUSEN, C. VON. A Monograph of the British Eocene Flora. 2 vole. 4to, Loud., Palaeontographical Society. [Vol. i., Plate xiii., Figs. 5, 5a, 6, 6a.; Vol. ii., The Basaltic Formation of Ireland and Scotland, pp. 77–82; The Scottish Eocene Basalt; pp. 103–106. The Break between the Cretaceous and Eocene Rocks in the British Area, pp. 130–136. Plates x., xxv., xxvi., xxvii.]
1880. GEIKIE, [Sir] A. The Lava-Fields of North-Western Europe. Nature, vol. xxiii., pp. 3–5. [Reprinted in Geological Sketches at Home and Abroad, pp. 274–285; 1882.]
1880. MILNE HOME, D. Fifth Report of Boulder Committee, Staffa. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. x., p. 120.
1881. BOON, W. E. Notes on Mull and its Leaf Beds. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. vii., p. 52.
1881. KENDALL, J. W. The Iron Ores of Antrim. Trans. N. of Eng. Inst. Min. Eng., vol. xxx., pp. 107–13. [Indirect reference.]
1882. MILNE HOME, D. Traces in Scotland of Ancient Water-lines. 8vo. Edin. [Coast of Lorne and Mull, pp. 19–21.]
1883. JUDD, J. W. and Cole, G. A. J. On the Basalt-glass (Tachylyte) of the Western Isles of Scotland, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxix., pp. 444–465.
1884. DUNS, J. Notes on Boulders in Island of Mull. (To Boulder Committee). Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. xii., p 217.
1884. MILNE HOME, D. Tenth and Final Report of Boulder Committee, Mull. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. xii., p. 807.
1885. GARDNER, J. S. On the Evidence of Fossil Plants regarding the Age of the Tertiary Basalts of the North-East Atlantic. Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xxxviii., pp. 14–23.
1886. BELL, D. Notes on the Geology of Oban. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. viii., p. 116.
1886. GARDNER, J. S. Second Report on the Evidence of Fossil Plants regarding the Age of the Tertiary Basalts of the North-East Atlantic. Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xxxix., pp. 412–415.
1886. JUDD, J. W. On the Gabbros, Dolerites, and Basalts, of Tertiary Age, in Scotland and Ireland. Quart. Jowrn. Geol. Soc., vol.xlii., pp. 49–89, Plates iv-vii.
1887. WHITEHOUSE, C. The Caves of Staffa. Scottish Geographical Mag., vol. iii., pp. 497–521
1887. GARDNER, J. S. On the Leaf Beds and Gravels of Ardtun, Carsaig, etc., in Mull. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliii., pp. 270–300. Figs. and Plates xiii-xvi. (Leaves). Notes by COLE, G. A. J.
1883. TEALL, [Sir] J. J. H. British Petrography, with special reference to the Igneous Rocks. Lond. [Mull, pp. 171, 186, 275, 319; Pls. x., xvi.].
1888. COLE, G. A. J. On Some Additional Occurrences of Tachylyte in Mull. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xliv., p. 300.
1888. KENDAL, P. F. Preliminary Notes on some Occurrences of Tachylyte in Mull. Geol. Meg., Dec. iii., vol. v., p. 555.
1888. GEIKIE, [Sir] A. The History of Volcanic Action during the Tertiary Period in the British Isles. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol.xxxv., pp. 21–184; Pl. i.; Figs. 1, 16, 18, 19, 28, 41, 43–50, 60.
1889. JUDD, J. W, On the Growth of Crystals in Igneous Rocks after their Consolidation. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv., p. 178; Pl. viii.
1889. JUDD, J. W. The Tertiary Volcanoes of the Western Isles of Scotland. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlv., p. 187–218.
1889. GEIKIE, [Sir] A. Recent Researches into the Origin and Age of the Highlands of Scotland and the West of Ireland. Lecture delivered at the Royal Institution, June 7th, 1889. Nature, vol. xl., pp. 299 and 320.
1890. JUDD, J. W. On the Propylites of the Western Isles of Scotland, and their relation to the Andesites and Diorites of the District. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlvi., pp. 341–385.
1891. MUDOUGALL, J. The Leaf-Caves of Mull. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. ix., p. 286,
1892. GEIKIE, Sir A. History of volcanic action in the British Isles. From the end of the Silurian Period down to Older Tertiary time. Presidential Address, Geol. Soc. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xlviii., Proc. pp. 60–179. [Tertiary, pp. 162–168.]
1894. ARGYLL, DUKE OF. Iona, 8vo, Edin. [This first appeared in Good Words for 1869. Reprinted separately, Lond. 1870, and later editions. Geology, pp. 126–142.]
1895. HEDDLE, M. F. On the Occurrence of Tachylyte at Loch Scredan, Mull, Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol. x., p. 80.
1895. ANDERSON, J. Notice of a Cave recently discovered at Oben, containing Human Remains, and a refuse heap of Shells and Bones of Animals, and Stone and Bone Implements. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot., vol. xxix., p. 211.
1895. TURNER, W. On Human and Animal Remains found in Caves at Oban, Argyllshire. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot., vol. xxix., p. 410.
1896. METCALFE, A. T. The Tertiary Lava-Fields of the West Coast of Scotland. 44th Ann. Rep. Nottingham Nat. Soc., pp. 1–12.
1896. GEIKIE, Sir A. The Latest Volcanoes of the British Isles. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasg., vol. x., pp. 179–197.
1897. GEIKIE, Sir A. The Ancient Volcanoes of Great Britain. Vol. ii. Roy. 8vo, London.
1898. ANDERSON, J. Notes on the contents of a small Cave or Rock Shelter at Druimvargie, Oban. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot., vol. xxxii., p. 298.
1899. CURRIE, J. On an Iona Erratic containing Withamite. Trans. Geol. Soc. Edin., vol. vii., p. 115,
1899. CURRIE, J. The Minerals of the Tertiary Eruptive Rocks of Ben More, Mull. Trans. Geol. Soc. Edin., vol. vii., pp. 223–229.
1901. HEDDLE, M. F. The Minerology of Scotland, posthumous, edited by J. G. Goononno, Roy. 8vo, 2 vols., Edinburgh. [Vol. i.—Graphite, p. 2; ? Silver, p. 10; Quartz, p. 47; Chalcedony, p. 56; Calcite, p. 130; Vol. ii.—Pectolite, p. 31; Olivine, p. 52; Epidote, pp. 65, 207; Prehnite, p. 70; Gyrolite, pp. 78, 79; Apophyllite, p. 82; Xonotlite, p. 82; Tobermorite, p. 83; Heulandite, p. 84; Epistilbite, p. 86; Stilbite, p. 90; Laumontite, p. 92; Chabazite, p. 95; Analcite, p. 98; Natrolite p. 104; Scolecite, p. 107; Mesolite, p. 109; Faroelite, p. 112; ? Kirwanite, p. 145; Petroleum, p. 186; Saponite and Celadonite, p. 211.]
1903. Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of Great Britain for 1902. [HARKER, A., p. 113.]
1904. HARKER, A., with notes by CLOUGH, C. T. The Tertiary Igneous Rocks of Skye. Mem. Geol. Surv. [Refers to Mull, pp. 4, 10, 26, 55, 106, 112, 153, 170, 327, 334, 335, 338, 362.]
1908. KILROE, J. R. On the Occurence and Origin of Laterite and Bauxite in the Vogelsberg. Geol. Mag., Dee. v., vol. v., p. 534. [Indirect reference.]
1908. Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of Great Britain for 1907, pp. 64–70. [Section across Loch Don Anticline, p. 65.]
1909. Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of Great Britain for 1908, pp. 55.58.
1909. HARKER, A., in the Geology of the Seaboard of Mid Argyll. Memoirs of the Geological Survey. (Explanation of Sheet 36). [Mull, p. 79.]
1910. Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of Great Britain for 1909, pp. 26–38. [Map of South-East Mull, p. 28; Map of Loch Bà, p. 32; Fossils, p. 57.]
1910. MURRAY, Sir JOHN, and PULLAR, LAURENCE. Bathymetrical Survey of the Fresh Water Lochs of Scotland. Vol. ii , p. 171–176; vol. v., P/s. 65–67.
1910 BOSWORTH, T. O. Wind Erosion on the Coast of Mull. Geol. Mag., N.S., Dec. v., vol. vii., pp. 353–355 , Pls. xxviii. and xxix.
1911. Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of Great Britain for 1910, pp. 27–40. [Map of Loch Bà, p. 33; Sections parallel to Loch Bà, p. 34; Section, River Gaodhail, p. 36.]
1911. CUNNINGHAM-CRAIG, E. H.; CLOUGH, C. T.; and FLETT, J. S., in The Geology of Colonsay and Oronsay with part of the Ross of Mull. Memoirs of Geological Survey. (Explanation of Sheet 35, with part of Sheet 27) [Mull Tertiaries, Chapter xv.]
1911. WRIGHT, W. B. Preglacial Shoreline in the Western Isles of Scotland. Geol. Mag., p. 104.
1912. Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of Great Britain for 1911, pp. 32.37.
1912. BAILEY, E. B. A Mull Problem; The Great. Tertiary Breccia. Geol. Mag., p. 517.
1913. Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of Great Britain for 1912, pp. 36–49. [Sketch Maps: (1) Area between Rossal and Loch Buie, p. 39; (2) Beinn a' Ghràig and Beinn Fhada, p. 42; (3) South-East Mull, p. 46; (4) Sapphire-localities, p. 48. Rock-Analyses, pp. 68–70.]
1913. BAILEY, E. B. A Mull Problem: The Great Tertiary Breccia, Rep. Brit, Assoc., Dundee, 1912. (Sections), p. 459. [See 1912.]
1914. Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of Great Britain for 1913, pp. 43–54. [Sketch Maps: (1) Loch Spelve and Loch Buie, p. 44; (2) Loch Bà Ring-Dyke, p. 491
1914 HALLIMOND, A. F. Optically uniaxial Augite from Mull. Min. Mag., vol. xvii., p. 97.
1914. WRIGHT, W. B. The Quaternary Ice Age, 8vo., Lond. [Mull, pp. 60, 369.]
1914, MACNAIR, P. Argyllshire and Buteshire. Cambridge County Geographies.
1915. M'LINTOCK, W. F. P. On the Zeolites and Associated Minerals from the Tertiary Lavas around Ben More, Mull. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. li. pp. 1–33 and 3 Plates.
1915. Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of Great Britain for 1914, pp. 34–42. [Sketch maps: (1) Loch Bà Felsite Ring-Dyke, p. 36; (2) Distribution of Pillow. Lavas, p. 40. Leaf Beds, p. 61.]
1916. Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of Great Britain for 1915. [Rock-Analyses, pp. 23–27.]
1916–1917 M'CORMICK, J. History of Mull including the Legends and Traditions of the Islands. The Celtic Monthly, vol. xxiv., Chapters i-x.; vol. xxv., Chapters xi–xix.; vol. xxv., p. 51. [Leaf Beds and Account of Coal Mining dating back to 1588.], pp. 92–93 [Granite and Granite-Quarries.]
1917. ANDERSON, E. M., and RADLEY, E. G. The Pitchstones of Mull and their Genesis; with Notes on the Rock-Species Leidleite and Inninmorite, by H. H. THOMAS and E. B. BAILEY. Quart. Geol. Soc., vol. lxxi., pp. 205–217.
1921. Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of Great Britain for 1920, pp. 36–43. [Section: Bloody Bay, p. 37.].
1921. COCKERELL, T. D. A. Some British Fossil Insects. The Canadian Entomologist, vol. liii., No. 1, pp. 22–23. [Carabites scotieus, n.sp. from Leaf-Bed.]
1922. THOMAS, H H. On Certain Xenolithic Tertiary Minor Intrusions in the Island of Mull (Argyllshire); with Chemical Analyses by E. G. RADLEY. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. lxxviii , pp. 219–260, and 5 Plates [microphotos].
1922. JEHU, T. J. The Archaean and Torridonian Formations and the Later Intrusive Rocks of Iona. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. liii., pp. 165–187.
1922. MACKINDER, H. J. Britain and the British Seas, with maps and diagrams. 2nd Ed. Oxford. 1st Ed. 1906. [Mull, pp. 22, 50, 73, 74, 76, 86, 292; Sound of Mull, pp. 73, 132.]
1923. M'CORMICK, J. The History of Mull, including the Legends and Traditions of the Island. Glasgow. [This appeared in The Celtic Monthly, in parts (1916–17).]
1923. MACLEAN, J. P. History of Mull, embracing Description, Climate, Geology, Etc. Greenville, Ohio.
1924. BAILEY, E. B. The Desert Shores of the Chalk Seas. Geol. Mag., p. 102.
1924. BOWEN, N. L., GREIG, J. W., and ZIPS, E. G. Mullite, a silicate of alumina. Journ. Washington Acad. Sci., vol. xiv., pp. 183–191.