Harker, A. 1904. The Tertiary igneous rocks of Skye. HMSO for the Geological Survey.
Chapter 11 Invasion of basic rocks by the granite-magma
In a comprehensive study of the varied suite of intrusive igneous rocks in Skye no feature is more remarkable than the frequent association of different rock-types in intimate and peculiar relations. This is shown in two ways, which, however, are often illustrated by the same occurrences, and are obviously so connected that any general consideration of the subject must take account of both together. We find firstly a strong tendency for different rock-types to be closely and regularly associated, so as to constitute what is in effect one composite rock-body; and secondly the frequent inclusion of partially digested debris (xenoliths) of one igneous rock in another. Such relations are found to exist in many instances between two rocks of widely diverse composition, such as gabbro and granite or basalt and granophyre, and there are also some curious cases in which more than two kinds of rock are involved. The phenomena have sufficient novelty to warrant more than a passing notice, and they will be described at some length and their bearings to some extent discussed. It appears from numerous scattered notices in the geological literature both of the Inner Hebrides and of the northeastern counties of Ireland, as well as from an examination of specimens collected by the late Director-General in several of the islands, that the peculiar relations in question are in some degree characteristic of the Tertiary intrusions of the British province as a whole.
The probable significance of the phenomena will be pointed out as they are described, and such general considerations of a theoretical kind as are admissible in this memoir will be properly deferred to a later stage; but one remark may be made at the outset. There are good reasons, as will appear below, for believing that, when two different igneous rocks are intimately and systematically associated, whether as members of a composite intrusive body or as xenoliths and enclosing matrix, they are also closely related as regards source and origin; and further that, when such peculiarly intimate relations subsist between two igneous rocks of definitely intrusive habit, these have been separated by no great interval as regards the epochs of their intrusion. Petrographical phenomena to be described below can scarcely be explained except on the supposition that the first rock was still hot, and even in some cases its consolidation was not yet perfectly completed, when the second rock was intruded in juxtaposition with it. An essential distinction is thus to be drawn between the systematic and regular association of different rocks to form composite stocks, laccolites, sheets, or dykes and the merely fortuitous conjunctions, which also occur but are not usually attended by peculiarities of a petrographical kind. Equally must we recognise an essential distinction between the regular and abundant inclusions of one igneous rock, A, in another, B, repeated again and again through the country with the same remarkable circumstances, and the merely accidental inclusion of foreign rock-fragments (igneous or otherwise) which occur locally in these as in many other intrusive rocks.
In the large plutonic intrusions, which will be first noticed, the close association of basic and acid rocks does not assume the same regularity and symmetry as in the composite sills and dykes to be described in the next chapter. In several places, however, and especially on Marsco, gabbro and granite (including granophyre) are found with very remarkable mutual relations, the significance of which cannot be overlooked. Taking a broader view, the mere juxtaposition of the two rocks, recurring at a number of distinct centres, can scarcely be a coincidence without meaning. The great gabbro laccolite of the Cuillins has a great granite laccolite intruded beneath and partly into it; and the gabbro boss of Broadford has a granite boss intruded beside and partly through it. In the Carlingford district, in Arran, in Mull, in Ardnamurchan, in Rum, and so far away as in St. Kilda, occur other considerable masses of Tertiary gabbro, and in each of these places that rock has granite (including granophyre) for its intimate associate. Further, according to Sir Archibald Geikie, the sequence in time of the two rocks is everywhere the same, and the acid intrusion often intersects the basic one. The mutual relations of the two rocks have been described in the case of Carlingford by Professor Sollas,<ref>Trans. Roy. Ir. Acad., vol. xxx., pp. 477–512, P1. XXVI., XXVII: 1894. See also Prof. Busz on an occurrence in Ardnamurchan, Geol. Mag., 1900, pp. 436–441.</ref> whose account affords interesting material for comparison with some of the facts recorded below. Another district available for comparison, as regards the mutual relations of gabbro and granophyre, is Carrock Fell in Cumberland,<ref>Harker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. 1., pp. 311–336, Pl. XVI., XVII.: 1894; vol. li., pp. 125–147, Pl. IV.: 1895.</ref> where, in default of direct geological evidence, the possible Tertiary age of the rocks is suggested by petrographical analogies.
We have first to describe some interesting phenomena which demonstrate that in certain places the gabbro has been partially fused in the vicinity of the invading granite magma, and to trace the effects which have resulted from reactions between the two rocks under these conditions.
Effects of this kind are to be observed on a small scale on the eastern and north-eastern borders of the eastern Red Hills, where we have already noticed a permeation of the basic rock by the acid. Microscopic examination shows clearly that this permeation has been attended, and doubtless facilitated, by a local and partial refusion of the gabbro. With the fused basic material has been mingled a small proportion of the acid magma, and the result has been, after consolidation, a rock of somewhat less basic composition than the normal gabbro, and differing from it in mineralogical constitution. Two specimens will suffice to illustrate this reaction. The first is from Creag Strollamus, and forms part of the gabbro close to the granite, which sends veins into it. It is a rather dark rock of fairly coarse texture, with some tendency to a separation in patches of the darker and lighter elements. A thin slice (S8048)
It seems beyond doubt that at junctions like these the gabbro has been in some measure enriched in silica and alkalies derived from the acid magma. This was apparently effected in the main by the fusion or solution of part of the labradorite by the acid magma and crystallisation therefrom of a more acid variety of plagioclase. In some cases part of the augitic constituent of the gabbro seems also to have passed into solution in the acid magma, giving rise on recrystallisation to hornblende or (in consequence of the accession of alkali) to biotite. Concurrently with the acidification of the gabbro there has been in some cases an evident modification of the acid rock in the opposite sense. Two examples of granophyre veins traversing and altering the gabbro give specific gravities 2.68 and 2.71, and are obviously of more basic nature than the main mass from which they are offshoots. This reciprocal modification of the granite or granophyre is, however, not always apparent, as we have seen in the case just described. If the reaction was quite local, the small amount of basic material taken up from the gabbro might be distributed by diffusion through a considerable volume of the acid magma. It is important to remark that in places where acid veins injected into the gabbro assume a fine texture, as if in consequence of rapid cooling, no perceptible effects of the kind in question are found. These reactions seem to have been dependent upon the injection of the acid magma into a mass of gabbro which was still hot.
Phenomena of the kind described, evincing reactions between granite and gabbro, are to be observed in many places along the outer borders of the large acid intrusions, where these are in contact with the earlier intrusions of gabbro. At these, which we may term external, junctions of the two rocks the effects are not on an extended scale or of a conspicuous kind. Reactions of a like kind, but of a more far-reaching scope and productive of much more striking peculiarities, have operated in certain localities at what may be distinguished as internal junctions; i.e. where portions of gabbro have been involved in the heart of a granite mass. The most remarkable relations are observed where continuous bodies of the earlier basic rock have thus been enveloped by the later acid magma; but we shall first describe the effects of the inclusion in the acid magma of a large amount of gabbro xenoliths.
The rocks which illustrate this type of intermixture most strikingly are the xenolithic granophyres of Kilchrist, in the broad strath leading up from Broadford towards Torran. These are crowded throughout with partially digested gabbro xenoliths. The mode of occurrence and probable geological relations of these rocks have already been discussed (see
A description, illustrated by microscopical figures, of these rocks has already been published, and the following account is taken partly from that source.<ref>Harker, Quart. bourn. Geol. Soc., vol. lii., pp. 320–328, P1. XIII., XIV.: 1896.</ref>
Compared with what may be called the normal granophyres of the neighbouring Red Hills, these rocks are darker and manifestly richer in the iron-bearing minerals. Examination shows, too, that they are decidedly denser: ten specimens gave specific gravities ranging from 2.56 to 2.73, with a mean of 2.66, while twenty specimens of the normal granophyres of the district gave from 2.51 to 2.66, with a mean of 2.58. Closer inspection often reveals a mottled appearance, due to the dark minerals tending to cluster in vaguely defined patches, and in places these patches become more distinct and are seen to represent enclosed fragments of some basic rock. In other respects — for example, in the prevalence of the micrographic structure, in the drusy character of the more coarse-textured type, etc. — these rocks show a close correspondence with the normal granophyres of the district. It cannot, of course, be asserted that they agree precisely with the latter as regards the composition of the original magma, but it will be shown that the differences which now exist are certainly due, atleast in the main, to the taking up and partial dissolution of gabbro material.
The xenoliths are, as a rule, less than an inch in diameter, though exceptionally larger. In a hand-specimen they are visible as dark blotches, often closely clustered together, with vague shadowy outlines which sufficiently indicate that the enclosed debris has suffered deeply from the caustic action of the magma. This becomes more evident in thin slices, where obvious xenoliths are not often recognisable as such, though unmistakably foreign material is universally distributed. Some constituents of the gabbro have suffered more or less complete fusion or solution in the acid magma; while other constituents, which resisted such action, have been set free, and now figure as xenocrysts, either intact or more or less perfectly transformed into other substances. At the same time the material absorbed has modified the composition of the magma, in the general sense of rendering it less acid, and this is of course expressed in the products of the final consolidation of the granophyre. In order to present in systematic form the observations made, it will be convenient to begin by enquiring what has befallen each of the chief constituents of the gabbro.
In these Kilchrist rocks, as in the similar ones to be described on Marsco, apatite needles are constantly present and rather abundant, though, as usual with this mineral, somewhat capriciously distributed. Doubtless any apatite contained in the gabbro would survive as such in the modified granophyre, but we know that the Skye gabbros are usually deficient or very poor in this mineral. It does not seem possible to distinguish apatite needles derived from the gabbro from those proper to the granophyre itself.
It is the augite that affords the most conclusive proof of the extraneous origin of the xenocrysts, and this is due to the characteristic basal striation of the gabbro-augite, a feature not found in the augite of the normal granophyres. In the recognisable enclosed fragments of gabbro (S6704)
Occasionally pseudomorphs after olivine, apparently of "pilitic" amphibole, are seen enclosed in the relics of striated augite (S6704)
Magnetite-grains of irregular shape are embedded in many of the augite-xenocrysts and the hornblende-pseudomorphs after them, and these do not differ from the grains in the original gabbro. Most of the abundant magnetite in the slices is, however, of a different kind, building perfect or imperfect octahedra. Though partly representing in substance iron-ore absorbed from gabbro-debris, it is evidently a new crystallisation from the modified granophyre-magma.
Distinct xenocrysts of gabbro-felspar are rare in the specimens sliced, but they are occasionally found, especially in the neighbourhood of actual gabbro-xenoliths. One suitably oriented crystal gave extinction-angles 35° and 36° in alternate and is presumably labradorite like the common felspar in the gabbros of the district. It has a marginal intergrowth of a more acid felspar, and, like the felspar-phenocrysts in all these granophyres, has served as nucleus for a growth of micropegmatite (S6704)
Apart from the peculiarities described, the rocks here dealt with present a general similarity to the normal granophyres. There are, however, one or two special points worth noting. Several writers, in describing the phenomena of xenoliths of acid rocks in basalts and diabases, have remarked a tendency to the formation of hollow spaces, usually filled by later products. Indications of the same tendency are not wanting in the present converse case, though the circumstances are different. In one example are seen ring-like aggregates, about 1/10 inch in diameter, of hornblende crystals, surrounding areas of clear quartz (S6705)
In addition to the relics of gabbro in these granophyres there are occasional traces of inclusions of other rocks. In particular there are granular aggregates consisting largely of hornblende and magnetite and presenting angular outlines to the surrounding matrix (S6709)
We pass on to consider the more remarkable phenomena displayed on Marsco and about Glamaig, where the basic rocks involved in the acid intrusions are not merely detached small xenoliths from some subterranean source but large bodies of dyke-like and sheet-like form. Here the relations are of a very peculiar kind, being complicated by the intervention of a third rock in addition to the gabbro and the granophyre. Since this is unlike any type included in systematic classifications and nomenclatures, we shall for convenience refer to it under the provisional name "marscoite". This is done merely to avoid repeated periphrases, and it is not intended to establish a new rock-type: the rock indeed is certainly a hybrid one, and therefore not entitled to systematic rank or formal designation. In this place it is sufficient to state that it is a conspicuously porphyritic rock, with large crystals of labradorite, and, though of generally basic composition, contains quartz, usually in visible grains. On Marsco gabbro, marscoite, and the dominant acid rocks are associated in a peculiarly intimate fashion; while in the neighbourhood of Glamaig the marscoite is again found associated with granophyre, the gabbro being here scarcely represented. We shall describe the rocks of these two areas in turn, noting in each case first the relations of the rocks as seen in the field and then the more interesting petrographical details. These lead to results which have in some respects more than a local interest.
At the north-western base of Marsco the tourist-track up Glen Sligachan crosses a boggy slope, which is conspicuous at a distance as a bright green delta-like area, and is due to a mass of red sand or loam washed down from a deep gully in the hillside
Since an examination of the exposures in this gully illustrates several points of interest in the behaviour of the four rocks involved, we give a transverse section across it in the accompanying figure (35). Beginning on the south side, we find little indication of any abnormality in the acid rock at A. It is a pale granite, often coarsely granophyric, and the exposures give very little evidence of modification due to the absorption of basic material. The actual boundary against the gabbro, where such evidence might be more confidently expected, is not easily examined. The gabbro, however, is very decidedly affected in the fashion already described elsewhere.
Even so far away as in the crags overlooking the burn there is a notable degree of acidification, the specific gravity at B being only 2.84. The gabbro in the burn at C and that with spheroidal structure in the slope C D are not very different from the normal type, and have a specific gravity 2.91. Between D and E the rock shows no evidence of acidification; but here it begins to assume something of a pophyritic aspect by the occurrence of prominent glassy-looking crystals of labradorite. These become more conspicuous, while the rock otherwise becomes progessively finer in grain. There is thus a general resemblance in appearance to the marscoite of other parts of the hill; but the quartz-grains are so far wanting, and even at F, where the porphyritic structure is well pronounced, the rock is thoroughly basic in composition, its specific gravity here being 2.98. Before reaching G, however, quartz-grains have appeared in considerable abundance, and the specific gravity has fallen to 2.86. The rock which forms what must be regarded as the border of the basic strip is a characteristic marscoite. Between this and the porphyritic felsite at H no sharp boundary can be drawn. There is an intermediate zone, a few feet in width, of a hybrid rock resulting from the intermixture of the marscoite and the felsite. The rock of this zone is of grey colour, with a rather fine-grained ground enclosing porphyritic felspars and quartz-grains. Its heterogeneous origin is manifest to the eye in a curiously patchy appearance, darker and lighter portions being in some places rather sharply separated and in other places shading into one another. The darker and ligher patches, which may be well displayed in a hand-specimen, represent the marscoite and the felsite respectively; but, even where they are most distinct, it is certain that the one has been partly acidified and the other partly basified. Admixture has thus taken place both by bodily intermingling and by diffusion, and it can scarcely be doubted that the two rocks represented were in a partially fluid state at the same time. The relations between the marscoite and the felsite on the north side of the gully thus differ in some respects from those between the gabbro and the granite on the south side.
Following the strip of basic rock eastward from the head of the gully, we find that the marscoite on the northern border is not to be traced continuously. After disappearing, however, it reappears near the eastern end of the strip, being here at some little distance from the edge of the gabbro and wholly enveloped in the acid rock, as shown in the sketch-map
A little farther south is another but smaller strip of basic rock, running S.S.E. along the west side of Coire nan Laogh. Its eastern side is a dyke-like strip of marscoite, up to 50 feet in width; and in contact with this on its west side is gabbro, which, however, is of irregular width, and does not extend to the northern extremity of the strip. This illustrates a point which is elsewhere noticeable on Marsco, viz. that, except in the gully first noticed, the gabbro has been more readily attacked by the acid magma than the marscoite; so that, where the latter rock intervenes, it has to some extent protected the former. Another small enclosed strip of basic rock occurs further west, near the precipice named Fiaclan Dearg. This is for the most part of gabbro, much modified by the acid magma and having in places a rather ill-defined boundary. Northward, however, a dyke-like strip of marscoite comes on on the western or lower side of the gabbro, and continues beyond it, as shown in the sketch-map
The largest of the enclosed strips of gabbro is that which takes a curved course, more than 1½ mile in length, to the east of the summit, and may be traced as far as the burn in Coire na Seilg. Here again the acid rocks to the north and south are different, the one being fine-textured and porphyritic, the other coarse and granophyric to granitoid in structure. This seems to indicate that the basic rock has not been enveloped by a single acid intrusion but caught between two distinct intrusions. The northern part of the strip is irregularly expanded, and terminates northward at a burn which runs down to Allt Mam a' Phobuill, the gabbro being bordered here by a dyke-like strip of marscoite. Following the strip of gabbro where it turns south-eastward, we find marscoite again on the south-western border; but this dies out after about 300 yards, leaving the gabbro in contact with the drusy coarse granophyre, which assumes a dark colour near the junction. This relation continues eastward, as the gabbro strip, with a width usually of 30 or 40 yards, runs up to Druim Eadar da, Choire and over to Coire na Seilg. Throughout this stretch the coarse granophyre to the south is manifestly modified by basic material taken up from the gabbro, but the porphyritic felsite to the north shows little sign of such modification. The rock which, for the purpose of describing the field-relations, we are calling gabbro, is in this part very different from a normal gabbro, and increasingly so eastward. It has here become so impregnated with the acid magma as to approach petrographically rather to a granite, and a specimen from the ridge of Druim Eadar da Choire gives a specific gravity only 2.75. Here, as in the locality first described, the rock is in great part decomposed to a reddish sand, and the spheroidal weathering formerly noted also reappears at several places on the line of this long strip.
These long narrow strips of gabbro seem to have had, prior to the invasion of the acid magma, the general nature of large dykes intersecting rocks of which no trace is now to be seen. We have alluded to them in a former chapter as probably representing some of the feeders of the large gabbro laccolite of the Cuillins. This latter has, in this immediate neighbourhood, been removed by erosion; but a relic of it seems to be represented by another patch of gabbro situated on the main ridge of Marsco itself, to the southeast of the summit
Summarily, the chief igneous rocks of Marsco fall under three heads, the gabbro, the marscoite, and the acid rocks; and these were intruded in order as named. The gabbro was the earliest, and existed in the form of large dyke-like bodies, doubtless more continuous than at present and of greater and more constant width. The marscoite was intruded along the border of the gabbro in numerous places, and this also had the dyke-habit. Further, it is not improbable that the acid rocks were also intruded in the first place after the fashion of dykes, following still the old channels; but the overwhelming volume of the acid magma which was eventually forced up has obliterated the evidence on this point, and further has left only much corroded relics of the older basic rocks. The nature of the mutual reactions which have taken place among the several rocks indicates that they were intruded in somewhat rapid succession, and even in certain places that one was not completely solidified before it was invaded by another. Finally, if the several rocks were forced up along the same channels, with only brief intervals of time, we may infer that they were very closely connected in origin. Further light is thrown on some of these considerations by the petrographical study of the rocks.
Taking these peculiar rocks of Marsco in order, we shall note first the petrographical evidence of the impregnation and internal fusion of the gabbro by the acid magma. A good example of an early stage of the process comes from the south-eastern ridge of the hill, at about 600 yards from the summit-cairn. It is a dark crystalline rock very like many examples of the medium-grained normal gabbros of the Cuillins. The only suggestive feature on the hand-specimen is the presence of a few flakes of brown mica, a mineral rarely if ever found in our gabbros save in connection with reactions between them and other igneous rocks. The specific gravity is 2.92. A thin slice (S8965)
Rocks similar to that just described occur at other spots on the ridge and in the gully on the north-west face of the hill. The next specimen, taken from the last-named place, illustrates a further stage of modification of the gabbro. To the eye it looks very like the preceding, though perhaps a little richer in the felspathic constituent. A slice (
The extreme result of the invasion of the gabbro by the acid magma is well illustrated by the eastern part of the longest enclosed strip, where it crosses Druim Eadar da Choire. It is pretty sharply distinguished from the granophyre on either side of it, especially by its deeply weathered condition, which causes a marked dip in the ridge and a deep gully on each slope. Its geological relations, and its continuity with undoubted gabbro to the west, prove clearly that it represents an enclosed strip of that rock; but, taken by itself, there is nothing in its petrographical characters that would suggest referring it to the gabbro family, and it corresponds in composition much more nearly with a granite. Like these hybrid rocks in general, it does not fall under any normal rock-type. Mineralogically, it has too little quartz for a granite and too much of the ferro-magnesian minerals for a quartz-syenite, while the nature of the felspathic elements separates it from the quartz-diorites. A fresh specimen is a medium-grained crystalline rock of specific gravity 2.75. It has a mottled black and white aspect suggestive in itself of admixture. A slice (S7133)
Such rocks as the specimen just described illustrate in a striking way the extent to which interchange of material may be carried between an enclosed strip of gabbro and an enveloping granitic magma without notably impairing the individuality of the former as a rock-body with well-defined boundaries. The same thing is constantly observable as between xenoliths and their matrix, even when viewed microscopically. Such facts go far to negative the assumption made by some petrologists that the viscosity of rock-magmas must be a serious check upon diffusion. In the case of our rocks it is clear that diffusion proceeded with great freedom when intermixture by flowing was not possible, and when dense inclusions were not able to sink in a lighter medium. A rock comparable in acidity and in density with that last described might be made by fusing together about one part of gabbro with two of granite, but it is not likely that the actual composition of the rock can be represented in this crude fashion. There has been free diffusion, and, as we shall see in the case of the xenolithic granophyres to be described next, the several constituents of the rocks involved did not diffuse with equal facility. If in the laboratory we fuse together two rocks of known composition in known proportions, we can calculate the composition of the resulting product; but the conditions which make this possible — viz., the isolation of the materials in a crucible and the reduction to a homogenous condition of everything within that circumscribed space — are conditions not realised in nature. The processes which have operated in the cases of the Kilchrist and Marsco rocks were of a less simple kind, mere admixture being supplemented by diffusion. The resulting hybrid rocks in such a case are thus only in a general sense intermediate in composition between the two parent rocks, and may be abnormal in comparison with any ordinary igneous rocks formed from a single magma. In other words, the series consisting of two extreme rock-types and the various hybrid rocks which they have generated will not in general be a "linear" series as regards chemical composition.
We proceed to notice the modification experienced by the granophyre near the gabbro strips of Marsco in consequence of the incorporation of basic material in its substance. As seen in the field, the rocks vary from the normal drusy granophyre of the district (S8967)
In the thin slices prepared from various examples it is found that none of the principal constituents of the gabbro can be recognised as surviving: the xenoliths, though preserving sufficient individuality to indicate their approximate outlines, are represented entirely, or almost entirely, by new-formed minerals. The change is not a mere metamorphic one, but one of substance, for the new minerals include alkali-felspars and quartz. The xenoliths are in fact pseudomorphed by a relatively basic granophyre, and there must have been both addition and subtraction of material.
The only original mineral of the gabbro which has possibly survived is the apatite, with perhaps some part of the iron-ore. Apatite is constantly found in the rocks, and sometimes rather abundantly; but to what extent it is derived from destroyed gabbro it is not easy to decide. In some part, however, the apatite in these rocks must have belonged to the gabbro. One specimen sliced (S7554)
As regards the ferro-magnesian minerals, it is very noticeable that augite, which is usually well represented and often predominant among the normal granophyres of the district, is here subordinate or entirely absent. Green hornblende is constantly the dominant mineral of this group, both within the altered xenoliths and in the interspaces between them, and it is sometimes accompanied by brown biotite (
Both plagioclase and orthoclase are always present, but the former predominates, at least in those rocks which are much modified from the normal granophyre type. It is oligoclase; but occasionally there are also a few crystals which give higher extinction-angles, and seem to be andesine. Quartz is always well represented, though usually in notably less amount than in the normal granophyres. It builds irregular grains or enters into micrographic intergrowths, the structure of the rocks (granitoid or more commonly granophyric) presenting in this respect no peculiarity.
It is interesting to enquire what proportion of gabbro substance has actually been taken up by the acid magma. The crowded dark patches seen in some of the rocks give, no doubt, an exaggerated impression of the amount of foreign material present, for these patches have not the composition of gabbro. They have been permeated by the acid magma, and the basic material abstracted from them may have been diffused through a considerably larger volume than that of the visibly xenolithic rock. A specimen (S8694)
Silica | Lime | Sp. grav. | |
Gabbro | 46.39 | 15.29 | 2.85 |
Granophyre | 70.34 | 1.24 | 2.66 |
Calculated mixture | 64.71 | 4.54 | 2.70 |
Dark granophyre (found) | 64.72 | 2.98 | 2.73 |
The discrepancy here as regards lime can scarcely be accounted for by the variable composition of the gabbro and granophyre of the district, and we must suppose that the different constituents (such as silica and lime) diffuse through the magma in different degrees. We may, however, conclude that the acid magma has in some places taken up something like one-third of its mass of material derived from the gabbro. Some of these dark basified granophyres, indeed, cannot be much less basic than the extreme results of acidification in those rocks which are, from the point of view of their geological relations, included above as acidified gabbros.
A remark should be made concerning the drusy structure of the modified granophyres of Marsco. This structure, of very general occurrence in most parts of the Red Hills, is especially well displayed on Marsco; and in those granophyres which enclose evident xenoliths, or preserve the outlines of destroyed xenoliths, the druses often seem to stand in relation to the xenoliths. It may be supposed that the druses in this case have been rather of the nature of gas-and steam-cavities, and that the solid or quasi-solid fragments distributed through the magma have served as starting-points for the growth of bubbles. The association of druses of various kinds, usually of small size, with xenoliths is a very general phenomenon, as appears clearly in the literature of the subject.
Before leaving the acid rocks of Marsco, it should be remarked that in several places pegmatoid veins and streaks traverse the gabbro or the marscoite for a short distance from the junction with the granophyre. These are well seen in the gabbro about 750 or 800 yards east of the summit, and again at the base of the gabbro-sheet in a little ravine running down towards Coire nan Bruadaran. At both these places large crystals of bronzy-looking mica are conspicuous. Pegmatite-veins with a marked gneissic banding intersect the gabbro of the gully on the north-west slope. All these rocks are of very coarse texture, the individual crystals of quartz, orthoclase, and oligoclase, which make up the bulk of the veins, ranging up to an inch in diameter, and the flakes of brown mica being sometimes nearly as large. Lustrous black crystals of hornblende, brown and strongly pleochroic in a thin slice, are of smaller dimensions, and have good crystal-forms, with the customary habit. A few prisms of apatite are also present (S8052)
Lastly we have to notice the characters of the peculiar rock which we have for convenience named marscoite. We have seen that it holds an intermediate place, as regards epoch of intrusion as well as in actual situation, between the gabbro and the granite. It is intermediate between them also to some extent in composition, but no analysis has been made of it.
The usual type is a dark finely crystalline rock, enclosing glassy-looking crystals of finely striated felspar, ¼ to ½ inch long. Small grains of quartz are visible in places. There also occur, more sparingly and less uniformly distributed, dull white xenocrysts of felspar, contrasting with the fresh phenocrysts, and exceptionally little aggregates of felspar crystals and quartz which may be regarded as partially digested xenoliths. An average specimen of the rock gave the specific gravity 2.82. In a slice (S7858)
The general mass of the rock consists chiefly of greenish brown hornblende and felspar. The hornblende is partly in crystal-grains, partly in elongated narrow prisms enclosing granular magnetite. In the latter form it seems to be derived from augite, some of which mineral still remains, and the process of conversion is seen in some places in the slice (
It appears from this description that the marscoite represents a basic magma which has taken up granitic material, and, by the partial absorption of this, become in some measure acidified. The quartz and acid felspars have not been derived directly from the contiguous acid rocks, or at least this cannot be the general explanation of their presence; but it is none the less noticeable in some occurrences that these quasi-foreign elements become more abundant on the side neighbouring the acid rock. A like peculiarity will be observed below in the marscoite of the Glamaig neighbourhood. The section in the deep gully
The peculiar rocks now to be discussed are exposed on Glamaig itself; in the burn, named Allt Daraich, to the south-west, which drains Coire na Sgaìrde; and at the termination of the ridge Druim na Ruaige on the opposite side of the corrie. This ridge is a spur from Beinn Dearg Alheadhonach, and consists of the ordinary granite, often granophyric, which forms so much of the Red Hills. At its northern end, however, the smooth flowing outline of the ridge is broken by a wart-like excrescence named Sròn a' Bhealain, which is a prominent object in the view from Sligachan. The prominence is caused by a sheet-like mass of marscoite, 200 to 250 feet thick, with a northerly dip of about 20°, which covers the northern face of the ridge and rises into a knoll nearly 1500 feet above sea-level
Farther north, in the bed of Allt Daraich, we find some relics of marscoite and a considerable quantity of the spotted and dark granophyres, the whole probably representing the prolongation of the Sròn a' Bhealain sheet (see
The interpretation of these relations is, to a certain point, sufficiently evident. The marscoite, apart from subsequent modifications due to the acid magma, represents a distinct rock, which was intruded in the form of sills at several horizons in the basaltic lavas. An invasion of acid magma, of much greater volume, has followed, and this has at first found its easiest channel along the surfaces of the sills of marscoite. Where guided by these, it has often kept for some distance to one horizon, but elsewhere it has broken across irregularly. On the south-western slope of Glamaig, as shown on the map and in
The marscoite of these sill-formed intrusions is in all essentials closely comparable with that which forms the dyke-like bodies on Marsco. It is on the whole more modified in the sense of acidification, but it varies in this respect in the several sheets and in different parts of the same sheet. There are abundant phenocrysts of labradorite, usually fresh and glassy-looking, up to ½ inch or more in length. Very abundant also are the rounded quartz-grains, always with a border of imperfect crystals and grains of green hornblende, or of augite in process of transformation to hornblende. These hornblende-crystals often project for a short distance into the quartz-grain, proving that the marginal portion of the latter is of new formation. The rocks also enclose occasional xenocrysts of orthoclase, turbid and altered, and exceptionally groups of these, with some quartz, which may perhaps be regarded as little xenoliths of granite in an advanced stage of dissolution.
In the ground-mass the relative proportions of brownish-green hornblende and pale augite vary considerably; but, since some part of the hornblende is certainly pseudomorphic after augite, this difference is perhaps not significant. The felspar, in little imperfect prisms or in irregular crystal-grains, is mostly of a striated variety with low extinction-angles, but some is untwinned. Apparently the dominant kind is near oligoclase or oligoclase-andesine in composition, but orthoclase sometimes occurs in addition. There is a variable and sometimes considerable amount of interstitial quartz. Magnetite and little needles of apatite occur abundantly.
The marscoite, as stated, shows a certain range of composition; and this is most easily studied in the thick sheet of Sròn a' Bhealain. Two specimens from the upper part of the sheet (as exposed) gave specific gravities 2.80 and 2.81, and two from the lower part 2.73 and 2.74. Comparison of thin slices (S7546)
We conclude then that the marscoite as intruded represented an originally basic magma modified by the inclusion of granitic material, relics of which still remain as xenocrysts. This process, while prior to the intrusion, was probably posterior to the epoch of the labradorite phenocrysts: it is at least difficult to conceive these crystallising from the partially acidified magma, and they never enclose any of the derived elements. If some portion of the magma had been intruded prior to the absorption of granitic material which converted it to marscoite, it would presumably have given rise to ordinary basic rocks containing phenocrysts of labradorite. It is not improbable that such intrusions are actually represented in the neighbourhood. On the moorland near the west base of Glamaig two or three sills occur in the basalts, coming down to the high-road about ½ mile N.E. of Sligachan (see
Another point worthy of notice is the possible significance of the large crystals of labradorite in the marscoite. At one place on Marsco we remarked an unusually intimate association of gabbro and marscoite, with no sharp division between them, and we pointed out in that connection the resemblance between the labradorite crystals in the two rocks which there graduate into one another. Gabbro is not represented by distinct intrusions among the rocks of Glamaig; but in one place it is found in the form of irregular patches enveloped in the marscoite. This occurrence is in the bed of Allt Daraich, and the relations at this place are shown in
If this last conclusion is to be applied to the marscoites of Marsco and Glamaig as a whole, it is not, however, to be supposed that the labradorite crystals in these rocks have in general come from the disintegration of solid gabbro. Rather should we suppose that, after the intrusion of the gabbros of the Cuillins, crystallisation began under intratelluric conditions in an unexhausted portion of the gabbro-magma, and labradorite was formed, a subsequent modification of the residual magma due to the addition of granitic material giving rise to the marscoite. If in places intratelluric crystallisation had already proceeded so far as to form actual gabbro, clots or patches of this might be caught up in the marscoite and so intruded with it; but this seems to have been exceptional.
We have still to describe the modification in the granophyre of Glamaig due to the inclusion of marscoite xenoliths in the magma. Everywhere in the vicinity of the marscoite sills effects of this kind are shown in various stages in the acid rocks. The only exception is presented by certain pegmatite veins and strings which traverse the lower portion of the Sròn a' Bhealain sheet. These, like the similar occurrences on Marsco, show occasionally a banded or gneissic structure. They are very coarse-grained, consisting essentially of crystals of orthoclase, sometimes two or three inches long, enclosing quartz crystals up to ¾ inch in diameter. There is no graphic structure on a large scale, but a thin slice shows a delicate micropegmatite fringe surrounding each crystal of quartz, the quartz and felspar of this fringe being continuous with the adjacent crystals of those minerals, respectively. These veins have never taken up basic material.
The granophyres with partially digested xenoliths of marscoite are well seen beneath the sheet of the latter rock on Sròn a' Bhealain, and occupy a considerable area on the south-western slopes of Glamaig, but they are perhaps most easily studied in the little patches exnosed in the bed of Allt Daraich some 200 yards below the infall of Allt Bealach na Sgàirde. There, with progressive destruction of the enclosed debris, every stage is exhibited down to a dark, almost homogeneous basified granophyre in which the outlines of the xenoliths are lost.
The most usual type is a rock presenting crowded dark patches or spots, of ovoid shape and usually less than an inch in diameter, in a lighter grey matrix
In thin slices (S7551)
A transition from the distinctly spotted rocks to the uniformly dark granophyres is illustrated by specimens exhibiting a rather indistinct mottling on a small scale (S7548)
From such rocks as this there is a gradation (often in a very short space) to those in which no heterogeneity is apparent to the eye, and in which the microscope shows that the component elements are uniformly distributed (S7550)
Phenomena in any close degree comparable with those described about Sròn a' Bhealain and Glamaig have been observed in one other locality only — viz., on the north-eastern slope of Meall a Mhaoil, to the north of Loch Ainort. Here a narrow strip of basaltic lavas is enclosed in the granite, running steeply down towards the coast in an E.S.E. direction. On the southern edge of it a strip or sheet of a basic intrusive rock is interposed between the basalt and the granite, the last-named rock penetrating both the others in the form of small tongues and veins. The basic intrusion is of a rock somewhat similar to that of Sròn a' Bhealain, though of rather coarser grain. It might be matched more closely in the deep gully on Marsco. It has the same porphyritic crystals of labradorite as the typical marscoites, and like them is evidently a basic rock partially acidified; but the slice examined shows no recognisable xenocrysts, the quartz present being wholly of interstitial occurrence. The ferro-magnesian mineral is exclusively hornblende (S8980)
It is to be observed that the Glamaig rocks are petrographically of more peculiar characters than those described in the earlier parts of this chapter. At Kilchrist and on Marsco hybrid rocks have been produced from gabbro and granite, and they are, as we have shown, essentially abnormal in chemical and mineralogical composition. On Glamaig, however, the intermingling has taken place between marscoite and granite, the former itself a hybrid rock of peculiar composition, and the results are correspondingly complicated. We have here to deal, in short, with hybridism of a second order. On Marsco effects of this kind are to be verified only exceptionally (for instance, between G and H in