Harker, A. 1904. The Tertiary igneous rocks of Skye. HMSO for the Geological Survey.

The Tertiary igneous rocks of Skye

By Alfred Harker, M.A.., F.R.S., With Notes By C. T. Clough, M.A., F.G.S.

Memoirs of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom.

Published By Order Of The Lords Commissioners Of His Majesty's Treasury.

Glasgow: Printed For His Majesty's Stationery Office By James Hedderwick & Sons At "The Citizen" Press, St. Vincent Place.

And To Be Purchased, Either Directly Or Through Any Bookseller, From John Menzies & Co., Rose Street, Edinburgh, And 90 West Nile Street, Glasgow; Or Edward Stanford, 12, 13, And 14 Long Acre, London, W.C.; And Hodges, Figgis & Co., Ltd., 104 Grafton Street, Dublin.


Price, Nine shillings


The Tertiary Volcanic region of the West of Scotland is well known to be of exceptional interest from many points of view, and on this account my predecessor, Sir A. Geikie, determined that a typical portion of the region should be mapped and described in great detail. The district comprising the central mountain group of Skye was selected by him, and the services of Mr. Harker were secured in order that the actual survey and the petrographical work might be carried out by the same officer. The present memoir is, therefore, the result of work which was planned and in great part executed under the direction of Sir A. Geikie, who has himself contributed very largely to our knowledge of the selected area, and who has taken from first to last special interest in Mr. Harker's researches.

The district is one which has attracted the attention of many distinguished geologists from the days of Macculloch down to recent years. The main outlines of the geology are, therefore, familiar to students of the science, but in view of the publication of this volume some of the salient features of the development of research may here be referred to. Macculloch's classic work showed that the basalts of the plateaux and the eruptive masses pierce and overlie the Oolitic strata, and are therefore younger than the Jurassic rocks. The discovery of plant remains at Ardtun, in Mull, announced by the Duke of Argyll in 1851, marked an important advance, for they were regarded by Professor E. Forbes as proving the Tertiary age of the basalts with which they are associated. At the same time Forbes was led to the conclusion, from the evidence at Loch Staffin, in Skye, that the basaltic lavas are there contemporaneous with the Oolitic strata. Following the opinion of Professor Forbes, in his earliest investigations Sir A. Geikie inferred that the basaltic lavas of Skye are not younger than some late part of the Jurassic period, and he further contended that the gabbros of that island are of Archaean age from the striking resemblance of the banded types to some of the ancient gneisses of the North-West Highlands. In 1871 appeared Zirkel's valuable description of the petrology of the igneous rocks of Skye. In 1874 Professor Judd published his well known paper, in which he maintained that in the West Highlands there are relics of five great extinct Tertiary volcanoes indicating three periods of igneous activity — the first marked by the extrusion of acid lavas and tuffs connected with plutonic masses of granite, the second by basaltic lavas related to deep-seated masses of gabbro, and the third by minor outflows of lava from sporadic cones. In 1888 Sir A. Geikie embodied the results of his prolonged study of the Tertiary Igneous Rocks of the West Highlands in his monograph, communicated to the Royal Society of Edinburgh, on "The History of Volcanic Action during the Tertiary Period in the British Isles" He therein maintains that the basaltic plateaux are probably due to fissure eruptions; that the basaltic lavas were subsequently pierced by laccolitic masses of gabbro, which produced a certain amount of contact alteration on the previously-erupted lavas; and, finally, that the basic rocks were disrupted by the protrusion of masses of granophyre. These conclusions have been confirmed by Mr. Harker.

In the following pages the rocks are described with reference to their field relations and petrographical characters, due regard being paid throughout to the fact that they form a connected series of igneous products. The area referred to is represented by Sheets 70 and 71 of the one-inch maps, together with parts of Sheets 80 and 81. Sheet 81 has been published, and Sheets 70 and 71 are now being prepared for publication. In view of the complexity of the district and the impossibility of adequately representing the geological features on the one-inch maps, it is proposed to publish four six-inch Sheets (Skye 38, 39, 44, and 45), embracing the most interesting portion of the area.

This memoir has been written by Mr. Harker, and is based principally on the area surveyed by him. During the years 1895–1901 he mapped in detail the central mountain group, a broad belt of the surrounding country, the basaltic plateaux to the west and north-west of the mountainous region, the large island of Scalpay and some of the smaller islands off the East Coast. Mr. Clough has surveyed the south-eastern part of Skye and the island of Soay, a region consisting of older stratified rocks which have been invaded by numerous minor intrusions belonging to the Tertiary series. Messrs. Woodward, Barrow, and Wedd have mapped other portions of Skye, especially those in which Jurassic rocks occur, but where Tertiary igneous rocks are also found. In the following pages Mr. Harker has freely availed himself of the information supplied by his colleagues as to the Tertiary igneous rocks of the areas surveyed by them, and has visited localities of interest which lie outside his own special district.

The petrographical descriptions are based on a large series of specimens, of which more than a thousand have been sliced for microscopical examination. Most of these specimens have been collected by Mr. Harker, but a considerable number have been supplied by Mr. Clough and a few by Mr. Woodward. They include also a number of specimens collected by Sir A. Geikie prior to the detailed survey. Dr. Pollard has made twelve complete and four partial analyses for the purpose of this memoir.

During the progress of the survey Professor Lebour generously placed at our disposal his own manuscript maps of the Broadford and Kyleakin districts, together with five analyses of rocks which had been made for him by Mr. T. Baker, of the Durham College of Science. We are also indebted to Mr. Archibald Livingstone, of the Antrim Iron Ore Company, for the results of the chemical examination of some of the clays in the basaltic series; to Mr. J. H. Player for the partial analysis of another clay; to Professor Sollas for isolating and examining the constituents of some of the rocks; and to Sir J. Norman Lockyer, K.C.B., for photographs of the spectra of certain rocks.

The photographic views given as plates were taken by Mr. R. Lunn, save the frontispiece, which is reproduced by the kind permission of Messrs. Wilson & Co., Photographers, Aberdeen. One sketch was very kindly made for us by Mr. Colin B. Phillip. The other illustrations, including the micro-sections, are by the author; but many of the text figures have been re-drawn by J. D. Bowie, who has also prepared the sketch map prefixed to this volume.

Our thanks are due to the proprietors of estates in Skye, more particularly to Macleod of Macleod and Mr. R. L. Thomson of Strathaird, who have afforded every facility for the survey, and also to numerous residents of humbler station who have given kindly and intelligent help. To Mr. T. A. Falcon, as a frequent companion in camping and climbing in the Cuillins, the author desires to express his indebtedness in many ways. Mr. Falcon's photographs of the mountains have proved of value in deciphering their structure.

J. J. H. Teall, Director. Geological Survey Office, 28 Jermyn Street, London, 12th April 1904.


Chapter 1 Introduction, and General Relations of the Volcanic Series

Chapter 2 Volcanic Agglomerates, Tuffs, and Conglomerates

Chapter 3 Basic Lavas: General Petrography

Chapter 4 Basic Lavas: Alterations and Metamorphism

Chapter 5 Rhyolitic and Trachytic Lavas and Tuffs

Chapter 6 Peridotites (Earlier Group)

Chapter 7 Gabbros: Field-Relations

Chapter 8 Gabbros: Petrography

Chapter 9 Granites and Granophyres: Field-Relations

Chapter 10 Granites and Granophyres: Petrography

Chapter 11 Invasion of Basic Rocks by the Granite-Magma

Chapter 12 Composite Sills and Dykes: General Features

Chapter 13 Composite Sills and Dykes: Detailed Description

Chapter 14 Basic Sills: the Great Group

Chapter 15 Basic Sills: Minor Groups

Chapter 16 Minor Acid Intrusions

Chapter 17 Basic Dykes: Field-Relations

Chapter 18. Basic Dykes: General Petrography

Chapter 19. Basic Dykes: Tachylytic Selvages

Chapter 20. Basic Dykes: Xenoliths

Chapter 21. Basic Dykes and Sheets of the Cuillins

Chapter 22. Later Peridotites

Chapter 23. Trachyte and Trachy-Andesite Dykes

Chapter 24. Augite-Andesite and Pitchstone Dykes

Chapter 25. General Review of Tertiary Igneous Activity in Skye

Chapter 26 Physical Features and Scenery

Appendix. Bibliography of the Tertiary Igneous Rocks of Skye

Explanation of plates of micro-sections


List of illustrations

List of figures in the text

(Figure 1) Sketch-map to show the distribution of Tertiary igneous rocks in the British Isles

(Figure 2) Section in the southern part of the Isle of Scalpay

(Figure 3) Section to illustrate the structure of the basalt plateaux

(Figure 4) Section across the volcanic vent of Kilchrist

(Figure 5) Contrasted outlines of volcanic agglomerate and granite

(Figure 6) Cliff-section at Camas Bàn, Portree Harbour

(Figure 7) Micro-section: olivine-basalt lava

(Figure 8) Section along Allt Dearg Mòr, near Sligachan

(Figure 9) Diagrammatic representation of the relations of the trachytic and rhyolitic rocks

(Figure 10) Section along the Sgùrr Dubh ridge

(Figure 11) Dykes or veins of gabbro traversing peridotite

(Figure 12) Block of banded peridotite enclosed in gabbro

(Figure 13) Micro-section: dunite, rich in picotite

(Figure 14) Micro-section: peridotite

(Figure 15) Sketch-map to show the shape of the gabbro laccolite

(Figure 16) Section through Gars-bheinn

(Figure 17) Sketch-map showing the distribution of banded structures in the gabbro

(Figure 18) Section across Druim an Eidhne

(Figure 19) Ground-plan of a sheet of gabbro and its dyke-feeder at Eas Mòr, Allt Coire na Banachdich

(Figure 20) Map showing a part of the Broadford gabbro boss with patches of the Cambrian limestones enclosed

(Figure 21) Micro-section: olivine-gabbro, showing the ophitic structure

(Figure 22) Micro-section: "granulitic gabbro", probably a highly metamorphosed basaltic lava

(Figure 23) Dykes of banded gabbro in glen south of Allt a' Chaoich

(Figure 24) Secondary twin-lamellation in the felspar of the gabbros

(Figure 25) View from Bealach a' Leitir, showing granite underlying-gabbro

(Figure 26) Section across Glen Sligachan, from Sgùrr nan Gillean to Marsco

(Figure 27) Section through Marsco and Ruadh Stac

(Figure 28) Section through Lochain Beinn na Caillich and towards Broadford

(Figure 29) Map of part of the Beinn an Dubhaich granite, showing its relation to the Cambrian limestones

(Figure 30) Section from Loch Kilchrist to Glen Boreraig

(Figure 31) Relations of granite and marble on the lower slopes of Beinn an Dubhaich

(Figure 32) Section along Beinn na Cro

(Figure 33) Section in the south-western part of Scalpay

(Figure 34) Some rarer minerals of the granophyres (from micro-sections)

(Figure 35) Section across the deep gully on the N.W. slope of Marsco

(Figure 36) Sketch-map to illustrate the relation of the enclosed bodies of gabbro, etc., on the slopes of Marsco

(Figure 37) Outlines of Glamaig and Beinn Dearg, with Sròn a' Bhealain

(Figure 38) Section from Sròn a' Bhealain to Allt Daraich and Glamaig

(Figure 39) Section through Glamaig and to the Sligachan estuary

(Figure 40) Ground-plan of part of Allt Daraich, near Sligachan

(Figure 41) Granophyre crowded with xenoliths of marscoite, from Allt Daraich

(Figure 42) Section through Cnoc Càrnach, showing composite triple sills

(Figure 43) Section of triple composite sill at Camas na Geadaig, Scalpay

(Figure 44) Section of quintuple composite laccolite at Allt an' t- Sithean, near Sligachan

(Figure 45) Section across the composite sill of Carn Dearg, near Suishnish

(Figure 46) Sketch-map of a small area in the interior of Scalpay

(Figure 47) Altered phenocrysts and xenocrysts in the basalt of the composite sills (from micro-sections)

(Figure 48) Section of composite sill at Rudh' an Eireannaich, Broadford Bay

(Figure 49) Enlarged section of composite sill of Rudh' an Eireannaich

(Figure 50) Ideal curve of variation of magnesia

(Figure 51) Ideal curve of variation of lime

(Figure 52) Sketch-map illustrating the distribution of the basic sills and of the multiple basic dykes

(Figure 53) Section through Monadh Meadale and Beinn Totaig

(Figure 54), Preshal More, near Talisker, seen from the south-west

(Figure 55) Section through Druim na Creiche

(Figure 56) Geological map of Roineval

(Figure 57) Section through Roineval

(Figure 58) Sketch-map illustrating the distribution of certain groups of acid intrusions

(Figure 59) and 60 Sections across circus north of Rudha Chinn Mhòir, Scalpay

(Figure 61) Micro-section: rhyolitic dyke, Druim an Eidhne

(Figure 62) Ground-plan in Tairneilear, showing dykes terminating abruptly against volcanic agglomerate

(Figure 63) Sketch-map illustrating the bearings of the basic dykes in Skye

(Figure 64) to 66 Ground-plans on shore west of Broadford Bay, to show lateral shifting of dykes

(Figure 67) Ground-plan on shore west of Broadford Bay, to show a number of dykes sharply deviated

(Figure 68) Micro-section: diabase dyke, Ben Aslak

(Figure 69) and 70 Sheaths and cores on surface of a basaltic sheet, Cnoc a' Chàise, near Knock

(Figure 71) Micro-section: margin of small basalt dyke, Ben Lee, near Sligachan

(Figure 72) Sketch-map to illustrate the distribution and inclination of the inclined basic sheets of the Cuillins

(Figure 73) Section across the gabbro area to show the vertical distribution of the inclined sheets

(Figure 74) Section to illustrate the shifting of an inclined basic sheet, Loch Scavaig

(Figure 75) Sketch-map to illustrate the distribution of the peridotites, older and younger

(Figure 76) Sketch-map to show the distribution of some trachytic and other dykes

(Figure 77) Diagram to show the varying inclination of the 'rodding' in the dykes of the Broadford and Sleat districts

(Figure 78) Dyke with 'rodded' structure, near Coire-chatachan

(Figure 79) Terraced hills on the west side of Glen Varragill

(Figure 80) Outlines of hills on the west side of Glen Brittle

(Figure 81) View of Blath bheinn from Kilchrist

(Figure 82) The 'Inaccessible Pinnacle' of Sgùrr Dearg

(Figure 83) Outlines of the Alaisdair group of mountains

(Figure 84) Contrasted outlines of the gabbro and granite mountains

List of plates

(Plate 1) Exposed surface of volcanic agglomerate, Druim an Eidhne

(Plate 2) Banded structure in the peridotite group, An Garbh-choire

(Plate 3) Brecciated appearance, due to xenolithic structure,in the peridotite group, An Garbh-choire

(Plate 4) Veined structure in the peridotite group, An Garbh-choire

(Plate 5) Strongly banded structure and felspathic veins in gabbro, Druim an Eidhne

(Plate 6) Banded structure, showing curvature, in gabbro, Druim an Eidhne

(Plate 7) Crushed granite, from the shore between Allt Fearna and Strollamus Lodge, 2½ miles N.W. of Broadford. Natural size. The lower figure is from a typical specimen, while the upper one shows an earlier stage in the process of brecciation

(Plate 8) Marsco, from the north-west

(Plate 9) Part of the northern face of Preshal More, near Talisker, showing curvature of columns in a dolerite sill

(Plate 10) Columnar sill of dolerite forming the cliff at Rudha Buidhne, near Braes, -

(Plate 11) Weathered surface of acid dyke, Druim an Eidhne, showing crowded spherulites: natural size

(Plate 12) Weathered surface of acid dyke, Druim an Eidhne, showing tortuous flow-structure: natural size

(Plate 13) View up Loch Coruisk, showing part of the Cuillin range — Frontisipiece

(Plate 14) View of Clach Glas from Garbh-bheinn, showing the northward prolongation of the Blath-bheinn ridge

(Plate 15) View from Coire na Creiche. In the foreground is Sgùrr na Fheadain, the termination of a branch ridge running out from the triple-peaked Bidein Druim nan Ramh. It shows well the inclined sheets dipping to the left (east) and the fissures due to dykes running in the direction of the branch ridge itself. The four peaks of Sgùrr a' Mhadaidh are seen to the right

(Plate 16) View of the Pinnacle Ridge of Sgùrr nan Gillean. The notches and gullies, with other vertical fissures, are due to dykes. The outcrops of the inclined sheets of dolerite are seen running nearly horizontally along the steep slopes

(Plate 17) to (Plate 27) Micro-sections of rocks. The explanation of these is given, with the plates, at the end of the volume.