Bailey, E.B. and Maufe, H.B. 1960. The geology of Ben Nevis and Glen Coe and the surrounding country. 2nd. Revised Edition. Edinburgh: HMSO
Chapter 18 Rocks of Lower Old Red Sandstone age contact-alteration due to plutons
Contact-altered schists south-east of Loch Linnhe
Introduction including regional metamorphism
The various "granites" of the district were intruded into the schists after the latter had attained a low to medium grade of regional metamorphism. The "granites" have locally effected an easily recognisable alteration of a different type; new minerals and new textures have been produced, and the final result is a complete transformation. In the field the alteration reveals itself in such matters as loss of fissility, increased hardness, change of colour, and, in many cases, in the production of spots and sometimes of definite recognisable crystals. The features enumerated above are restricted to well-marked aureoles round about the "granites", and admit of fairly accurate mapping
The "granites" are surrounded by a heterogeneous assemblage of schists, and the range of their influence is correspondingly varied. It is found, for instance, that impure limestones have been particularly susceptible, and have been converted into calc-silicate-hornfelses at distances ranging up to 1¾ miles from the margins of the various intrusions. Phyllites have been more stable, and are seldom noticeably hardened more than three-quarters of a mile from the "granites". On the other hand pyrites is more susceptible than even calcareous material (p. 251).
Introduction of magmatic felspar seems to have occurred to an important extent in the aureole of the Fault-Intrusion of Glen Coe (pp. 157, 219); and pronounced reactions with xenoliths have been carefully studied. Still, most of the changes which have taken place in the schists during contact-metamorphism appear to have depended upon simple reconstruction of the material already present, and upon a certain amount of expulsion of the volatile constituents, mainly carbon dioxide and water. It is an open question how much of these volatiles passed outward through country-rock, and how much inwards to be dissolved in magma. If much was taken into solution, it is probable that a considerable proportion was eventually discharged in volcanic explosions.
In its more important features the contact-metamorphism in the present district is identical with that of the Pass of Brander
Macculloch's account (1817, p. 126) of the marginal relations of the Ballachulish "Granite" affords the first reference to the phenomena of contact-alteration in Sheet 53. Professor Judd's short description (1874, p. 292) of the metamorphism produced in the schists by the Ben Nevis "Granite" is also worthy of note. Later, during the Geological Survey's work in the district, the subject has been frequently dealt with by the various members of the staff. Brief references and more detailed descriptions have thus from time to time appeared dealing with the contact-alterations of the schists due to the Ben Nevis (Ann. Rep. 1896; Sum. Prog. 1898, 1899, 1901), Mullach nan Coirean
In preparing the corresponding chapter in the 1916 edition of this memoir the writer received much assistance from Flett. What follows is very little altered, save that the rest of this introduction is devoted to a short summary regarding pre-contact regional metamorphism. Also advantage has been taken of three important papers, one by Neumann (1950, see Ballachulish Slates below), and two by Muir (1953a,b, see Appin Limestone and Quartz Xenoliths).
The main facts of distribution of regional metamorphism in Sheet 53 have been established by a number of workers, and, since the 1916 edition, have been made the subject of a couple of papers (Bailey 1923a; Elles and Tilley 1930). It is agreed by all that an ill-defined curving metamorphic boundary can be traced southwards from Fort William right across Sheet 53. West of this boundary grey pelitic sediments do not carry garnet, while to the east they very often do. Such a boundary is now termed an isograd.
The garnet isograd, starting from Fort William, reaches the north shore of Loch Leven a little west of the Glen Coe Quartzite outcrop, one mile east of Ballachulish Ferry
The garnetiferous belt to the east generally begins with a wide stretch of country in which garnet is merely an inconspicuous accessory. Eventually, however, the mineral becomes very prominent, for instance in the Leven Schist spread south of the An t-Sròn "Granite" and east of the Beinn Fhionnlaidh
In Sheet 62 (Geol.), north of Sheet 53, the type outcrop of Leven Schist runs north-east towards Glen Spean
In the other direction, west of the Fort William — Glenure line, metamorphism wanes, and the garnet zone is separated by a biotite zone from a chlorite zone in which biotite is wanting. The outcrop of the Eilde Flags at Fort William carries garnet, according to Elles and Tilley; but it has reached the chlorite zone before it finally goes out to sea west of Onich. The Appin Phyllites further east at Onich are still in the biotite zone; though rather unexpectedly the westernmost part of the Leven Schist outcrop north of Ballachulish Ferry
South of the mouth of Loch Leven Elles and Tilley have found biotite continuing in the Appin Phyllites south-west as far as Cuil Bay; though they note that it does not occur in the adjoining carbonaceous Cuil Bay Slates. We shall return to this last point presently. Meanwhile we note that the same authors place the south-west continuation of the Appin Phyllite outcrop, beyond Cuil Bay, into the chlorite zone, along with the greater part of the Leven Schist outcrop that lies to the east.
Much the most important phenomenon connected with regional metamorphism in Sheet 53 is the down-throw of slightly metamorphosed Leven Schist within the cauldron-subsidences of Glen Coe and Ben Nevis against much more obviously metamorphosed Leven Schist outside (pp. 71, 179). This long ago convinced Maufe (and now the writer) that the regional metamorphism of the district diminishes upwards. Accordingly we may interpret the garnet zone of the eastern half of Sheet 53 as dipping beneath the biotite and chlorite zones further west. Readers must consult Elles and Tilley (1930) for an alternative interpretation.
As might be expected the maps illustrating the writer's (1923a) and Elles and Tilley's (1930) publications agree fairly closely; but the 1930 map is superior in that it sets out to distinguish biotite and chlorite zones — the 1923a map merely shows where mica is conspicuous or inconspicuous as the case may be. Also Elles and Tilley are probably right in interpreting the eastward swing of the garnet isograd from the Ballachulish pluton to Allt Socach as connected with the pitch-depression that takes the outcrop of the Ballachulish Slide along Lower Glen Coe. On the other hand, it seems that these authors have sometimes been misled by not sufficiently recognising what a contrast of metamorphic response may be expected from rocks of different chemical composition. In the first edition of this memoir the following observation is recorded: — The Ballachulish Slates "have a very fine crystallisation, much finer than that of the Leven Schists on the one side of them or of the Appin Phyllites on the other. This denotes a selective metamorphism which is probably connected with the large amount of finely disseminated carbon present in the group" (Bailey in Bailey and Maufe 1916, p.202). Further experience in Scotland has confirmed such delay of metamorphism in carbonaceous rocks; and similar behaviour has been found in other countries. If allowance is made for this phenomenon, there is no reason to follow Elles and Tilley (1930, fig. 7) and admit a mechanically induced "break" in metamorphism associated with the Ballachulish Slide on the west side of the Callert exposure of the Ballachulish Core (
In conclusion one may recall, what is familiar to all Scottish geologists, that the mapping of metamorphic zones with reference to first appearance of certain selected index minerals was initiated long ago by George Barrow working in the East Highlands.
In what follows regarding the contact-metamorphism of the schists, the various formations are taken in order according as they are calcareous, dolomitic, pelitic or psammitic.
Ballachulish Limestone
In its purer portions the Ballachulish Limestone, where not affected by the "granites", is a dark-grey finely crystalline limestone with quartose bands and occasional cubes of pyrites (S15374)
More impure portions of the limestone (S12367)
Minute pea-like concretions may occasionally be noted on the surface of the limestone: in some cases these consist of quartz and chlorite (S15429)
Much of the Ballachulish Limestone is very impure (S15429)
Contact-alteration of the purer type of Ballachulish Limestone
Contact-alteration of the purer type of Ballachulish Limestone has been studied in a suite of specimens taken from the western slopes of Glen Nevis (S15432)
South of the Ballachulish "Granite" the purer part of the Ballachulish Limestone has suffered an interesting type of alteration which extends for a mile beyond the aureole drawn on the map. It loses much of its dark tint and, when freshly broken, emits a strong foetid odour. This is due to decomposition of pyrites (p. 251).
Dark limestones, or marbles, still rich in carbonates, are found among the representatives of the Ballachulish Limestone in the lower limb of the Ballachulish Fold within the contact-aureole of the Cruachan "Granite", east of Glen Creran. These occurrences are in Sheet 45 (Geol.), but their distribution is stated in Section F, Chapter 6.
Contact-alteration of the impure parts of the Ballachulish Limestone
Contact-alteration of the impure parts of the Ballachulish Limestone has usually resulted in the production of a fine-grained, pale-green or white, banded calc-silicate-hornfels. A small proportion of original calcareous material, after alteration, sets its stamp upon this hornfels, so that the distinction between impure Ballachulish Limestone and adjoining pelitic schist is accentuated, rather than otherwise, within the aureoles (Glen Nevis, (S6238)
Carbonates and quartz are only sparingly represented. The micas and chlorites have also been extensively attacked. Considering the variety of composition of the original limestone it is surprising to find that the contact minerals set up are few in number. Tremolite, malacolite (colourless diopside), and alkali-felspar are met with again and again. Epidote and zoisite are much more rarely found. Basic felspar has only been noted in a single slide (S11486)
Banded structures representing bedding are often prominent in these altered rocks. Some of the bands have a finely crystallised groundmass of tremolite, or closely related pale-coloured amphibole; their fracture tends to be rough, porous, and fibrous, and their colour varies in the hand-specimens from greenish-white (S6239)
While the calc-silicate-hornfelses are generally fine-grained, Peach and Maufe found a coarsely crystalline variety in the low, rocky ground south of the Glen Coe road, 400 yards W.N.W. of Clachaig Hotel. In the hand-specimen this variety is very beautiful, owing to an abundance of pale-green tremolite in stout prisms. Under the microscope the groundmass is seen to consist of alkali-felspar and malacolite, with undecomposed phlogopite, chlorite, calcite, and quartz (S11048)
An unusual mode of occurrence for amphibole is represented in a few bands from the transition zone between the Ballachulish Limestone and the Leven Schists in Aonach Beag
The impression is formed, on looking through a large suite of slides of these calc-silicate-hornfelses, that there is an ill-defined tendency for special association of malacolite and alkali-felspar. Sometimes, as in the tremolite rocks of Glen Coe already mentioned, the felspar occurs in fairly large crystals and encloses curious confluent beaded aggregates of malacolite, thus giving rise to a variety of poikilitic structure. In other cases where the foliation is fairly well preserved, the felspar is often granular, and the malacolite occurs in ragged crystals or granules (S6238)
An exceptional variety of the metamorphosed Ballachulish Limestone was collected by Maufe, near Clachaig Hotel, Glen Coe, in association with normal calc-silicate-hornfelses well developed at this point. Zoisite occurs in this rock in abundant stout prisms, a couple of inches long, in a base consisting of abundant quartz, muscovite, and phlogopite (S11049, (S15872)
A limited amount of interaction. between the limestone and the invading "granite" can sometimes be made out with fair probability. A specimen (S15370)
Turning now to the texture of the calc-silicate-hornfelses, we have noted already that original bedding is retained intact. Foliation has also in many cases been preserved, although less perfectly; tremolite, malacolite, and felspar often show a more or less definite orientation, least marked in the case of the felspar. In such cases it is frequently evident that the foliation now apparent is merely a relict structure, and that it was originally determined by the presence of minerals of micaceous habit, subsequently destroyed (S15440)
Chemistry of the changes involved in contact-metamorphism of the Ballachulish Limestone
The chemistry of the changes involved in contact-metamorphism of the Ballachulish Limestone has not been investigated by analysis, but certain main principles can be laid down, as a result of microscopic investigation. In the first place, the reactions have proceeded in such a manner as to eliminate, more or less completely, the volatile constituents, carbon dioxide and water — though Allen and Clement (1908, p. 101) have shown that tremolite and malacolite (diopside) both contain water, apparently in solid solution. Another leading principle is that the magnesia at any point has been satisfied with silica before the lime — Teall's dedolomitisation principle (1903).
In no case investigated has the silica: magnesia ratio of the Ballachulish Limestone fallen beneath that required to give tremolite, for brucite and forsterite are absent. The development of tremolite in place of malacolite seems to have been determined by the following conditions. All the magnesia present at any particular point must be accommodated with silica. If possible it enters the compound malacolite, CaO. MgO. 2 SiO2. If there is a deficiency, either as regards silica or lime, tremolite, CaO3 MgO. 4 SiO2, results instead. Thus it happens that among the altered limestones of Glen Nevis tremolite occurs both in highly calcareous bands, free from quartz (S15437)
The occurrence of tremolite in bands free from calcite, or other lime minerals, such as wollastonite, idocrase, or garnet, immediately suggests a problemmalacolite is not here classed as a lime mineral because its molecular ratio of CaO: MgO is only unity. The production of tremolite from dolomite and silica involves the simultaneous formation of calcite-
3(CaO. MgO. 2 CO2)+4 SiO2 (Dolomite + Quartz)
= CaO3 MgO. 4 SiO2+2(CaO. CO2)+4 CO2 (Tremolite + Calcite + Carbon dioxide)
It is true calcite thus produced may elude detection through its power of segregation, or perhaps its lime may be removed in some form in solution; but in many cases the absence of calcite is probably due to its interaction with non-calcareous ferromagnesian minerals. One must remember that much of the Ballachulish Limestone is a pelitic or psammitic sediment with only a subordinate amount of carbonate. Phlogopite and chlorite are rarely preserved in the calc-silicate-hornfelses, and cordierite, which, as we shall see presently, is the characteristic ferromagnesian mineral of the pelitic hornfelses, is entirely absent. It would appear, therefore, that the phlogopite and chlorite have been destroyed, and that their magnesia has gone to build up tremolite or malacolite, as the case may be.
The destruction of phlogopite and chlorite referred to above is of course accompanied by an expulsion of water. The same principle is involved in the decomposition of muscovite. How important the metamorphism of the micas has been is attested by the abundance of alkali-felspar in the calc-silicate-hornfelses. It would be interesting to ascertain the final destination of the excess of alumina liberated as a result of the change of the micas and chlorite. It seems fairly certain that it, and also the iron derived from phlogopite, chlorite, pyrites, etc., must have been taken up by the pyroxenes or amphiboles so abundantly developed, although the latter agree closely in character, and presumably in composition, with the ideal non-aluminous silicates, malacolite and tremolite (cf. Flett 1909, p. 100). It has already been stated that the malacolite of these rocks seems particularly prone to be associated with alkali-felspar, and accordingly it would not be surprising to find that it has accommodated the main part of the excess alumina.
Appin Limestone
The most prevalent type of Appin Limestone is a cream, pink, or very pale blue magnesian limestone or dolomite (S15376)
The Appin Limestone enters the contact-aureole of the Ballachulish"Granite" at seeral points. Specimens taken from exposures a little west of the path leading from Ballachulish to Glen Creran are of exceptional interest, for they recall precisely the features described by Teall (1907, chapter 31) as characterising the Durness Dolomite in the aureoles of the Ledbeg Syenite, Sutherland, and of the Skye gabbros and granites.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Dolomite | |
SiO2 | 3.4 | 13.9 | 1.9 | 1.3 | 3.5 | 3.3 | 25.9 | 3.7 | — | — |
AL2O3 | 1.2 | 5.3 | 1.8 | — | 2.1 | — | 5.0 | — | — | — |
Fe2O3 | - | 5.1 | 1.3 | — | 3.3 | — | 1.8 | — | — | — |
FeO | 0.2 | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — |
MgO | 9.0 | 8.0 | 18.5 | 20.0 | 17.1 | 21.8 | 5.4 | 20.9 | 18.4 | 21.8 |
CaO | 42.5 | 33.7 | 31.7 | 30.7 | 29.7 | 291 | 28.9 | 28.9 | 26.7 | 30.4 |
CO2 | 431 | 34.3 | 44.6 | 45.9 | 44.0 | 46.8 | 29.3 | 45.6 | 41.1 | 47.8 |
Etc. | 0.5 | 0.2 | 0.9 | — | — | 0.6 | 4.1 | — | 13.1 | — |
Total | 99.9 | 100.5 | 100.7 | — | 100.2 | — | 100.4 | — | — | 100.0 |
MgCO3 | 18.8 | 15.2 | 38.0 | 41.8 | 35.7 | 45.7 | 11.4 | 43.8 | 38.6 | 45.7 |
CaCO3 | 75.6 | 60.0 | 56.4 | 54.8 | 52.9 | 52.0 | 51.6 | 51.6 | 47.6 | 54.3 |
Surplus MgO | 0.0 | 0.8 | 0.4 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | ||||
Surplus CO2 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 2.1 | 0.9 | 0.0 |
- Waterfall in stream 50 yd E. of Kentallen railway station (contact-altered). Anal. I. D. Muir.
- Onich shore, 400 yd W. by S. of church (S15376)
[NN 2030 6143] . Anal. B. Lightfoot. - Three hundred yards above path S.W. of Sgòrr a' Choise (contact-altered, S 15379, 15380). Anal. B. Lightfoot.
- Dalnatrat
[NM 968 533] , near Duror station. Supplied by Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd. - Hillslope, 200 yd N.E. of Portnacroish
[NM 926 474] (Appin station). Anal. B. Lightfoot. - Dalnatrat
[NM 968 533] , near Duror station. Supplied by Steetley Lime and Basic Co., Ltd. - Marble Quarry
[NN 080 574] , pathside, River Laroch[NN 080 560] , 660 yd S. of Laroch Bridge, Ballachulish. The full analysis by A. Muir and H. G. M. Hardie (1956, p. 20) shows Na20 1.95, K20 1–00. - Tributary of River Laroch
[NN 080 560] , 660 yd S. 23°W. of Laroch Bridge, Ballachulish. - East of Duror railway station.
Pure dolomite is quoted for comparison.
Analyses of xenolith and of contaminated and normal Ballachulish quartz-diorite
A | B | C | D | E | F | |
SiO2 | 54.73 | 59.24 | 62.51 | 59.81 | 59.11 | 51.61 |
Al2O3 | 742 | 20.80 | 19.10 | 16.61 | 17.85 | 2.18 |
Fe2O3 | 1.71 | 0.29 | 0.65 | 1.50 | 1.78 | 1.04 |
FeO | 5.03 | 0.99 | 0.41 | 2.80 | 3.24 | 9.28 |
MgO | 8.11 | 1.20 | 0.23 | 2.49 | 3.85 | 11.29 |
CaO | 18.32 | 7.13 | 2.01 | 3.20 | 5.05 | 22.86 |
Na2O | 2.35 | 7.47 | 218 | 3.49 | 4.10 | 0.43 |
K2O | 1.19 | 0.85 | 11.47 | 7.92 | 3.06 | 0.07 |
Etc. | 1.05 | 2.22 | 1.50 | 2.05 | 1.66 | 1.09 |
Total | 99.91 | 100.19 | 100.06 | 99.87 | 99.70 | 99.85 |
Analyses by I. D. Muir (1953a). |
- Xenolith of Appin Limestone transformed through immersion in Ballachulish quartz-diorite (see E. below). The specimen was taken 50 yd from 1 of previous Table.
- Plagioclase zone enveloping A, and 1–2 inches thick.
- Potash syenite zone enveloping B, 3 inches.
- Augite-syenite zone enveloping C, a few inches.
- Quartz-diorite of Ballachulish Pluton unmodified by Appin Limestone.
- Diopside from D.
The contact-metamorphism does not notably increase the coarseness of texture of the altered limestone, but produces a grey tint in it which is often associated with an extremely rough manner of weathering. The grey shade is due to finely disseminated minute black pseudomorphs after forsterite. The rough weathering, as Teall has shown in a cognate case, depends upon the presence of residual dolomite side by side with calcite; brucite is represented on the roughened surface by very small pits occurring indifferently in the dolomitic excrescences and the calcitic hollows. Isolated little rounded crystals of forsterite, Mg2SiO4, often more or less altered to chlorite or serpentine giving very low polarisation tints (S13932)
Thus the Appin Limestone in this exposure, and also east of Glen Creran (Section F, chapter 6), illustrates the phenomenon of dedolomitisation in a rock in which the silica: magnesia ratio is lower than that required to yield tremolite; and such is often the case with the Appin Limestone. Anal. 3 is of a grey specimen from the contact zone. It shows only slight dedolomitisation, because it contains so little silica that the amount of forsterite formed has been but trivial, while the more advanced change of dolomite to periclase does not seem to have taken place.
Various names have been given to dedolomitised marbles with the characters described above. Marbles consisting of calcite and serpentine, in most cases apparently derived from forsterite, are known as ophicalcites. Marbles, on the other hand, consisting of calcite and brucite are known either as pencatites or predazzites. Harker, in his account of the dedolomitised limestones of Skye (1904, p. 150), states that "it is most in accordance with the original usage to employ the name pencatite for an aggregate of calcite and brucite in equal molecular proportions, i.e. with the percentage composition of 63.3 calcite to 36.7 brucite, reserving the name predazzite for varieties richer in calcite."
A special study has been undertaken by Muir of xenoliths of Appin Limestone immersed in the quartz-diorite of the Ballachulish Pluton (1953a). The locality is in a stream 50 yards south of Kentallen railway station, 10 yards in from the pluton's margin and 150 yards from the coast. The xenoliths are pale green slabs, up to 3 feet in diameter and 3 inches in thickness (Anal. A,
Muir assumes that the xenoliths (Anal. A) had originally the same composition as the in situ limestone (Anal. 1). This seems uncertain since the xenoliths might quite possibly have been derived from some portion of the formation with a different composition, such as, for instance, that shown in Anal. 7 with its Na2O 1.95 and K2O 1.00. Be this as it may, Muir's main points seem firmly established. Early crystallisation of diopside and plagioclase within (Anal. A) and about (Anal. B) the xenolith have led to enrichment of the succeeding zones (Anals. C, D) of the quartz-diorite (Anal. E) in potash felspar, some residual, some refugee. We are furnished with a good example of what D. L. Reynolds would call a potash front.
Leven, Binnein, Eilde and Reservoir Schists. — The Leven and older micaschists are sufficiently alike to be taken together in this account. The Leven Schists enter the aureoles of the Ben Nevis, Mullach nan Coirean
The Leven Schists, it will be remembered, are widely developed in the chlorite, biotite and garnet zones of regional metamorphism. A characteristic type is a grey phyllite or mica-schist, carrying small porphyroblasts of brown, highly pleochroic biotite, and much less frequent garnet, in a base of muscovite, quartz, and alkali-felspar, the last-named often in very small amount
Green chlorite has frequently arisen through the weathering both of biotite and of garnet; and sometimes it plays an important role as a primary mineral along with the muscovite of the base (S11619)
Most of the rocks of the Leven Schists, outside the "granite" aureoles, have a very perfect wavy foliation, owing to the regular orientation of the muscovite and to the lenticular arrangement of the quartz granules in between. This foliation may make any angle with the bedding (S11620)
In the Leven Schists, near the various "granite" masses, both andalusite and cordierite are of widespread occurrence; while corundum has been found in certain xenoliths of Eilde Schists (S11519)
The andalusite is very easily recognised in thin slices owing to its high refractive index; very occasionally, too, it shows strong pleochroism (S15450)
Cordierite is often more conspicuous in the field than under the microscope. The mineral tends to occur in spots, sometimes slightly elongated along the foliation, and these weather freely, leaving a pitted surface. Glen Nevis affords a magnificent series of spotted cordierite-hornfelses belonging to the Leven Schist Group.
When examined under the microscope the cordierite is not easy to detect until a considerable familiarity with the mineral has been obtained. It never builds regular crystals, and its refractive index and birefringence make it closely resemble quartz and the felspars. It sometimes occurs in bundles of crystals with subparallel orientation (S13921)
Other mineral changes go hand in hand with the production of the andalusite and cordierite. They are the destruction of muscovite, chlorite, garnet, and quartz, and the building up of felspar, in the main of alkali composition. Biotite is probably decomposed to a considerable extent, too, in many cases; but this is often merely a matter of inference (see below), for recrystallised, or freshly synthesised, biotite is a characteristic constituent of most of the hornfelses. In the contact-metamorphism of the igneous rocks, to be discussed in a later section of this chapter, biotite has been synthesised very freely indeed. The completeness of the destruction of the muscovite depends upon the conditions of the metamorphism: round the Fault-Intrusion of Glen Coe there seems to have been a regeneration of muscovite at a late stage, in a manner suggesting pneumatolysis; it will be remembered that permeation phenomena are well marked in this same zone. The destruction of quartz is a by-process, as it were, of the other reactions; such quartz as is not required to help build up the andalusite and cordierite merely recrystallises without change. Magnetite is liberated in some of the reactions, such as the destruction of the garnets, and is perhaps absorbed in other reactions, such as the recrystallisation or synthesis of biotite. It is more idiomorphic in the hornfelses than in the original schists.
The destruction of muscovite and chlorite leads to the elimination of the volatile constituent water, and so, as has been pointed out in connection with the alteration of the limestones, has much in common with the decomposition of calcite and dolomite. The replacement of garnet is of course on a different footing; like the disappearance of quartz in so many of these rocks it may perhaps be a secondary reaction involved in the destruction of the muscovite.
There can be no reasonable doubt that andalusite has arisen according to the following equation:
H2KAl3(SiO4)3 + SiO2=Al2SiO5 + KAlSi3O8 + H2O
Muscovite + Quartz = Andalusite + Orthoclase + Water
The association of andalusite with alkali-felspar required by this equation is of extremely common occurrence in the Leven Schist hornfelses. A simple example from Beinn Ceitlein, east of Glen Etive, has thin dark layers rich in biotite, separated by quartzose layers, in which granules of quartz occur in a matrix made up of small grains of alkali-felspar and large exceedingly irregular crystals of andalusite, the latter in part altered to shimmer aggregates (S11484)
While most of the felspar in these hornfelses is alkali-felspar, instances are known in which andesine occurs. This is the case in a specimen taken, like the last, from near the border of the Ben Nevis "Granite". Andalusite and cordierite are commingled here instead of being in separate layers (S13921)
In a specimen of Reservoir Schist, 300 yards from the edge of the Moor of Rannoch "Granite" (S11529)
The development of corundum may be taken as a result of the decomposition of muscovite in the absence of sufficient quartz to yield andalusite.
H2KAl3(SiO4)3=KAlSi3O8 + Al2O3 + H2O
Muscovite = Orthoclase + Corundum + Water
Corundum was first found in the West Highlands by Teall among the hornfelses bordering the Cruachan "Granite" in Sheet 45, Geol. In the district at present dealt with the mineral is apparently restricted to xenoliths. It is quite common in enclosures of Eilde Schist in the Fault-Intrusion of Glen Coe (S11519)
It is impossible to write down equations for the production of cordierite (Mg,Fe)4Al4Si5O18 owing to the indefiniteness of its own composition and of those of the minerals from which it must have derived its magnesia and iron. Three possible sources of magnesia and iron are present in the unhornfelsed schists, to wit, biotite, chlorite, and garnet. Writing biotite (K,H)2(Mg,Fe)2(Al,Fe)2(SiO4)3 it appears that, making allowance for the alumina and silica which will be retained by the potash to yield felspar, additional alumina and silica will be required to convert all its magnesia and iron to cordierite; these constituents will be derived from reaction with muscovite and quartz respectively. The same two minerals will also be called upon to help in the production of cordierite from chlorite H40(Fe,Mg)23Al14Si13O90. As for garnet, without a local analysis it is not worth while writing down a formula.
Turning to the slides we find cordierite occurring in two distinct ways. It either forms part, or nearly the whole, of certain pseudomorphs after chlorite (or perhaps biotite) and garnet, or else it builds aggregates, or spots, and other independent growths. In the pseudomorphs which appear to be after chlorite, the cordierite is found forming the termination of biotite porphyroblasts, and enclosing lines of magnetite which obviously mark the former position of biotite cleavages. It seems probable in such instances that first the biotite has weathered terminally yielding chlorite with the usual discharge of iron oxides, and then this chlorite has been itself metamorphosed to cordierite. The change is well illustrated in a series of specimens (S8269)
It is probable that the garnets, like the biotites, were in part changed to chlorite before the intrusion of the granites. At the same time it is fairly certain that garnets not previously chloritised have also been pseudomorphed, since only one slide in the collection (S11785)
That cordierite has sometimes derived its ferromagnesian constituents at the expense of biotite is inferred because neither chlorite nor garnet seems to be present in sufficient quantity in the unmodified Leven Schists to account for the great abundance of cordierite developed in the hornfelses.
Before passing on to consider the somewhat aberrant types from the neighbourhood of the Fault-Intrusion of Glen Coe, a few words may be said about the texture of the rocks already dealt with.
A remarkable amount of contact-alteration may take place without deleting the original schistose texture (cf. Barrow 1909, p. 84; Flett and Barrow 1910, p. 64). Andalusite is sometimes abundantly developed in a muscovite-biotitegneiss or schist in which the micas retain their original orientation with great perfection ((S11529)
In advanced stages, however, texture is revolutionised: foliation can scarcely be recognised under the microscope; all muscovite is gone; biotite is in clusters of oblong crystals round grains of magnetite (S13837)
The Fault-Intrusion's contact-metamorphism seems often pneumatolytic with muscovite an important end product. In an Eilde Schist specimen (S15363)
In a Leven Schist specimen (S11622)
At two feet from the same "granite", further south, at the head of Gleann Fhaolain
Appin Phyllites
Unaltered rocks of the Appin Phyllites have not been specially studied microscopically; but the group is of interest as yielding very fine examples of spotted cordierite-hornfels on both sides of the Ballachulish "Granite". This type of alteration extends for about a quarter of a mile from the "granite", and is well exhibited near Kentallen on the west and in the valley of Allt Guibhsachain on the east.
As specimens of these conspicuous dark-spotted hornfelses can be very readily obtained by any one visiting Kentallen, a detailed description of a typical example is here appended (S14300)
In regard to the origin of these spots it is certain that they are new segregation structures developed during the contact-metamorphism. They cannot be ascribed to the former presence of garnet, for the Appin Phyllites here lie entirely outside the garnet zone.
Ballachulish Slates
Rocks of the Ballachulish Slate group at a distance from the "granites" have a very fine crystallisation, much finer than that of the Leven Schists on the one side of them or the Appin Phyllites on the other. This denotes a selective regional metamorphism which is probably connected with the large amount of finely disseminated carbon present in the group. Garnet has been reported only from Glen Coe and Coire Mhorair (pp. 75, 80). Big cubes of pyrites, however, are a common feature, and Harker (1889) has described composite eyes in Ballachulish Slate with pyrites centres and quartz at both extremities due to pressure acting upon the slates after the formation of the pyrites — but examples of this phenomenon are very rare, at any rate in the main quarry.
The general micaceous base is too fine for profitable microscopic investigation with ordinary powers. It encloses numerous minute lenticles of quartz (S15383A)
The group comes within the range of the Ben Nevis, Mullach nan Coirean and Ballachulish "Granites", and gives splendid examples of spotted cordierite-hornfelses. In these the foliation is lost, and large poikilitic crystals of cordierite are very abundant (S14393)
In the 1916 edition of this memoir the slide last mentioned (which comes from the aureole of the Ballachulish "Granite") was stated to show recrystallisation of pyrites. This must be corrected, for Neumann has demonstrated that pyrites, FeS2, in the Ballachulish aureole has been decomposed to yield pyrrhotite FenSn+1 and sulphur (1950). The pyrrhotite has crystallised in aggregates replacing the pyrites cubes, and the surplus sulphur has disappeared. Neumann has further shown that this change occurs well beyond the limits of other signs of alteration. For instance, he found all the pyrites of the North Ballachulish
Pyrrhotite is decomposed by acids with liberation of sulphuretted hydrogen. Accordingly, Neumann's discovery solves two long-standing puzzles: the first is the weathering out of the iron sulphide crystals in the North Ballachulish
In an interesting slide of Ballachulish Slate hornfels from the Stob Bàn ridge, in the Mullach nan Coirean aureole, cordierite is seen springing in crystal aggregates from layers of carbon, marking the course of strain-slip cleavages in the original slate (S15371)
Reservoir Flags
The only psammitic group which we shall discuss here is that of the Reservoir Flags. These rocks consist for the most part of fine-grained quartzo-felspathic gneisses carrying abundant muscovite and biotite, and are thoroughly well banded owing to the alternation of more and less micaceous layers. The foliation, as indicated by the orientation of the micas, is more regular than in the pelitic schists, and usually runs parallel to the banding. The felspar, which is often as abundant as the quartz, is alkali. Garnet, epidote, sphene, iron ore, and zircon occur as accessories. The rocks recall many descriptions, published by Barrow (1904) and others, of Central Highland "Moine" gneisses.
The Reservoir Flags come within the aureole of the Moor of Rannoch "Granite" for a considerable distance, and there exhibit changes quite comparable with those of the pelitic rocks. Andalusite develops (S11530)
Quartz xenoliths
Muir has described important reactions between quartz xenoliths and the Ballachulish quartz-diorite (1953b). His specimens came from the mostly northerly of the roadside "granite" quarries near Kentallen. The xenoliths are a few inches in diameter, and are margined by ferromagnesian coronas up to three-quarters of an inch thick. The inner part of an individual corona may be rich in pale green augite (Anals. I, A,
Muir discusses the evidence in detail and supplies a valuable review of more or less similar occurrences elsewhere in the world. According to appearances in such cases (Bailey and McCallien 1956, p. 468) it would seem that silica, dissolved from xenoliths and diffusing outwards, has led to ferromagnesian precipitation, giving augite at first, often followed at lower temperatures by hornblende. Felspathic constituents have meanwhile been free to migrate inwards until finally checked by falling temperature. There is some slight experimental support for this interpretation since the eutectic melting-point of diopside-and-silica is 1362°C, whereas the corresponding values for diopside-and-anorthite and diopside-andalbite are 1270°C and 1085°C respectively (Bowen 1928, pp. 26, 48, 49). That the ferromagnesian precipitation should start with augite rather than hornblende in the case of the Ballachulish quartz-diorite is not surprising considering the chemical composition of the rock. Also Walker has noted that "in a few sections one or two small crystals of pyroxene were observed enclosed in hornblende" (1924, p. 550). E. B. B.
I | A | II | B | III | IV | C | |
SiO2 | 59.94 | 49.71 | 59.43 | 46.30 | 62.53 | 5911 | 45.15 |
A12O3 | 5.04 | 2.85 | 5.54 | 8.60 | 16.49 | 17.85 | 8.10 |
Fe2O3 | 2.00 | 2.76 | 4.63 | 2.78 | 1.82 | 1.78 | 2.10 |
FeO | 4.97 | 7.45 | 7.08 | 10.16 | 2.99 | 3.24 | 12.97 |
MgO | 8.30 | 13.35 | 7.89 | 13.15 | 2.80 | 3.85 | 13.30 |
CaO | 14.72 | 22.36 | 9.05 | 13.55 | 4.78 | 5.05 | 12.84 |
Na2O | 1.87 | 0.60 | 1.65 | 1.05 | 4.17 | 4.10 | 0.66 |
K2O | 0.14 | 0.04 | 0.58 | 0.48 | 2.12 | 3.06 | 0.32 |
Etc. | 2.52 | 1.13 | 4.55 | 3.82 | 2.53 | 1.66 | 4.10 |
Total | 99.50 | 100.25 | 100.40 | 99.89 | 10023 | 99.70 | 99.54 |
All analyses by I. D. Muir. |
I. Augite-rich inner zone of corona.
A. Augite from I.
II. Hornblende-rich outer zone of corona.
B. Hornblende from H.
III. Modified IV, 2 inches outside corona.
IV. Normal Ballachulish quartz-diorite.
C. Hornblende from IV.
Contact-altered lavas of Glen Coe and Ben Nevis
We may begin by reproducing the gist of an account of the contact-alteration of the hornblende-andesites and rhyolites of Glen Coe, which Kynaston had furnished before leaving the Survey (Sum. Prog. 1901, p. 82).
Excellent sections of the contact between the Cruachan "Granite" and the hornblende-andesites of Glen Coe may be seen: at the west end of the Meall a' Bhùiridh ridge (Sheet 54, Geol.; see
A large number of micro-sections of the altered andesites have been examined. The brown idiomorphic hornblende appears to be the first mineral to be attacked. It is replaced by clusters of small biotite flakes, usually associated with aggregates of granular green hornblende and magnetite (S9163)
Several well-marked contacts between the rhyolitic rocks of Glen Coe and the Cruachan "Granite" may be seen on the west slopes of Sròn na Crèisee
Another specimen (S9736)
Lavas in general
Further examination of the material, now greatly extended, has suggested that the contact-alteration affected lavas sometimes already much weathered. But before considering this point it will be well to show how the continuation of the aureole about the Cruachan "Granite" has been followed through the portion of the district not examined by Kynaston.
South-east of Lairig Gartain
Clough has found, as might be expected, that all the lavas lying south of the River Etive in the Dalness district fall within the contact zone (S11455)
Similar contact phenomena have been recorded by Maufe from Ben Nevis (S8825)
It has already been mentioned that there is reason to believe that the contact-alteration was sometimes superinduced upon an earlier decomposition, probably due in the main to weathering. This circumstance is fairly clear in many cases where the new hornblende and biotite have been formed along the courses of cracks — presumably previously occupied by such minerals as calcite, chlorite, and perhaps epidote (S9174)
The indications of weathering outlined above recall those upon which Harker and Marr (1891) laid stress in describing the contact-altered andesites near the Shap Granite of the north of England. Moreover, the conditions which reigned during contact-alteration were similar in both cases, leading to an abundant formation of biotite and hornblende — the latter resulting, as Harker and Marr pointed out, wherever a source of lime was available, such as calcite or epidote. Potash, an essential constituent of biotite, seems to have been comparatively mobile in the heated rocks. Magnetite, as, for instance, the magnetite of the resorption borders round original hornblendes and biotites, has often helped to locate growing clusters of biotite, and has been eventually more or less completely digested. It is, of course, probable that the proximity of unstable minerals, such as chlorite and calcite, has powerfully influenced comparatively stable minerals, such as augite and hornblende, and in a good many cases led to their destruction.
The various minerals which have resulted from contact-alteration have tended to develop in all directions. As a result the altered rocks assume somewhat granulitic and poikilitic characters. This feature is best illustrated in the base of altered glassy rocks, for the most part rhyolites (S12756)
Contact-altered sediments of Glen Coe
At the junction between the hornblende-andesites and the underlying breccias at the west end of Meall a' Bhùiridh (
The contact between the Cruachan "Granite" and the breccias is well seen at the head of Càm Ghleann and to the west beyond the hornblende-andesites of Stob Glas Choire
Fine sediments
The sedimentary band intercalated in the andesites of Stob Glas Choire
Well-marked induration has been recorded by Kynaston in a band of purple shales which occurs on the east side of a gorge on the north-eastern slopes of An t-Sròn
Contact-altered intrusions
The district furnishes several interesting examples of contact-alteration of intrusions. Maufe first detected this phenomenon in a dyke of the Etive Swarm cutting the Ben Cruachan "Granite" close to the margin of the Starav Granite, a quarter of a mile east of Glenceitlein
Dykes earlier than the Main Fault-Intrusion and the Cruachan "Granite".The thin north-east lamprophyre dyke (S11523)
The porphyrite (S12345)
Another early felsite (S11460)
Certain altered dykes cutting the calc-silicate-hornfels south of Glen Ure
Dykes of the Etive Swarm
A porphyrite dyke veined by the Meall Odhar Granite, 930 yd south-east of the southern lochan on Beinn Ceitlein, shows characteristically clouded felspars. Moreover, its groundmass is suspiciously coarse (S11496)
There are only a few slides of dykes showing contact-alteration undoubtedly due to the Starav Granite. Two come from Allt Dochard
A very beautiful example of contact-alteration is afforded in Sheet 53 by a dyke exposed near the Starav Granite in the bed of Allt Ceitlein
Apart from the cases quoted above, there are a few other hypabyssal rocks known in the district, showing definite contact-alteration, which cannot, however, be ascribed with certainty to any particular intrusive mass.
A porphyrite dyke (S11502)
Another example in which contact-alteration is very strongly suggested is a thin microdiorite dyke (S11506)
Dykes of the Ben Nevis Swarm
Many of the dykes cutting the Outer "Granite" of Ben Nevis have a suspicious appearance under the microscope, and in several slides contact-alteration is undeniable. It shows itself in much the same manner as in the lavas through the development of criss-cross brown biotite and pale-green hornblende, in place of original ferromagnesian constituents (S8820)
Early Fault-Intrusion, Glen Coe
Some very good examples of contact-alteration are afforded by the Early Fault-Intrusion in its small outcrops in the tributary valley leading into Allt Coire Mhorair
Main Fault-Intrusion. — The contact-alteration of the Main Fault-Intrusion of Glen Coe by the Cruachan "Granite" is quite clear in slides from the district south of Dalness (S11503)
Moor of Rannoch "Granite"
Only one of the slides which Grabham had cut of the Moor of Rannoch "Granite" at its junction with the Fault-Intrusion in the Coupall and Etive Rivers shows contact-alteration of the type discussed in the preceding paragraphs. In this slide (S12751)
Glen Ure Augite-Diorite
The small boss of augite-diorite cut by the Cruachan "Granite" in Glen Ure
Kentallenite at Kentallen
In the 1916 edition of this memoir, Kynaston, as we have seen above, pointed out that a characteristic clouding of felspars (by dust or minute oriented needles) is a very common result of contact-alteration. The present writer further suggested that such clouding, though undoubtedly a contact-effect, had resulted during regeneration of felspar previously modified by weather or some other agent of change. Since then MacGregor has studied the phenomenon over a wide field and has come to the conclusion that previous alteration is not indicated (1931, pp. 526–7). It is probable that the truth lies somewhere between these two alternatives: perhaps in some cases preparatory alteration may have been required; while in others it may not have been essential. An instance where it seems to have been important has already been discussed in relation to the type kentallenite at Kentallen, west of the Ballachulish Pluton (p. 212).
Effects resembling contact-alteration
There are certain intrusions which show effects sufficiently like those produced by contact-metamorphism to be worthy of mention in this chapter. Some of the more or less horizontal lamprophyre sheets have a conspicuous development of green mica (S11527)
Similar hornblende and biotite aggregates have been described by Flett as characteristic of a group of lamprophyres in Perthshire (1905, pp. 125–130). More recently Flett (1910, p. 304) has shown that hornblende and green biotite figure among the decomposition products of the quartz-dolerites of Central Scotland, both in pseudomorphs after augite and in patches in the groundmass. In these quartz-dolerites contact-alteration by an independent intrusion is out of the question.
In the light of the available evidence it seems probable that this particular type of alteration is in many cases a juvenile decomposition. In other instances, however, it may well have had an external cause, for it is often strikingly developed in the Early Fault-Intrusion (S12932)