Bailey, E.B. and Maufe, H.B. 1960. The geology of Ben Nevis and Glen Coe and the surrounding country. 2nd. Revised Edition. Edinburgh: HMSO
The Geology of Ben Nevis and Glen Coe and the surrounding country (explanation of sheet 53)
E. B. Bailey, B.A. and H. B. Maufe, M.A. with contributions by C. T. Clough, M.A.; J. S. Grant Wilson; G. W. Grabham, M.A.; H. Kynaston, B.A.; W. B. Wright, B.A.
Second (Revised) Edition by E. B. Bailey, Kt., M.C., F.R.S. with Economic Chapter by T. R. M. Lawrie, B.Sc.
Memoirs of the Geological Survey Scotland. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research.
Edinburgh: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1960
© Crown copyright 1960
Preface to First Edition
The region described in this memoir is situated in one of the most rugged parts of Scotland. Ben Nevis (4406 ft) is the highest mountain in Great Britain, and several peaks in the eastern part of the area rise to heights of 3000 ft and over. Between them run glens correspondingly deep and often remarkably picturesque, the most famous being Glen Coe, Glen Nevis, and Glen Etive. The great hollow of Loch Linnhe, forming the continuation of the long line of Loch Lochy
The mapping was begun in 1895, and was carried on under the superintendence of Dr. B. N. Peach till 1903, and thereafter under Mr. C. T. Clough as District Geologist. Mr. J. S. Grant Wilson mapped most of the ground north-west of Loch Linnhe, and on the south-west side of that loch he took in hand considerable areas around Fort William, Onich, Ballachulish, Appin, and Glen Creran. Mr. E. B. Bailey, in addition to a small area in Glen Tarbert
The memoir has been edited and mainly written by Mr. Bailey.
The geology is both varied and complex. Upon a groundwork of crystalline schists an extensive covering of lavas was spread in the time of the Lower Old Red Sandstone, but of this covering parts only have survived denudation in Ben Nevis and in the mountains around Glen Coe. At this time also great intrusions of granite rose, and igneous dykes were injected in vast numbers, more especially in the two "swarms" of Ben Nevis and Glen Etive. Some suggestions offered with regard to their origin may prove to be applicable to dyke-swarms in other regions. The superficial, hypabyssal, and plutonic rocks of Lower Old Red Sandstone age form a suite of unusual perfection. Their description is accompanied by analyses of representative rock-types. In Tertiary times several dykes were injected along cracks having a general north-westerly direction.
No less interesting are the phenomena of contact-alteration induced within the aureoles surrounding the plutonic masses. Schists, lavas, and even earlier members of the intrusions all display in varying degrees the changes due to heating in the neighbourhood of the molten rocks.
The geological structure of the area presents some remarkable features, the existence of which was not suspected in this part of Scotland. As the detailed six-inch survey progressed, it became apparent that some of the complicated sequences and repetitions of rock-types in the schists were capable of interpretation if it could be shown that the schists had not only been folded but that the folds had been prostrated and pushed forward horizontally in a recumbent position. The suggestion, first made by Mr. Maufe, was proved by Mr. Bailey to be applicable to a considerable region between Ben Nevis and Appin, and the existence of recumbent folds, accompanied by slides and fold faults, was announced in papers laid before the Geological Society of London. The cauldron-subsidences or sunken volcanic areas of Glen Coe and Ben Nevis, surrounded by ring-dykes, form another feature of unusual interest in the tectonics of this region. In Glen Coe especially the subsidence can be connected with the peripheral up-welling of magma. The character of the cauldron subsidences was described before the Geological Society of London by Messrs. Clough, Maufe, and Bailey.
The glaciation at its maximum was effected by an ice-sheet by which the whole district was smothered, and which was advancing towards the Atlantic Ocean from an ice-parting situated just outside, or possibly passing within the north-eastern part of the area included in the map. The course of the ice was determined mainly by the great hollow of Linnhe, and at a later stage almost every glen was occupied by a valley-glacier.
Thanks are due to the Councils of the Geological Society of London and of the Geologists' Association for permission to reproduce several illustrations relating to the district which have appeared in the publications of those Societies.
A. Strahan. Director. Geological Survey Office, 28 Jermyn Street, London. 16th April, 1915.
Preface to Second Edition
The district of Ben Nevis and Glen Coe is much visited by British and Overseas geologists, either individually or in parties organised by scientific societies and universities. It has three main attractions: (1) recumbent folds and slides affecting its metamorphic sediments; (2) cauldron-subsidences associated with igneous centres at Ben Nevis and Glen Coe; and (3) problems attaching to its through and hanging valley systems. There is also marked contrast of grade of regional metamorphism shown at the present level of erosion by schists within and without the cauldron-subsidences of Ben Nevis and Glen Coe, and even stronger contrast on the two sides of Loch Linnhe. In both cases the phenomenon is dependent upon faulting. At the cauldron-subsidences, as H. B. Maufe recognised, it follows from vertical displacement of metamorphic zones through some thousands of feet. At Loch Linnhe, W. Q. Kennedy attributes it to horizontal displacement along the Great Glen Fault amounting to 65 miles; but in this case most of the relevant evidence lies outside of Sheet 53.
The setting is appropriate. Thus the stratigraphical succession in the schists is, in most of the district, very clear and simple; while the igneous rocks, associated in varying degrees of intimacy with the cauldron-subsidences, afford the most representative display of plutonic, hypabyssal and volcanic products of Lower Old Red Sandstone age to be found anywhere in Scotland; and finally the topography which calls for interpretation is extremely impressive from the scenic point of view and has proved of great industrial value as a factor in the development of hydroelectricity.
Two main discoveries have been made since the first edition of this memoir appeared. At that time the recumbent folds of the district had been traced, for the most part in the forms which are accepted today; but it had not been found possible to decide which of the two orders presented by the folded rocks was normal, and which inverted. Three young geologists from abroad, T. Vogt, S. Buckstaff and O. N. Rove supplied the key to this puzzle in 1924, basing on interpretation of current-bedding often wonderfully preserved in quartzite members of the succession. The second discovery stems from the first. As stated above the stratigraphical succession in the schists is clear in most of the district; but this does not hold in the Loch Leven area, where, when the first edition was published, it was a matter of discussion as to whether there were three stratigraphically distinct quartzites in the succession, or only one repeated by folding. The former view had been advanced by R. G. Carruthers in 1913, and has now been confirmed with the help of additional evidence derived from current-bedding. An associated advance is that anyone today visiting Kinlochleven can easily satisfy himself of the existence of an immense inversion, for practically all the current-bedding of the locality is upside down.
E. B. Bailey, who edited and mainly wrote the first edition, has shared in subsequent research, and has edited the present edition. So far as possible the essential authorship of various sections is indicated in the usual fashion by appending initials, even where adjustments with acknowledgement have been made. One new author has been introduced, T. R. M. Lawrie, who has prepared the economic chapter.
The 1st Edition of the one-inch to one mile geological map, Sheet 53 (Glen Coe), was published in 1921, and the 2nd Edition in 1940. The 3rd Edition, with profile sections to illustrate tectonics and cauldron subsidence, appeared in 1948 and is still on sale.
As before thanks are given to the Councils of the Geological Society and of the Geologists' Association for permission to reproduce several illustrations relating to the district, which have appeared in their publications.
W. J. Pugh. Director. Geological Survey Office, Exhibition Road, London, S.W.7. 27th July, 1960.
Director's Preface To First Edition
Director's Preface To Second Edition
List of Illustrations
Chapter 1 Introduction
Contributions to interpretation since First Edition
Chapter 2 Historical review
Highland Schists
Igneous Rocks
Great Glen Fault
Glaciation and Recent Deposits
Chapter 3. Formations and terms
Tabular Statement of Formations
Discussion of Terms
Highland Schists
Igneous rocks, etc.
Great Glen Fault
Chapters 4–9 Metamorphic rocks
Chapter 4 Appin recumbent syncline
A. Onich to Fort William
Stratigraphical detail
Fort William Slide
B. Kentallen to Appin
Chapter 5 Aonach Beag recumbent syncline
C. Aonach Beag and Stob Bàn
Secondary Synform
Chapter 6 Ballachulish Recumbent Syncline
D. Stob Bàn to Callert
Introduction at Stob Bàn
South of Mullach nan Coirean Granite
Ballachulish Slide
Callert Excursion
E. Ballachulish to Sgòrr a' Choise
Stratigraphical Detail
Tectonic Detail
St. John's Church
Gleann an Fhiodh
F. Glen Creran
Allt Eilidh
Lower Glen Creran and Glen Ure
G. Glen Coe
Loch Leven Shore North of Glencoe House
Road Excursion up to Loch Achtriochtan
Meall Dearg
Coire Mhorair
H. Alltnafeadh, Càm Ghleann, Coire an Easain
I. Glen Coe to Glen Creran and Glen Etive
Leven Schist Cover
Windows of Etive
Caps of Glen Coe Quartzite
Problem of Beinn Ceitlein
Chapter 7 Kinlochleven Recumbent Anticline
J. Glen Coe North to Stob Coire Easain
Stratigraphy from Leven Schists to Eilde Flags
Stratigraphical Detail: Caolasnacon Tectonic Detail:
Glen Coe Quartzite
Garbh Bheinn Synform
Binnean Mòr and Binnein Beag
Meall a' Bhùirich
K. Problem at Blackwatcr Reservoir
Chapter 8 Lochaber and Appin (Resume)
Chapter 9 Ardgour District
Altered Sediments and Structural Relations
Mainly Igneous
Chapters 10–18 Rocks of Lower Old Red Sandstone age
Chapter 10 Introduction
Chapter 11 Volcanic Series of Glen Coe
A. Loch Achtriochtan to Buachaille Etive Beag
B. Road Excursion: Loch Achtriochtan to Alltnafeadh
C. North side of Glen Coe: especially Basal Sediments
D. Buachaille Etive Mòr
E. Càm Ghleann and Sròn na Crèisee
F. Dalness
G. Fissure-Fillings or Outliers
H. Summary of Volcanic History
Chapter 12 Boundary-Fault And Fault-Intrusion of Glen Coe
Subsidence of Lavas
Subsidence of Schists
Circumferential Detail
South of Dalness
Dalness to Glen Coe
Crossing Glen Coe
North of Glen Coc
Càm Ghleann and Coire an Easain
Chapter 13 Granite Complex of Etive
Cruachan "Granite"
Meall Odhar Granite
Starav Granite
Allt Buidhe Fault
Mechanics of Intrusion
Chapter 14 Ben Nevis
Volcanic Pile
Inner "Granite"
Outer "Granite"
General Conclusions
Chapter 15 Plutons other than those of Glen Coe, Etive and Ben Nevis
Ultra-Acid, Acid and Intermediate
Mullach nan Coirean and Meall a' Chaoruinn Granites
Moor of Rannoch "Granite"
Ballachulish "Granite"
Coastal Granites, Inversanda
Strontian "Granite"
Appinite, Biotite-Augite-Diorite, Monzonite, Kentallenite, Cortlandtite
Chapter 16 Dykes and sheets
Early Lamprophyre Sheets
Lamprophyres, Unclassed
Early Felsite and Andesite Intrusions of Glen Coe
Etive Swarm of North-East Dykes
Ben Nevis Swarm of North-East Dykes
Dykes North-West of Loch Linnhe
Chapter 17 Petrology of igneous rocks
Classification and Chemistry
Ultrabasic and Basic Plutonic Rocks
Cortlandtite, Kentallenite, Biotite-Augite-Diorite and Monzonite, Appinite
Hornblende-Diorite Variant and Associates
Early Fault-Intrusion of Glen Coe
Intermediate, Acid and Ultra-Acid Plutonic Rocks
Main Fault-Intrusion of Glen Coe
Etive Complex
Ben Nevis Complex
Mullach nan Coirean and Meall a' Chaoruinn Granites
Loch Linnhe Granites
Strontian Complex
Ballachulish Complex
Rannoch "Granite"
Boulders in Lower Old Red Sandstone Conglomerates
Basic Hypabyssal Rocks
Intermediate to Acid Hypabyssal Rocks
Thoroughly Acid to Ultra-Acid Hypabyssal Rocks
Basic to Sub-Basic Lavas
Basalt and Pyroxene-Andesite
Intermediate Lavas
Hornblende- and Biotite-Andesite
Acid and Ultra-Acid Lavas
Chapter 18 Contact-alteration due to plutons
Contact-Altered Schists
Introduction including Regional Metamorphism
Ballachulish Limestone
Appin Limestone
Leven, Binnein, Eilde and Reservoir Schists
Appin Phyllites
Ballachulish Slates
Reservoir Flags
Quartz Xenoliths
Contact-Altered Lavas
Contact-Altered Sediments
Contact-Altered Intrusions
Effects resembling Contact-Alteration
Chapter 19 Rudha Na H-Earba Outlier of supposed Middle Old Red Sandstone age
Chapter 20 Igneous activity later than the Old Red Sandstone age
Permian Dykes and Neck
Tertiary Dykes
Chapter 21 Faults
Great Glen Fault
Great Glen Subsidiaries
Fault crossing Glen Nevis
Loch Leven–Loch-Eilde Mòr Fault
Glen Etive–Lairig Gartain
Faults West of Glenceitlein
Faults of Alltchaorunn
Chapter 22 Pleistocene and Recent
Ice-Sheet and Valley Glaciers
Striae of Maximum Stage
Glacial Erosion
Boulder-clay, Moraines and En atics
Glacial Drainage Erosion
Fluvio-glacial Gravels
Raised Beaches
"Hundred-Foot Beach"
"Twenty-Five-Foot Beach"
Peat and Alluvium
Chapter 23 Economic geology
Kentallenite ("Black Granite")
Limestone, Dolomite and Marble
Phyllite (for Building)
Mineral Veins, etc.
Barytes, Galena, Haematite, Pyrites
Sand and Gravel
List of references
Text figures
* Reference number of photograph in the Geological Survey Scottish collection.