Bailey, E.B. and Maufe, H.B. 1960. The geology of Ben Nevis and Glen Coe and the surrounding country. 2nd. Revised Edition. Edinburgh: HMSO
Chapter 10 Rocks of Lower Old Red Sandstone age
Rocks which accumulated at the surface during, in all probability, Lower Old Red Sandstone times are preserved in the Glen Coe district and also, less extensively, at Ben Nevis. They are represented in both places mainly by lavas and agglomerates, with stratified rocks forming a very small proportion of the whole succession.
Plant-remains, including indeterminate stems and Pachytheca fasciculata Kidston and Lang, have been found in basal sediments at Glen Coe; but they have proved difficult to date precisely (p. 145). Still, there are such close similarities between the lavas of Glen Coe and Ben Nevis and those of Lorne, only 15 miles to the south-west
The volcanic and sedimentary rocks rest with a violent discordance upon an old land surface sculptured in the Highland Schists, and now partially brought to light again by denudation. The deformation to which they have been subjected is mainly due to faulting. Folding, though sometimes sufficiently intense to proL duce inversion, is a local phenomenon, a phase of the faulting, not part of an extended system of crustal buckling; and there is no trace of cleavage.
The sedimentary rocks, consisting of red, grey and black shales, compact grits and conglomerates, are greatly indurated, whilst the volcanic rocks show various changes, due to weathering and the percolation of underground waters. Both too have suffered from contact-alteration in the vicinity of a northward extension of the Cruachan Pluton.
Amongst the volcanic rocks hornblende- and biotite-andesites are the only types of lava met with on Ben Nevis; whilst in Glen Coe basalt, pyroxene-andesite, hornblende-andesite and rhyolite, together with transitional varieties, are all represented.
The internal structure of the volcanic pile in Glen Coe
In this connection it should be noted that the Old Red Sandstone rocks of Glen Coe
Chapter 11, which follows, deals with the volcanic and sedimentary rocks of Glen Coe from the point of view of their local variations and their relations to the floor of crystalline schists upon which they accumulated. Chapter 12 also concerns Glen Coe, but concentrates attention upon the cauldron-subsidence and the associated fault-intrusions (6,
The evidence that all the intrusions mentioned above are not of later date than the lower Old Red Sandstone period rests upon the fact that similar dykes and plutonic masses, in the East Highlands, are always earlier than the widespread Orcadian or Middle Old Red Sandstone of that district.
If next we seek a lower limit for the age of these intrusions, we note that some of them are certainly younger than the lavas of Glen Coe and Ben Nevis, which we have seen above may safely be placed in the long period of the Lower Old Red Sandstone. Thus:
- The Fault-Intrusion of Glen Coe, the "Granite" Complex of Etive, and the accompanying swarm of dykes can be demonstrated to be later than the lavas of Glen Coe.
- The Inner "Granite" of Ben Nevis and a few individuals of the dyke-swarm of that mountain are equally clearly later than the lavas of Ben Nevis.
To proceed. The age-relation of the Outer "Granite" and of most of the dykes of Ben Nevis to the lavas cannot be settled by examination of contacts; but the analogy of the Outer "Granite" of Ben Nevis to the Outer or Cruachan "Granite" of the Etive Complex, and of the dyke-swarm of Ben Nevis to the dyke-swarm of Etive
For the rest of the "granites", again no direct field evidence is available; but we rely upon the close petrographical affinity, which seems to link them with the intrusions of Etive, Glen Coe and Ben Nevis into a single great suite. There is, however, one main cause for hesitation in pressing this conclusion: in Lorne and also in Glen Coe, "granite" boulders of types similar to those of proved Lower Old Red Sandstone age, are locally abundant in the basement conglomerates of the great volcanic series. Some geologists, notably G. Barrow, attach considerable weight to these "granite" boulders, regarding them as evidence in favour of a period of "granitic" intrusion much earlier than that of Lower Old Red Sandstone times. To the writers, however, this argument does not seem very strong, since, in Skye, Mull, and Arran, Tertiary granophyres and gabbros are abundantly represented in Tertiary agglomerates. The answer, already anticipated by A. Harker, was supplied in Mull where certain explosive vents show early Tertiary granophyre and gabbro in contact with later Tertiary agglomerate. Now, in Lorne and Glen Coe, to return to the district under consideration, no natural base of the Lower Old Red Sandstone is known, and the conglomerates which contain the "granite" boulders, often contain also an overwhelming proportion of volcanic rocks, which, like the "granites", are of types common in the Old Red Sandstone suite. It seems reasonable then to suppose that such basement conglomerates may have formed at a comparatively late stage in the vulcanicity of the district, when "granites", of the same general age as the lavas, had already become available, as a source for boulders, through the agency of explosion or even of erosion. A likely source for some of the boulders is the Moor of Rannoch Pluton (7,
While it may be taken as almost certain that the major "granite" plutons of Sheet 53 belong to a single great suite which flourished in Lower Old Red Sandstone times, it remains quite possible that this suite, even in the West Highlands, had its beginning in the late Silurian. In the east, near the Highland Border towards Stonehaven, there are similar "granite" plutons which appear to have yielded many boulders to neighbouring Downtonian conglomerates. Accordingly the "granites" concerned, both in the west and in the east, are often called "Newer" or "Caledonian" to avoid more specific dating.
Chapter 15 furnishes notes on the field relations of certain small basic and ultrabasic plutons, including such characteristic types as appinite, monzonitic augite-diorite and kentallenite. These are shown black in
The remoteness of the Colonsay outcrops may possibly be due to displacement along the Great Glen Fault (chapter 21). If so, the fault passes south-east of Colonsay, not north-west as shown in