Peach, B.N., Horne, J. Gunn, W, Clough, C.T., Hinxman, L.W. 1907. The geological structure of the North-West Highlands of Scotland. Glasgow: HMSO [for Geological Survey of Great Britain]. Courtesy British Geological Survey. Copyright: HMSO. List of Systematic Series and Geological Photographs: UKRI.
Appendix C Bibliographical list of works referring to the geology of the North-west Highlands
By D. Tait.
1774. Pennant, T. — A Tour in Scotland and Voyage to the Hebrides, Vol. II, p. 365.
1789. Williams, J. — The Natural History of the Mineral Kingdom, Edinburgh. (2nd ed., 1810), with an Appendix, containing a more extended view of Mineralogy and Geology, by J. Millar. Vol. I., pp. 366, 405, 406, 422.
1814. Macculloch, J. — Miscellaneous Remarks accompanying a Catalogue of Specimens transmitted to the Geological Society. Trans. Geol. Soc., 1st ser., Vol. II., p, 388.
1814. Macculloch, J. — Remarks on several parts of Scotland which exhibit Quartz-rock, and on the nature and connection of this rock in general. Trans. Geol. Soc., lst ser., Vol. II., p. 450.
1816. Macculloch, J. — A Sketch of the Mineralogy of Skye. Trans. Geol. Soc., 1st ser., Vol. III., pp. 1–3.
1819. Macculloch, J. — A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland, including the Isle of Man, comprising an Account of their Geological Structure, with Remarks on their Agriculture, Scenery, and Antiquities. 3 Vols. London.
1820. Boué, Essai Géologique sur l'Ecosse. 8vo. Paris.
1821. Macculloch, J. — A Geological Classification of Rocks, p. 331. London.
1824. Macculloch, J. — Supplementary Remarks on Quartz. rocks. Trans. Geol. Soc., series 2, Vol. I., p. 53.
1829. Oeynhausen, C. Von and H. Von Dechen Die Insel Skye. Karsten's Archiv. für Min., &c., Vol. I., p. 41.
1831. Macculloch, J. — A System of Geology. 2 Vols. London. Vol. II., p. 174.
1834. Sedgwick, A., and (Sir) R. I. Murchison. — On the Old Conglomerates and other Secondary Deposits of the North Coast of Scotland. Proc. Geol. Soc., Vol. I., p. 79.
1835. Sedgwick, A., and (Sir) R. I. Murchison. — On the Structure and Relations of the Deposits contained between the Primary Rocks and the Oolitic series in the North of Scotland. Trans. Geol. Soc., ser. 2, Vol. III., p. 125.
1836. Macculloch, J. — Memoirs to His Majesty's Treasury respecting a Geological Survey of Scotland. (1834.) London. These letters were written to accompany the author's Geological Map of Scotland, and were posthumously published.
1837. Carmichael, J. — An Account of the Principal Marble, Slate, Sandstone, and Greenstone Quarries in Scotland. Trans. High. Soc., Vol. XI. (n.s.), Vol. V., pp. 398–416.
1840. Macculloch, J. — A Geological Map of Scotland (published several years after the author's death).
1841 Cunningham, R. J. H. — Geognostical Account of the County of Sutherland. Trans. High. Soc. Scot., Vol. XIII., and n.s., Vol. VII., p. 73.
1841. Miller, H. — The Old Red Sandstone; or New Walks in an Old Field. 8vo. Edinburgh.
1844. Nicol, J. — Guide to the Geology of Scotland; with a Geological Map and Plates. 8vo.; p. 210. Edinburgh.
1849. Knipe, I. A. — Geological Map of the British Isles. London.
1852. Sharpe, D. — On the Arrangement of the Foliation and Cleavage of the Rocks of the North of Scotland. Phil. Trans., Vol. CXLII., p. 445, and Edinburgh. New Phil. Jour., Vol. LIII., p. 84.
1852. Sharpe, D. — On the Quartz-rock of Macculloch's Map of Scotland. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. VIII., p. 120.
1853. Anderson, T. — Analyses of Limestones from different parts of Scotland. Trans. High. Soc. Scot., Vol. XIII., p. 273.
1854. Miller, H. — On the Red Sandstones, Marble, and Quartz Deposits of Assynt. Read before the Edinburgh Royal Physical Society. (Printed in the Witness and reprinted in The Old Red Sandstone, p. 325 of 7th ed., 1859, and later editions )
1855. Peach, C. W. — Notice of the Discovery of Fossils in the Limestones of Durness, in the County of Sutherland. Edinburgh.New Phil. Jour. (n.s.), Vol. II., p. 197.
1856. Murchison, Sir R. I. — On the Relations of the Crystalline Rocks of the North Highlands to the Old Red Sandstone of that region, and on the Recent Discoveries of Fossils in the former, by Mr. C. Peach. Rep. Brit, Assoc. for 1855, p. 85.
1856. Page, D. — On the Subdivisions of the Palaeozoic and Metamorphic Rocks of Scotland. Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1855, p. 92.
1856. James, Sir Henry. — Letter to Sir R. I. Murchison, dated 26th July 1856, referred to in Murchison's Life, by Sir A. Geikie. Vol. II., p. 212.
1857. Nicol, J. — On the Red Sandstone and Conglomerate and the Superposed Quartz-rocks, Limestones, and Gneiss of the North-West Coast of Scotland. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XIII., p. 17.
1857. Murchison, Sir R. I. On the Crystalline Rocks of the North Highlands of Scotland. Amer. Assoc. Proc., pt. 2., p. 57.
1857. M'Coy, F. — On some New Cambro-Silurian Fossils. Annal. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 2nd ser., Vol. VIII., p. 387.
1857. Forbes, D.- — On the Chemical Composition of the Silurian and Cambrian Limestones. Phil. Mag., ser. 4, Vol. XIII., p. 365.
1858. Peach, C. W. — Notice of the Discovery of Fossils in the Limestone of Durness, in the County of Sutherland. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh., Vol. I., p. 23. (Read 1855.)
1858. Peach, C. W. — Discovery of Beekite and Oolitic Quartz at Durness, Sutherland. Ibid, p. 429.
1858. Geikie, (Sir) A. — On the Geology of Strath, Skye. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XIV., p. 1.
1858. Murchison, Sir R. I. — The Quartz-rocks, Crystalline Limestone and Micaceous Schists of the North-Western Highlands of Scotland proved to be of Lower Silurian Age, through the Recent Fossil Discoveries of Mr. C. W. Peach, with a Note on the Fossils, by J. W. Salter. Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1857, p. 82.
1858. Murchison, Sir R. I. — Succession of Rocks from Oldest Gneiss through Cambrian and Silurian to Old Red Sandstone inclusive. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XIV., p. 501.
1858. Murchison, Sir R. I. — Some Results of Recent Researches among the Older Rocks of the Scottish Highlands. The Geologist, Vol. I., p. 497 (Abstract), and Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1858, p. 94. (Full report printed privately.)
1858. Nicol, J. — Geological Map of Scotland.
1858. Nicol, J. — On the Newer Red Sandstone and some other Geological Phenomena near Loch Greenord. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XIV., p. 167.
1859. Nicol, J. — On the Age and Relations of the Gneiss Rocks in the North of Scotland. Ibid., p. 96.
1859. Murchison, Sir R. I. — On the Succession of the Older Rocks in the northernmost Counties of Scotland, with some Observations on the Orkney and Shetland Islands. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XV., p. 353. Read 1858. (Abstract in Vol. XIV., p. 501.)
1859. Salter, J. W. — Durness Limestone Fossils Described. Ibid., p. 374.
1859. Murchison, Sir R. I. — First Sketch of a New Geological Map of the North of Scotland. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XV., pl. xii., and pp. 419*-421*.
1859. Murchison, Sir R. I. — Siluria. 3rd ed.
1859. Page, D. — On the Relations of the Metamorphic and Older Palaeozoic Rocks in Scotland. Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1858, p. 105.
1859. Miller, J. — On the Succession of the Rocks on the North Coast of Scotland. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XV., p. 578.
1860. Nicol, J. — On the Relations of the Gneiss, Red Sandstone, and Quartzite in the North-West Highlands. Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1859, p. 119.
1860. Murchison, Sir R. I. — Nouvelle Classification des anciennes roches du nord de l'Ecosse, avec une carte géologique. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci., Tome I.
1860. Murchison, Sir R. I. — Supplemental Observations on the Order of the Ancient Stratified Rocks of the North of Scotland and their associated Eruptive Rocks, with a Letter from Prof. Harkness. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XVI., p. 215.
1861. Hunt, T. Sterry. — On Some Points in American Geology. Canadian Naturalist, Vol. VI., p. 94, and Amer. Jour. Sc., Vol. XXXI., p. 256.
1861. Murchison, Sir R. I., and A. Geikie. — First Sketch of a New Geological Map of Scotland, with Explanatory Notes, with 22 pp. 8vo. text. [Scale 15 miles to an inch.] Edinburgh.
1861. Murchison, Sir R. I., and A. Geikie. — On the Altered Rocks of the Western Islands of Scotland and the North-Western and Central Highlands. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XVII., p. 171; Appendix, p. 228.
1861. Murchison, Sir R. I., and A. Geikie. — On the Coincidence between Stratification and Foliation in the Crystalline Rocks of the Scottish Highlands. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XVII., p. 232.
1861. Nicol, J. — On the Structure of the North-Western Highlands and the Relations of the Gneiss, Red Sandstone, and Quartzite of Sutherland and Ross-shire. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XVII., p. 85.
1861. Harkness, R. — On the Rocks of portions of the Highlands of Scotland south of the Caledonian Canal and on their Equivalents in the North of Ireland. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XVII., p. 256.
1862 . Murchison, Sir R. I. — Thirty years' Retrospect of the Progress of our Knowledge of the Geology of the Older Rocks. Address by the President of the Geological Section. Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1861, p. 95, and Silliman's Journal, 2nd ser., Vol. XXXIII., p. 1.
1862. Harkness, R. — On the Metamorphic Rocks of the Banffshire Coast, the Scarabins, and a portion of East Sutherland. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XVIII., p. 331.
1862. Ramsay, A. C., and A. Geikie. — A Descriptive Catalogue of the Rock Specimens in the Museum of Practical Geology. 3rd ed., pp. 3, 5, 21.
1863. Nicol, J. — On the Geological Structure of the Southern Grampians. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XIX., p. 180.
1863. Sorby, H. C. — On the Original Nature and Subsequent Alteration of Mica-schist. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XIX., p. 401.
1863. Ramsay, A. C. — The Physical Geology and Geography of Great Britain. Lecture II. 2nd ed., 1864; 3rd ed., 1872, chap. v.; 4th ed., 1874; 5th ed., 1878, chap. xviii.
1865. Geikie, A. — The Scenery of Scotland viewed in connection with its Physical Geology, with Geological Sketch-map, chap. v. London.
1865. Crosskey, H. W. — On a Section near Inchnadamff, Sutherlandshire. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glas., Vol. II., p. 19.
1865. Anon. — Laurentian Rocks of the Western Islands of Scotland and Ireland. The Reader, Vol. V., p. 226.
1865. Murchison, Sir R. I. — On the Laurentian Rocks of Britain, Bavaria, and Bohemia. Geol. Mag., Vol. II., p. 97.
1866. King, W., and T. H. Rowney. — On the so-called Eozoonal Rock. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XXII., p. 185.
1866. Nicol, J. — The Geology and Scenery of the North of Scotland. Two lectures given at the Philosophical Institution, Edinburgh, and Mag. Nat. Mist., Ser. III., Vol. X VII., p. 467.
1867. Murchison, Sir R. I. — Siluria. 4th ed., p. 163.
1870. Murchison, Sir R. I. — On the Succession of the Laurentian, Cambrian, and Lower Silurian Rocks on the Shores of Loch Broom. Geol. Mag., Vol. VII., p. 134.
1870. King, W., and T. H. Rowney. — On Eozoon Canadense. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., Vol. X., pp. 506–551; pls. xli-xliv.
1871. King, W., and T. H. Rowney. — On Some Points in the Geology of Strath, Isle of Skye. (Abstract.) Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1870, Sect., p. 78.
1871. Zirkel, F. Geologische Skizze von der Westkuste Schottlands. Zeitsch. Deutsch. Geol. Gas., Vol. XXIII., p. 1, with 4 plates.
1871. Dawson, J. Note on Eozoon Canadense. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. (2), Vol. I., p. 117.
1871. King, W., and T. H. Rowney. — On the Geological Age and Microscopic Structure of the Serpentine Marble or Ophite of Skye. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. (2), Vol. I., p. 132.
1871. King, W., and T. H. Rowney. — On the Mineral Origin of the so-called Eozoon Canadense. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. (2), Vol. I., p. 140.
1871. Hunt, T. Sterry. — Address to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, p. 62. The Geognosy of the Appalachians and the Origin of the Crystalline Rocks. Amer. Jour. Science and Arts, 3rd ser., Vol. I., p. 205. Reprinted in Chemical and Geological Essays, 1875; 2nd ed., 1879 (North-West Highlands, p. 270).
1872. Symonds, Rev. W. S. — Records of the Rocks, p. 22. London.
1873. Jolly, W. — Report on the Discovery of Fossils in certain remote parts of the North-West Highlands. Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1872, p. 238.
1873. Argyll, Duke of. — Address to the Geological Society of London. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XXIX., p. 51.
1873. Murchison, Sir R. I. — Observations on the Structure of the North-West Highlands. Trans. Geol. Soc. Edinburgh., Vol. II., p. 18 (read 1869).
1874. Geikie, A. — On Some Points in the Connection between Metamorphism and Volcanic Action. Ibid., p. 287.
1874. Jolly, W. — Second Report of the Committee, consisting of Prof. Harkness, W. Jolly, and J. Bryce, on Fossils from localities difficult of access in North-Western Scotland. Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1873, p. 412.
1875. Geikie, A. — Life of Sir Roderick I. Murchison, based on his Journals and Letters. 2 vols. London. Vol. II., pp. 195, 198–203, 212.
1875. Jolly, W. Third Report of the Committee, consisting of Prof. Harkness, W. Jolly, and J. Bryce, on Fossils from localities difficult of access in North-Western Scotland. Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1874, p. 24.
1875. Bryce, J. — Notes on the Geology of the West Highlands. Read before the Edinburgh Geological Society, 4th Feb. and 16th Dec. 1875. These Notes were not printed in the Society's Proceedings, but were reported in the Edinburgh newspapers of the days following their reading.
1876. Geikie, A. — Geological Map of Scotland. [Topography by W. & A. K. Johnston. Scale, 10 miles to an inch.] Edinburgh. and London.
1876. Argyll, Duke of. — On the Physical Structure of the Highlands in connection with their Geological History. Nature, Vol. XIV., p. 435; also Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1876, p. 81.
1877. Heddle, M. F. — Rare Minerals in the North of Scotland. Nature, Vol. XVI., p. 147.
1878. Nicol, J. — Notes on Eribollia Mackayi, a New Fossil from the Assynt Quartzite in the North-Western Highlands of Scotland. Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1878, p. 545.
1878. Hicks, H. — On the Metamorphic and Overlying Rocks in the Neighbourhood of Loch Maree. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XXXIV., p. 811.
1879. Hicks, H. — On the Classification of the British Pre-Cambrian Rocks. Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1879, p. 351; also Geol Mag., Dec. II., Vol. VI., p. 433.
1879. Bonney, T. G. — The Pre-Cambrian Rocks of Great Britain. Proc. Birm. Phil. Soc., Vol. I., No. 3, p. 140.
1879. Huddleston, W. H. — On the Controversy respecting the Gneiss Rocks of the North-West Highlands. Proc. Geol. Assoc., Vol. VI., No. 2, p. 47.
1879. Jolly, W. — Report on Fossils from the North-West Highlands of Scotland. Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1878, p. 160.
1879. Heddle, M. F.. — Chapters on the Mineralogy of Scotland. Chap. II., The Felspars. Chap. III., The Garnets. Chap. IV., Augite, Hornblende, and Serpentinous Change. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh., Vol. XXVIII., pp. 197, 299, 453.
1880. Heddle, M. F. — Chapters on the Mineralogy of Scotland. Chap. V., The Micas, with description of Haughtonite, a new mineral species. Chap. VI., Chloritic Minerals. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh., Vol. XXIX., p. 55.
1880. Bonney, T. G. — Petrological Notes on the Vicinity of the Upper Part of Loch Maree. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol XXXVI., p. 93.
1880. Bonney, T. G. — The Pre-Cambrian Rocks of Ross-shire. Geol. Mag., Dec. II., Vol. VII., p. 329.
1880. Geikie, (Sir) A. — A Fragment of Primeval Europe. Nature, Vol. XXII., p. 400.
1880. Argyll, Duke of. — A Fragment of Primeval Europe. (A reply.) Nature, Vol. XXII., p. 407.
1880. Hicks, H. — On the Pre-Cambrian Rocks of West and Central Ross-shire, with Petrological Notes by T. Davies. Geol. Mag., Dec. II., Vol VII., pp. 103, 155, 222, 266, and 327.
1880. Hicks, H. — Pre-Cambrian Volcanoes and Glaciers. Geol. Mag., Dec. II., Vol. VII., p. 488.
1880. Hicks, H. — On the Pre-Cambrian Rocks of the North-West and Central Highlands of Scotland. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XXXVI., p. 101.
1880. Hunt, T. Sterry. — On the History of some Pre-Cambrian Rocks in America and Europe. Amer. Jour. Science, Vol. XIX., p. 268.
1880. Ramsay, A. C. — Presidential Address to Geological Section of British Association for 1880. Rep. Brit. Assoc., p. 3.
1881. Callaway, C. — The Limestones of Durness and Assynt. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XXXVII., p. 239,
1881, Callaway, C. — How to Work in the Archaean Rocks. Geol. Mag., Dec. II., Vol. VIII., p. 348.
1881. Hicks, H. — The Pre-Cambrian Rocks of Britain and Bohemia. Geol. Mag., Dec. II., Vol. VIII., p. 142.
1881. Hicks, H. — On Some Recent Researches among the Pre-Cambrian Rocks of the British Isles. Proc. Geol. Assoc., Vol. VII., p. 59.
1881. Hicks, H. — The Classification of the Eozoic and Lower Palaeozoic Rocks of the British Isles. Popular Science Review, n.s. Vol. V., p. 289.
1881. Hull, E. — The Geological Age of the North Highlands of Scotland. Nature, Vol. XXIII., p. 289.
1881. Hull, E. — On the Geological Structure of the Northern Highlands of Scotland, being Notes of a recent tour. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., n.s., Vol. III., p. 34; also Jour. Roy. Geol. Soc. Ireland, n.s., Vol. VI., p. 56.
1881. Hunt, T. Sterry. — On the Eozoic Rocks of Europe as compared with those of North America. Geol. Mag., Dec. II., Vol. IX., p. 38.
1881. Heddle, M. F.-Geological Map of Sutherland.
1882. Heddle, M. F. — On the Geognosy and Mineralogy of Scotland. Min. Mag., Vol. IV., pp. 135, 197; and Vol. V., pp. 71, 133, 216, 271.
1882. Heddle, M. F. — Chapters on the Mineralogy of Scotland. Chap. VII., Ores of Manganese, Iron, Chromium, and Titanium. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh., Vol. XXX., p. 427.
1882. Callaway, C. — The Torridon Sandstone in Relation to the Ordovician Rocks in the Northern Highlands. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XXXVIII., p. 114.
1882. Geikie, (Sir) A. — Text-book of Geology, 1st ed., pp. 583, 640, 656, 672.
1882. Hicks, H. — Montalban Rocks in Scotland. Geol. Mag., Dec. II., Vol. IX., p. 47.
1882. Huddleston, W. H. — First Impressions of Assynt. Geol. Mag., Dec. II., Vol. IX., p. 390.
1882. Hull, E. — Palaeo-Geological and Geographical Maps of the British Isles. Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc., n.s., Vol. I., p. 257.
1882. Hunt, T. Sterry.- — Pre-Cambrian Rocks of England and America. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser 3, Tome X., p. 26.
1883. Hicks, H. — On the Metamorphic and Overlying Rocks in parts of Ross and Inverness Shires. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XXXIX., p. 141.
1883. Bonney, T. G. — Note on the Lithological Characters of a Series of Scotch Rocks collected by Dr. Hicks. Ibid., p. 159.
1883. Callaway, C. — The Highland Problem. Geol. Mag., Dec. II., Vol. X., p. 139.
1883. Callaway, C. — The Age of the Newer Gneissic Rocks of the Northern Highlands. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XXXIX., p. 355.
1883. Bonney, T. G. — Notes on a Series of Rocks from the North-West Highlands collected by C. Callaway. Ibid., p. 414.
1883. Cole, C. A. J. — Denudation in the Western Highlands. Nat. Hist. Notes, Vol. III., p. 42.
1883. Lapworth, C. — The Secret of the Highlands. Geol. Mag., Dec. II., Vol. X., pp. 120, 193, and 337.
1883. Marr, J. E. — The Origin of the Archaean Rocks. Geol. Mag., Dec. II., Vol. X., p. 263.
1884. Heddle, M. F. — On the Geognosy and Mineralogy of Scotland. Min. Mag., Vol. V., pp. 41, 71, 133, 216, 271.
1884. Callaway, C. — Notes on Progressive Metamorphism. Geol. Mag., Dec. III., Vol. I., p. 218.
1884. Geikie, (Sir) A. — The Crystalline Rocks of the Scottish Highlands. Nature, Vol. XXXI., p. 29.
1884. Peach, B. N., and J. Horne. — Report on the Geology of the North-West of Sutherland. Nature, Vol. XXXI., p. 31.
1885. Teall, J. J. H. — The Metamorphosis of Dolerite into Hornblende-schist. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XLI., p. 133.
1885. Geikie, Sir A. — Annual Report of the Director-General of the Geological Survey for 1884, p. 243.
1885. Bonney, T. G. — Anniversary Address of the President, 1885. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XLI., p. 50.
1885. Bonney, T. G. — On the Arelman Rocks of Great Britain. Rep. Brit, Assoc. for 1884, p. 529.
1885. Peach, B. N. — President's Opening Address. Proc. Roy. Phys.,Soc. Edin., Vol. IX., p. 1.
1885. Judd, J. W. — Presidential Address to Geological Section British Association (Aberdeen). Rep. Brit. Assoc., Sect., p. 994.
1885. Hicks, H. — On Some Recent Views concerning the Geology of the North-West Highlands of Scotland. Proc. Geol. Assoc., Vol. IX., p. 43.
1885. Lapworth, C. — The Highland Controversy in British Geology; its Causes, Course, and Consequence. Rep. Brit. Assoc., p. 1025.
1885. Peach, B. N., and J. Horne. — The Geology of Durness and Eriboll, with special reference to the Highland Controversy. Rep. Brit. Assoc., p. 1027.
1885, Blake, J. F. The North-West Highlands and their Teaching. Proc. Geol. Assoc., Vol. VIII., p. 419. (Read 4th July 1884.)
1885. Lapworth, C. — On the Stratigraphy and Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Durness–Eriboll District. Proc. Geol. Assoc., Vol. VIII., p. 438.
1885. Lapworth, C. — On the Close of the Highland Controversy. Appendix. On the Stratigraphy and Metamorphism of the Rocks of the Durness–Eriboll District. Geol. Mag., Dec. III., Vol. II., pp. 97–106.
1886. Dixon, J. H. — Gairloch and Ross-shire. Edinburgh. 1886. Ironworks and Iron-ores, pp. 72–96. The Geology of Loch Maree and Neighbourhood, by W. Jolly, pp. 271–289. Minerals of Gairloch, by Ivison Macadam, pp. 289–290.
1886. Geological Survey One-inch Map, Sheet 113. North-West Sutherlandshire (Cape Wrath).
1886. Cadell, H. M. — The Geology and Scenery of Sutherland. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1886. 2nd ed., 1896.
1887. Geikie, (Sir) A. — The Scenery of Scotland, viewed in connection with its Physical Geology. 8vo. London. and Cambridge. 2nd ed.
1887. Macadam, W. I. — Notes on the Ancient Iron Industry of Scotland. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scot., Vol. XXI., p. 89.
1888. Peach, B. N., J. Horne, W. Gunn, C. T. Clough, L. W. Hinxman, and H. M. Cadell. — Report on the Recent Work of the Geological Survey in the North-West Highlands of Scotland, based on the Field Notes and Maps. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XLIV., p. 378.
1888. Lapworth, C. — On the Discovery of the Olenellus Fauna in the Lower Cambrian Rocks of Britain. Geol. Mag,, Dec. III., Vol. V., p. 484.
1888. Geological Survey Map, one-inch scale, Sheet 100. Achagarve.
1888. Geikie, (Sir) A. — On the Age of the Altered Limestone of Strath, Skye. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XLIV., p. 62.
1888. Cadell, H. M. — Experimental Researches in Mountain-building. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh., Vol. XXXV., p. 337. Abstract in Nature, Vol. XXXVII, p. 488.
1888. Teall, J. J. H. — British Petrography. London. Pp. 154, 197, 200, and 264.
1888. Foord, A. H. — Catalogue of the British Cephalopoda in the British Museum. (Nat. Hist.) Part I. London.
1889. Hinde, G. J. — On Archaeocyathus, Billings, and on other Genera, allied to or associated with it, from the Cambrian Strata of North America, Spain, Sardinia, and Scotland. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XLV., p. 125.
1889. Geological Survey Map, one-inch scale, Sheet 114. North Sutherlandshire (Loch Eireboll).
1890. Hicks, H. — On the Pre-Cambrian Rocks occurring as Fragments in the Cambrian Conglomerates in Britain. Geol. Mag., Dec. III, Vol. VII., p. 516; also Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1890, Leeds Meeting, p. 803.
1891. Geological Survey Map, six-inch scale, Sutherland, Sheet 71 (Inchnadamph, Loch Assynt).
1891. Harker, A. — On Various Crystalline Rocks. (iii.) Garnet Amphibolite from Sutherland. Geol. May. (New Series, Dec. Vol. VIII., p. 169.
1891. Geikie, Sir A. — On Some Recent Work of the Geological Survey in the Archaean Gneiss of the North-West Highlands. Rep. Brit. Assoc. (Cardiff), 1891, p. 634.
1891. Geikie, Sir A. — Discovery of the Olenellus zone in the North-West Highlands. Rep. Brit. Assoc. (Cardiff), 1891, p. 633; Geol. Mag., Vol. VIII., Dec. iii., p. 498; and Nature, Vol. XLIV., p. 479.
1892. Geikie, Sir A. — A New Geological Map of Scotland, with Explanatory Notes, p. 23. Edinburgh.
1892. Geikie, Sir A. — Annual Report of the Director-General of the Geological Survey for the year 1891, p. 384. (Olenellus.)
1892. Bertrand, M. — Les Montagnes de l'Ecosse. Revue Génerale des Sciences pures et appliquées, No. 23, pp. 1–27. Paris. (Translated by G. A. Lebour.) Geol. Mag., Vol. X., p. 118.
1892. Blake, J. F. — On the Still Possible Cambrian Age of the Torridon Sandstone. Rep. Brit. Assoc., Trans. Sect., p. 713.
1892. Geological Survey Map, one-inch, Sheet 101. North-West Ross-shire (Loch Broom.)
1892. Geological Survey Map, one inch, Sheet 107. West Sutherlandshire (Scourie and Inchnadamph.)
1892. Geological Survey Map, six-inch scale. Sutherland. Sheet 5, Durness.
1892. Geological Survey Map, one-inch scale, Sheet 101. Ullapool.
1892. Peach, B. N., and J. Horne. — The Olenellus zone in the North-West Highlands of Scotland. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. XLVIII., p. 227.
1892. Lapworth, C. — Presidential Address to Section C. Rep. Brit. Assoc., p. 295.
1892. Geological Survey Map, one-inch scale, Sheet 107. Loch Inver.
1893. Geikie, Sir A. — Annual Report of the Director-General of the Geological Survey for 1892, p. 259.
1893. Geological Survey One-inch Map, Sheet 91. West Ross-shire (Gairloch).
1893. Geikie, Sir A. — On the Pre-Cambrian Rocks of the British Isles. Journal of Geology. Chicago. Vol. I., p. 1.
1893. Geikie, Sir A. — On Structures in Eruptive Bosses which Resemble those of Ancient Gneiss. Rep. Brit. Assoc., Trans. Sec., p. 754.
1893. Teall, J. J. H. — Presidential Address to Section C. Rep. Brit. Assoc., p. 733.
1894. Geikie, Sir A. — Sur la Structure rubanee des plus anciens Gneiss et des Gabbros tertiaires. Carlyle. Rend. Congr. Geol. Internat., p. 139. Zurich.
1894. Peach, B. N. — Additions to the Fauna of the Olenellus-zone of the North-West Highlands. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. L., p. 661.
1894. Geikie, Sir A.-Annual Report of the Geological Survey for 1894, pp. 279–282.
1894. Horne, J. — On Two Volcanic Necks in Applecross, Ross-shire. Trans. Edinburgh. Geol. Soc., Vol. VII., p. 35.
1895. Horne, J., and J. J. H. Teall. — On Borolanite, an Igneous Rock Intrusive in the Cambrian Limestone of Assynt, Sutherlandshire, and the Torridon Sandstone of Ross-shire. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh., Vol. XXXVII., p. 163.
1895. Horne, J. — Note on a Band of Fossiliferous Ironstone in the Cambrian Rocks of West Ross. shire. Trans. Edinburgh. Geol. Soc., Vol. VII., p. 113.
1895. Cadell, H. M. — The Scenery of Sutherland. Scot. Geogr. Mag., Vol. XI., p. 385.
1896. Cadell, H. M. — The Geology and Scenery of Sutherland. 2nd ed.
1896. Geological Survey One-inch Map, Sheet 81. South-West Ross-shire (Applecross and Loch Torridon).
1897. Penck, Albrecht von. — Geomorphologische Probleme aus Nord-west Schottland. Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde, Berlin, Band. XXXII., No. 3, pp. 146–191.
1897 Geikie, Sir A. — Annual Report of the Geological Survey for 1896, pp. 28–30.
1898. Penck, A. von. — The Highland Controversy. Geographical Journal, Vol. X1 , p. 163.
1898. Geikie, Sir A. — Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey for 1897, pp. 35–44.
1899. Goodchild, J. G. — Desert Conditions in Britain. Trans. Edinburgh. Geol. Soc., Vol. VII., p. 203.
1899. Mackie, W. — The Felspars present in Sedimentary Rocks as Indicators of the Conditions of Contemporaneous Climate, Ibid., p. 443.
1899. Currie, J. — Note on the Feldspars of Canisp. Ibid., p. 494.
1899. Geikie, Sir A. — Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey for 1898, pp. 53–55.
1900. Teall, J. J. H. — On Nepheline-Syenite and its Associates in the North-West of Scotland. Geol. Mag., Dec. IV., Vol. VII., p. 385.
1900. Geikie, Sir A. — Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey for 1899, pp. 6 and 7; 14–18.
1901. Geikie, Sir A. — Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey for 1900, pp. 8–13,15,151–161.
1901. Heddle, M. F. — The Mineralogy of Scotland. Edited by J. G. Goodchild. 2 vols. Edinburgh.
1901. Horne, J. — Recent Advances in Scottish Geology. [Presidential Address to Section C.] Rep. Brit. Assoc., p. 615.
1902. Harker, A. — Petrology for Students. 3rd ed. 8vo. Cambridge.
1902. Teall, J. J. H. — Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey for 1901, pp. 130–132.