Peach, B.N., Horne, J. Gunn, W, Clough, C.T., Hinxman, L.W. 1907. The geological structure of the North-West Highlands of Scotland. Glasgow: HMSO [for Geological Survey of Great Britain]. Courtesy British Geological Survey. Copyright: HMSO. List of Systematic Series and Geological Photographs: UKRI.

Part 1 Lewisian Gneiss

Chapter 3 Section 1 General account of the gneiss. Chief petrographical characters, distribution, and structure

Chapter 4 Section 2 Petrography of the Lewisian Gneiss A. The Fundamental Complex. Detailed account of the petrographical characters of the Complex

Chapter 5 Architectural features of the Complex

Chapter 6 B. Rocks of presumably Sedimentary origin in the Lewisian Gneiss. Mica-schists, Graphitic-schists, Quartz-schists Calcareous Rocks

Chapter 7 C. Pre-Torridonian Intrusive Rocks associated with the Lewisian Gneiss. Ultrabasic Dykes, Basic Dykes and Sills, Microcline-mica Dykes, ยท Biotite-diorite Dykes, &c.

Section 3 Special descriptions of areas

Chapter 8 Cape Wrath to Loch Laxford

Chapter 9 Loch Laxford to Kylesku

Chapter 10 Kylesku to Loch Broom

Chapter 11 Gruinard District

Chapter 12 Loch Maree and Gairloch

Chapter 13 Loch Torridon

Chapter 14 Loch Carron and Skye