Mykura, W. and Newsier, J. 1976. The Geology of Western Shetland (Explanation of One-inch Geological Sheet Western Shetland; comprising Sheet 127 and parts of 125, 126 and 128). Edinburgh HMSO. Provided courtesy of the British Geological Survey. Crown copyright, 1976. 'Systematic Series hand specimens' and 'List of Geological Survey Photographs' both Copyright UKRI.
Chapter 15 The Sandsting Granite–Diorite Complex
The Sandsting granite-diorite complex forms the south-eastern part of the Walls Peninsula
The complex consists of the following rock types arranged in probable order of intrusion :
- Diorite, including melamicrodiorite, biotite- and hornblende-diorite, quartz-diorite and syenodiorite; gabbro which forms at least two small dyke-like masses within the diorite; and an ultrabasic rock, which has been located by the presence of blocks.
- Granodiorite.
- Coarse-grained biotite-granite grading locally into graphic granite.
- Porphyritic microadamellite and fine-grained porphyritic granite.
- Felsite and porphyritic microgranite forming dykes which cut both the intrusive complex and the adjoining sediments.
The members of the diorite group are very variable in grain size and colour index and are veined by leucocratic diorite and pegmatite. The veins are most abundant in the west. The more westerly diorite outcrops contain a number of enclaves of indurated sediment, which range from blocks a few feet (tens of centimetres) in diameter to large masses like that between Loch of Sotersta and Sand Water, which is over 0.5 mile (800 m) long. Melamicrodiorite forms relatively small near-vertical dyke-like masses within the diorite as well as in the granite and adjoining sediment. In a number of cases the melamicrodiorite is clearly earlier than the diorite as it is brecciated and veined by the latter, but there are also dykes cutting diorite and granite, indicating that intrusions of this type are among the earliest and the latest members of the complex.
The granitic rocks are almost everywhere demonstrably later than the diorites, which are commonly brecciated and veined by granite. The evidence regarding the relative ages of the various 'granitic' members of the complex is rather inconclusive, and it is possible that a single intrusive body may consist of several rock types. It is, however, considered that the coarse-grained granodiorite which crops out in a narrow strip extending from Keolki Field to Culswick is earlier than the other types (p. 221).
A feature of the coarse-grained biotite-granite forming the Wester Wick and Skelda Ness areas is the presence within the granite of near-vertical roughly north-north-west trending belts of intensely sheared and locally mylonitized rock. Sodic scapolite occurs as both a replacement mineral and as a vein mineral in these crush belts and as a vein mineral in the basic minor intrusions and in the sediment adjoining the granite. The scapolite appears to have been introduced by hydrothermal solutions along active shear belts, joints and other lines of weakness, shortly after the emplacement of the Sandsting Complex (Mykura and Young 1969).
Miller and Flinn (1966, pp. 107–9) produced a radiometric age date of 334 + 13 m.y. for the Sandsting Granite. Potassium-argon age determinations by N. J. Snelling of granite and diorite from the complex are as follows: Biotite from granite, roadside 0.5 mile (800 m) NE of Culswick
The sediment overlying the granite-complex in the western part of the area is hornfelsed or highly indurated within a zone extending up to 1 mile (1.6 km) from the junction
Diorites and associated rocks
Field relationships
Diorite forms four large and several smaller outcrops within the complex
In the western and southern parts of the outcrop, there is no evidence of flow-foliation or regular layering within the diorite. On the shores of the Stead of Culswick, the fine-grained dark diorites are commonly cut by coarser more leucocratic diorite, with junctions ranging from sharp and angular to undulating. In some cases a gradual transition from fine- to coarse-grained diorite takes place within a few inches, but there are also some instances on this shore of two adjacent masses of virtually identical diorite separated from each other by a chilled margin in one of the diorites.
On the western shore of Keolki Field
The diorite forming Hestinsetter Hill and the ground extending southwards towards Lunga Water displays a marked differentiation into near-vertical layers with distinctive textural and mineral compositions. In the roadside quarries on the west slope of Hestinsetter Hill this banding trends E30°N and reflects a vertical alignment, not only of the constituent minerals of the diorite but also of the acid and granitic veins. Several thick vertical layers traversing the south slope of Hestinsetter Hill are composed of fine-grained diorite full of pale buff ovoids ranging in diameter up to 10 mm. These ovoids are composed of pyroxene-monzonite with a nucleus of sphene which may reach a length of 3 mm. Less clearly defined bands of diorite with pale ovoid patches containing large sphenes are exposed on the north slopes of the Knowes of Westerskeld, 200 to 400 yd (180–360 m) east of Lunga Water. Other members of the diorite suite exposed between Hestinsetter Hill and Housa Water are granodiorite, syenodiorite, quartz-diorite, and dark fine-grained diorite rich in hornblende and biotite. The relationships between these rock types are not clear and some may grade into each other.
Scarvister–Loch of Arg–Skelda Voe
The diorite forming the arcuate outcrop between Scarvister and Easter Skeld contains some of the most basic members of the complex and the rocks exposed 150 to 200 yd (135–180 m) NE of Loch of Arg are composed mainly of fine to medium-grained diorite (p. 216) the chemical composition of which borders on that of hornblende-gabbro (Guppy and Sabine 1956, pp. 14, 24). Finlay (1930, p. 689) has also recorded gabbro on the eastern shore of Skelda Voe, and augite-diorite at Tarasta, 550 yd (500 m) SSE of Loch of Arg. These records have, however, not been confirmed. The headland west of the Ayre of Swartagill, which forms the most southerly exposure of diorite on the east shore of Skelda Voe, consists of fine-grained meladiorite. The latter is sheared and contains a number of irregular veins or lenticles of very coarse-grained strongly ophitic gabbro, which has been amphibolitized and saussuritized. These veins trend west-north-west and range from 4 in (10 cm) to several feet (over 1 m) in thickness. Along the south shore of this peninsula the fine-grained meladiorite is veined by a pink hornblende-rich rock. Hybrid or metasomatized rocks are common among boulders on the Ayre of Swartagill, just east of the peninsula, the most widespread being a coarse-grained quartz-diorite with large porphyroblasts of potash feldspar.
The 'diorite' cropping out on the west shore of Seli Voe south of Garderhouse is intensely shattered because of its close proximity to the Walls Boundary Fault. It is predominantly fine-grained and ranges in composition from quartz-diorite to ophitic gabbro with completely amphibolitized pyroxenes.
The impression gained from the field exposures is that this diorite forms the base of an irregular sheet inclined to the east. The outcrop is split into a number of discrete masses by thick granite veins.
Melamicrodiorite dykes
The range in grain size and composition of the diorite in the outcrops described above is considerable and its fine-grained basic members grade into
hornblende-rich microdiorite. There are, in addition, a number of dyke-like bodies of very fine-grained almost basaltic-looking melamicrodiorite, the age of intrusion of which appears to range from pre-diorite to post-granite.
a. Pre-diorite intrusions
The most accessible of these is a vertical sheet of melamicrodiorite exposed on the northern slope of Hestinsetter Hill
A large mass of melamicrodiorite crops out a short distance above the east shore of the Stead of Culswick, 300 yd (275 m) S of the head of the bay
b. Post-diorite dykes
Two dyke-like bodies of melamicrodiorite, which appear to be younger than the surrounding diorite, crop out on the north-west shore of the Stead of Culswick
The diorite cropping out on the shore west of Keolki Field, 570 yd (520 m) N10°W of Culswick Broch, is cut by a 14 in (35 cm) dyke of dark microdiorite which trends N10°W and is steeply inclined to the east. It has slightly undulating, strongly chilled margins and contains a number of irregular veinlets of a black almost completely hornblendic rock. Though clearly later than the diorite, the age-relation of this dyke to the granite is not known.
c. Post-granite dykes
Dykes of hornblende-rich melamicrodiorite cut the shattered granite cropping out along the shore of Seli Voe north of Rea Wick, the granite sills interdigitated with sediment just south of Bixter Voe, and the indurated sediment around Bixter Voe. The dykes range in thickness up to 5 ft (1.5 m) and some are cut by thin irregular veinlets of sodic scapolite. Though these dykes are petrographically closely allied to the melamicrodiorites described above (p. 214), they are clearly the last igneous intrusions associated with the complex.
Acid veins
The diorite of the western part of the Culswick area is cut by a network of generally leucocratic quartz-diorite veins, characterized in field exposures by the presence of small euhedral plagioclase phenocrysts. The quartz-diorite contains local concentrations of biotite. The veins are branching, irregular in outline, and do not normally exceed 1 ft (30 cm) in thickness.
The quartz-diorite veins are themselves cut by veins of pegmatite composed largely of crystals of pinkish white microperthite up to 2 in (5 cm) in size. The pegmatite veins contain small elongate cavities along their middle, which are filled or lined with radiating aggregates of acicular crystals, up to 1 in (2.5 cm) long of pale-green epidote. The veins vary greatly in thickness, with a recorded maximum of 18 in (45 cm). They are usually near-vertical and branching, but have no consistent trend. In some instances pegmatites are, for a short distance, intruded along the middle of a quartz-diorite vein (
Granite-diorite net-vein complexes
The areas of diorite intensely veined by granite are shown in
Metasomatism at contacts between granite and diorite is uncommon in the Sandsting Complex, but good examples are seen on the shore south-west of Tarasta Ayre
The association of granite and basic rock in igneous complexes has been widely studied, and a number of observers (Bailey and McCallien 1956; Elwell 1958; Blake and others 1965) have shown that adjoining basic and acid magmas are commonly coeval.
Ultrabasic rock
The only evidence for the presence of ultrabasic rock within the Sandsting Complex is found close to Stump Farm, 250 yd (230 m) E of Gossa Water, where there is a concentration of boulders of an olivine-rich rock (p. 220). There is little doubt that this represents a small outcrop which may be the surface expression of either an isolated pipe of ultrabasic rock that has penetrated through the diorite, or, less likely, a large block engulfed by the diorite magma. Small masses of similar ultrabasic rock, usually found only as detached surface blocks, occur in the Northmaven Complex near the northern margin of the present Sheet (pp. 183 and 193).
The members of the diorite suite show a wide range in both composition and grain size, which does not appear to be related to either geographical distribution or order of emplacement. The rock types in the main dioritic masses appear to form a continuous series which ranges from granodiorite and syenodiorite through quartz-diorite (
Plagioclase occurs in euhedral to subhedral crystals which range in length from 3.5 to 0.7 mm in the coarsest varieties, and from 0.8 to 0.12 mm in the finest. The crystals are almost invariably zoned, usually with a fairly large homogeneous central area and narrow outer rims. The composition of the core in the majority of specimens is sodic andesine but in some it is mid-oligoclase. Labradorite and andesine-labradorite have been recorded in two basic coarse-grained members of this suite (S51543)
In many specimens the plagioclase is fresh throughout but the core of larger crystals is often altered to a cloudy aggregate which contains epidote and biotite.
Potash feldspar
Microcline occurs as an interstitial constituent in virtually all specimens. In the normal diorite it usually forms less than 5 per cent of total volume. In the syenodiorites potash feldspar forms between 15 and 20 per cent of total feldspar and in granodiorites up to 40 per cent. In the last two rock types the percentage of interstitial microcline is not much greater than in diorite, the additional potash feldspar taking the form of large, highly poikilitic phenocrysts of microperthite or microcline-microperthite enclosing plagioclase. Individual crystals reach 3 mm in diameter and in one case (S51547)
Quartz is a minor interstitial constituent in the diorites. In the syenodiorites and granodiorites, the division between which is here drawn at 5 per cent quartz, quartz content ranges from 0 to 15 per cent by volume of total rock. In addition to interstitial quartz the granodiorite contains anhedral quartz crystals up to 0.5 x 0.3 mm in size, and in one case patches (possibly juvenile) up to 3 mm in diameter have been recorded.
Within the 'diorites' with less than 5 per cent potash feldspar, quartz is invariably interstitial. Quartz-diorite with up to 20 per cent of quartz (S31141)
Mafic minerals
The total content of mafic minerals within the diorite suite ranges from less than 20 to 45 per cent in the varieties approaching gabbro in composition, but in the melamicrodiorites it may exceed 50 per cent. Biotite and hornblende are usually moulded on to euhedral and subhedral feldspar crystals, but they are also found in fairly large clusters, which locally also contain apatite and epidote. The ratio of biotite to hornblende is very variable. In one mafic syenodiorite large hornblendes with small inclusions of biotite make up to 50 per cent of the total volume. The size of these hornblendes ranges up to 1.5 mm. The largest hornblendes are usually partially altered to biotite and an olive-green amphibole which is structureless or, less commonly, fibrous.
Pyroxenes are only rarely found in the diorites. Medium-grained diorite from the shore 0.25 mile (400 m) NNW of Culswick Broch (S31141)
Epidote is present in small quantities in many of the diorites. It occurs both in altered patches within and along the margins of plagioclase and as individual subhedral crystals, associated with the clusters of biotite and hornblende. It is abundant in certain restricted pockets, particularly in the vicinity of Culswick Broch, and appears to be a late hydrothermal replacement mineral, as it is abundant in the pegmatites cutting the diorites of this area. Epidote is also found as grains in melamicrodiorite.
Accessory minerals
Apatite and large sphenes are common. Allanite is a rare accessory in the granodiorites (S51537)
Diorite with sphene-bearing ovoids
The pale spheres or ovoids with a large central sphene which are abundant in the banded diorite at and near Hestinsetter Hill (p. 212), are composed of coarse-grained pyroxene-monzonite. They normally range in diameter from 2 to 5 mm but may reach 20 mm (S51528)
Gabbro is a very minor constituent of the Sandsting diorite, being confined to narrow dyke-like bands in the eastern part of the complex. The gabbro (S51533)
In the gabbro of the Garderhouse area (S51543)
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
SiO2 |
69.49 |
70.96 |
57.60 |
55.35 |
51.94 |
51.98 |
Al2O3 |
16.12 |
15.18 |
16.66 |
17.82 |
18.65 |
18.70 |
Fe2O3 |
0.83 |
1.69 |
2.60 |
2.28 |
1.49 |
1.62 |
FeO |
1.63 |
— |
4.34 |
3.86 |
4.04 |
3.95 |
MgO |
0.90 |
0.70 |
2.99 |
3.58 |
5.86 |
5.94 |
CaO |
1.94 |
1.52 |
5.27 |
6.60 |
8.96 |
8.88 |
Na2O |
4.14 |
4.32 |
3.97 |
4.28 |
3.18 |
3.20 |
K2O |
3.98 |
4.68 |
3.01 |
2.88 |
2.24 |
2.27 |
H2O > 105° |
0.65 |
0.66 |
1.05 |
0.76 |
1.20 |
0.86 |
H2O < 105° |
0.10 |
0.18 |
0.27 |
0.18 |
0.16 |
0.18 |
TiO2 |
Trace |
Nil |
1.73 |
1.74 |
1.34 |
1.36 |
P2O5 |
0.09 |
Trace |
0.59 |
0.66 |
0.68 |
0.66 |
MnO |
Trace |
— |
0.11 |
0.13 |
0.10 |
0.07 |
CO2 |
— |
— |
Trace |
Trace |
n.d. |
— |
SO3 |
n.d. |
n.d. |
— |
— |
Trace |
— |
Cl |
n.d. |
n.d. |
0.04 |
0.02 |
Trace |
n.d. |
S |
n.d. |
n.d. |
0.05 |
0.03 |
— |
n.d. |
FeS2 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
0.13 |
0.24 |
Cr2O3 |
n.d. |
n.d. |
— |
— |
n.d. |
0.03 |
BaO |
— |
— |
0.12 |
0.11 |
0.09 |
— |
SrO |
n.d. |
n.d. |
— |
— |
— |
— |
Rb2O |
n.d. |
n.d. |
0.01(s) |
0.01(s) |
— |
— |
Li2O |
n.d. |
n.d. |
— |
— |
— |
— |
Total |
99.87 |
100.00 |
100.41 |
100.29 |
100.06 |
99.94 |
Less O for Cl |
— |
— |
0.01 |
n.d. |
n.d. |
— |
99.87 |
100.00 |
100.40 |
100.29 |
100.06 |
99.94 |
Sp. gr. |
n.d. |
n.d. |
2.79 |
2.78 |
n.d. |
n.d. |
s = Spectrographic determination |
n.d. = not determined |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Q |
23.88 |
23.62 |
8.61 |
2.46 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
C |
1.68 |
0.24 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
or |
23.52 |
27.66 |
17.79 |
17.02 |
13.24 |
13.42 |
ab |
35.03 |
36.56 |
33.00 |
35.92 |
26.91 |
27.08 |
an |
9.04 |
7.54 |
19.06 |
21.06 |
30.00 |
29.96 |
hl |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.11 |
0.05 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
di |
0.00 |
0.00 |
2.61 |
5.89 |
8.00 |
7.80 |
by |
4.55 |
1.74 |
9.26 |
8.61 |
11.82 |
11.52 |
ol |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
2.23 |
2.38 |
mt |
1.20 |
0.00 |
3.77 |
3.31 |
2.16 |
2.35 |
cm |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.04 |
hm |
0.00 |
1.69 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
ilm |
0.00 |
0.00 |
3.29 |
3.30 |
2.54 |
2.58 |
ap |
0.21 |
0.00 |
1.37 |
1.53 |
1.58 |
1.53 |
pr |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.11 |
0.06 |
0.13 |
024 |
bao |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.12 |
0.11 |
0.09 |
0.00 |
Others |
0.75 |
0.84 |
1.33 |
0.95 |
1.36 |
1.04 |
Total |
99.87 |
99.89 |
100.41 |
100.29 |
100.06 |
99.94 |
Q |
28.97 |
26.89 |
14.49 |
4.45 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Or |
28.53 |
31.49 |
29.95 |
30.72 |
32.97 |
33.13 |
ab |
42.50 |
41.62 |
55.56 |
64.83 |
67.03 |
66.87 |
Total |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
or |
34.80 |
38.54 |
25.46 |
23.00 |
18.87 |
19.04 |
ab |
51.83 |
50.95 |
47.25 |
48.54 |
38.36 |
38.44 |
an |
13.37 |
10.51 |
27.29 |
28.46 |
42.77 |
42.52 |
Total |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
ab |
79.49 |
82.90 |
63.39 |
63.04 |
47.28 |
47.48 |
an |
20.51 |
17.10 |
36.61 |
36.94 |
52.72 |
52.52 |
Total |
100.00 |
10000 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
Melamicrodiorite and other mafic intrusions
The petrographical characters of the larger intrusions of melamicrodiorite (
The melamicrodiorite dykes close to the Walls Boundary Fault are sheared and chloritized and individual minerals are broken up or streaked out.
Pegmatite veins
The composition and texture of the pegmatite varies greatly within a single vein (S51514)
Ultrabasic rocks
The blocks of ultrabasic rock 180 yd (165 m) WNW of Stump Farm
It is not easy to give this rock an appropriate name. It compares fairly closely with the ultrabasic rocks from the east shore of Moora Waters (p. 193–4), which range from harrisite to lherzolite.
Field relationships
A sheet of coarse-grained granodiorite which is texturally similar to the granite and averages 200 to 300 ft (60–90 m) in thickness, overlies the Culswick diorite, the junction between the two being irregular and steeply inclined to the north. This sheet can be traced from the west shore of Keolki Field, between 650 and 800 yd (595 and 730 m) N of Culswick Broch, eastward as far as Culswick village. At several localities inclusions of baked sediment occur along the diorite-granodiorite boundary, and a number of blocks of sediment, including sandstone with convolute bedding, are entirely in the granodiorite. The junction between diorite and granodiorite is well seen on the west shore of Keolki Field, where the latter contains numerous large xenoliths of diorite. Most diorite xenoliths are straight-sided and angular. Some are horizontally elongated and up to 20 ft (6 m) long. There can thus be little doubt that the intrusion of granodiorite was later than that of diorite.
The granodiorite is cut by a number of felsite dykes, up to 1 ft (30 cm) thick, which trend roughly north–south.
The granodiorite is coarsely crystalline and composed of broad tabular crystals of calcic oligoclase, usually with a narrow rim of more sodic plagioclase. These range in length from 5 to 0.4 mm and are set in large anhedral poikilitic masses of microcline-microperthite and blotchy microperthite. Plagioclase is only slightly in excess of potash feldspar. Quartz, commonly with small liquid inclusions, which forms about 10 per cent of the total volume of the rock, usually occurs interstitially but in rare cases forms irregular intergrowths with potash feldspar. Dark minerals form 15 per cent of the total volume with thick greenish plates of biotite slightly more abundant than pale greenish hornblende, which is commonly intergrown with the biotite. Sphene occurs in large skeletal crystals, and small euhedral needles of apatite are abundant. The most common ore mineral is pyrite which is present in very small euhedral crystals.
Porphyritic microadamellite and associated rocks
Field relationships
The porphyritic microadamellite is a rock with distinctive field characteristics. In hand specimen it is generally fine-grained with no readily visible quartz, with abundant small plates of black mica and prominent phenocrysts of pink or white feldspar, which may be up to 1 cm in diameter.
Its main outcrop, as shown on
Age relationships
Microgranite and microadamellite everywhere cut the diorite and, with a few exceptions (p. 215,
The junction between granodiorite and microadamellite appears to be sharp, but as there are no good exposures of the contact the age relationship is uncertain. Contacts between microadamellite and coarse-grained granite are well seen in shore sections 1300 yd (1190 m) WNW of the Ward of Culswick and 150 yd (135 m) W of the Broch of Culswick. In the former exposure the junction is vertical and, where undisturbed, it is fairly sharp. There is here a zone, about 4 in (10 cm) wide, in which large feldspars, similar to those in the coarse-grained granite, form abundant porphyroblasts within the microadamellite. The latter is sheared for a distance of 3 to 5 ft (90–150 cm) from the contact, but the granite is unaffected. This shearing may not be connected with the emplacement of magma. The junction is also partially obscured by a 3-ft (90-cm) dyke of felsite. A number of small irregular masses of microadamellite, in one case associated with baked sediment, are present in the granite some distance north of the junction. The junction exposed just west of Culswick Broch is sharply defined, near-vertical, but in detail wavy and irregular, suggesting that the adjoining magmas co-existed in an incompletely consolidated state. Evidence as to age relationships from the contacts is thus inconclusive, but the fact that in most areas the coarse-grained granite is in contact with the overlying sediment
In areas where both microadamellite and granite vein the diorite very few junctions between the two granitic types have been recorded. At the south end of Shalders Taing, 700 yd (640 m) S of the head of the Stead of Culswick, the two types appear to grade into each other, with a complete transition within a distance of 1 ft (30 cm) though the disappearance of the large quartz crystals of the granite is abrupt. There is no evidence of one kind of granite vein truncating the other. Veins of porphyritic microadamellite have been recorded in all diorite outcrops except that of Garderhouse. In some cases the veins have a dark marginal zone up to 1 ft (30 cm) wide in which euhedral feldspar phenocrysts are enclosed in a mafic matrix.
Variation of texture
Though the microadamellite is characteristically porphyritic with subhedral to euhedral potash feldspar phenocrysts, the abundance of phenocrysts varies very considerably. The grain size of the matrix is also very variable, ranging from aphanitic in certain minor intrusions cutting the diorite (as seen in large blocks on the east shore of Keolki Field, 420 yd (384 m) NNW of Culswick Broth), to medium-grained in the main outcrop.
The salient feature of the microadamellite is the presence of euhedral, generally poikilitic phenocrysts of potash feldspar, which reach a length of 10 mm, but are commonly about 3.5 mm long. They are composed of orthoclase full of small irregularly shaped inclusions of plagioclase, which are in optical continuity throughout the crystal. Phenocrysts of various types of perthite, microperthite, microcline-microperthite and microcline are also present in various sections (
It will be noted that the grain sizes of the feldspars forming the matrix are in some cases larger than the accepted maximum (0.5 x 0.5 mm) for micro-granites. As, however, the average grain size of the whole group is smaller than this, and as it has not been found advisable to divide the group according to an arbitrary grain-size boundary, all members have been shown on the map as porphyritic microadamellite.
The rock which cuts the diorite cropping out on the north-west shore of the Stead of Culswick (S28736)
Field relationships
Coarse-grained quartz-rich biotite-granite forms over half of the outcrop of the Sandsting Complex
The granite and graphic microgranite sills of Bixter Voe are in some respects similar to the sheets of granite and felsite which cut the Walls Formation on the shores of Seli Voe, Gruting Voe and Vaila Sound. On the shores of the Holm of Gruting and Hoga Ness a sill swarm about 800 yd (730 m) wide contains at least 15 sills, of which some consist of very coarse-grained microperthite-granite and others of fine-grained almost aphanitic felsite.
Junctions with sediment
Except at Green Head in the Whites Ness peninsula and for a short distance in the area north-west of the Ward of Culswick the Walls Sandstone is directly underlain by the coarse-grained granite. Good sections of the contact are exposed on the east shore of Gruting Voe, 1850 yd (1618 m) N of Culswick Broch and at Coukie Geo and Vine Geo on the south shore of the Island of Vaila.
On the east shore of Gruting Voe indurated sandstone overlying the granite dips at 28° to 35° to the north-north-east. The granite-sediment junction is sharp, with no marked chilling within the granite and with a 5 mm thick layer of crystalline quartz along the contact. Near sea level the junction is stepped alternately parallel and normal to the bedding, thus producing a steep overall dip to north-north-east. There are a small number of irregular inclusions of sediment within the granite and a number of tongues of granite extend up to 6 ft (1.8 m) into the sediment. The granite in these tongues is in places very fine-grained, almost felsitic in texture. The upper half of the exposed contact is concordant with the dip of the sediment, though minor transgressions of horizon are common.
The junction between sediment and granite at Coukie Geo, Vaila
Granite of main intrusion
The granite forming the main intrusive mass is a typically coarse-grained quartz-rich biotite-granite with 30 to 40 per cent of quartz and with anhedral plates of potash feldspar usually up to 3.5 mm in diameter but in some cases reaching a maximum of 10 mm. Plagioclase forms up to 15 per cent of the total feldspar and normally occurs as euhedral to subhedral plates of oligoclase up to 1.7 mm long, though usually considerably smaller and frequently grouped in clusters. The predominant ferromagnesian mineral is partially chloritized biotite which forms small irregular plates. Hornblende is generally present only along the granite-diorite margins, but is found in certain areas (S51536)
Potash feldspar
Potash feldspar occurs in the form of large plates of microperthite or microcline-microperthite and small interstitial patches of microcline. Several forms of microperthite and perthite have been recorded. The most common variety is rod-microperthite (Deer, Howie and Zussman 1963, p. 68), with parallel rods of exsolved sodic plagioclase ranging in width from 0.01 to 0.03 mm, orientated normal to the length of the crystal and cutting the twin planes of microcline and the two main cleavages of the feldspar at 45°. Rods, though most commonly parallel to each other, are branching and generally form a network with the two main sets of rods crossing each other at a very acute angle. String-microperthite with straight parallel fairly widely spaced strings approximately 0.05 mm thick is less common. The strings and rods do not always extend along the whole length of the crystal, in some cases (S51550)
Of less common occurrence is microperthite with branching vermicular or curved rods up to 0.02 mm thick, which in some cases are roughly parallel to each other and are connected by thin fibrous branches. The plagioclase in microperthite of this type commonly follows the cleavages and at intersections it widens out to form beads up to 0.75 mm wide. The sodic plagioclase forming these beads is commonly cloudy.
Another fairly common form of perthite is the type termed replacement perthite by Ailing (1938, fig. 2). The plagioclase consists of a number of roughly equidimensional patches of irregular outline which are in places connected with each other and are all in optical continuity throughout the crystal (S28875)
Antiperthite has not been recorded in the granite of the main Sandsting area, but occurs in the graphic granite forming the sills of Laxa Burn and Bixter Voe. Texturally this is very similar to the replacement perthite described above. All inclusions of potash feldspar within the sodic plagioclase are in optical continuity and the average diameter of these inclusions is 0.075 mm.
Quartz occurs in large anhedral crystals which are usually highly poikilitic. Its margins with adjacent potash feldspar are usually serrate and in a few cases areas of graphic intergrowth are developed. In some cases the marginal area of intergrowth is so irregular that it resembles myrmekite. Graphic intergrowth is less common in the main granite than in the granite of the Bixter Voe sills. The quartz of many specimens from the main granite is characterized by the extreme abundance of liquid inclusions. These are of irregular shape, average 0.005 to 0.01 mm in diameter with a maximum of 0.02 mm and have a slight brownish tinge and a much lower refractive index than the quartz (S29526)
Sphene is present as small crystals in the more calcic phases of the granite and close to contacts with diorite.
Alteration products
The plagioclase is in places patchily saussuritized into aggregates of chlorite and epidote in the centres of crystals (S28875)
Graphic granite of the northern sills
The granite sills extending from the eastern end of the granite outcrop near Garderhouse towards Bixter Voe contain coarse-grained granite with microperthite and antiperthite as described above, but only small amounts of ferromagnesian minerals. This granite grades into graphic granite which becomes progressively finer-grained and has more extensive zones of graphic intergrowth as it is traced northwards. The coarse-grained granite of the sills (S31132)
Graphic intergrowth of quartz and microperthite or microcline ranges from coarse, with the width of adjacent quartz and feldspar phases averaging 1 mm and with an irregular intergrowth pattern (S31133)
Granite veining in shattered sediment within Sandsting Complex
A thin north-west trending fault-trough of shattered sediment intensely veined by granite separates the coarse-grained granite forming the cliffs southeast of Culswick Broch from the outcrop of diorite south-east of Keolki Field. The fault-trough extends from Burri Geo, where it is approximately 30 yd (27 m) wide, north-westward via the Loch of the Brough to the coast south of the Taing of Keolkifield, where it has widened to over 150 yd (137 m). The north-westward continuation of the fault-trough is uncertain. The islands of Muckle Flaes, 500 to 700 yd (460–640 m) NW of Culswick Broch, and the peninsulas on either side of Vine Geo at the south-east corner of Vaila, are also formed of shattered sediment intricately veined with granite. These areas may be within the north-westward continuation of the above-mentioned fault-trough, whose outcrop has further widened.
At the Taing of Keolkifield and in part of the Green Head peninsula of Vaila, the shattered sediment is veined by diorite, which is, in turn, intensely veined by fine-grained granite. The vein granite throughout this area strongly resembles the porphyritic microgranite exposed on the north-east shore of the Stead of Culswick. The fault crossing the Taing of Keolkifield separates the veined sediment and diorite from diorite without veins and can clearly be seen to truncate the granite Veins. The fault clay within the zone of shear is, however, affected by thermal alteration, suggesting that this part of the complex was still hot when the faulting took place.
At Burri Geo the screen of sheared and veined sediment is very steeply inclined to the north-east but on the shore north of Culswick Broch its bounding faults are approximately vertical. It is difficult to obtain a satisfactory picture of the structure of this part of the complex as nothing is known of the seaward extension of the various rock types. It is, however, likely that the coarse granite south-east of Culswick Broch and the coarse granite of Vaila form part of the granite sheet overlying the diorite and that the diorite of Keolki Field has been pushed upward relative to the granite south of the fault belt, possibly during the period of emplacement of the Stead of Culswick microgranite. The screen of sediment between the two masses of igneous rock was shattered and veined by fine-grained granite during an early phase of the movement, but movement along the fault continued after vein emplacement had ceased.
Late fine-grained acid and basic intrusions
Intrusions cutting sedimentary rocks in the Gruting Voe–Walls district
Field relationships
Fine-grained acid intrusions which appear to be derived from the Sandsting igneous centre have been recorded in sediments up to 2 miles (3 km) from the granite margin, the most distant being the felsite dykes cutting intensely folded sediments forming the Mara Ness peninsula
On the south shore of Gruting Voe, between the northern margin of the Sand-sting Complex and the Hoga Ness sill swarm (p. 226), dykes ranging in thickness up to 36 ft (11 m) cut the highly indurated sediments of the Walls Formation. Their trend in this area ranges from N25°W to N50°W, cutting obliquely across the strike of the sedimentary rocks. All these dykes are felsitic in texture, but at least one has a central porphyritic zone. Some contain fragments of sediment. One dyke exposed on the south shore of Gruting Voe is composite with a central zone of felsite and narrow outer zones of fine-grained basic rock. This is the only recorded composite dyke in the complex.
The felsite of these dykes (S51492)
Intrusions cutting sedimentary rocks at Skelda Voe, Rea Wick and Roe Ness
Dykes and veins of felsite, many highly irregular and very thin, are present in the trough-faulted wedge of Walls Sandstone, which reaches the sea at the head of Skelda Voe, and in the folded and shattered sediment exposed on the east coast between Rea Wick and Roe Ness. In the latter area the felsite intrusions are branching and irregular and locally shattered by later earth movements associated with the Walls Boundary Fault.
Intrusions cutting the Sandsting Complex
A few thin felsite dykes have been recorded in the granite and diorite of the Sandsting Complex, both on the east shore of Gruting Voe between the granite–sediment junction and the Taing of Keolkifield and on the shore between the head of Seli Voe and Rea Wick. The dykes cut both the diorite and the coarse-grained granite, but have not been recorded within the porphyritic microadamellite. They are similar to the felsite intrusions cutting the sediment overlying the Sandsting Complex, and it is thought that all these felsites belong to the same period of intrusion.
The metamorphic aureole
The thermal aureole within the sediment adjoining the Sandsting Complex is up to 1 mile (1.6 km) wide in the Gruting Voe area, but is considerably narrower and less well defined along the eastern margin of the granite outcrop, where narrow wedge-shaped granite sheets penetrate the sediment
Sandstone, siltstones and shales
The alteration of the sedimentary rocks is most intense within the enclaves and xenoliths in both granite and diorite (S28884)
- Green hornblende, which forms crystals ranging in outline from ragged to almost euhedral, or poikiloblasts up to 2 mm in diameter, which may be subhedral or euhedral.
- Biotite, which forms thick flakes in part poikiloblastic, is commonly arranged in a decussate pattern. Close to the granite contact and within the sedimentary enclaves the biotite is commonly strongly pleochroic from straw-coloured to reddish brown. There is, however, considerable variation in the colour, and even in the same thin section it varies from reddish brown to brownish black. In a number of thin sections cut across the granite-sediment contact reddish brown micas are also present within the granite. Biotite and hornblende can occur together throughout the rock or singly along separate bedding planes.
- Epidote and clinozoisite, usually forming anhedral grains partly mantling other minerals, occur in highly variable amounts, probably disposed along original calcareous laminae.
- Clinopyroxene, probably entirely diopside, forms small anhedral grains in some xenoliths and along the granite contact, where it is developed to the complete 53694)
[HU 240 455] or partial (S51515)[HU 255 452] exclusion of amphibole.
Mudstone and siltstone close to the contact (S51782)
Away from the granite the mosaic texture of the quartz and feldspar grains disappears fairly rapidly, and the polygonal outlines of the grains give place to more irregular serrate outlines. In thin sections from more than 550 yd (500 m) away from the contact the newly formed coloured minerals have not obliterated the original texture of the sediment but are confined to the interstices, originally occupied by the chlorite-carbonate matrix. Quartz grains are, however, partially fused together throughout the aureole. Biotite, amphibole, epidote and clinozoisite are present throughout the aureole and there is no evidence that amphibole gradually disappears and that its place is taken by biotite, as was suggested by Finlay (1930, pp. 675–6). The changes in the mafic minerals away from the granite contact are as follows:
1. The biotite changes colour from reddish brown to brown approximately 200 yd (180 m) from the contact, and to greenish brown or khaki near the outer margin of the aureole. The change from brown to greenish biotite appears to take place closer to the granite in the fine sediment (S53693)
Mineral composition of specimens: (S52541)
2. Amphibole is present both in the sandstones and the fine-grained sediments throughout the aureole, but individual crystals become progressively smaller and more acicular near its limit. The amphibole from the outermost specimens is pleochroic from straw-coloured to yellowish green.
3. Epidote and clinozoisite are common in the bands which were originally carbonate-rich and are in many cases associated with fine-grained amphiboles.
No calc-silicates of secondary origin have been recorded in the outer half-mile (800 m) wide belt of the aureole.
Limestone and calcareous mudstone
The thick bed of mudstone and calcareous mudstone with two limestone bands respectively 1 ft 8 in (50 cm) and 3 ft (91 cm) thick
Grossular, calcic scapolite, idocrase, diopside, epidote and clinozoisite. Grossular occurs as large highly poikiloblastic crystals forming 50 per cent of the total volume of one section (S52536)
Calcareous mudstone and shale
Cordierite, usually poikilitic, amphibole, diopside, calcic scapolite and rare idocrase. Cordierite (
The hornfelsed sediments are cut by veins of calcite containing clinozoisite and tremolite.
Metamorphic grade
The paragenesis of the sediments within the inner part of the contact aureole and the sedimentary enclaves within the complex suggests that pressure-temperature conditions during the granite and diorite emplacement were those of the hornblende-hornfels facies (Turner 1968, pp. 193–225), grading outwards into the albite-epidote-hornfels facies near the limit of the aureole. There is no evidence of mineral assemblages suggesting pressure-temperature conditions characteristic of the pyroxene-hornfels facies, even in xenoliths enclosed in diorite. Though these contain diopside, they also have ophitic plates of reddish brown biotite, and in most cases, subordinate hornblende, which in some sections mantles the pyroxene. A diagnostic feature of the pyroxene-hornfels facies is the absence of hornblende.
Scapolitized crush zones within Sandsting Complex
Linear north-north-west trending crush belts
Field relationships
Zones of crushed and partially mylonitized rock, which were recorded by Finlay (1930, p. 686), but first recognized as crush zones by Wilson (in Summ. Prog. 1933, p. 76), are present in the southern part of the complex. In the Skelda Ness, Silwick and Wester Wick areas they take the form of near-vertical lenticular crush belts, commonly trending west-north-west to north, and ranging in thickness from less than 1 ft (30 cm) to 50 yd (46 m). They consist of sheared granite and locally diorite, and show a gradual transition from relatively uncrushed granite on the outside to a central pale or dark grey zone of variable thickness, which resembles flinty crush and is composed in part of mylonite (p. 235). The crushed rock of the central zone, and, to a lesser extent, the outer zone, is in places metasomatically replaced by sodic scapolite which is itself sheared. The period of scapolite emplacement more or less coincided with the duration of shearing (Mykura and Young 1969).
The following are descriptions of the better-developed crush belts :
1. Hillside between Wester Wick and Loch of Wester Wick
The crush belt in this area trends N30°W, and has a maximum width of 35 yd (32 m) of which only the central 5 yd (4.6 m) is intensely sheared. In the wide outer zones individual crystals of feldspar, still more or less intact, are set in a dark greyish groundmass. Locally patches of almost unaltered pink granite are preserved within this zone.
2. Cliff top, north-west corner of Wester Wick
The belt of mylonitized rock, which is well seen in the cliffs exposed at the north-west corner of Wester Wick, trends N20°W, is steeply inclined to the west-south-west and attains a thickness of 15 ft (4.6 m). It consists entirely of silicified flinty crush rock and has virtually no marginal zone of less crushed granite.
3. East shore of Wester Wick 700 yd (640 m) SSE of Wester Wick village
The granite exposed on the cliffs forming the eastern shore of Wester Wick, 400 yd (366 m) SSE of the head of the bay, is not cut by a single well-defined crush belt, as in the other areas described. It is cut by two intersecting sets of joints along which the granite is locally slightly crushed. In the northern part of the cliff section the granite contains irregular enclaves of shattered diorite and micro-diorite. The granite is traversed by a 40 yd (36 m) wide zone containing belts of scapolitization and numerous scapolite and calcite veins. Many of the scapolite veins are emplaced along the two intersecting sets of joints.
4. Pundswell, near Scarvister, Skelda Ness peninsula
This crush belt, which trends N15°W and dips steeply to the east, is well exposed 40 yd (36 m) north of the ruin of Pundswell
5. Crush belts in Skelda Ness peninsula
The southern part of the Skelda Ness peninsula contains a number of parallel, near-vertical crush belts, trending N10°W. The most easterly of these, exposed in Blo Geo, 900 yd (823 m) NE of the southern end of the peninsula is up to 40 yd (36 m) wide and is composed of roughly alternating bands of sheared-out granite and almost normal granite. In this crush belt there is no evidence of extensive scapolitization, but in the one 200 yd (183 m) farther west, which can be traced for 400 yd (366 m) along its strike, and is up to 5 yd (4.6 m) in width, the mylonitized rock is intensely scapolitized and veins of virtually pure scapolite are present. One of these veins reaches a thickness of 8 ft (2.4 m) at the coast.
Sheared granite of the outer zones
The first indication of shearing in the outer zones of the shear belts is the distortion of the fabric of the quartz crystals producing undulose extinction and the breaking up of coarse-grained biotite (S51524)
Inner mylonitized zones
In the less intensely mylonitized crush belts and in the zones bounding the central belt of others, sheared granite of the type described above is further broken up into clasts elongated parallel to the schistosity (S29872)
The most intensely sheared rock in the crush belts is a dark grey chertylooking rock with pale patches (S31126)
Associated mineralization
Mylonite from the shear belt exposed on the north-west side of Wester Wick (S51783)
The mode of occurrence of scapolite (
Origin of crush belts
The texture and composition of the crush rock within the crush belts indicates that shearing took place at a fairly low crustal level in an environment of fairly high temperature and hydrostatic pressure, possibly before the granite had cooled completely. In the most highly mylonitized and scapolitized areas there is evidence of several phases of movement. There is, however, little evidence of either great vertical or horizontal displacement along these crush belts, as they do not displace any of the junctions between the different rock types within the complex. The lenticular shape and limited length of their outcrop suggests that they may have been formed within 'islands' of consolidated granite which were surrounded by areas of still viscous magma which was able to absorb the movements by flowing rather than by shearing.
Irregular areas of crushed rock
In addition to the near-vertical linear crush belts there are three outcrops of crushed granitic and dioritic rock of irregular shape. Two of these are situated just west of Culswick village and a smaller mass crops out on the Knowes of Westerskeld between Wester Skeld and Housa Water. The rock forming these masses is crushed throughout but the grey aphanitic mylonite of the vertical belts is never developed. As these areas are located either close to a junction between diorite and granite or diorite and sediment, it is possible that they were formed during differential movement of two adjacent almost consolidated masses. The irregular shape of the outcrop of these crush zones suggests that they may be lenticular masses whose inclination is almost horizontal.
Shearing in area adjoining walls boundary fault
The granite and other members of the Sandsting Complex are intensely shattered within a 1-mile (1200-m) wide zone adjoining the Walls Boundary Fault (Summ. Prog. 1933, p. 80). The Old Red Sandstone sediments within this zone are both strongly folded and intensely shattered (p. 134). The shearing within the granite is best seen along the south shore between Skelda Voe and the Ayre of Deepdale, where the granite is cut by a large number of closely spaced sub-parallel faults and joints, whose trend varies from N25°E to N10°W and whose inclination is consistently 60 to 80 degrees to the east. Rather less well developed cross-joints, with trends ranging from east–west to E30°S, are locally present. At Aaskberry Taing, 1 mile (1600 m) WNW of Ayre of Deepdale, where the north-north-east trending faults are closely spaced, the granite fabric is distorted within a zone extending from 2 to 4 ft (61–122 cm) from the fault planes, and within a 6-in (15-cm) belt along some fault planes it becomes black and flinty-looking with local pink patches. The sheared rock is, however, shattered and friable, and chlorite is developed along shear planes, suggesting that shearing here took place at a much higher crustal level than in the Skelda Ness–Wester Wick crush belts.
The granite exposed on the west shore of Seli Voe north of Rea Wick is intensely shattered throughout, but there is little consistency in the trend of the fault planes. It contains a number of north-north-west trending near-vertical belts of crush rock, which is very fine-grained, black, cherty in texture and in some places partly replaced and intensely veined by scapolite and calcite (Mykura and Young 1969, p. 5). These crush belts are in some respects comparable with the crush belts of the Skelda Ness–Wester Wick area and as they are themselves affected by the later shearing, they may, like the Skelda Ness crush belts, have originated at a fairly low crustal level and may not be directly connected with the Walls Boundary Fault.
A small wedge-shaped mass of intensely sheared granite, separated from outcrops of Walls Sandstone by two sub-parallel near-vertical, south-southwest trending faults, crops out on the south shore of Rea Wick. The granite is cut by many fault planes and contains a number of faulted slices, up to 15 yd (14 m) long, of intensely shattered sandstone and sandy siltstone. Many of the shear planes in this zone trend roughly parallel to the bounding fault and have an inclination ranging from 25 to 45 degrees to the east.
Structure and mode of emplacement of the complex
As only part of the probable outcrop of the Sandsting Complex may be exposed above sea level (McQuillin and Brooks 1967, p. 14) any speculation as to its structure and mode of emplacement must be tentative. Though the field evidence as a whole is inconclusive, the structure of the north-eastern part of the complex suggests that, rather than being a stock with steeply inclined margins, the complex is a compound sheet which is intruded into the sedimentary rocks of the Walls Formation.
The sheet appears to dip northward at an angle of 40 to 70 degrees in the west, is possibly almost horizontal in the central area between Culswick and Scarvister and dips steeply to the east in the vicinity of Easter Skeld. Its upper junction is sub-parallel to the bedding of the sediment, but steps down slightly to the north-west. The portion of the complex east of Skelda Voe forms a sheet dipping steeply to the east and fingering out northward. In the north the fingers of the sheet are concordant with the bedding of the enclosing sediment.
The first major intrusion of the complex was the diorite which formed a sheet that was roughly concordant with the bedding of the enclosing sediment. This sheet appears to have decreased in thickness from west to east. It contained several large and many small enclaves of sediment. Before the diorite had consolidated completely, two complex sheets of granodiorite, granite and microadamellite were intruded along the lower and upper contacts of the diorite. The lower sheet may have been considerably thicker than the upper, and there appear to have been connecting branches which cut across the diorite in the area between Culswick and Housa Water and in the ground north of the Ward of Reawick. In some instances (e.g. 0.25 mile (400 m) N of Viville Loch) small masses of diorite intervene between the upper margin of the granite and the overlying sediment, while elsewhere (e.g. east of Housa Water) enclaves of sediment occur between the diorite and granite, suggesting that the upper sheet was not everywhere intruded precisely along the diorite-sediment junction.
Nothing is known of the total thickness of this hypothetical compound sheet, as its lower junction is nowhere exposed. The faulted-in portions of net-veined sediment near the Broch of Culswick and at Vine Geo, Vaila (pp. 228–9) could be parts of the floor of the sheet, but they could equally well be parts of sedimentary enclaves or even stoped portions of the roof of the complex.
ALLING, H. L. 1938. Plutonic perthites. Jnl Geol., 46, 142–65.
BAILEY, E. B. 1958. Some chemical aspects of south-west Highland Devonian igneous rocks. Bull. geol. Surv. Gt Br., No. 15, 1–20.
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DEER, W. A., HOWIE, R. A., and ZUSSMAN, J. 1963. Rock-forming Minerals, vol. 4, Framework Silicates. London: Longman's.
ELWELL, R. W. D. 1958. Granophyre and hybrid pipes in a dolerite layer of Slieve Gullion. Jnl Geol., 66, 57–71.
FINLAY, T. M. 1930. The Old Red Sandstone of Shetland. Part II: North-western Area. Trans. R. Soc. Edinb., 56, 671–94.
GUPPY, E. M. and SABINE, P. A. 1956. Chemical Analyses of Igneous Rocks, Metamorphic Rocks and Minerals: 1931–1954. Mem. geol. Surv. Gt Br.
MCQUILLAN, R. and BROOKS, M. 1967. Geophysical surveys in the Shetland Islands. Geophys. Pap. No. 2, Inst. geol. Sci, 1–22.
MILLER, J. A. and FLINN, D. 1966. A Survey of Age Relations of Shetland Rocks. Geol. Jnl, 5, 95–116.
MYKURA, W. and YOUNG, B. 1969. Sodic scapolite (dipyre) in the Shetland Islands. Rep. No. 69/4, Inst. geol. Sci., 1–8.
SUMMARY OF PROGRESS 1933. Mem. geol. Surv. Gt Br. Summ. Prog. For 1932.
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