Mykura, W. and Newsier, J. 1976. The Geology of Western Shetland (Explanation of One-inch Geological Sheet Western Shetland; comprising Sheet 127 and parts of 125, 126 and 128). Edinburgh HMSO. Provided courtesy of the British Geological Survey. Crown copyright, 1976. 'Systematic Series hand specimens' and 'List of Geological Survey Photographs' both Copyright UKRI.
Chapter 4 The metamorphic rocks of the Walls Peninsula
Metamorphic rocks form an east-west trending outcrop, 1 to 2 miles (1.5–3 km) wide, which extends along the northern coast of the Walls Peninsula and the adjoining islands from Melby in the west eastward to Papa Little, where it is truncated by the Walls Boundary Fault
The succession is composed of the following groups, from north to south:
Vementry Group | Hornblende-schists and amphibolites interbedded with quartzo-feldspathic semi-pelites and some quartz-granulites. |
Neeans Group | Platy feldspathic muscovite-biotite-schists with large lenticular masses of coarse hornblende-schist and a few thin bands of limestone and calc-silicate rock. |
West Burra Firth Group | Tremolite- and mica-schists with numerous limestones. |
Snarra Ness Group | Hornblende- and mica-schists with bands and lenses of amphibolite. Subordinate tremolite-schist and quartz-granulite. |
The outcrops of these groups do not form continuous bands.
The Vementry Group is exposed only in the north-western peninsula of Vementry and the outcrop of the West Burra Firth Group thins out westwards between Bousta
A high proportion of the metamorphic rocks of the Walls Peninsula were originally sediments, probably siltstones and sandy siltstones with subordinate sandstones and limestones, together with one thick group of calcareous mud-stones and siltstones with fairly thick bands of limestone. The hornblende-schists and epidiorites of the hornblendic groups may have originated as basic lavas or pyroclastics, but the thick lenticular masses of coarse-grained hornblende-schist and amphibolite, which are present in all groups except the West Burra Firth Group, may represent thick basic intrusions.
The metamorphic rocks contain many quartzo-feldspathic lits and porphyroblasts as well as granite or pegmatite veins. The period of feldspar 'permeation' and granite veining commenced before the onset of the Main Phase of Folding (p. 49) and continued until after its completion. It probably spanned three metamorphic episodes (p. 54). Thermal metamorphism associated with 'permeation' may have been responsible for the local development of high temperature mineral associations (p. 57). Feldspar lits and granite veins are most abundant along the southern margin of the metamorphic belt, particularly within the Snarra Ness Group, which is now structurally the highest member of the series. Here granitic material makes up nearly 20 per cent of the total volume of the rock. Granite veining is intense in the West Burra Firth Group, but is much less pronounced in the Neeans Group, where it forms thinner and less closely spaced veinlets. In the Vementry Group, however, granite and pegmatite veining approaches the intensity of that in the Snarra Ness Group.
The mineral associations within the greater part of the metamorphic belt indicate that during the Main Phase of regional metamorphism pressure–temperature conditions were those associated with the greenschist-amphibolite transition facies (Turner 1968, pp. 303–7). Areas containing minerals indicative of higher temperatures are present only in the most intensely permeated and veined belt (p. 57). Over a large part of the outcrop the metamorphic rocks have suffered retrograde metamorphism which is associated with two periods of movement.
The probable metamorphic and tectonic history of the series can be summarized as follows:
Deposition of sediments, extrusion of pyroclastics or lavas, emplacement of basic intrusions. | |
D1The individual tectonic and metamorphic episodes described in this chapter have each been labelled with a combination of letters and numbers, so that a repetition of lengthy titles and descriptions could be avoided in the text.
The first letter of each combination indicates the type of deformation or alteration affecting the rocks. D thus stands for deformation and M for metamorphism. The numbers 1 to 5 when preceded by D refer to the first to fifth period of deformation, or the first to fifth period of metamorphism if they follow on M. The letter following the number in the combinations starting with M indicates that the metamorphism was either synchronous (S) with the deformation or has post-dated (P) it. The letter P also indicates that metamorphism took place in a passive environment in which new minerals, whose orientation was not affected by any stress pattern, could grow. Similarly the letter S indicates that the new minerals were formed in an environment subjected to directional stress, and that their alignment follows a planar or linear pattern. = MIS |
?First folding. Evidence for this phase is inconclusive and based on the presence of planar and folded trains of inclusions in possible MIP porphyroblasts. Beginning of period of feldspar 'permeation' and granite-pegmatite veining. |
D2 = M2S | Main phase folding, producing the regional linear and planar tectonite fabric now seen in the rocks, by rotation and new growth of platy and acicular minerals. Texture fine-grained. New minerals include hornblende, biotite, muscovite. In calc-silicate rocks; epidote, clinozoisite, zoisite, tremolite, phlogopite. |
M2P | Mimetic coarsening of fabric and late porphyroblast metamorphism. Annealing and growth of hornblendes, micas and epidote family minerals. Growth of porphyroblasts of garnet and albite-oligoclase. Near end of phase: Possible renewed movement causing rotation of garnets and new growth of mica. |
D3 = M3S | Intense shearing and granulitization, associated with east- to north-east trending faults. Local belts of mylonite and flinty crush. Retrograde metamorphism: garnet, biotite and, in part, hornblende to chlorite. Granulitization of quartz-feldspar aggregates. |
D4 = M4S | Dextral kink folds and belts of conjugate folds. Granulitization and 'mortar texture'. Bending of micas. Local biotite to chlorite. New chlorite parallel to axial planes of microfolds. |
M5P | Thermal metamorphism, north-west Vementry. ?Associated with intrusion of Vementry Granite or Muckle Roe Granophyre. New minerals biotite, actinolite. |
D5 | Regional tilting to south-south-east. ( = F1 affecting Sandness and Walls formations, see p. 126). Associated with formation of east to north-east trending faults and crushes close to and along junction between basement and Old Red Sandstone sediments. No mineral reconstruction. |
D6 | NNE to NNW trending major faults with associated narrow belts of conjugate folding. These large-scale block movements of the basement may be contemporaneous with the NE to NNW trending folds in the Sandsting and Walls Formations, i.e. F2 affecting Walls Sandstone. (p. 134). |
Radiometric ages of samples from the metamorphic rocks, determined by the potassium-argon method, have been obtained by Dr. N. J. Snelling. These are as follows:
IGS 67.1 | Muscovite from platy muscovite-biotite-gneiss, Neeans Group, south-west slope of Muckle Hoo Field |
IGS 67.2 | Muscovite from platy micaceous granulite, Neeans Group, shore between Ayre of Whalwick and Turl Stack |
IGS 67.3 | Muscovite from platy micaceous granulite, same locality as IGS 67.2. Percentage potash 8.55. Radiogenic argon 1.576.10–4 scc/gm. Age 413 1 16 m.y. |
IGS 67.48 | Hornblende from garnet-amphibolite, Snarra Ness Group, south shore of West Burrafirth |
IGS 67.49 | Hornblende from garnet-amphibolite. Same locality as IGS 67.48. Radiogenic argon 1.323.10–5. Age 415 ± 20 m.y. |
Snelling states that the ages obtained do not differ significantly within the limits of experimental error. The average of these ages is 415.5 m.y., which is virtually the same as that of the ages obtained by Miller and Flinn (1966, pp. 100–3) from specimens from the Shetland East Mainland succession which is 422 m.y., and from the zone of Read's second metamorphism in the Valla Field Block of Unst (Read 1934) which is tentatively dated at 418 m.y. The ages from Western Shetland are not thought to date any of the metamorphic or tectonic events listed above. They merely set a younger limit to the time of metamorphism, possibly pinpointing the last time at which the temperature of the rocks fell below 200°C (cf. Harper 1967). They may thus date the period of uplift that preceded the deposition of the Old Red Sandstone sediments.
Vementry Group
The outcrop of the Vementry Group is confined to the north-western peninsula of the Island of Vementry and possibly to a narrow strip along the southern margin of the Vementry Granite in central Vementry. The group consists of feldspathic and quartzose schist and granulite together with hornblende-schist and garnet- or epidote-amphibolite. The acid and basic rock types are inter-banded and occur in roughly equal proportions. Two distinct varieties of hornblendic rocks are present. The massive poorly foliated, generally coarse-grained hornblende-rich types are here termed amphibolite. They form distinct lenses which give rise to marked topographic features, and probably originated as sills of melanic dolerite or gabbro. The second type are strongly foliated finer-grained hornblende-schists which form an integral part of the metasedimentary succession and may originally have been basic lavas or tuffs.
Amphibolite and epidotic amphibolite form bodies, which range in size from massive, coarse-grained lenses over 110 yd (100 m) wide, like that forming Heill Head, to narrow finer-grained black bands only inches wide. Coarse amphibolites (S30780)
The feldspathic schists (S30730)
The schists are traversed by veins of granite and contain many feldspathic lits. There are also a number of pale non-foliated bands, tens of metres thick, which are composed entirely of sodic plagioclase, quartz and epidote group minerals. Many feldspathic granulites contain small ovoid pods of amphibolite and at one locality quartzo-feldspathic schist contains irregular streaks and patches of pyrite.
The outcrop of the Vementry Group is cut by a number of major north-east to east-north-east trending Crush belts
Neeans Group
Platy feldspathic muscovite-biotite-schist forms two belts separated, in the eastern part of the area, by the West Burra Firth Group
Though the ratio of hornblende-schist and amphibolite to mica-schist is considerably lower than in the two hornblendic groups, amphibole-rich bands and lenses, which commonly contain a high proportion of epidote and clinozoisite, are present throughout the group. Lenticular masses of poorly foliated amphibolite or amphibolite-epidosite, which may originally have been basic sills, are up to 75 yd (70 m) wide and 380 yd (350 m) long and form prominent topographic features. Rather better foliated hornblende-schist forms many smaller lenses and bands. The latter show intense internal folding and regular alignment of hornblende needles. Limestone and epidosite bands, some over 10 ft (3 m) thick, are present throughout the group, but form less than 1 per cent of the total volume of rock. The limestone and epidosite ribs are associated with both mica-schists and hornblende-schists. Though thin granite and pegmatite veins are present throughout the group, they are generally much thinner than in the other groups and form a lower proportion of the total rock volume.
A small, almost round, outcrop of serpentinite, 55 yd (50 m) in diameter, occurs within the group on Vementry Island, close to the north-west corner of Maa Loch
The feldspathic schists and granulites (S30715)
The limestones (S50135)
The essential constituents of the amphibolites of this group (S31005)
Retrograde metamorphism (M3S) associated with the D3 phase of shearing (pp. 57–58) is much less pronounced than in the Vementry Group and most zones of intense crushing, granulitization and conversion of garnet and biotite to chlorite are associated with the major north–south trending faults. These form belts up to 110 yd (100 in) wide within which the schist is intensely crushed and chloritized and partially mylonitized.
West Burra Firth Group
The West Burra Firth Group is characterized by the presence of abundant ribs of limestone and bands of tremolite-phlogopite-schist. The limestones are commonly 2 to 12 yd (2–10 m) thick, but in the area between Norby and Bousta one persistent limestone locally reaches a thickness of 65 yd (60 m). Owing to the intense folding undergone by most limestones in the group during the D2 phase it is not possible to estimate their original thickness. Many of the thinner limestones are closely associated with amphibolite and hornblende-schist, which are more common than in the Neeans Group. Feldspathic muscovite-biotite-schists and quartz-granulite form approximately 40 per cent of the total volume of the group.
The rocks of the group are intensely veined by microgranite and pegmatite and 'permeated' by feldspar porphyroblasts, particularly in the eastern part of the outcrop where the group directly underlies the faulted or locally unconformable junction with the Old Red Sandstone sediments.
The characteristic mineral assemblage of the limestones (S49299)
Calc-silicate rocks composed largely of epidote and clinozoisite together with quartz, feldspar and muscovite are present within the central part of the group's outcrop (i.e. around Brindister Voe, (S47737)
A characteristic feature both within this group and in the other groups is the euhedral to subhedral shape of most minerals of the epidote family, even in areas affected by later retrograde metamorphism. Many epidotes are zoned (S47734)
In the vicinity of Bousta (S33774)
The mineral content of amphibolites and hornblende-schists in the West Burra Firth Group does not significantly differ from that of the amphibolite of other groups. Both pleochroic bluish-green varieties and pale varieties of hornblende have been recorded. Garnet poikiloblasts up to 10 mm in diameter with inclusions of quartz, hornblende and sphene are present in the massive amphibolites. Both the interstitial and porphyroblastic feldspar is albite-oligoclase. Greenish brown biotite is present in many hornblende-schists, and in some cases the orientation of the mica cleavage-plates is at an angle to the long axes of the hornblende (S47761)
Snarra Ness Group
The Snarra Ness Group is characterized by a preponderance of hornblende-schists over quartz-feldspar-granulite and feldspathic muscovite-biotite-schist. Large and small lenses and pods of poorly foliated amphibolite are abundant. Limestones and epidote-rich rocks are virtually absent over the greater part of the outcrop, but on the south-west shore of the Bay of Brenwell
The amphibolites of the Snarra Ness Group (S47763)
In the area west of the Bay of Brenwell the distinction between the West Burra Firth Group and the Snarra Ness Group is ill defined. Limestones less than 3.5 ft (1 m) thick are present in the cliffs on the Neap of Norby, which consist of hornblende-schist and muscovite-biotite-schist with lenses of amphibolite. These rocks are intensely veined by granite and pegmatite and permeated by feldspathic lits and porphyroblasts. They are cut by a number of sub-parallel north-east trending faults and are intensely shattered throughout. Most of these faults, which are parallel to the Melby Fault (p. 265), are fractures apparently formed at a high crustal level as they have produced brittle fracturing and have soft clay in the fault planes.
Granite and pegmatite veins and intrusions
The Snarra Ness, Vementry and West Burra Firth groups are intensely veined by both trondhjemitic microgranite, which is locally almost felsitic in texture and trondhjemitic granite and pegmatite. These trondhjemitic rocks (S49926), (S50804)
Non-foliated post-D2 trondhjemitic intrusions are equally common. These form either cross-cutting veins, or veins which mimetically follow the folded foliation of the country rock
In the areas just north of Longa Water and Djuba Water within the Neeans peninsula, and in the ground south of Loch of Collaster
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
SiO2 |
47.85 |
48.69 |
32.85 |
50.62 |
72.08 |
61.62 |
Al2O3 |
13.74 |
14.89 |
8.72 |
5.31 |
12.61 |
13.80 |
Fe2O3 |
2.81 |
3.29 |
0.53 |
0.17 |
0.99 |
4.31 |
FeO |
10.14 |
6.47 |
2.71 |
1.94 |
3.28 |
1.10 |
MgO |
7.65 |
8.12 |
4.70 |
19.10 |
1.50 |
2.21 |
CaO |
9.85 |
12.01 |
2740 |
1621 |
1.15 |
13.74 |
Na2O |
1.71 |
2.16 |
1.04 |
0.55 |
2.52 |
0.10 |
K2O |
1.09 |
0.53 |
2.18 |
0.86 |
2.58 |
0.15 |
H2O >105° |
2.11 |
1.96 |
1.17 |
1.79 |
1.68 |
1.22 |
H2O <105° |
0.21 |
0.13 |
0.17 |
0.22 |
0.18 |
0.12 |
TiO2 |
1.94 |
1.17 |
0.38 |
0.22 |
0.66 |
0.77 |
P2O5 |
0.15 |
0.11 |
0.13 |
0.07 |
0.12 |
0.03 |
MnO |
0.21 |
0.19 |
0.07 |
0.06 |
0.10 |
0.14 |
CO2 |
0.24 |
0.04 |
17.66 |
2.80 |
0.14 |
0.35 |
FeS2 |
0.13 |
n.d. |
n.d. |
n.d. |
n.d. |
n.d. |
Organic C |
— |
— |
— |
0.04 |
— |
— |
Allowances for minor constituents |
0.16 |
0.14 |
0.22 |
0.29 |
0.20 |
0.19 |
99–99 |
99.90 |
99.93 |
100.25 |
99.79 |
99.85 |
ppm |
ppm |
ppm |
ppm |
ppm |
ppm |
*Bo |
82 |
20 |
470 |
125 |
580 |
50 |
*Co |
35 |
20 |
<10 |
<10 |
<10 |
<10 |
*Cr |
92 |
220 |
80 |
30 |
45 |
56 |
*Cu |
74 |
22 |
<10 |
<10 |
10 |
<10 |
*Ga |
<10 |
10 |
<10 |
<10 |
22 |
30 |
Li |
12 |
7 |
15 |
25 |
12 |
10 |
*Ni |
65 |
86 |
22 |
<10 |
40 |
54 |
*Sr |
100 |
150 |
740 |
230 |
190 |
480 |
*V |
390 |
270 |
60 |
40 |
80 |
120 |
*Zr |
140 |
85 |
70 |
20 |
260 |
490 |
B |
6 |
9 |
5 |
3 |
10 |
4 |
F |
450 |
300 |
800 |
4000 |
500 |
380 |
S |
— |
— |
— |
200 |
250 |
— |
*Spectrographic determination |
n.d. not determined |
The probable stages in the structural development of the metamorphic rocks are set out in tabular form on pp. 40–41. The original bedding planes of the metasediments and contacts of igneous extrusive and/or intrusive bodies are now largely obliterated and the evidence for the deformation or deformations which produced the planar fabric of the rock prior to the Main Phase cannot be demonstrated in the field (p. 55). The foliation, lineation and related minor folds now visible in the rocks were formed during the Main Phase (D2) of folding and during the subsequent mimetic coarsening of the fabric (p. 56). In parts of the area, especially in the north-west corner of Vementry Island, both lineation and foliation have been partly obliterated by intense shearing and shattering along innumerable east to north-east trending crush belts (D3). At a later period (D4) dextral kink folds and belts of conjugate folds with consistently east-south-east trending axes were formed, probably at a high crustal level. These did not greatly modify the D2 fabric, but in the belts of intense D4 folding the D2 lineation is, in places, slightly obscured. In north-west Vementry shear planes attributed to the D3 phase of crushing are folded by D4 conjugate folds.
The period of folding which produced the complex east-north-east trending synclinorium within the Walls Sandstone (p. 126) appears to be responsible for the present east to north-easterly trend and the south-south-easterly inclination of the foliation of the metamorphic rocks (D5). Apart from many sub-parallel fault planes close to the junction between the two formations, this period of folding does not appear to have produced minor structures within the metamorphic basement. The second phase of folding recognized within the Walls Sandstone (p. 134) may here have produced open north–south trending synforms and antiforms (D6) which express themselves as bulges in the outcrop of the junction between the metamorphic rocks and Old Red Sandstone
Geometry of main structural elements
The strike and dip of the foliation in the metamorphic succession are roughly parallel to those of its upper, partially sheared, junction. The strike varies from S20°W to W40°N and its mean is W10°S (
Linear structures are very pronounced in all areas except the northern peninsula of Vementry. Their mean plunge is 30° to S20°W and the variations in inclination and trend are shown in
Main phase of folding (D2)
The D2 tectonite fabric is strongly developed in most rock types except some quartzites and some epidote-clinozoisite rocks, which superficially have no preferred mineral orientation. The fabric pattern which ranges from planar (s-tectonite) to linear (l-tectonite) is, in this area, determined by the rock type rather than the local or regional stress pattern. Throughout the area the micaceous schists, gneisses and granulites have a predominantly planar fabric owing to the parallel orientation of platy minerals. The linear fabric in these rocks is largely due to a poorly developed small-scale rodding of the feldspathic lits, and the elongation of feldspar augen and the 'bending' of platy minerals around these structures. Micaceous schists with a strong linear fabric (l-s tectonites)
Though there are no zones which have a predominantly l- or s-tectonite fabric which is independent of lithology, there are areas in which the linear elements are partially obliterated by later folding or shearing parallel to the foliation. Thus D2 lineations are very faint in belts of intense D4 folding, in the intensely shattered parts of north-west Vementry, and in the narrow belt of sheared and faulted rocks close to the junction with the Old Red Sandstone.
Apart from minor folds the most commonly developed megascopic linear structures within the series are the rodding of feldspar lits and, less commonly, of microgranite veins. Along the coast of the Bay of Garth
Early D2 minor folds
Small similar folds, which range in wavelength from several millimetres to 5 ft (1.5 m) are present in all lithological units throughout the series. In rock types with a predominantly planar fabric the axial planes of the folds are parallel to the regional foliation and the tightness of the folds ranges from isoclinal to tight (cf. Fleuty 1964, p. 47). The folds generally have rounded hinge zones and long, straight limbs
In the lithological units characterized by a linear fabric, such as limestones, tremolite-schists, and some amphibolites, the D2 minor folds have axial planes whose inclination bears no obvious geometrical relationship to the attitude of the regional foliation. Many axial planes are curved and adjacent planes are not necessarily parallel. Flow folds in which the thickness of individual folia varies widely are developed in amphibolites and, more rarely, in platy mica-schists. In limestones the style of folding is in places extremely plastic, with individual laminae disrupted and feldspar lits or granite veins reduced to small irregular fragments. The plunge of fold axes in most limestones is, however, parallel to the regional lineation.
Flinn (1967, p. 283) has shown that, in Eastern Shetland, the most common folds in his East Mainland Succession are 'internal folds' in the flaggy semipelites. These folds are found in 'beds' whose bounding planes are not deformed, but which exhibit intricate flowage folds within them. Flinn suggests that these folds are associated with pinch- and swell-structures and result from inhomogeneous flow within them. In West Shetland the flow folds in the limestones and the disharmonic folds in the pods of banded epidotic amphibolite are of similar origin.
Granite veins cutting the schist commonly exhibit ptygmatic folding and, in some instances, stepping of the vein along the planes of schistosity is seen
Local post-D2 pre-D4 minor folds
All the folds described above are thought to have been formed during the main phase of folding, when the rock acquired its present schistosity. These folds have axial planes which are either parallel to the schistosity or are curved or disrupted by flowage. In addition to these folds there are a number of small isolated areas with folds whose axes are parallel to the regional lineation but whose axial planes are almost normal to the foliation. Minor folds of this type are seen on the south shore of West Burra Firth
Phase of intense shearing and granulitization (D3)
The north-western peninsula of Vementry Island is traversed by a number of major east to north-east trending shear-belts as well as innumerable intersecting minor faults of variable trends and small throws
Kink bands and conjugate kink-folds (D4)
Small straight-hinged angular monoclines of the type which have been termed kink bands, kink zones and knee-folds (Ramsay 1967, p. 436) are developed in the thinly foliated rocks throughout the series. The axes of these folds have a consistent east-south-easterly trend
Along a number of fairly well-defined east-south-east trending belts the intensity and amplitude of the D4 folds is greatly increased. In these zones kink bands are accompanied or replaced by conjugate folds, which are straight-hinged angular folds with two intersecting axial planes (Johnson 1956). Conjugate folds are best developed in flaggy or platy granulites or schists, and many fine examples are exposed on the north coast of the Neeans peninsula, 300 yd (270 m) N of Whalwick
Regional tilting to the south-south-east (D5)
As the regional trend and inclination of the foliation within the metamorphic rocks is more or less parallel to the strike and dip of the adjoining sedimentary rocks of Old Red Sandstone age it can be assumed that the tilting of the two formations took place during the first phase of folding that affected the Walls Sandstone ( F1 of p. 126). The mean trend of the F1 fold axes within the latter is E15°N. This phase of folding has produced no minor folds or other small-scale penetrative structures within the metamorphic succession.
In the southern part of the Neeans peninsula there is a marked change in the regional strike of the foliation along a line trending approximately E10°S. This line appears to mark the outcrop of a fold hinge which has developed into a rotational fault plane. Another example of late rotation of entire blocks within the metamorphic succession is found on the north-west coast of the Neeans peninsula, south-west of Turl Stack
Late north-north-west trending folds (D6)
Both the metamorphic rocks and the overlying Old Red Sandstone are affected by two gentle NNW-trending folds. In the Norby–Bousta area a large open N15°W trending syncline extends from the Bay of Garth southwards to the junction with the Old Red Sandstone rocks and can be traced for a short distance into the latter. Along the eastern margin of the Neeans peninsula the lineation of the metamorphic rocks is folded into a NNW-trending anticline and probably, to the east, a complementary syncline. These folds are reflected by the sinuous outcrop of the junction between the metamorphic rocks and the Old Red Sandstone and also, to some extent, by the dips within the Old Red Sandstone. It is possible that these folds belong to the same period of deformation as the F2 folds within the Walls Sandstone (p. 134).
North-east to north-north-west trending faults and associated conjugate folds
The major north-east to north-west trending faults cutting the metamorphic rocks are shown on
These faults have wide crush belts, and where they traverse platy schist or granulite they are associated with zones up to 110 yd (100 m) wide, of conjugate or chevron-folding. The fault crossing the shore at the Ayre of Starastet
Conjugate and chevron-folds which plunge to S10°E and are associated with branch-faults of the N–S trending fault, which crosses the coast
Metamorphic history
The relationships of the various phases of mineral growth in the metamorphic rocks to the major tectonic episodes can sometimes be determined by an interpretation of the textural relationships of the constituent minerals. Some evidence is provided by porphyroblasts of garnet and feldspar, which contain relict fabrics of aligned or helicitic inclusions of other minerals (cf. Rast 1958 ; Sturt and Harris 1961; Zwart 1960a, b). Provided that the mode of origin and the history of crystallisation of the inclusions within the porphyroblasts can be satisfactorily established, the relationship of the mineral fabric within the crystal (Si) to the surrounding fabric (Se) provides evidence for the ages of the two relative to the growth of the porphyroblast. Thus, if the internal fabric is aligned throughout the crystal and set at an angle to the external fabric it may mean that the two fabrics are of different generations, and that the porphyroblast was formed under static conditions prior to the onset of the period of stress which shaped the external fabric. Rotation of the porphyroblast during this kinematic phase would lead to a bending of platy minerals producing an 'eyed' structure, around the crystal. Porphyroblasts which continued to grow during the kinematic phase would have an outer zone of spirally curved trails of possibly larger inclusions (cf. Powell and Treagus 1970). Post-kinematic porphyroblasts, which grew under static conditions after the tectonite fabric of the rock had formed, do not distort the surrounding fabric and may contain inclusion trails continuous with that fabric (Sturt and Harris 1961, fig. 1).
Unfortunately, the evidence from porphyroblasts in this area is less conclusive than that in the ideal case mentioned above. Garnet porphyroblasts with an internal fabric set at an angle to the plane of the schistosity and around which the latter is deflected are common (S47741)
The size of the inclusions in the outer zones of many garnets, however, suggests that they were formed during the phase of post-kinematic static coarsening and annealing of the fabric which coincided with the final growth of the porphyroblasts. In addition to the porphyroblasts of garnet and feldspar, elongate crystals of amphibole, epidote and clinozoisite and their inclusions provide evidence for post-kinematic (M2P) mimetic coarsening and annealing of the tectonic fabric (S47761)
New fabrics and diaphthoretic minerals developed during the D3 and D4 episodes are more easily recognized. Apart from the extensive development of chlorite at the expense of biotite and garnet, nearly all minerals of the affected rocks show signs of shearing and distortion or fracturing which took place at low temperatures and low confining pressures. Textures and alignments of new minerals are directly related to axial planes or other geometric features of newly developed microfolds or shear planes which can, in turn, be related to the large-scale structural features.
Possible deformation (D1) and mineral growth (MIS AND M1P) prior to main tectonizing metamorphism
Evidence for the existence of a tectonite fabric (D1) prior to the formation of the main penetrative fabric (D2) is inconclusive. There are many garnet porphyroblasts with an aligned or folded fine-grained Si fabric which is discontinuous with the 'eyed' Se fabric (S47741)
Main phase folding (D2) and associated metamorphic episodes (M2S AND M2P)
The preferred orientation of the platy (phylloblastic) and elongate (nematoblastic) minerals, which imparts the foliation and lineation to the metamorphic rocks, was developed by recrystallization during and just after the Main (D2) Phase of folding. The following two phases of mineral growth were involved in this process:
- Syn-kinematic phase (M2S). The evidence for the formation of a fine-grained fabric during D2 is provided by the presence of aligned trails of small inclusions, notably in amphibole. These consist of quartz, epidote, hornblende, biotite and, particularly, sphene and lie parallel to the main fabric. The trails of inclusions pass from one large amphibole crystal to another without deflection.
- Porphyroblast growth and mimetic coarsening (M2P). It is thought that the growth of some garnets commenced before there was any marked mimetic coarsening of aligned minerals, though both processes were to a large extent contemporaneous. Thus there are some garnets which contain inclusions that are finer grained in the centre than near the periphery and others whose Si fabric remains consistent in both size and orientation throughout the crystal. Minerals included in garnets are usually only quartz and calcite (minute patches) in the central zones, but in the outer parts both biotite and amphibole are present. Many of the smaller garnets are enclosed in amphibole crystals (S47761)
[HU 269 591] ,(Plate 6) , fig. 3 and it is suggested that both developed during this period of mineral growth.
The evidence for mimetic coarsening of the entire fabric is best preserved in the amphibolites and in some talc-silicate rocks in which large amphiboles, biotites and epidotes contain aligned inclusions the fabric of which coincides in direction with that of the new fabric. In micaceous schists and gneisses the evidence for static coarsening of the fabric is less obvious, but many plagioclase porphyroblasts contain aligned inclusion trails which are parallel to the external fabric (S47799)
Metamorphic facies
The peak of regional metamorphism appears to have been attained during the static phase of mimetic coarsening and porphyroblast development (M2P). Over a large part of the area the mineral assemblages are characteristic of the greenschist-amphibolite transition facies (pp. 42–47). There are, however, two areas, at the eastern end of West Burra Firth and on the shore of the Bay of Garth, where diopside is present in the calc-silicate rocks and limestones, and this is indicative of the amphibolite facies (p. 45). The position of the pockets of diopside-rich limestone and talc-silicate rock coincides with areas of intense feldspathization and granite veining, and may be due to the local effects of thermal metamorphism associated with feldspathization. It is possible that the original extent of the diopside-bearing rock was considerably greater than at present, and that the diopside has been retrograded to tremolite during a late- or post-mimetic phase of deformation (p. 51) described above. The early stages in the break-down of diopside are seen on the eastern shore of West Burra Firth where diopside is rimmed by fibrous amphibole (p. 45).
Retrograde metamorphism associated with D3 phase of shearing and faulting (M3S)
Retrograde metamorphism resulting from intensive shearing and shattering has affected the entire north-western peninsula of Vementry Island, parts of the remainder of Vementry Island, and the northern part of the Neeans peninsula. The principal textural and mineralogical changes are as follows:
- Intense granulitization and partial mylonitization along narrow shear planes (S49294)
[HU 216 581] ,(Plate 7) , fig. 8 which are most abundant close to faults. These are associated with the alteration of garnet and biotite to chlorite and extensive fracturing and partial chloritization of amphibole (S49315)[HU 289 616] , (S49345)[HU 291 616] . - In less intensely sheared areas quartz is invariably streaked out into bands of fine-grained mosaics, and individual crystals have polygonal or amoeboid outlines (S30728)
[HU 286 612] , (S49307)[HU 289 609] , (S49322)[HU 308 605] ,(Plate 6) , fig. 5. Feldspars are fractured with stepped and strained twin-planes, show turbid alteration and are patchily sericitized (S49308)[HU 289 612] . Biotite is in most instances completely altered to green chlorite, but muscovite, though fractured and bent, is unaltered. Garnets are broken up by rotation, streaked out and partially altered to chlorite (S47806)[HU 283 612] ,(Plate 6) , fig. 6. The least altered garnets are enclosed in a sheath of chlorite (S30728)[HU 286 612] . Amphibole and minerals of the epidote family are slightly cracked or broken but the latter show no sign of alteration. New epidote has formed in some sheared feldspars during this phase. Iron ores are irregularly streaked out. Sphene, apatite and rutile are unaltered.
Retrograde metamorphism associated with D4 folding (M4S)
Diaphthoretic changes resulting from D4 folding are confined to the belts of intense folding. Mineral changes in these belts are similar to those in the areas less intensely affected by the earlier D3 shearing but here the platy and elongate minerals are intensely folded, bent and fractured, and in the southern peninsula of Vementry Island new chlorite plates are formed along and parallel to the axial planes of the microfolds ((S49319)
Late thermal metamorphism (M5P)
The effects of thermal metamorphism, possibly by the Muckle Roe Granophyre or an unexposed plutonic body, are strongly marked along the east shore of the Swarbacks Head peninsula of Vementry Island. Here the sheared and partly mylonitized schists are hornfelsed, with original chlorite altered to deep green biotite, and radiating needles of pale bluish green amphibole cutting all the earlier fabrics (S49315)
Within the metamorphic rocks adjoining the Vementry Granite the effects of thermal metamorphism are considerably less pronounced. Needles of bluish green amphibole cutting the earlier fabric are present but are less abundant than in specimens from Swarbacks Head. In some instances the only sign of thermal metamorphism is the turbid, patchily saussuritized character of feldspars. At the eastern end of Suthra Voe a rib of epidote-quartz rock, within an area cut by a north-east trending dyke swarm
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