Cleal, C.J. & Thomas, B.A. 1996 British Upper Carboniferous Stratigraphy. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 11, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 0 412 72780 3. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Stairfoot Brickworks
Stairfoot Brickworks is the best exposure of the Aegiranum Marine Band in the Pennine Basin.
Stairfoot Brickworks
When the quarry was active (up until the early 1980s), a considerable sequence above the sandstone known locally as the Oaks Rock could be seen here. However, only the marine band and its immediately adjacent strata can now be seen. The exposed marine band is 4 m thick, and consists mainly of black and blue-grey shales and mudstones. These overlie a thin, unnamed coal and its seat earth. Ramsbottom et al. (1974) state that this coal immediately underlying the marine band has a thin tonstein, but no mention of it was made by Ramsbottom (1981).
Marine band
The upper and lower parts of the marine band only yield fish fragments and Naiadites bivalves. However, the middle part of the band has yielded an assemblage of ammonoids (including the index Donetzoceras aegiranum (Schmidt)), nautiloids, pectinoid bivalves, gastropods and crinoids. Although the stratigraphical context of these marine strata cannot now be seen, the presence of D. aegiranum makes it almost certain that this is the Aegiranum Marine Band, which is used to mark the Duckmantian–Bolsovian stage boundary.
Thirty-two species of palynomorph were listed from this exposure in Ramsbottom (1981), and belong to the Microreticulatisporites nobilis–Florinites junior miospore zone. As pointed out by Riley et al. (1985), the Duckmantian–Bolsovian boundary does not correspond to a significant palynological change.
This is the best available exposure of the Aegiranum Marine Band
Stairfoot Brickworks was at one time a candidate site for the international stratotype of the Duckmantian–Bolsovian stage boundary. It was eventually rejected as a stratotype because it was thought (in the middle 1980s) that there would be problems with its long-term conservation. However, the owners of the site (Yorkshire Brick Company) have now ensured that the site has a long-term future, making it the basis of a 'geological conservation site and teaching facility'. The conservation future of this site is now far better than it is for the formal stage boundary stratotype at Doe Lea, but it is probably unlikely that any move will be made to change the location of the official stratotype, at least in the immediate future.
The site is particularly good for the index ammonoid of the Aegiranum Marine Band. It was originally assigned to Anthracoceras by Schmidt (1925), a genus more typically found in the Namurian. Following a detailed study of the juvenile stages, however, Saunders et al. (1979) transferred the species to the more typically Westphalian genus Donetzoceras. Although this genus is also known from the Ukraine and North Africa, D. aegiranum itself is only known from the Aegiranum Marine Band in Europe.
Stairfoot Brickworks is the best exposure of the Aegiranum Marine Band in the Pennine Basin. It is an important stratigraphical marker horizon, representing the boundary between the Duckmantian and Bolsovian Stages. It was formed about 311 million years ago, when the river delta on which the coal swamps were formed was flooded by seawater.