Waltham, A.C., Simms, M.J., Farrant, A.R. and Goldie, H.S. 1997. Karst and Caves of Great Britain. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 12, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 0 412 78860 8. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
St Dunstan's Well catchment caves
The caves of the St Dunstan's Well catchment contain the most abundant, and best preserved, calcite deposits in the Mendip karst. They represent the only significant cave systems in Mendip which can be explored in almost their entirety from sink to rising. Their gently graded profiles in steeply dipping limestone contrast with the looped profiles of caves developed in more gently dipping strata on the southern flanks of the Mendips.
The catchment covers a number of caves developed in the Carboniferous Limestone on the northern limb of the Beacon Hill pericline, all draining to St Dunstan's Well
The cave systems of the western part of the catchment, in and around Fairy Cave Quarry, were comprehensively described by Price (1977, 1983). Passage descriptions of all of the caves are in Barrington and Stanton (1977) and Irwin and Jarratt (1992). The hydrology and water chemistry were investigated in some detail by Drew (1968, 1970), with further brief comments by Atkinson et al. (1973), Drew (1974) and Edwards (1994). Various aspects of the caves and their hydrology have been described and discussed in Smith (1975a).
The western part of the site is centred around the now disused Fairy Cave Quarry which, during its working life, intersected the passages of two major connected cave systems
The western branch of the quarry caves is formed by Withyhill Cave and the connected Hillwithy–Hilliers–Fairy Cave System
It has 2200 m of mapped passages
Fairy Cave and much of Millers Cave are developed along the strike, and the cave is blocked in a well decorated chamber choked close to the surface, possibly at the site of a former resurgence only 70 m from the present risings.
Shatter Cave, with 1200 m of passages, is the upstream segment of the eastern branch of the main system breached by the quarry
Stoke Lane Slocker is an important swallet cave in the eastern part of the catchment
The importance of these caves lies primarily in the abundance and variety of speleothems which they contain. These are on a scale unmatched elsewhere in Mendip and equalled by only a few other sites in Britain. Investigation of these caves and comparison with other sites notably rich in calcite speleothems may well reveal information on the climatic, topographic and geological factors which influence speleothem development. The dominance of straw stalactites in Pennine caves such as Strans Gill Pot, and the prominence of much more massive stalagmites in Otter Hole at low altitude in South Wales, both stand comparison with the more mixed speleothem assemblages in these East Mendip caves. The contrasts are probably due to geographically dictated climatic and palaeoclimatic differences; more detailed and quantitative study of the speleothems and their geological environments is needed before the implications on palaeoenvironmental reconstructions can be assessed.
The profiles of these caves presents a significant contrast to those developed in the more gently dipping limestones draining the southern flanks of western Mendip. The Priddy–Wookey and Charterhouse–Cheddar systems are characterized by large phreatic loops developed down the bedding and up joints whereas, despite the much steeper dip of the limestone in the St Dunstan's Well catchment, these caves have gently graded profiles. The fracture density within the limestones has been high enough for the caves to develop on an almost graded profile, without deflection by the bedding planes into deep loops (Ford, 1971).
These caves of eastern Mendip show a sequence of development, from phreatic chambers, followed by phreatic conduits close to a graded profile, and then rejuvenation and modification by vadose erosion, with associated collapse and calcite deposition. This sequence reflects changes in karst drainage associated with landscape evolution through the Pleistocene; absolute dating of the calcite speleothems is required to recognize the time-scale involved.
The catchment contains the accessible fragments of three cave systems, all of which are notable for the exceptional profusion, variety and beauty of their calcite speleothems. The caves can be explored over almost their full length from sink to rising, whereas the middle reaches of most other Mendip cave systems remain inaccessible. The gently graded profiles of the passages, contrasting with other Mendip caves, are a consequence of the steep dip and close fracturing of the limestone.