Gregory, K.J. (ed.). 1997. Fluvial Geomorphology of Great Britain. Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 13, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 0 412 78930 2. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Harthope Burn, Northumberland
Harthope Burn is an upland stream in the Cheviot Hills, where dramatic flood-related river-channel change has been elucidated using cartographic evidence and lichenometric analysis.
The upper Harthope valley was the first site in north-east England (and indeed is still the only river system in the Cheviot Hills) where historical plan-form change in a cobble/boulder-bedded upland river channel has been documented using Ordnance Survey maps, aerial photographs and lichenometry (Milne, 1982). Harthope valley is an important site for an assemblage of recent coarse-grained flood deposits and associated channel forms.
The site, investigated by Milne (1982), is a 750 m long reach of Harthope Burn
Since 1897, historical map evidence shows a reduction in both reach sinuosity (a result of a series of low-sinuosity chute cutoffs during a major flood dated by lichenometry to the early 1930s) and mean channel width
Harthope Burn is a site important for its particularly well-developed contemporary and historical coarse-grained alluvial deposits and landforms. These compare with channel and bar forms found in boulder- and cobble-bedded streams in the Northern Pennines (e.g. Black Burn, Macklin, this volume), the Lake District, the Bowland Fells (Harvey et al., 1979) and parts of the Scottish Highlands (McEwen and Werritty, 1988). Alluvial terraces of probable Holocene age are also found in the reach. These would repay investigation, as studies elsewhere in the Cheviots (Macklin et al., 1991; Tipping, 1992) have shown that natural and human-induced environmental change, particularly during the late Holocene, has had a marked impact on valley floor development in the region.
Harthope Burn is a steep, boulder- and cobble-bedded stream in the Cheviot Hills which has particularly fine examples of contemporary and historical bar and channel-forms, recent coarse-grained flood deposits and Holocene river terraces. The channel changes have been documented using maps and lichen evidence.